Issues addressed in Service Pack 39

Issues addressed in Service Pack 39
Comment Work Item Location Knowledgebase
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector New Feature: The connector includes default mapping to support new types of tender and credit cards for Luminate Online (LO). They now include PAYPAL, APPLE_PAY, GOOGLE_PAY, and VENMO. 3203585
All assemblies
Previously, when a user attempted to view the Asks Ladder data list in Marketing and Communications, the list sometimes timed out. This is fixed. The list now successfully loads as expected. 3187328
All assemblies
Previously, when a Venmo payment was added to an Enhanced Revenue Batch (ERB) and the payment included a unique reference number, an error caused all existing Venmo payments records to be updated to this reference number. This is fixed. Unique reference numbers for other Venmo payments and constituents are now correctly preserved and the reference numbers are associated with the appropriate payments for a constituent. 3176854
All assemblies
Previously, some Personal Access Tokens (PAT) and Proxy user were marked as inactive prior to their expiration dates. This is fixed. The tokens and proxy users remain active until their expiration dates, unless a user manually marks them inactive sooner. 3162151
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): Previously, an issue prevented the "Forgot Username or Password" option (on the the User Login Part) from showing the field labels as defined on the part's Language tab. This is fixed; the expected field labels now appear. 3132733
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector New Feature: You can now configure "Advocate interaction category" and "Tributes revenue note type" using global settings. Previously, these were hard coded. By default, they're set to their prior hard coded values. 3109153
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): Previously, when emails were sent from Blackbaud Internet Solutions, an issue prevented the Blackbaud CRM Integration Business process from syncing data to constituent Communication tabs in Blackbaud CRM. This is fixed; the data now syncs successfully. 3101695
All assemblies
Previously, an error occurred when a constituent attribute output field was added to an export definition using the ‘Constituents (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse)’ source view and that export definition is used in an export process. The error indicated "An error occurred before executing the process 'Export Process' : Object reference not set to an instance of an object." This is fixed. The export process now runs successfully. 3094824
All assemblies
When a membership is created via the Membership contribution process, the membership page now includes a link to the relevant revenue within the recent membership transactions section. This update improves consistency and usability. Membership revenue added via other methods already appear as links under recent membership transactions. 3053463
All assemblies
A more informative error message now appears when a user attempts to merge a constituent who is present in a committed batch as a guest of a registrant. The message states, "This constituent was entered as a guest in a special events batch. To delete this constituent, you must first delete the committed batch. If it is uncommitted, you can remove the guest from the batch." 3032855
All assemblies
Previously, an error prevented records from being deleted if the records appeared in DESIGNATIONLEVELDONORINFORMATION. This is fixed. The records can now be successfully deleted. 2954043
All assemblies
Previously, if a user attempted to run an import selection process that included Alternate IDs with more than 30 characters, then an exception prevented it from running. This is fixed. The process now runs successfully with long Alternate IDs included. 2939499
All assemblies
​If your CRM environment's web server is on-premise, remember to uninstall the following as a security best practice after you upgrade to service pack 39: Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Common Language Runtime (CLR) 2012 and Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 Runtime. 2922458
All assemblies
Business processes for Blackbaud Award Management now include "breadcrumb" links. These links appear at the top of the status page for the business process. When selected, the links take the user back to the process list page. 2841016
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When Blackbaud Award Management integrates with Blackbaud CRM, the data is verified as using data from Award Management. Thus, it requires the following fields: constituent ID, email address, user defined field ID, fundraising purpose name, fundraising purpose ID, and Award Management scholarship disbursement ID. 2841007
All assemblies
Previously, "cancelled" was spelled as "canceled" in some locations, such as the Completed Step data list. This is fixed and is now spelled as "cancelled" for improved consistency. 2451514
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Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): Previously, the country field was not marked as a required field for the address block on an Event Registration Form, even when it was set as required in the part's entry options. This is fixed; the form now indicates the field is required. 2105951
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Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector New Feature: The Constituent Group Export now includes an option to use Luminate Web Services instead of REST API to send data to Luminate Online (LO). See user guide for details. 1738998
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Assemblies affected in Service Pack 39

Assemblies affected in Service Pack 39
Assembly Patch
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SHA256 Hash for Service Pack 39

SHA256 hash for Service Pack 39
Installer filename Hash
BlackbaudInstaller.exe 7D2C1D8D96375447816CED233D951527A84E13A8A8B89601C445FE1673449F35
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Issues addressed in CRM 4.0 prior to Service Pack 39

Issues addressed in CRM 4.0 prior to Service Pack 39
Comment Work Item Location Knowledgebase Patch
New Feature: We have added site security to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. When you add a KPI, you now see the new "Sites" tab. When you select the "Site filter enabled" checkbox, the KPI can be secured by site by adding the relevant sites on that tab. 998622
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration Form when a multi-level event contained a sub-event that was sold out and was on the same date as the main event at the top of the hierarchy. Previously, the Continue button on the Event Registration Form was not available while registering for another event in the hierarchy that was not sold out. Now, with this fix, the Continue button displays if there is any event on the page that is not sold out. 997792
All assemblies
119288 1804
This fix addresses an issue with pledge installment balances when using the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and using multicurrency. Previously, pledge installment balances could be incorrect in some cases. This happened if you were using the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and the transaction currency was different from the base or organization currency. With this fix, the balances are now correct for multicurrency scenarios as long as the base currency of the account system is the same as your organization's currency. 997278
All assemblies
119318 1901
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate addresses. Previously, when household records were updated through AddressFinder, addresses could be duplicated. 995324
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration Form users could bypass the options page even if there were required options. Previously, by using the navigation at the top of the registration form, users could proceed to the checkout without selecting the required options. Now, with this fix, users can no longer bypass the validation for required options. 995311
All assemblies
119174 1804
This fix addresses an issue with imported information using Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you imported multiple phone numbers using Constituent Update Batch, the primary flag was not properly assigned. 991945
All assemblies
118320 1901
This fix addresses an issue with credit card expiration dates on the Blackbaud CRM credit card tokenizer. Previously, the tokenizer process could record the wrong expiration dates, and applied the current year as the expiration year. This happened because the tokenizer converted expiration dates in the MM/YY format into the MM/DD/YYYY format, even though expiration dates do not normally include a day. When this happened, the tokenizer added the current year as the expiration year, which could cause valid credit cards to show as expired. For example, an expiration date of 09/19 would be wrongly converted to 09/19/2018. Now, the date is correctly recorded as 09/2019. 990847
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could create a failure in the ETL process. Previously, the ETL process could fail when it identified multiple primary address, email, or phone records for a constituent. This happened because of an issue with the time window used by the Blackbaud Data Warehouse ETL to determine which Enterprise CRM records to include in an incremental refresh. This fix prevents data discrepancies in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse if the database snapshot generated from Blackbaud CRM at the start of the ETL process is not instantaneous. 990679
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We resolved an issue where emails were not being sent out of CRM from a Direct Marketing effort. Previously, if a constituent in the Direct Marketing’s email recipient list did not have a value in the export definition’s Amount field, an error message displayed that the input string was not in the correct format, and the email would not be sent. Now, with this fix, the error no longer occurs and the email is sent as expected. 990412
All assemblies
118979 1600
This fix addresses an issue in Wealth and Ratings. Previously, when you updated the start date of model scores and ratings, the "Updated on" field was incorrectly updated to show the start date rather than the updated date. 989083
All assemblies
118900 2405
This fix addresses vulnerabilities detected during a PCI PEN test that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 988949
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with SQL which could cause the system to go offline or restart. 988924
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with credit card expiration dates on the Blackbaud CRM credit card tokenizer. Previously, the tokenizer process could record the wrong expiration dates, and applied the current year as the expiration year. This happened because the tokenizer converted expiration dates in the MM/YY format into the MM/DD/YYYY format, even though expiration dates do not normally include a day. When this happened, the tokenizer added the current year as the expiration year, which could cause valid credit cards to show as expired. For example, an expiration date of 09/19 would be wrongly converted to 09/19/2018. Now, the date is correctly recorded as 09/2019. 986448
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with registration preferences on the Event Registration form. Previously, when a registrant selected a registration preference. the preference was not saved to the registrant’s record in Blackbaud CRM. Now, with this fix, registration preference values are saved in Blackbaud CRM as expected in the registrant's details on the Registration tab for the event. 986146
All assemblies
118786 1716
This fix addresses an error when adding prospect managers. Previously, if you tried to add a new prospect manager to a constituent who had a prospect manager history but no current prospect manager, you could receive an error. 985895
All assemblies
118785 2608
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the PastDueAmount field in BBDW.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION would not populate after a refresh. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 985821
All assemblies
118780 1804
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration Form with changing personal information on the checkout page. Previously, when logged-in users registered for an event and changed their personal information on the checkout page, those changes were not being reflected in the BBIS Event Registration Transaction batch. Now, with this fix, any changes made to personal information on the checkout page is reflected when the transaction is downloaded to CRM. 983619
All assemblies
118664 1804
This fix addresses an issue with transaction log files. Previously, log files could become too large when long-running business processes were scheduled through Enqueue. 981159
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could occur with GDPR consent solicit codes. Previously, when solicit codes overlapped in a Membership Due Batch, consent solicit codes could be duplicated in the exception batch. 980470
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with editing an existing paid event registration to add an additional registrant where the registration option includes a benefit and the updated registration fee balance is paid. Previously, this caused the benefit and receipt information to be incorrect. 979906
All assemblies
118498 3101
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when you tried to re-apply posted stock payments towards an existing pledge. Previously, when you attempted to do this, you could receive a General Ledge mapping error. 979891
All assemblies
118496 1804
This fix addresses an issue that could create a failure in the ETL process. Previously, the ETL process could fail when it identified multiple primary address, email, or phone records for a constituent. This happened because of an issue with the time window used by the Blackbaud Data Warehouse ETL to determine which Enterprise CRM records to include in an incremental refresh. This fix prevents data discrepancies in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse if the database snapshot generated from Blackbaud CRM at the start of the ETL process is not instantaneous. 979370
All assemblies
120342 1716
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when attempting to send emails using the Chapter Manager part. Now, the error no longer occurs and emails are successfully sent. 979247
All assemblies
118476 1716
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration form when users changed the billing information under "Use an attendee's contact info for billing". Previously, the changes made to the billing information were not carried forward to the payments page. Now, with this fix, any changes to the billing information is carried over to the payment page. 978450
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with prospect managers. Previously, when you merged duplicate records and there was a prospect manager assigned, the prospect manager was missing from the resulting record. 978340
All assemblies
118451 2501
This fix addresses an issue with gifts in kind. Previously, when you received tried to edit the spot exchange rate for a gift with a payment method of "Gift-in-kind," you received an error. 977738
All assemblies
188882 1901
This fix addresses an issue when importing solicit codes into a Constituent Batch. Previously, you received an error if you tried to import solicit codes with a Solicit Code Preference. 977647
All assemblies
118634 1804
We have optimized the Adjusted Revenue Report to improve performance. 977360
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with the Transaction Manager page. Previously, when logged in to BBIS with an account that is linked to a CRM constituent with revenue history, pages that have the Transaction Manager part were taking approximately one minute to display. Now, with this fix, these pages are no longer taking a long time to display. 977237
All assemblies
118409 1719
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, once you selected a revenue type for an event registration in ERB, sometimes the revenue category field was not editable. This happened when you selected a revenue type of "Payment." This behavior was different from how the one-off form handles these payments. With this fix, you can still edit the revenue category after you set the revenue type. 976770
All assemblies
190035 2000
This fix addresses an issue with imported information using Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you imported multiple addresses using Constituent Update Batch, the primary flag was not properly assigned. 975490
All assemblies
118320 1901
We resolved an issue where reCAPTCHA was displaying an error. Previously, instead of reCAPTCHA displaying on a form, an error message displayed that the reCAPTCHA image could not be loaded and the public key might be invalid. Now, this issue has been resolved and reCAPTCHA displays as expected. 974567
All assemblies
49012 1716
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration Form where applying a gift to an appeal in BBIS. Previously, when a logged-in user registered a guest and made the payment when applying a gift to an appeal, the payment record in CRM displayed duplicate records for the benefits. Now, with this fix, the payment record in CRM no longer displays duplicate benefits. 971136
All assemblies
118139 1804
This fix addresses an issue with spouse recognition credits. This happened when you removed a spouse and then added them back in. When you did this, the recognition defaults were not properly applied, so the spouse did not received the appropriate recognition credits. 970819
All assemblies
98354 1901
This fix addresses an issue with the pledge reminders process. Previously, the process could take a long time to run even when there were not many reminders on the list. With this fix, the process runs more efficiently. 968889
All assemblies
118075 1901
This fix addresses an issue when accessing the Social Media Services SOAP API. Previously, attempting to access the API could return an error message. 968199
All assemblies
118050 1716
We resolved an issue where links containing an ampersand (&) were not rendering correctly in email messages. Previously, when you used Create Other Type of Link to insert a link that contained an ampersand, the link was being incorrectly changed to (amp;). Now, with this fix, the link is not modified and renders correctly in email messages. 967990
All assemblies
118038 1901
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when working with the Schedules tab in BBIS under Sites & Settings. Previously, when you made any updates on the Schedules tab and attempted to save them, an “Execution Timeout Expired” error occurred. Now, with this fix, an error no longer occurs when saving updates on the Schedules tab. 967098
All assemblies
All assemblies
118013 1601
This fix addresses an issue with comments on constituent interests. Previously, when a constituent had multiple interests of the same time and you ran a Constituent Update Batch or Enhanced Revenue Batch, the comments could get overwritten by the comment included in the batch. 966739
All assemblies
117991 1804
We resolved an issue with accessing the BBIS Transaction Manager part. Previously, an error occurred when you attempted to access the Transaction Manager part as a constituent with existing revenue. Now, this issue has been fixed and you can access the Transaction Manager part with no error. 964807
All assemblies
All assemblies
118397 1601
This fix addresses an issue with Recognition Credits. Previously, Recognition Credits were overwritten when a Pledge was edited to add an Opportunity. 963212
All assemblies
117873 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the Address Finder process. Previously, when running Address Finder, you could receive an error message indicating that you had not sent enough records to complete the process even when you had submitted enough records. This could happen when some of your records were for households. With this fix, the process runs as expected. 961771
All assemblies
117786 1901
This fix addresses an issue with payment methods. Previously, when you tried to edit the payment method on a transaction from "Stock" to a different method, you could receive an error. 960749
All assemblies
117740 2000
We resolved an issue with the Donation Form when the first phone type mapped in BBIS was pulled into the form for logged in users even if it was marked as inactive. Now, with this fix, the active and primary phone type is pulled into the Donation Form as expected. 960540
All assemblies
117729 1901
We resolved an issue where the Event Registration Form allowed more than the maximum number of registrants. Previously, step 1 on the form allowed you to add more than the maximum allowed registrants, but when you selected that same quantity on step 2 of the form, an error occurred. Now, with this fix, you can no longer add more than the maximum number of registrants on step 1 of the form. 960152
All assemblies
117715 1804
We resolved several accessibility issues on the Event Registration Form part. Previously, the Event Registration Form part was not fully compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for people with disabilities. Now, with this fix, the accessibility issues have been resolved and the Event Registration Form part meets the WCAG level AA compliance criteria. (Note that this fixed issue does not apply to the Event Registration Form (Classic) part.) 959583
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could occur with the 'Pledge Balance Amount' field when querying the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, after a pledge had been paid, the transaction balance could appear as a negative amount. This only happened for pledges that had more than one installment and were paid in full. 959246
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
117674 63
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when editing steps on a funding request. Previously, if you edited the steps on a funding request, associated solicitors and participants could be deleted. 957953
All assemblies
117598 1804
We resolved an issue where batches downloaded from BBIS were not being auto-saved when the auto-save functionality was enabled on the batch template. Now, this issue has been fixed. 957507
All assemblies
117579 1804
We resolved an issue where JavaScript errors were generated on Donation forms that did not include a Communication Consent part. Now, with this fix, the errors no longer occur. 957276
All assemblies
We resolved an issue that occurred when new users tried to reset their password in BBIS. Previously, when a constituent was imported from Blackbaud CRM to BBIS, and that user tried to reset their password for the first time, an error occurred. Now, with this fix, a new user created in BBIS via user import can successfully reset their password with no error. 954947
All assemblies
117492 1716
We resolved an issue with missing language field options on the Event Registration form. Previously, when designing the form, there wasn’t a way to configure the language text in pop-ups displayed during the registration process. Now, with this fix, additional language field options are now available on the Language tab for the Event Registration form. 953825
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you attempted to delete an organization record that had matching gift records associated with it. Previously, you received an error when you attempted to delete an organization record that was associated with any matching gifts, even if you had deleted the matching gifts already. 953391
All assemblies
117424 1804
New Feature: To help you troubleshoot Gift Aid R68 process exceptions, we have added a new option to review commit exceptions. On the 'Recent Status' tab of the R68 screen, you can access the new 'View commit exception' option. When you select this option, you see a new screen where you can see the Revenue ID affected by the exceptions and drill into details about the reasons for the exceptions. 953154
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with event registrations. Previously, when you added revenue to an opportunity with a revenue type of "event registration," the registration was not automatically marked as accepted. 951820
All assemblies
117363 2000
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration form where BBMS event transactions were not auto-reconciling. Previously, BBMS event transactions were not auto-reconciling and were showing a "Pending" status. Now, with this fix, BBMS event transactions are auto-reconciling if auto-reconciling is enabled. 951800
All assemblies
117558 1719
This fix addresses an issue with appeals for recurring gifts. Previously, when you generated payments for recurring gifts using a batch template, the appeal defaulted to the appeal on the recurring gift. Now, when you generate payments for recurring gifts on a batch template, the appeal follows the default appeal specified in the batch template. 951041
All assemblies
117318 1901
Data could not be saved. There is already an active solicit code for this channel on this site. You can only have one active solicit code per channel on each site. 950863
All assemblies
117306 1600
This fix addresses an issue when creating new Finder processes. Previously, you could receive an error when you tried to create a new Finder process using a batch template with a name that had previously changed. 950854
All assemblies
98621 1901
We resolved an issue with recurring gifts showing as zero dollar amounts in the transaction batch. Previously, on a Donation Form part, if the Starting Date was set to the current date, and the Day of Month was set to any date other than the current date, the recurring gift amount was incorrectly set to $0 in the transaction batch . Now, with this fix, this issue no longer occurs. 949667
All assemblies
117276 1716
This fix addresses an issue with the customization of KPI dashboards. Previously, only admin users were able to customize KPI dashboards, even when a user had rights to make changes. Now, all users with rights to customize KPI dashboards are able to do so. 949062
All assemblies
117246 1901
This fix addresses an issue when adding sponsorship information to a constituent. Previously, you were not able to add sponsorship information for a constituent in a list segment using the Add Sponsorship Form if the individual was new to the database. With this fix, you can add sponsorship information when you enter a finder number from a list segment, both in the one-off form and in Sponsorship Batch. 948242
All assemblies
117257 2000
New Feature: We have added a new additional consent type called "Advanced consent." This consent type is designed to give you the same specialized options that were previously only available for "EU Consent" types. We introduced the "EU Consent" solicit code type to accommodate compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. However, you can take advantage of the detailed information in this type of solicit code by using the "Advanced consent" type, even if you are not in the European Union. Advanced consent solicit codes work identically to EU consent solicit codes and are available in all the same product areas: Constituent Solicit Code view, Query, Blackbaud Data Warehouse, Marketing and Communications, Batch (including Enhanced Revenue Batch), Channel Opt-out, Constituent Merge, and Global Change. 947830
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where additional donation amount on Classic Event Registration Form does not reflect on the payment page. Previously, the total amount to be paid on the payment page was not getting updated correctly while adding additional donation. Now, the total amount to be paid on payment page is correctly updating and additional donation is reflected on payment page. 946671
117165 62
New Feature: This release includes additional bounce statuses. These provide users with more information about email addresses which were blacklisted due to spam complaints and emails previously marked as hard bounces. When you review unengaged recipients (who have inactive addresses), these additional bounce statuses now appear in the list of emails that were not sent. You can filter the list based on these new statuses. New bounce statuses also appear with the inactive email address on a recipient’s contact record and in the Blacklisted Email Addresses tab in Blackbaud CRM. For information about bounced emails and best practices for emails, refer to Blackbaud's Email Resource Center. 945992
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Constituent History Report. Previously, when you made changes to the "Do not send email to this address" option, the report did not register this change. 945945
All assemblies
117131 2405
This fix addresses an issue with designations on pledges. Previously, when you added a new designation to an existing pledge and then made a payment, the opportunity could be incorrectly applied. 944142
All assemblies
117084 1901
This fix addresses an issue with gifts of stock, property, and gifts in kind. Previously, these gifts could reflect the default payment method instead of the accurate payment method. 943580
All assemblies
117116 1804
This fix addresses an issue with currency fields in smart queries. Previously, you received an error if you tried to include more than one currency field in the output of a smart query. 943502
All assemblies
127355 2000
We resolved an issue that occurred when users were selecting memberships on a Membership Form part. Previously, when a constituent whose membership was in renewal, lapsed, or expired — and where the membership program allowed for multiple memberships — attempted to add a different membership type, the following error displayed: “You cannot add this item to your shopping cart. You cannot add a membership or membership renewal to a cart twice, and you cannot add a membership if you already are a member.” Now, with this fix, you can successfully add a different membership type to the cart with no error. 942137
All assemblies
All assemblies
117007 1601
This fix addresses an issue with opportunities. Previously, when you added an opportunity to a revenue record, the opportunity ask amount was displayed. Now, the opportunity accepted amount is displayed. 940645
All assemblies
116951 1901
This fix addresses an issue that could happen when upgrading to Service Pack 14. Previously, some customers could receive a revision error when attempting to run the upgrade. This happened when you had custom indexes on a table. With this fix, the upgrade runs correctly. 939086
All assemblies
116895 1901
This fix addresses an issue with accessing research list subqueries. Previously, only admins could see these, even when users had permission to access them. With this fix, anyone with permissions can view research list subqueries. 938991
All assemblies
116892 2110
We resolved an issue with editing designation amounts on the Transaction Manager part. Previously, when attempting to edit the amount given to one designation in a split recurring gift on the Transaction Manager part, the edited amount is split over all designations. Now, with this fix, when there is more than one designation associated with a recurring gift, you are now able to edit only one of the designations. 938674
All assemblies
116877 1716
This fix addresses an issue with site permissions in Generate Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if you used the Generate Revenue Update Batch option and limited the batch to one site, users from other sites could still see the batch. With this update, security is limited to the specified site. 938109
All assemblies
189899 2000
This fix addresses an issue with the Fundraiser On the Go application. After you upgraded to Service Pack 15, when you logged into the application you would see a blank screen if you did not have any prospects assigned to you. With this fix, you now see the main screen, with the 'My Portfolio' and 'Search' tabs, even if there are no prospects assigned to you. 936357
All assemblies
116777 1600
This fix addresses an issue with planned gift payments. Previously, when you added a payment to a planned gift that included an overpayment, you received an error. With this change, the overpayment is treated as a donation. 935814
All assemblies
116711 2204
This fix addresses an issue when importing solicit codes into a Constituent Update Batch. Previously, you received an error if you tried to import solicit codes with a Solicit Code Preference. This issue occurred if you were working in Service Pack 14 or later. 935785
All assemblies
116705 1600
In our continued effort to improve security, we now display a generic message after a password reset request instead of displaying the exact error message. 930202
All assemblies
Technical Change: In our continued effort to improve security, we now restrict redirect links to outside domain URLs. 930201
All assemblies
Technical Change: In our continued effort to improve security, we have restricted the use of certain custom page expressions. If you have a custom expression on any of your pages and you are using one of the expressions that are no longer supported, your page might not load and you may receive the following error: "The PageDefinitionSpec contains one or more unsupported expressions." If you encounter this error, please contact Blackbaud Customer Support so we can review your custom expression and determine whether it can be added to the list of supported expressions or whether the customization needs to be updated. 930196
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen when merging constituent records. Previously, you could receive an error when you attempted to merge constituents who both had major giving constituencies. 929552
All assemblies
116540 1716
This fix addresses an issue with the Revenue Annual Statement Report. Previously, users could see this report even when their site security settings did not grant them permission to see it. With this fix, only users with site security settings allowing access to the report can see it. 929154
All assemblies
116463 1716
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you had data in the "Direct debit details/reference date" field, the information on this field was removed when you validated or saved your batch. 929143
All assemblies
188881 1901
This fix addresses an issue with benefits on Generated Revenue Update Batches. Previously, when you generated a Revenue Update Batch and changed the appeal information in the batch, benefits were removed from the batch. 929094
All assemblies
116459 2110
We resolved an issue where scheduled emails were not being sent when the email template included a hyperlink to an external website. Now, with this fix, scheduled emails are successfully being sent as expected. 928958
116457 60
We resolved an issue with the home page not loading properly. Previously, if a page that included the Communication Consent part was set as the home page, it was either taking an unexpectedly long time to display or was not displaying at all. Now, this issue has been fixed and the home page is displaying as expected. e. 927598
116527 59
This fix addresses an issue that happens when you try to delete a financial account from a constituent record. Previously, when you tried to delete a financial account that was associated with a recurring gift, you received an error that was not clear. We have updated the error to indicate that the account is linked to a recurring gift and cannot be deleted. If you still want to delete the financial account, you must first delete the associated recurring gift, which is now clear in the error message. 927268
All assemblies
116383 1600
This fix addresses an unexpected error that could sometimes occur when using the tokenizer process. 926572
All assemblies
116369 1716
This fix addresses an issue with security in constituent recognition processes. Previously, users could have access to launch recognition processes even if their site security settings did not allow this access. 926492
All assemblies
116368 1716
We have optimized the Adjusted Revenue Report to improve performance. 925766
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the links under the Models Score tab in constituent records under Wealth and Ratings. Previously, this link sometimes returned an error that the file was not found. 924826
All assemblies
120332 1716
This fix addresses an issue with gift fees. Previously, when you adjusted a posted payment that had a gift fee, the fees were not automatically updated to reflect the change, so you could receive an error. 924368
All assemblies
116269 1901
We resolved an issue where updated information provided for the billed attendee on the Event Registration form was not added to the attendee’s data. Previously, when attendee information was updated on the Checkout/BBPS page of the Event Registration form for the billed attendee, those updates were not included in the transaction batch to Blackbaud CRM. Now, with this fix, information updated on the Checkout/BBPS page is included in the transaction details. 920994
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could happen when you tried to submit a Gift Aid claim. This error could occur if you were working on Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 14 or later. 920260
All assemblies
116201 1600
We resolved an issue where the Payment page for the Event Registration form displayed the incorrect country. Previously, the country was being set to the BBIS default country. Now, with this fix, the Payments page is now getting the correct billing information from step 5 of the Event Registration form, and the correct country is set. 920239
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where event registration page was giving error if a date type attribute (Not Required) left empty. Now the date type attribute can be left empty if it is not marked required and no error will be shown. 916251
116048 59
This fix addresses an issue with email statistics. Previously, the open rate statistics that appeared on Blackbaud CRM did not match the statistics in the Blackbaud Internet Solutions email message report. 916078
All assemblies
116031 2300
New Feature: Previously, the Blackbaud Secure Payment page was used to take payments through the Event Registration Form 2.0. Now, the form uses PCI-compliant Blackbaud Checkout for BBMS customers, so credit card and merchant account information is processed and stored on a Blackbaud-hosted secure server. On the Design tab, when you select a merchant account under Payment options that supports Blackbaud Checkout, you'll have the option to specify the checkout theme. You can use the default option — Use site defaults for Blackbaud Checkout Theme — which uses the settings specified in the Blackbaud Checkout Theme Options specified in Administrator > Sites & settings. To override the site-wide default and customize the checkout theme, clear the Use site defaults for Blackbaud Checkout theme option to enable the fields where you can enter values for the Primary color and Secondary color, and select a different font. In addition, under Digital Wallets, you can choose which forms of payment — Visa Checkout or MasterPass— are accepted during checkout. By default, all payment methods are selected. 915391
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where membership transactions with a free ($0) amount were not getting downloaded in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when using a Membership Dues batch linked with BBIS — where the membership had multiple levels including a free ($0) level — an error occurred when attempting to download the batch. Now, with this fix, the Membership Dues batch downloads successfully with no errors. 915328
All assemblies
115988 1600
Technical Change: If you are currently using Fundraiser On the Go, any user with rights to the constituent search will have rights to searching in the mobile application after this upgrade. If you are new to using Fundraiser On the Go, you must explicitly grant rights to constituent search and all the specs in the mobile folder to any users who should have access to search from the mobile application. For more information, see the Prospects Guide. 914603
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where resetting a password in BBIS resulted in a constituent’s BBIS account email address being changed in CRM. Previously, when the user reset his BBIS password, the primary contact email address specified in CRM was changed back to what it previously had been set to before being updated. Now, with this fix, a password reset in BBIS does not change the constituent’s BBIS account email address in CRM. 914088
All assemblies
115930 1600
We resolved an issue that occurred when email was processed for multiple constituents based on an export definition. Previously, the values for revenue campaign merge fields were not correct in the email message. Now, with this fix, the correct values are displayed for each constituent. 913600
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur when merging two records. Previously, when one of the records was deceased, the merged record did not retain the status of 'inactive,' even though all deceased records are automatically designated 'inactive.' With this fix, when the merged record is 'deceased,' it is also marked 'inactive.' 913083
All assemblies
115885 1600
This fix addresses an issue that could occur with Constituent Address Update Batches. Previously, when you created a Constituent Address Update Batch and you were adding or updating address attributes, the DPID/DPC field would appear blank after the batch was processed. 908974
All assemblies
188880 1901
We resolved an issue where the designation search on a Donation Form not return results for BBIS users whose accounts were linked to a CRM non-system admin user. This only occurred if CRM security for linked CMS users was enabled in BBIS. Now, with this fix, the designation search will successfully return results for these users. 908909
All assemblies
115760 1901
This fix addresses an issue with constituencies in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you performed a full reset or refresh of the warehouse, certain out-of-the-box constituencies were missing. Some of the missing constituencies included Planned Giver, Recognized Donor, and Student. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 907116
All assemblies
115656 2110
This fix addresses an issue with the links on the Group Members tile on a constituent record. Previously, when you had both former and current members on a group, the filters to only see current or only see former members did not work. 907054
All assemblies
115636 1716
This search fixes an issue when using multiple wildcards in email searches in Marketing & Communication. Previously, if you used more than one wildcard in the search, you did not receive any matches. 906513
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where BBIS email messages shown in the email report as not sent or as hard bounced were incorrectly being shown in the Communications tab of the recipient's constituent record. Now, this issue has been fixed. 905753
All assemblies
115602 1716
This fix addresses a performance issue that could sometimes occur when you ran certain reports. Previously, if you ran certain reports and tried to also run the Revenue Update Batch process, you could see performance issues. 901754
All assemblies
New Feature: The new Acquisition Form part in BBIS enables your organization to collect constituent information — personal data, constituent attribute information, and communication consent preferences — without requiring constituents to register or log in to your site You can then download the data to your constituent database in Blackbaud CRM via the Constituent Update Batch process. When you commit the batch, data captured on the Acquisition Form is written to the constituent's record — the record is created for new constituents and updated for existing constituents. 901398
All assemblies
New Feature: We have added a new global change to help you honor constituent requests to remove their history from your database. As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that affects constituents in the United Kingdom, constituents can request to have their entire history removed from your database. After you remove their record, you can run this global change to purge any data related to the constituent from your audit tables. The new global change is called 'Right to be forgotten.' Use a selection to purge audit data from any constituents who have requested to be removed from your database. To also purge active audit tables for those constituents, select the 'Purge all active audit tables' checkbox. 901280
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error you sometimes received when trying to run the Generate Payments process. Previously, when users without administrative rights tried to run the process, they received an error even though they had rights to run the process. 900531
115309 57
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen when entering social media information in a constituent record. Previously, if you entered duplicate social media information for a constituent, the system allowed it and the information was duplicated. Now, if you enter social media information that is already saved on the record, you receive an error indicating that the information already exists. 899477
All assemblies
189974 2000
This fix addresses an issue when using SFTP in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, using SFTP could cause errors because Blackbaud was using an older version of the SFTP software. We have now upgraded the software to prevent these issues. 899390
All assemblies
115125 1804
This fix addresses an issue that could happen when you tried to use the OLAP Explorer in Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 14. Previously, you could receive an error saying, 'The webpage cannot be found' or 'The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.' 896866
All assemblies
114988 1600
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you tried to run the Luminate Online sync. When running the sync after upgrading to Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 14, you could receive the following error: 'Data could not be saved. Procedure or function 'USP_DATAFORM_EDITLOAD_CONSTITUENTSOLICITCODE' expects parameter '@ID', which was not supplied.' With this fix, the error no longer occurs. 896490
All assemblies
114977 58
This fix addresses an issue when running the Generate Payments Process for pledges. Previously, when you created payments on or before the date the process was set to run, pledge payments could be generated early. 896118
114813 56
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur when you tried to run a Generate Payments Process. Previously, if you tried to run this process when the system was already running a revenue report, you could get an error and the process would not run. 896104
All assemblies
116471 58
This fix addresses an issue with revenue exports. Previously, you received an error if you tried to save an export definition that used the Revenue (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse) source view. 890700
All assemblies
114727 1901
We resolved an issue in the transaction manager part with editing recurring gifts in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when the amount of a recurring gift was edited, and the installment frequency was set to "Use current frequency", the installment frequency was being incorrectly changed in the system to "Annually". Now, when you edit a recurring gift where the frequency is set to "Use current frequency", that frequency setting is retained and is no longer changed to "Annually". 890661
114724 55
This fix addresses an issue when trying to load the Wealth and Ratings page. After installing Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 14, users without administrative rights could have trouble loading this page. 890318
All assemblies
114705 58
This fix addresses an issue with Recognition Credits. Previously, Recognition Credits were duplicated and created with a zero-dollar amount from Enhanced Revenue Batch. 889725
All assemblies
114660 3205
We resolved an issue with the eCommerce tracking code for the Event Registration Form part in BBIS. Previously, when the eCommerce tracking code for Google Analytics was included on the page, no data was being recorded. Now, with this fix, the eCommerce tracking code is working as expected and data is being recorded in Google Analytics for event registration forms. 887515
All assemblies
New Feature: We have made some enhancements to help you track consent information in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 1) You can now use multiple consent solicit codes for each channel and site. 2) When a constituent has an active, opt-in consent solicit code, you now see a Consent tab on the Add or Edit a mail preference form. 3) We have added a 'Solicit code channel opt-out' section under Communications, Preferences. 4) When performing a constituent merge, if two constituent records have the same consent solicit code with conflicting date ranges, the two records will not be merged. 5) When editing consent solicit codes from a constituent record or through a Constituent Update Batch, you cannot edit the end date or the preference for any consent solicit codes. 6) Consent solicit codes will only be excluded from mailings when the constituent has an active code with 'No response' or 'Opt-out' as a preference. 7) We have enhanced the 'Add constituent solicit code' global change to allow for bulk entry of consent solicit codes. 8) The Solicit Codes and Mail Preferences nodes in Query now include all the consent fields. We have also added a new node called 'Solicit Code Channel Opt-out.' 886754
All assemblies
We resolved an issue in BBIS where the secure payments template was not displaying correctly when adding a new pay method via the Transaction Manager. Previously, when you added a new pay method to an existing gift using the Transaction Manager, the default secure payments template displayed instead of the template with the client's stylesheet. Now, with this fix, the correct secure payment template with the client's stylesheet is displaying as expected. 886389
All assemblies
114520 1600
This fix addresses an issue with stewardship plan step participants. Previously, when you tried to remove a step participant, the participant remained on the step. 886206
All assemblies
114510 2405
New Feature: We have added support for Bluefin for payments processed through Revenue Update Batches and Membership Dues Batches. If you use Bluefin to process your payments, you can now use these batch types for those payments. 885591
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with default constituent restrictions during even registration. Previously, if a constituent registered for a main event in a multi-level event, and then later also registered for a sub-level event, the constituent restrictions were not automatically populated on the sub-level event. Now, the restrictions are automatically populated as expected. 884778
All assemblies
114407 1600
We fix in issue in eStore where user was not able to adjust quantity or update amount. It was resetting to its original value, now after this fix updated value will persist after clicking adjust amount. 883828
All assemblies
114338 58
This fix addresses an issue with attribute extension names. Previously, when you added an attribute form extension and then reviewed the data forms, the attribute extension did not show the correct name. 883799
All assemblies
114337 1600
This fix addresses an issue when trying to delete posted pledge write-offs. Previously, when you attempted to delete pledge write-offs that were already posted, you could receive a time-out error. 883534
All assemblies
114308 1600
This fix addresses an issue with Gift Aid refunds. The issue happened when you adjusted a payment that had Gift Aid already claimed and you changed the designation to a disqualified one. After this change, the payment was deleted before the refund could be issued. 882564
All assemblies
114282 1600
We resolved an issue where the totals in the BBIS email report cells were observed to not match the recipient list totals. Previously, when there were duplicate email IDs in an email recipient list, and the configuration setting was enabled to send the email to unique email addresses, there was a discrepancy between the totals in the email report cells and in the recipient list. Now, with the fix, the following notification text — If the email setting “Send a unique email to each constituent who shared the same email address” was off at the time of this mailing, duplicate email addresses that were removed from your list will NOT appear in the report — has been added in BBIS and in exported reports to mitigate the confusion about why there is a discrepancy. 877746
All assemblies
114113 1716
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen with pledge installment amounts. Previously, when you added a pledge with inconsistent payment amounts, the payment that was a different amount could appear to one of the middle payments rather than the last payment. With this fix, the odd amount is always the last payment. 877425
All assemblies
114122 1716
This fix addresses an issue with organization hierarchy. Previously, the Organization Hierarchy Page and the Organization Hierarchy Add Form did not match. 876967
All assemblies
114101 2110
This fix addresses an issue when customizing a KPI dashboard. Previously, when you were customizing a KPI dashboard, certain KPIs could not be added. 861456
All assemblies
114083 2608
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes could happen when trying to merge two constituent records. Previously, you could sometimes receive an error when you attempted the merge. This happened when the target constituent was a Fundraiser or Prospect Manager and the other had the same name, title, and address. 861381
All assemblies
81739 1716
We resolved an issue when we processing the batch generated from event registration forms on BBIS, a blank address is being included on the batch along with a blank title, and middle name which unless unticked will overwrite what is already on the constituent record leaving that information blank. After this fix, only those fields that are included on part editor configuration are processed with the batch and if the fields that are included but kept blank are also processed with the batch. 855026
All assemblies
116479 58
We resolved an issue in BBIS where filtering on membership payment and event registration payment gift types on a Transaction Manager part showed no results. Now, with this fix, this issue no longer occurs. 823508
All assemblies
115934 1716
We resolved an issue where links in image maps in email messages and email templates were not registering clicks in the email report. Previously, the Click Report tab under Additional Information in the email statistics report was not displaying information about links clicked in image maps in email messages or templates. Now, with this fix, clicks in image map links are being correctly reported in the email Click Report. 818064
All assemblies
113937 1600
This fix addresses an issue with some enqueued processes. Previously, some enqueued processes failed to start running when the previous process ended. 817128
All assemblies
113903 58
This fix addresses an issue with the credit card process data list. Previously, the list of credit card processes was not secured by site. With this fix, the list displays elements based on the site security permissions of the user viewing the list. 816210
All assemblies
To improve security, when you view direct debit account numbers on the Recurring Gift Transaction Summary Page, the account number is now partially masked. To view the entire number, you can select "Show" next to the account number. The Revenue Transaction Page and Bank account page will also now show partially masked direct debit account numbers. 814566
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, the finder numbers did not load the constituent information and you received an error. 814081
All assemblies
113751 2300
New Feature: To support more configuration flexibility, we've made several enhancements to the BBIS Communication Preferences form to improve how you can configure the form to capture user consent. Previously, you could only include one element per type on the form. After an element was added, it was grayed out in the Add fields list so that it couldn't be added again. With this enhancement, you can now add multiple instances of the same element type to the form — for example, you can add more than one Consent solicit codes element. However, each element of the same type on the form must have different properties. Under Advanced properties, when you add a property for an element, that property cannot be added again to the same element type on the same form. In addition, we've changed the default Opt-in text and Opt-out text for the preference options to Opt-in and Opt-out, respectively. Also, the No preference message text now displays directly below the option name when no selection has been made. 813772
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where email jobs were being successfully sent out but remained in the Accepted state. This resulted in the email statistics data not being properly updated. Now, with this fix, sent email jobs no longer stay in the Accepted state and the email statistics data is updated as expected. 813187
All assemblies
113714 1600
We resolved an issue on the BBIS Transaction Manager part with installment dates for recurring gifts. Previously, if a user edited a recurring gift on the Transaction Manager part and saved without making any changes, the next installment date was erroneously changed in Blackbaud CRM for the recurring gift. Now, with this fix, the recurring gift’s next installment date in Blackbaud CRM is no longer set incorrectly. 812855
All assemblies
113697 1600
We resolved an issue with guest information in the CRM transaction details after downloading the BBIS Event Registration Transaction batch. Previously, when a user and a guest registered for an event through BBIS, and the guest registrant was auto-matched to an existing constituent, the guest's Biographical information in the transaction details was blank after the guest data was changed from Linked Constituent to New Constituent. Now, with this fix, the guest's Biographical information is no longer blank. 810104
All assemblies
137720 1804
We resolved an issue with the email reports where click count was showing different values. Previously, the number of clicks shown in the email report honeycomb was different than the number of clicks shown in the Message clicks window. Now, both statistics are in sync and display the same number. 808096
113461 55
We resolved an issue with registrant totals displayed on event Acknowledgment emails for the Event Registration form. Previously, the value displayed for the Number of Participants merge field was listing registrants separately rather than displaying a total number of registrants. Now, a new merge field called Total Attendees has been added that provides a total count of registrants in the event Acknowledgment emails. 807720
All assemblies
115931 1716
This fix addresses an issue with smart fields in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, titles for smart fields that had more than 99 characters were shortened when the field was brought into the warehouse. 805823
All assemblies
113437 58
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration Form when an event was registered for twice. Previously, event registration benefits were duplicated on the payment record in CRM for an event registration when the event was registered for twice. Now, with this fix, event registration benefits are no longer duplicated on the payment record. 805319
All assemblies
113395 1804
We resolved an issue where search results were not returning as expected on Unformatted Text parts or Style Sheets. Previously, when you used CTRL-F on your keyboard to perform a search, only what was visible in the current pane would be searched; any content that you had to scroll to view would not be searched. Now, this issue has been fixed and the CTRL-F search returns results for the entire content as expected. 805072
All assemblies
We resolved an issue when constituent registers for an event listing their spouse as a guest if the Event Registration uses the batch separation option we have found that after committing both the Event Registration and Profile Update batches that the spouses are erroneously removed. After the fix if the Event Registration uses the batch separation option and we commit both the Event Registration and Profile Update batches that the spouses are not removed. 803458
113339 59
We resolved an issue with the BBIS Transaction Manager part when filtering on a date range. Previously, some transactions that were split across multiple designations were incorrectly displaying duplicate payments when you filtered on a date range. Now, with this fix, the correct split amounts are shown as expected. 803195
All assemblies
113327 1600
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when attempting to view recipient information in email message reports. Previously, when you selected a message recipient in the Recipients, Opens, or Clicks reports, an error would display. Now, this issue has been fixed and the error no longer occurs. 801326
111369 55
We resoled an issue when any recurring gift modified through BBIS, having different culture formatting for amount from IIS, was changing incorrectly. After this fix recurring gift amount and symbol will not change on form save. 800737
113195 57
This fix addresses an issue when updating contact information for a constituent who is also a contact for an organization record. Previously, when you updated contact preferences for a constituent who was a contact for an organization, sometimes the information was not properly updated in the constituent's record. 798810
All assemblies
116476 58
This fix addresses three vulnerabilities detected during a PCI PEN test that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 798622
This fix addresses an issue with validating pledges in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you entered a pledge with a payment method of "None," the pledge was not validated correctly in the batch. 798555
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could occur with Constituent Revenue Amounts smart fields. Previously, when you created this smart field, revenue with a 'Membership installment plan' application type was not included in the smart field results. 798512
All assemblies
113060 1600
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen when updating email information for the primary member of a household. Previously, when you updated the email for a primary member of a household, the information was not reflected in the Household record. 798504
All assemblies
113062 58
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur with recurring gift commitments. Previously, some recurring gift commitments would show inaccurate duplicate installments due. When this happened, a donor could appear as delinquent on their payment even when they were not. 797450
All assemblies
113000 1716
This fix addresses an issue that could happen with some smart fields. Previously, when you used smart fields in an export definition, values from the smart fields could show the incorrect currency type. 796917
All assemblies
112982 58
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur with ad-hoc revenue queries in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you created an ad-hoc revenue query from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, canceled recurring gifts could sometimes appear active in the query results. 796705
All assemblies
112967 2204
This fix addresses an issue with the Mapping page under Prospects appearing blank. 796671
All assemblies
55054 58
We resolved an issue with the "View as web page" link in BBIS email messages. Previously, an error occurred when the "View as web page" link was selected in an email message that used a template with an imported list as the data source. Now, the error now longer occurs. 796114
112937 55
This fix addresses an issue with event registration batches. Previously, when you processed a multiple registration through an even registration batch, the constituent's record would show each line of the registration separately instead of cumulatively. 795705
All assemblies
112913 1600
This fix addresses an issue that could create duplicate recognition credits. Previously, when you imported data using an Enhanced Revenue Batch template, exception batches created from that import could create duplicate recognition credits. 795474
All assemblies
112833 54
We resolved an issue where the BBIS Event Batch Control report only included the registrants' names and no other batch info. Previously, when you created the Event Batch Control report after committing an event registration transaction batch, the only information displayed in CRM was the registrants' names. Now, the report includes the batch summary details, and records containing information about registrants and registered events is displayed such as the registrant name, guest name, registration option, registration amount, and number of registrants. 795169
All assemblies
112888 1901
The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized 795029
All assemblies
112875 58
We resolved an issue in Blackbaud Internet Solutions where the last payment date for recurring gifts was not updated on the Transaction Manager part when a single payment was applied to multiple commitments. Now, with this fix, the last payment date is being updated as expected on the Transaction Manager part. 793737
All assemblies
112806 58
New Feature: You can now include external giving data in the wealth capacity calculation. The Add and Edit Capacity Formula screens now include a Giving tab that you can use to specify one or more types of data to include in the calculation. Philanthropic gifts use giving data from NOZA™ and DonorBank™. Political donations use giving data from Federal Election Commission (FEC). For the Philanthropic and Political donation settings, you can select which data sources to include, select whether to include only confirmed sources, and customize the mathematical formula. You can see major giving capacity basis on the prospect’s Wealth Summary tab, under Giving capacity. 793052
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur with membership dues batches. Previously, when you downloaded a membership registration from Blackbaud Internet Solutions into a membership dues batch and the constituent was auto-matched in the batch, the recognition credit type would appear blank for the spouse on the revenue record. 792213
All assemblies
112768 1600
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen when validating a Constituent Address Update Batch. Previously, when you selected 'Validate Address (all rows)' in a Constituent Address Update Batch, and there were validation errors spanning more than one page, the first page would not show errors even when there were errors in some of those records. 790874
All assemblies
112680 58
This fix addresses an issue with Gift Aid tax claim eligibility. Previously, the tax claim amount could be incorrect for recurring gifts with a status of "Terminated." 790512
All assemblies
133608 2110
This fix addresses an issue with email end dates in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you included an email address in Constituent Update Batch that had a start date but not an end date, the end date could sometimes be automatically set to the start date, even though this was incorrect. 788446
All assemblies
112506 58
This fix addresses an issue when you scrolled through addresses in Chrome. Previously, when you used a version of Chrome from July 2017 or later, scrolling through addresses could make the address tile stop displaying. With this fix, the address tile continues to display normally when you scroll through multiple addresses. 788412
112493 52
This fix addresses an issue with Gift Aid status on pledge payments. Previously, when you changed the designation for a pledge, the Gift Aid status could be lost. 788399
All assemblies
112499 58
This fix addresses an error you could sometimes receive when using the 'Capture card info' option in an Enhanced Revenue Batch to swipe a credit card using a Bluefin device. 788233
All assemblies
112490 58
This fix addresses an issue with marketing efforts. Previously, the source code settings were sometimes not carrying over to the effort settings on the marketing effort. This happened when you created a marketing effort based on the settings in a planned appeal and you used the 'Create effort from plan' on the Planned Efforts tab. 785379
All assemblies
112259 1716
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you attempted to sell stock through this type of batch, you received an error. 785106
All assemblies
112236 1716
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur with date formats in the Prospect Research Report. Previously, even if your date format settings were not dd/mm/yyyy, the report would still show dates in this format. 784990
All assemblies
112227 58
This fix addresses an issue with child sponsorship transfers. Previously, when you overrode a transfer, the reason for the override would incorrectly also appear as the initiate transfer reason. 784952
All assemblies
112224 1600
This fix addresses an issue with installment designations and balances. Previously, after you edited a posted split designation pledge and added a reference, the installment designation and the balance could be incorrect. 784020
All assemblies
112168 2904
This fix addresses an issue with links to prospect plans. Previously, the links to prospect plans on the Prospects Without Recent Activity tab could be incorrect. 782227
All assemblies
112082 1901
This fix addresses an Odata issues related with other product like Excel 2010-2016, Power Pivot and Tableau. 781348
This fix addresses an issue with tokenized credit cards and Credit Card Updater. When a constituent with a tokenized credit card in Blackbaud Merchant Services had an updated card number, the updated card information may have not have been captured in Blackbaud CRM and users would receive an error, 'The credit card does not match the card stored with the Blackbaud Payment Service. Enter the credit card information again.' The issue only occurred if the constituent was already in an open Enhanced Revenue Batch at the time of the update. If you have received this error, contact Blackbaud Customer Support for a script to correct any credit card numbers that were not updated. 779961
109942 51
We resolved an issue where email recipients that reported as bounced did not always appear in the Invalid Accounts list in BBIS or the Blacklist in CRM. Now, with this fix, all invalid or hard bounced recipients are added to invalid accounts lists as expected. 778866
All assemblies
111909 1716
This fix addresses an issue with Declined Recognition Levels in queries. Previously, when you included this information in a query, the results did not display the name of the Declined Recognition Level. 778378
All assemblies
111881 58
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, the task to validate addresses would not run correctly when you imported constituent information using an Enhanced Revenue Batch. 777911
All assemblies
111855 1600
We resolved an issue in Blackbaud Internet Solutions where all designations were displaying for each revenue split on the Transaction Manager part. Previously, instead of displaying which split amount was matched with its specific designation, all the designations were listed for each split. Now, this issue has been fixed and all designations are displayed correctly as expected. 777872
All assemblies
111857 58
We resolved an issue where the BBIS confirmation page was not displaying correctly after users made a donation using the Advanced Donation Form.This has been fixed and the confirmation page now displays correctly as expected. 776492
111796 53
This fix addresses an issue with pledge information for pledges made in Canadian Dollars. Previously, when a pledge was made in Canadian Dollars and that pledge had U.S. Dollar payments applied to it, the Paid and Balance values could be incorrect when you saved the edited designation. 776235
All assemblies
111788 58
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when a decimal value was entered when donating a recurring gift or pledge. Previously, when an online user tried to donate a recurring gift or pledge with a decimal value, they would get the error "The price [designation] has changed from $number.cent to $number.cent". Now, the error no longer occurs when users make a pledge or recurring gift with a decimal value. 775882
13533499 53
This fix addresses an issue with the "Constituent Revenue Application Amount" smart field. Previously, when a constituent had a dissolved household on their record, the amount on this smart field could be incorrect. Usually, the smart field showed no revenue on this field. Now, this smart field is correctly populated for constituents with dissolved households. 774671
110145 51
This change will resolve problem associated with daylight savings time. 773429
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with mapping. Previously, non-admin users were not able to do a radius search and received an error. 773396
All assemblies
111656 2300
This fix addresses an issue with deleted email addresses appearing in search results. 772261
All assemblies
111620 58
This fix addresses an issue with 'Selection Brief' reports. Previously, you were not able to run a marketing effort's 'Selection Brief' report when you had an imported selection in the 'Exclusions' tab. 771977
All assemblies
111605 1600
This fix addresses an issue with the Business Process Output Delete global change. Previously, when you ran this global change, not all selected output tables were always deleted. 771534
All assemblies
111593 58
New Feature: The Event Registration Form part in BBIS has been significantly redesigned to support multi-day events — such as events for homecoming or alumni weekends — as well as other types of complex events. The Event Registration Form has a new user interface and a streamlined workflow that makes the registration process for multiple events and multiple attendees much easier for users. Note that one major workflow change is that the attendee registration page displays before the list of events is shown. It is assumed that users will have already seen the list of events before they access the Event Registration Form. When creating a event, our recommendation is that oganizations link users to the registration form at the point that they want users to start their registration. There are five steps in the redesigned event registration workflow: 1) Attendees — Users can register everyone who will be attending any of the events, including themselves, multiple guests, and unnamed guests. When configuring the form, admins can specify which fields to display — and which fields are required — on the Attendees page. 2) Select events — Shows a list of all events that are available to register for. When selecting an event to attend, users can select attendees from a drop-down list populated with all attendees that were added in Step 1. 3) Select options — Users can select options (where applicable) for events, such as preferences and restrictions, for each registrant for each event. 4) Review — Displays details for the selected events, such as who is registered for each event and what their preferences are. 5) Checkout — Users can specify who is going to pay for the events and the payment method. Once the registration is complete, the transaction data in Blackbaud CRM includes information for each registrant, including event details and options, and payment information. 771330
All assemblies
New Feature: To enable you to capture communication consent on your BBIS forms — and to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — we've implemented a new Communication Consent part. Your organization can use this new part to collect explicit consent from users — both in the European Union (EU) and elsewhere — for how they want to receive communication from you. In order for any non-profit organization to contact constituents residing in the EU, they must have explicit opt-in consent for any kind of communication via any channel — such as email, phone, SMS, or mail. As an organization, you can create one Communication Consent part — or multiple versions of the part — to support the forms in BBIS that collect constituent information and write the data to constituent records in Blackbaud CRM. With this new functionality, you can include a Communication Consent part on any of the following forms in BBIS: Donation Form; Event Registration Form (Classic); Events Registration Form; User Login Form; Payment 2.0 Form; and Advanced Donation Form. When users submit the form, their constituent record is updated on the Communications Preferences tab in Blackbaud CRM with their communication consent preferences. 770707
All assemblies
New Feature: In order to support the upcoming enactment of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), functionality was added in this release to ensure organizations capture explicit consent from their constituents before communicating with those constituents by any channel, such as mail, email, or phone. To support GDPR, a new consent solicit code type was added in Blackbaud CRM. When a constituent's consent is received, preference information and related details for the consent solicit codes are included on the constituent's record on the Communication >Preferences tab. In BBIS, several changes were made to the Communication Preferences form to support the new consent solicit codes: 1) The Global opt-out option has been renamed to Email opt-out. This option now only incorporates Email and no longer incorporates Mail. This is needed to ensure international email opt-out requirements. 2) The new Consent communication section lists consent solicit code options, enabling constituents to explicitly opt-in or opt-out of a specific communication channel. Administrators can modify which consent solicit codes to include on the form. 3) If a constituent doesn't specify a preference in the Communication section, the message "A preference has not been selected" now displays. 4) A new Consent communication section enables organizations to display their privacy policy on the form. This information is then written to the Blackbaud CRM consent solicit code. 770689
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue for emails sent from Blackbaud CRM. Previously, redirect links in emails did not work when you set up the redirect under Administration. 769702
All assemblies
111619 2904
This fix addresses three vulnerabilities detected during a PCI PEN test that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 769204
We resolved an issue in Blackbaud Internet Solutions related to the Advanced Donation Form. Previously, when a donation was made to a memorial/tribute, the acknowledgment address that was entered on the form was not included in the Advanced Donation Batch in Blackbaud CRM. Now, with this fix, the acknowledgment address is included in the Advanced Donation Form batch as expected. 768768
All assemblies
111489 58
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when selecting the Additional Information link in email reports. Previously, when you attempted to open the Additional Information report for an individual email message, an error would display. Now, the report opens as expected with no error. 767922
111427 55
This fix addresses an issue processing membership installment payments. Previously, when a member set up an installment plan for their membership dues online and made the first payment with a credit card, the payment was not being added to the General Ledger. 767456
All assemblies
111407 58
We resolved an issue where a forwarded email enabled access to change preferences for another user. Previously, if a recipient forwarded an email to another person, that person could change the ID in the Unsubscribe link’s URL and gain access to the original recipient’s data. This issue has been fixed. 767226
All assemblies
57191 1716
This fix addresses an error you could sometimes receive when processing a membership renewal. This happened when a member renewed their membership online by adding a new membership, so that you had to change the type of membership from new to renewal. When this happened, you received an error indicating that the constituent already had a membership and could not be assigned multiple memberships for the same program. 767058
All assemblies
111397 58
This fix addresses an issue with exclusions in marketing efforts. Previously, when you calculated segments for multiple marketing efforts that used the same selections and exclusions, the constituent counts would be different, even though they should have been the same. With this fix, the exclusions are calculated correctly. 767057
All assemblies
111431 1804
New Feature: You can now search for any prospect in your database from the Fundraiser On The Go application. 766985
All assemblies
We resolved an issue in BBIS where an error occurred when you attempted to view recipient information in email message reports. Previously, when you selected a recipient in the Recipients, Opens, or Clicks reports, an error occurred. Now, this issue has been fixed and the error no longer occurs. 766479
All assemblies
111369 54
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when trying to view email reports. Previously, when you attempted to open the email report for an individual email message, an error would display. Now, the email report opens as expected with no error. 766449
111363 55
This fix addresses three vulnerabilities detected during a PCI PEN test that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 766075
We resolved an issue with cascading stylesheets (CSS) on the Donation Form (Mini) part. Previously, the default CSS was overriding the customer's CSS files. Now, with this fix, the customer's CSS files are no longer overridden. 763471
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when updating Industry information through a Constituent Update Batch. This happened for organization records that did not already have Industry information, and you tried to include this field in the batch. Previously, the batch failed to update the Industry field for these records. 762758
All assemblies
111139 58
Previously, when you viewed the list of processes on the Generate Payments Page, the list did not respect site security, so users could see processes for all sites. 762339
All assemblies
111120 58
Previously, the Global Pledge Write-Off page did not respect site security, so users could see all processes for all sites. 762331
All assemblies
111119 58
We resolved an issue in BBCRM where the Biographical information process check box didn't remain unselected on the transaction details of a BBIS event registration batch. Previously, when reviewing the transaction details and unselecting the process checkbox, the checkbox would remain selected after saving the batch and the incorrect value would be saved to the constituent. Now, when any process field value is changed in an event registration batch, the change will persist after saving the batch. 761775
111086 53
This fix removes the amount limit on Membership Promotion Amounts. Previously, the amount could not be greater than 999. 760775
All assemblies
116474 58
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when running the Credit Card Updater business process. Previously, if you ran the process at a time when the database was under heavy use, the process could time out and you received an error saying "One or more errors occurred" or "Process terminated unexpectedly." When this happened, no records were updated. With this fix, the process now runs successfully. 759285
All assemblies
110988 54
This fix improves performance of the "Fundraising purpose types" data list in the Fundraising functional area. Previously, this data list could take a long time to load and users sometimes received a time-out error. 759236
All assemblies
108862 54
We resolved an issue with the degree displayed in the Alumni Directory Profile Display part. Previously, for alumni with multiple degrees, the Profile Display part was only displaying the degree in the first record returned from the query. Now, with this fix, all education records are returned and all degrees are displayed. 757842
All assemblies
110872 1716
New Feature: With this release, we’re introducing OData integration with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse for more advanced business reporting and analysis purposes. We still support our previous OData integration with individual queries and smart queries for up-to-the-minute data analysis. However, we recommend our new OData integration with the Data Warehouse for more efficient processing. There is a new task in Administration for the OData integration which includes a link to use to connect your Data Warehouse with a third-party business analysis and reporting tool. See the product documentation for your third-party tool for more information in connecting it to the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. In conjunction with the integration work, we have added several new settings to the OData integration and setup steps to the Blackbaud Data Warehouse Deployment Wizard section of the Installation Guide. You should review these to implement the integration properly if you use the Data Warehouse and OData. If you do not use these or you use Blackbaud's hosting services for CRM, then you do not need to review these settings. 756786
All assemblies
Technical Change: If you intend to upgrade to SQL Server 2016 and you want to move your business process jobs to the new SQL Server version, you must convert your business process jobs before the upgrade so they are compatible with the new SQL version. To help you do this, we have added a new task on the Business Process page called "Convert scheduled jobs." When you select this task, all the jobs listed in the "Job Schedules" tab on the Business Process page are converted to the new format. Once you run this process, any new job schedules you create will also be compatible with SQL Server 2016, so you do not need to run the process again once all your existing job schedules are converted. When you run the conversion, you see a new page called "Business Process Job Schedule Conversion" with status details and a list of any exceptions for jobs that failed to convert. You can review those exceptions and re-run the process if necessary. This conversion process must be run before you upgrade to SQL Server 2016. However, the converted job schedules are still compatible with previous supported versions, such as SQL Server 2014, so you can run this process in advance of your SQL Server upgrade with no problems. In some situations, you might get an error indicating that the Blackbaud Job Proxy does not exist for this Blackbaud CRM installation. To address this, your administrator must run the CreateJobUser task in the bbAppFx.Config tool, which is located in the Blackbaud Install folder. 756583
116755 61
This fix addresses an issue when changing the name of a guest on an event registration. Previously, when you changed the name of a guest who had a benefit on their registration, the benefit was missing after you saved the new name. This could cause receipt amounts to be incorrect. With this fix, benefits remain on the guest's record even if you change their name. 756109
All assemblies
110787 54
This fix addresses an issue with batches and site security. Previously, it was possible for users to search for and access batches which were based on batch templates they did not have site security access to. Now these batches are site-secured and so it’s possible that users that previously had access will no longer be able to search for access these batches. 755643
All assemblies
110544 49
We have resolved this issue by upgrading tinyMCE. This was tinyMCE issue and hence upgrading from tiny mce version 4.3.13 to version 4.6.4 fixed this issue. 755138
All assemblies
110250 58
New Feature: You can now schedule recurring gifts with the new “Every 4 weeks” frequency. When you add or edit a recurring gift, you can choose this frequency and the gift will be processed every 4 weeks exactly. The new option appears in add and edit forms as well as batches. This change does not apply to memberships or sponsorships. 753024
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with BBIS Event Registration Batches where errors occurred when committing a batch having entries associated with an event that had an attached campaign. Now, with this fix, event transactions are successfully downloaded and committed. 752997
All assemblies
110515 1716
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits in exception batches for Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously if the original batch had any exceptions when it was committed, the recognition credit amounts were reset to the default amounts in the exception batch. 752963
110228 48
We resolved an issue in Blackbaud Internet Solutions with Event Registration transactions related to inactive designations. Previously, when you added an event on the Event Registration Form, you were incorrectly allowed to select an inactive designation, and registration transactions from the event were downloaded and committed without any issues. Now, with this fix, a warning message displays on the Event Registration part editor when an event has an inactive designation, and transactions made using that part are not committed in the Blackbaud CRM batch. 752063
All assemblies
110462 58
This change adds a new web.config application setting, that allows you to specify a whitelist of domains allowed to send cross-origin request to Blackbaud CRM, such as 'add key="AllowedCORSDomains" value="http://webserverdomain,https://webserverdomain,https://otherdomain"'. This is used when building a web application that sends requests to CRM from a browser. 750738
This fix addresses an issue when importing benefits information through Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you updated records through Revenue Update Batch that previously had their benefits waived, the benefits information was not retained after the batch was run. 749216
All assemblies
110317 58
New Feature: With this release, you have additional revenue details available, when applicable, in Fundraiser On the Go. These additional revenue details include things like designations, campaigns, revenue category, solicitors, recognition credits, and opportunities. For UK clients, the Gift Aid status, tax claim eligibility, and tax claim amount are also displayed, when applicable. 749021
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with the standard User Creation Web Service in BBIS when adding new users. Previously, an error would occur that the administrator credentials were invalid and new users could not be created. Now, with this fix, the error no longer occurs and users are created as expected. 748583
All assemblies
110246 1901
We have resolved this issue by upgrading tinyMCE. This was tinyMCE issue and hence upgrading from tiny mce version 4.3.13 to version 4.6.4 fixed this issue. 748392
All assemblies
110236 58
We resolved an issue where while committing event batch, it throwing an exception if batch split is configured and batch name is used as text or something other then integer value in BBCRM. Now it will consider all value as batch name and it doesn't throw any exception. 748304
All assemblies
110224 49
This fix addresses an issue with the URL generated to access Fundraiser On the Go." Previously, when you accessed the link for Fundraiser On the Go for your organization, the URL did not include your organization's webserver. With this change, the URL is generated correctly with all the appropriate information. 748094
All assemblies
110205 1901
This fix addresses an issue when sending acknowledgement letters to the primary contact for an organization. Previously, when you sent an acknowledgement letter to the primary contact, and their address was different than the organization's address, the acknowledgement process would send the letter to the organization's address instead of the primary contact's address. 746927
All assemblies
110142 58
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen when entering grant deadline dates. Previously, when you entered "fussy" dates using a day/month format, and the day was 12 or less, the date would incorrectly switch to a month/day format. With this fix, the day/month format remains in place. 746272
All assemblies
110091 54
This fix addresses an issue when refreshing OData in Tableau. Previously, refreshing could result in blank query results. Usually, this was resolved by refreshing again. With this fix, the refresh process works correctly. 746251
All assemblies
188892 1901
This change will fix the issue "Mini-donation form won't go to payment page after pressing the donate now button". To fix this issue file DonationCheckoutDisplay.ascx and DonationTransactionDAL.cs. 746071
All assemblies
110065 49
We resolved an issue where the the style sheets were not rendering on the Secure Payment page. Sponsorship form have some syntax error in default CSS, because of it payment page appears as destroyed for sponsoreship even template uploaded successfully. After this fix payment page will appears as designed. 745729
All assemblies
110039 49
Previously, when the AddressFinder or DeceasedRecordFinder processes finished running, the expected notification was not sent to indicate that the results were ready for download. 744642
All assemblies
116469 58
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen with the 'Given anonymously' option on recurring gifts. Previously, when this option was selected for a recurring gift and then you imported a payment for that gift, the 'Given anonymously' option was not reflected in the payment. 743568
All assemblies
71613 58
This fix addresses an issue with the 'Manage purpose or designation attributes' global change. Previously, when you selected to 'Delete value if it exists' under 'Start date,' the global change made the 'New value' field required, even though you had intended to delete it. 740309
All assemblies
120335 1716
We resolved an issue where thumbnail images for designation search part are getting broken when BBCRM app using “WSFederationAuthenticationModule” and “SessionAuthenticationModule” to authenticate the Appfx user credentials. Now image will be display correctly only when admin user set BBIS master service URL with correct case of BBCRM virtual directory in case when BBCRM app using “WSFederationAuthenticationModule” and “SessionAuthenticationModule” to authenticate the Appfx user credentials. 738838
All assemblies
109713 49
New Feature: We have added the option to select "Other" instead of "Male" or "Female" in the Gender field on an individual constituent record. In Administration, you can set up a new constituent attribute of the "Code table" value type to contain the additional gender values you want to be available on the constituent record. Then you can also set up an attribute category extension to show this new field on the constituent record. When you select "Other" for gender on the constituent record, you are then able to select the appropriate other value that you set up for the attribute value in Administration. For more information on creating new constituent attributes and attribute extensions, see the Attribute Categories chapter of the Administration Guide. 738175
All assemblies
New Feature: We have enhanced the Directory Private Email Messaging functionality in BBIS so that anonymous users can send private messages. Alumni and other users can now send messages to others in the directory without having to log in to BBIS. On the Design tab of a Directory part, you can now select "Allow users who are not logged in to send messages" under Messaging Fields to enable anonymous messaging. This option is available only when "Allow messaging between users" is selected. When messaging is enabled, the "Send a message" icon displays in the directory's Messaging column for people who have a valid email address in Blackbaud CRM and have not opted out of messaging. Anonymous users can click the icon to display the default email message, which can be edited as desired. The Default subject, First Name, Last Name, and From email address fields are required. The From email address is the default Reply to address when the recipient replies to the message. When the user clicks Send message, the email is sent via the organization to the recipient, and the recipient's email address is not visible to the sender. A confirmation message displays when the email is successfully sent. Note that an anonymous user can send a maximum of 10 messages per hour. When this limit is reached, a message displays telling them to try again later. 737409
All assemblies
New Feature: BBIS now supports the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image file format. The SVG format enables your images to display optimally when used in responsive web design, because they retain their quality when resized. You can upload SVG images into the Image library and the File library from Site explorer. After you upload the images, you can use them on your BBIS website. SVG is a vector-based image format used for two-dimensional graphics included in websites. SVG images and their behaviors (such as scalability) are defined in XML. To view or edit the image attributes, open the SVG file in any text editor (such as Notepad); the image definition is located within the <svg> tag. Refer to your preferred XML markup reference material for more detailed information about editing the SVG image attributes. 737407
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen with split matching gift claims. Previously, when you had a split matching gift claim, the General Ledger distributions could be incorrect, and one entry would reflect the full gift amount. 737240
All assemblies
109663 58
New Feature: We have enhanced the code entry sections of several parts in BBIS — Style Sheets, Unformatted Text, and Custom Content — to make the development process easier. We have improved the code editor functionality so it is easier to create and edit code directly in these BBIS parts. Previously, many users had to write and troubleshoot the code in a different application, and then copy the code back into the BBIS parts, which made the process time-consuming. One of the enhancements we made was to add line numbers to the code entry display. This enables you to locate code more easily. We also included four new buttons — Undo, Repeat, Go to, and Maximize — to enable you to perform common editing actions. In addition, we added an Apply button on the Unformatted Text editor. This enables you to save your work and continue editing without having to close the part and reopen it. 736508
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where Direct Marketing Effort emails were not sent to recipients that did not opt out. Previously, recipients that had not opted out of receiving emails were incorrectly not being sent emails. Now, this issue has been fixed. 736237
All assemblies
109624 1716
This fix addresses a timeout issue which sometimes occurred when refreshing smart queries with static selections. The timeout threshold was extended to prevent this. 734490
110182 47
This fix addresses an issue with the Sponsorship Status part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the part was not displaying active or historical payment information correctly for sponsorship recurring gifts or payments. 734218
102784 46
This fix addresses an issue with currency symbols in smart queries. Previously, amounts could display using your organization's currency symbol even though you intended to use a foreign currency. This happened when you created a revenue smart query that filtered on a transaction that used a foreign currency. 733665
All assemblies
109464 1901
This fix addresses an issue with grace periods for expiration dates on recognition programs. Previously, when a recognition program had an expiration date of "End of Fiscal Year," the date was not adjusted to reflect a grace period when you chose the option to "Set expiration to end of following year when starting after cutoff day." Now, when you select this option, the expiration date is calculated correctly. 733391
All assemblies
109454 54
This fix addresses an issue when editing the Notes section of a constituent's interaction screen. Previously, if you added notes in HTML format, the notes were saved in that format. With this fix, the content you enter is saved without the HTML code. 732855
All assemblies
109425 1600
This fix addresses an issue with pledge installment balances when using the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and multicurrency. Previously, pledge installment balances could be incorrect in some cases. This happened if you were using the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and the transaction currency was different from the base or organization currency. With this fix, the balances are not correct for multicurrency scenarios as long as the base currency of the account system is the same as your organization's currency. 732383
All assemblies
All assemblies
109393 1716
Previously, the Sponsorship Batch Control Report generated after committing a Sponsorship Batch would always display dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format regardless of the user's date format settings. 732350
All assemblies
109428 58
This fix addresses an issue with parent revenue totals not matching in VSE survey reports. 732290
All assemblies
109386 58
This fix addresses an issue which occurred you linked an existing piece of revenue to an opportunity. Previously, users assigned to a site could have received an error when searching for revenue. 731594
All assemblies
109359 49
This fix addresses an issue with pledge installments, pledge write-offs, and multicurrency. Previously, if you wrote off a pledge installment in a different currency, the write-off amount was converted to USD which could sometimes leave an outstanding balance on the write-off. 731012
All assemblies
109337 54
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen with prices and payment options for certain memberships. Previously, prices and payment options for Lifetime Memberships were not always saved correctly. 730947
All assemblies
109335 58
New Feature: In the Fundraiser On the Go mobile service, we have added a Location field for constituent interactions and for major giving plan steps. You can select an existing, active address from the constituent record to use as the location, such as “Home” or “Work.” You can also select “Other” and then enter a different location or address in the Other location field. 730895
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where the transaction count was incorrect in BBIS Email message reports. Previously, the transaction list was including deleted/incomplete transactions in the reports, which caused the report to displaying inaccurate transaction information. Now, this issue has been fixed, and the transaction count and transaction details list are displayed correctly in the Email message reports. 730140
All assemblies
109515 54
This fix addresses an issue with smart queries. Previously, the application details defaulted to "None" in user-defined smart queries. 729373
All assemblies
109225 2000
We resolved an issue with Internet Explorer compatibility mode. Previously, if you opened a BBIS site in Internet Explorer and pressed F12, the default compatibility mode was set to IE 9. Now, with this fix, BBIS no longer defaults to the IE9 compatibility mode and instead defaults to the version of IE that is being used. 728325
All assemblies
109192 1600
This fix addresses an issue with contact information when adding a new relationship. Previously, when you added a new relationship to a constituent record, the address information would be copied over to the related constituent, even when you unchecked the "Copy contact information" checkbox. With this fix, when that checkbox is not checked, no contact information is copied to the related constituent record. 727763
All assemblies
109145 54
New Feature: We've added new functionality to the Event Registration Form that allows website users to register as an organization so they can make multiple ticket purchases for the same event. The organization can indicate who is attending the event or purchase tickets for unknown guests. In Blackbaud CRM, the payment for the event is tied to the organization. To include the option on the registration page for users to register as an organization, select Options on the Design tab, then under Organization options, select Allow individual to register on behalf of organization. You can also specify which organization fields to display on the registration page. In the corresponding batch in Blackbaud CRM, two new columns are included for the organization: Organization name and Linked organization auto-match. In Web Transactions, under Configure Integration, you can specify matching criteria on the Auto-match tab for the batch to auto-match and update the Linked organization auto-match column. After you commit the batch, the Registrations tab on the Event record displays the organization record. 727515
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that could sometimes occur when saving a Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you had updated contact information such as address, email address, or phone number on the batch, and spouses of constituents on your batch shared this contact information, you could receive an error when saving the batch. This happened because the batch would incorrectly default to updating the household information, even when your contact information settings did not indicate to copy the new information to household members. 727352
All assemblies
109126 54
This fix addresses an issue with Sponsorship Status part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously you could receive an error and the content in the part would fail to load. 727306
109111 44
This fix helps improve performance issues with opening batches when a large number of batch templates exist in the system. 727164
All assemblies
109056 49
With this fix, we have addressed an issue with geocoding addresses. Previously an incomplete or incorrect address could prevent the process from successfully geocoding all addresses in the selection. 727069
109258 44
We resolved an issue where some BBIS event transaction records were not created correctly in CRM. Previously, event registrations showed a zero value for application details/amount for the organization currency in the query when the transaction currency and organization currency were different. The recognition credits also showrd a zero value. Now, CRM event registrations show the correct value for application details/amount for the organization currency in the query. 727016
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred with the Sponsorship Search part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously if you created a new part but did not complete it, you could have received an error when trying to save the part. 726428
This fix addresses an issue with the Sponsorship Search part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously website users could receive an error when attempting to change the payment schedule for their sponsorship. 726420
107003 44
New Feature: BBIS provides a powerful HTML editor to allow you to format and lay out content. With the HTML editor, you can update content easily and safely while you maintain control over the design and content. In this release, we have upgraded the HTML editor used for creating email messages and email templates to the most recent version (TinyMCE version 4). One of the most important benefits of this upgrade is that the editor now includes the HTML >head< tag that is necessary for creating responsive design. With responsive design, your emails display optimally on any device — desktop, tablet, or smartphone. The previous version of our HTML editor removed the >head< tag from the source code, which prevented you from creating emails with a responsive design. This new version of the HTML editor automatically adds the >head< tag in the HTML source code, where you can include elements such as scripts, styles, and meta information. Note that for this release, we have updated the HTML editor only for email templates and email messages. Upgrades to the HTML editor used in other parts of BBIS are planned to be phased in as part of our upcoming releases. 725265
All assemblies
This fix helps improve performance when you are editing deposits in Treasury. 724976
All assemblies
All assemblies
116481 58
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when you reconcile transactions. Previously, the 'View by disbursement' list would appear blank after you reconciled transactions from Blackbaud Merchant Services. 724427
All assemblies
108979 1600
This fix addresses an issue with user-defined data lists. Previously, when you changed the settings for a user-defined data list in the "Set save options" tab, the settings were not saved. 724228
All assemblies
190036 2000
This fix addresses an issue with merging duplicate constituents who are prospect managers. Previously, if the source constituent in the merge had any prospect manager dates (current or historical), there could be merge conflicts and a merge error would occur. 723838
All assemblies
102018 49
We resolved an issue where some communication records were not being updated in CRM when sending BBIS emails. Previously, the date sent for BBIS emails was not displaying in CRM, and the communication record in CRM was displaying last in the list because there was no date provided. Now, the date sent is updated correctly in CRM and the BBIS emails show correctly on the Communication tab of a constituent record. 722064
All assemblies
All assemblies
108867 49
We resolved an issue where when you register for an event in Event 2.0. Previously, when you untick the "Use this as my billing information" option, the Confirm Email would not be visible. But Still you will got the error message for the Confirm Email Text data which is not on the page. Now the user will not get that error, when there is no Confirm Email field. 722021
All assemblies
108866 49
We resolved an issue where event transactions were not committing and giving error when title is marked as required for participant only but included for guest also. 722019
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where some constituents email addresses included in constituent type email list while they were marked as do not email. Now, BBIS email job will consider DoNotEmail check as well before sending any email to any recipient. 720927
All assemblies
108806 49
We resolved an issue where the BBSP template preview was displaying in the Page properties window and not on the Blackbaud Secure Payments preview tab. 720783
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where transaction manager part was duplicating Revenue that has been Re-receipted in BBCRM. Now, Transaction Manager Part will not duplicate the Revenue that has been Re-receipted in BBCRM. 720043
All assemblies
108739 58
New Feature: To enhance the granularity of your ledger postings, we have added the ability to map payments with an application type of "Committed Pledge" and "Uncommitted Pledge" in the General Ledger Setup area of Administration. A committed pledge payment is one with a status of posted or not yet posted, whereas an uncommitted pledge payment is one with a status of do not post. When you upgrade, the existing "Pledge" mapping option for payments will no longer exist and the two new pledge applications for payments will be available to be mapped. When you upgrade, existing "Pledge" payment mappings will be updated to the "Committed Pledge" mapping. This change will not trigger any ledger or payment adjustments. 719633
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with zip code spaces in Events 2.0. Previously, if you had a formatted zip code (for example, G2 2LW) and registered for an event with no spaces in the zip code (G22LW), the auto-matching feature did not match the existing constituent in CRM when you downloaded the transactions. Now, the system considers zip codes the same whether or not one contains a space, and will auto-match the constituent based on the zip code. 719321
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that caused some constituencies to incorrectly appear inactive in some Constituent View forms. Previously, constituencies could appear as inactive in the "Constituent Membership Primary Member Additional Details" view form and the "Constituent Summary Profile" view form, even when the constituencies were actually still active. With this fix, constituencies on these forms appear with the correct status. 718196
All assemblies
108605 54
To resolve an issue with the BBIS password reset process, we've added functionality in CRM to enable updating the password reset email address of a linked user. On the Online Info tab for a constituent, a new "Account email address" field has been added, along with a new Update icon. To update the password reset email address of a linked user, you can now use the new Update icon. 717800
108578 55
This fix addresses an issue with updating revenue information when using Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you updated any revenue information in this batch type, the program inadvertently removed the revenue acknowledgement process date information, which could mean that the revenue was then acknowledged more than once. The revenue acknowledgement process date information is now preserved when you update revenue through Revenue Update Batch. 717695
All assemblies
108564 49
This fix addresses an issue with user-defined constituencies. Previously, when you edited a user-defined constituency and then ran the Constituency Stored Value Refresh Process, queries including the edited record did not reflect the change. 717079
All assemblies
116477 58
We fixed an issue in BBIS where numerical values in non-date value formats were allowed to be entered on the User Registration form. Previously, website users could submit numerical values that were not in a correct date format, such as "12345678", which prevented you from downloading the transaction in Blackbaud CRM. Now, values entered for constituent attribute dates are checked for validity. In addition, a revision will be run upon upgrade that removes that attribute value from failing transaction downloads so that those transactions can be downloaded. 716806
All assemblies
BB750948 54
We resolved an issue where BBIS was requiring a zip/postal code for countries that do not have zip/postal codes. Previously, when there was no zip/postal code included in the CRM address format, an error occurred when users submitted the Blackbaud Payments page because the zip/postal code was required. Now, with this fix, an error no longer occurs if no zip/postal code is entered for those countries that do not have them. 715889
All assemblies
108442 1600
This fix addresses an issue when viewing Estimated Wealth and Major Giving Capacity on a mobile device or on mobile mode in a browser. Previously, these values were not shown correctly in mobile settings. 715432
All assemblies
108398 58
This fix addresses an issue with household revenue totals. Previously, when you used the "Pledge Donation" revenue reporting filter, the "Household Revenue by Year" total under "Revenue Summary" on a constituent page could display an incorrect total amount. This happened when the household had pledges, and the total displayed could be incorrectly inflated. With this fix, the total is now correct. 715408
All assemblies
108393 54
We resolved an issue with copying the Donation form. Previously, when you copied a Donation form that had spouse information fields selected, those fields were no longer selected after the copy was made. Now, with this fix, the spouse information fields on the original Donation form remain selected after the form is copied. 715083
All assemblies
108352 1901
This fix addresses an error that could sometimes happen when trying to delete a tribute. 712989
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with email addresses in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you ran a Constituent Update Batch that included email addresses with a start date, the batch would automatically assign the start date as an end date for the email address, resulting in an error. 712966
All assemblies
108357 58
This fix addresses a permission issue on the tiles on the Summary Tab of constituent records. Previously, users who did not have permission to edit constituent records could still make edits from the tiles on the Summary Tab. 712099
All assemblies
108158 58
We have removed the limit on the Quantity field of Event Registrant Batch. Previously, you could only enter quantities up to 99. With this fix, there is no limit to the number you can enter in the Quantity field. 711663
All assemblies
108134 54
We resolved an issue with Revenue Campaign merge fields displaying incorrectly in email messages. Previously, some Revenue Campaign merge fields based on a constituent export definition were not being formed correctly in BBIS when sending BBIS emails. Now, the merge fields related to a constituent export definition are displayed correctly in BBIS emails. 711348
108111 55
This fix helps improve a performance issue which could have occurred when adjusting pledge payments in Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if the pledges and payments were assigned to one or more revenue solicitors and you adjusted the payment in the batch, the batch might take longer to validate or commit. 710773
106349 43
We resolved an issue where application do not allow HTTP app URL and try to upload template and getting error "Template CSS was lost". After this fix template will upload successfully to BBSP. 710729
All assemblies
108076 49
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits. Previously, recognition credits could be incorrectly applied to split payments and the corresponding matching gifts. 710528
All assemblies
108062 2000
This fix addresses a connection issue between Blackbaud CRM and other products (such as Tableau and Excel) which used the OData link included in CRM. The issue was introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 10. If you created a new report in Excel using Service Pack 10 or later, you may need to update the OData connection to the default URL. 710420
108046 44
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes happen when querying registration status for event attendees. Previously, if an even attendee had declined an invitation and then accepted it, the registration status was not correct in query results. 710307
All assemblies
107791 58
This fix improves the performance when committing large WealthPoint screening batches. 709499
All assemblies
107963 45
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse after you upgrade to CRM 4.0 Service Pack 11. After you upgrade and run the ETL refresh process, some of the information on the Data Warehouse ETL history tab in Administration in CRM, including package end time, is not correct. Incorrect connections were being used which caused the issue. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 708854
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
107899 42
We resolved an issue where eStore pages were found to be vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by hackers. Now, this issue has been fixed and eStore pages are now safe from XSS attacks. 708834
All assemblies
107905 54
This fix addresses an issue with the 'Mark inactive' button not working for Response Categories or Responses. 708778
All assemblies
107895 58
We fixed an issue where the information for bounced emails was not being shown correctly in the BBIS email reports. Now, with this fix, the bounce count is shown correctly in the Message report. In addition, when a user clicks the Bounce link, the bounce details (such as hard bounces and soft bounces) are now shown correctly. Note that the bounce count and bounce details for email messages sent previous to this fix will also be updated to show the correct information. 708711
104669 42
We fixed an issue where users were being prompted to log in to BBIS again after they clicked the Site Administration link in the Web functional area in BBCRM (Single Sign-on). Now, when users click the Site Administration link, they no longer receive a prompt to log into BBIS. 708177
107134 42
We resolved an issue where multiple required field validation messages displayed on the BBIS New User Registration form where the address field was required. Now, with this fix, only one required field validation message is displayed as expected. 706603
All assemblies
115892 1901
This fix addresses an issue with transaction dates when you imported them from Blackbaud CRM into QuickBooks. Previously, when you used the QuickBooks format to post revenue, transactions could have incorrect dates when you imported them into QuickBooks. With this fix, the transaction dates are now correct. 705936
All assemblies
107719 54
This fix addresses an issue with AddressFinder. Previously, if a United States address had an address abbreviation of USA and then it was changed to something else, the AddressFinder process could have an error on the batch row for that validated address. 704961
All assemblies
This fix helps improve performance when calculating source codes for direct marketing efforts in “Marketing and Communications.” 704845
All assemblies
107555 49
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when searching for letters from “Letters and documents” in “Marketing and Communications.” Previously the “Letter Search” screen incorrectly included revenue acknowledgement letters. If you selected one on the search screen and tried to open it, you would receive an error. With this fix, revenue acknowledgement letters are now excluded from the “Letters and documents” letter search. You access acknowledgement letters from the Letters tab in Acknowledgements. 703544
All assemblies
107429 45
New Feature: The Donation Form - Mini (Beta) part is our beta release of a new Blackbaud Internet Solutions donation form that provides a new simplified, responsive checkout experience for your donors. This new part allows donors to select a predefined giving level to make a donation or, if configured, to enter their own gift amount. Because the form uses PCI-compliant Blackbaud Secure Payments Checkout, customers can be assured that credit card and merchant account information is stored in a secure environment. When you create a Donation Form - Mini (Beta) part, you can customize the message displayed on the donation form, specify suggested giving levels, select a single designation and optional appeal to associate with donations made on the form, and customize the confirmation screen and email. The Donation Form - Mini (Beta) has a modern, responsive HTML design that automatically adjusts to the device size, such as a smart phone or tablet, on which the page is being viewed. Note that the Donation Form - Mini (Beta) part is considered a proof of concept and will transform into a full donation form in an upcoming Blackbaud Internet Solutions release. 703297
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which could have caused excessive memory usage requiring your SQL Server instance to be restarted. 702874
All assemblies
This fix will allow user to commit donation transaction batch containing spouse information without any error. Previously, donation batch with spouse information which was not set by user during donation would give an object reference error. 702599
107351 38
This fix addresses an issue with event registration payments in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you made changes to the event registrations in Blackbaud CRM, the information was not correctly updated in the Data Warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 701823
All assemblies
107296 45
We fixed an issue in BBIS where users trying to register a free lifetime membership were required to enter credit card information on the payment page. Now, this issue had been resolved. 701716
All assemblies
107293 1600
We resolved an issue where non-System Administrators could not download email reports in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, non-System Administrator users who had the required rights to do so were denied the ability to download/export any CSV email statistics reports. Now, these users are able to download/export the email reports as expected. 700981
All assemblies
107238 45
New Feature: To improve the usability of recognition programs in Constituents, we have added a "Recognized Donors" tab to each recognition program page. On this new tab, you can view a list of donors that have been awarded membership to the program. 700771
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur with Educational History Update Batch. Previously, when you used this batch, the Educational Institution and Educational Institution Name fields were sometimes not populated, so you would receive errors indicating that those required fields were missing even though they were not. 700659
All assemblies
107228 1600
This fix addresses an issue with the Edit Membership Details form. Previously, if you made edits to the membership from this form, the information could be incorrect in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. For best results, if you need to downgrade a membership, it is best to start a new membership for the constituent. As an alternative, use the Edit Membership Transaction form. 700602
All assemblies
107205 1600
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits for revenue which came from a Blackbaud Internet Solutions batch. Previously, if the website used the Advanced Donation Form and more than one designation was specified for a recurring gift payment, the recognition credits appeared in the batch row for the downloaded transactions, but did not appear on the revenue itself after the batch was committed. 700328
All assemblies
107192 45
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with users without System Administrator security rights and the “Screen” button which appears on individual research lists in Prospects. Previously, these users were able to see this button, but received an error when they clicked it. For this fix, we added an additional security permission for the “WealthPoint Generate Request Selected Constituents Add Form.” System roles will need to be granted this additional security permission in order for users to click the “Screen” button without receiving the error. 698319
All assemblies
107057 45
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when refunding a credit card payment. Previously, for certain gateways, an error could occur when parsing dates related to refunding credit card payments. Now, no error occurs and the refund processes successfully. 697906
All assemblies
107031 45
New Feature: We've added the ability for you to split incoming event registration information from your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website into separate batches in Blackbaud CRM. Constituent updates and additional revenue information can be split into different batches that are separate from the event registration transaction batch. This enables an event administrator to manage the event information in a timely manner, and have the constituent updates and additional revenue information reviewed and committed by the appropriate departments. This batch separation capability is applicable to transactions made using the Event Registration Form and the Event Registration Form (Classic) parts. On the Add/Edit batch assignment screen in Blackbaud CRM, you can specify one or both batch separation options. Select Separate constituent updates into different batch to have any constituent update coming in with an event registration for a registrant separated into a different profile update batch. Select Separate additional revenue into different batch to have any additional revenue coming in with an event registration separated into a different enhanced revenue batch. When you select either of these options, the Batch template and Batch owners fields display so you can specify the corresponding template type and owner for each batch. By default, a batch assignment setup is provided. When the batch is committed, biographical and address updates for registrants and linked guests are written to the separate BBIS Profile Update Transaction Batch. For additional revenue updates, registrant information (constituent name, additional donation amount, designation, appeal, and campaign) is written to the separate Enhanced Revenue Batch. Note that the batch separation only splits constituent updates into the BBIS Profile Update Transaction Batch when the incoming registrant is matched to an existing Blackbaud CRM constituent record. If the registrant does not exist in Blackbaud CRM, a new constituent record has to be created, and so the information is written by the Event Registration Batch. 697530
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Sponsorship Search part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously website users could receive an error when attempting to change the payment schedule for their sponsorship. 697205
All assemblies
107003 45
This fix addresses an issue with the R68 process and report for the United Kingdom. Previously, if the process included a merged constituent (from the duplicate checking process), the report could display a blank constituent name in the row for the revenue. 696251
All assemblies
106726 49
We resolved an issue where Blackbaud constituent phone numbers in the Sign Up Transaction batch were formatted incorrectly. Previously, when users completed the BBIS registration, their phone numbers were not being formatted correctly for their country. Now, the phone numbers are correctly formatted according to the phone number format specified for that country in Blackbaud CRM. In addition, phone numbers with leading zeroes will no longer have the zeroes dropped. If no country is specified in the sign up form, the (###) ###-### format will be used. 695988
All assemblies
106834 45
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur when creating a Page ad-hoc query. Previously, when you created this type of query, you could see an error in the Preview pane. This happened when you did not enter critera in the 'Include records where' section and when all the Page fields were added to 'Result fields to display.' 694874
All assemblies
106702 1716
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when searching for KPI tickers to add to the web dashboard. Previously only the first 100 KPI's results would appear. Now, all valid KPIs will appear. 694717
All assemblies
BB747913 45
We resolved an issue where a user's primary phone type was overwritten after editing the phone number on the Profile Update form. Previously, after the phone number was edited and the profile batch was sent to Blackbaud CRM, selecting the option to Add the downloaded information as a new phone number for this Constituent resulted in the Primary Phone type to be overwritten. Now, both the former primary phone number and the newly added phone number display the correct phone type. 694350
All assemblies
90844 41
This fix helps address a performance issue which occurred when viewing the Segments tab of a direct marketing effort with a large number of segments. 693373
All assemblies
106578 45
This fix addresses a timeout issue which sometimes occurred with the Credit Card Updater Service. Previously, the business process did not always finish and no card updates were received. The timeout limit has been increased. 692782
105789 40
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when you clicked the Additional Information link in the performance statistics grid for an email message. Now, the error no longer displays and the email message’s additional statistics (Click Map, Click Report, Conversions, and Properties) are displayed as expected. 692484
All assemblies
000106434 41
We resolved an issue where Lookup IDs were not included in the exported email statistics reports in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the Lookup IDs were missing from the Recipients, Opens, Clicks, Transactions, Summary, and Details reports in BBIS v4 SP10, even though they had been included in BBIS v4 SP9. Now, the Lookup IDs are included as expected in the exported email statistics reports. 691945
All assemblies
106352 45
This fix addresses an issue with viewing email job details on the Email Jobs tab of the Email Services configuration task in Administration. Previously, if the time zone of your CRM database server was set to anything ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), you could receive an error when attempting to view the email job details. 691894
All assemblies
106347 45
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when you attempted to access the BBIS home page. Now, the error no longer displays. In addition, the fix for this issue resolved site performance issues. 691658
98494 39
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when filtering through blacklisted email addresses. Previously, when you accessed email services under Administration, you received an error if you tried to filter for blacklisted email addresses that were older than 30 days. 690607
All assemblies
106023 1716
This fix helps improve performance when importing revenue records from another program into Blackbaud CRM using Enhanced Revenue Batch. The performance issue occurred when Blackbaud CRM already had a large number of revenue records. 690473
All assemblies
106238 45
We resolved an issue where errors occurred on donation forms when using the Direct Debit payment method where payment used a BSB number. Previously, when a 6-digit BSB number was entered for a Direct Debit payment instead of a 9-digit routing number, an error occurred. Now, with this fix, a new banking system type dropdown list was added to the Direct Debit section to enable users to select their banking type. 690420
All assemblies
106228 1716
We resolved an issue where single-sign on (SSO) was not functioning correctly. When users attempted to access BBIS using the CRM site administration link, they had to manually re-enter their BBIS login credentials. Now, users are automatically logged in to their BBIS site, as expected. 690419
98494 39
This fix addresses an issue with benefits on event registration options. Previously, when you edited registration options for an event, benefits were added to the existing benefits instead of being updated. 689729
All assemblies
106167 58
This fix addresses an issue with the General Ledger Mapping Type. Previously, the mapping type was populated incorrectly for some non-bookable pledges. 688930
All assemblies
106093 58
We fixed an issue where users were getting a 'Validation of viewstate MAC Failed' error when navigating in the Administrator user interface. Now, the error no longer occurs. 687236
107840 42
This fix helps improve performance issues which sometimes occurred when editing payments to change the payment method in Revenue Update Batch or on the “Edit payment” screen. 686505
All assemblies
105880 41
This fix addresses an issue with editing the currency exchange rate when adding a payment. Previously, if you started to add the payment, the solicitor and recognition credit amounts were correct. If you changed the exchange rate, you received a prompt to update the recognition credit; however, the solicitor credits were not updated appropriately. 685558
All assemblies
105801 49
New Feature: With this release, the AddressFinder service in the Data Tune-Up section of Administration now requires an electronic Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) each time your organization submits a file to Blackbaud. The new electronic PAF is a simple acknowledgement checkbox on the "Submit file" screen in Blackbaud CRM which you must mark each time you submit a file to the AddressFinder service. This indicates your organization is granting consent for Blackbaud and our vendor to process the file. For more information on the United States Postal Service PAF policies, see 685350
All assemblies
We resolved an issue when in case of fixed designation type donation any donation type cart item open for editing from payment 2.0 then it opened with wrong designation selected . Now, designation will be updated correctly and will be displayed on form as well. 684798
All assemblies
105756 49
We resolved an issue where application always saving app path URL with "HTTP" URI whether URL entered with HTTPS or HTTP in site settings, now app will save and use HTTPS only because BBIS will always use HTTPS URI from SP10. 684700
All assemblies
105745 49
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when you tried to add large numbers of recurring gifts to your database at the same time. Previously, when multiple users were adding large numbers of recurring gifts simultaneously, they could receive an error. 684526
All assemblies
107304 54
This fix addresses an issue which occurred with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse when upgrading from Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 9 to Service Pack 10. Previously, a revision error could occur which prevented the Data Warehouse from being successfully deployed. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 684447
105738 37
This fix addresses an issue where administrative users may receive the error 'blockUI requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later! You are using v1.12.3' when browsing the administrative side of a BBIS web page. With this fix, users no longer receive this error. 683750
106582 38
This fix addresses an issue where BBIS event registration batches failed to commit to Blackbaud CRM when they contained additional donations. Previously, if a user tried to commit an event registration batch that included an additional donation, an error occurred when attempting to commit the batch. Now, the batches commit without an error. 683749
103978 38
This fix addresses a performance issue with the package 'BBDW_RPT_GIVINGLISTDETAIL' when you run an ETL refresh. Previously, this package could take a long time to complete. We have improved the performance of the package to run it more efficiently. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 683663
All assemblies
105646 2000
New Feature: In order to improve PCI compliance with credit card tokenization in Enhanced Revenue Batch, we have added an interface between Blackbaud CRM and the Bluefin® Payment Systems and their credit card encryption device. This device enables credit cards to be keyed in or swiped, subsequently encrypted and tokenized through Blackbaud Merchant Services and the Blackbaud Payment Service, removing the need to store the actual credit card number at any point in the process. For more information about Bluefin Payment Systems, see The integration into Enhanced Revenue Batch includes a new Capture card info button on the batch toolbar to enable the integration with the Bluefin device to swipe or enter credit card details. The credit card information is tokenized with the Blackbaud Payment Service. The Name on card, Card number, Expiration date, and Payment method fields in the batch are populated accordingly, including the credit card token information. 681846
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes occurred when you attempted to merge a stewardship cover letter for a stewardship package in Fundraising. Previously, even when the fundraising purpose had a stewardship package with a letter and the purpose had stewardship recipients, when you ran the “Assign stewardship package” process, the “Merge” button was still not enabled. 680922
All assemblies
105485 45
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes occurred when correcting an address validation error in Constituent Update Batch. The error could occur when you clicked a batch row address validation error message which opened the “Address Validation” screen. If you corrected the address on the “Address Validation” screen, you would receive an error even though the address was actually updated in the batch. 680269
All assemblies
105420 41
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when editing multiple segments of a direct marketing planned effort. Previously, if you edited multiple segments, the source codes could revert to the default source codes instead of the ones initially specified. 679462
All assemblies
105303 49
This fix addresses an issue with changing your Blackbaud CRM password in a Blackbaud-hosted environment. Previously, if the password did not meet the minimum strength requirements, the user received an unrelated error about the functionality being disabled and could not reset the password. 677574
All assemblies
105193 45
This fix addresses an issue with adding recurring gift payments in Enhanced Revenue Batch when the gift and gift payments included more than one designation. Previously, the recognition credit amounts could be incorrectly assigned to the designations when more than one designation was specified on the recurring gift. 677156
All assemblies
105154 41
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when editing a pledge. Previously, when you edited a pledge, the associated campaign information would re-default even when the designation for the pledge was unchanged. Now, the campaign information for the pledge is not changed unless you change the designation. 676001
All assemblies
105039 45
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes occurred when you attempted to update the value of a KPI Instance. The process did not always close the needed SQL connections properly which could cause CRM access issues due to too many open connections. 675514
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error which could occur when you attempted to edit a payment with an invalid finder number. You could add payments with invalid finder numbers through Enhanced Revenue Batch. However, the error occurred when you attempted to edit the payment after the batch was committed. 675016
All assemblies
104982 41
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Update Batch in browsers set to Spanish language settings. Previously, if you created the batch using the “Generate revenue update batch” process and you attempted select a source code for the revenue, you would receive an error. 673658
All assemblies
104855 49
We resolved an issue with submitting a BBIS donation that includes a tribute. Previously, adding a tribute to a BBIS donation incorrectly included two hyphens between the tribute type and the tribute text after committing the transaction in Blackbaud CRM. Now, with this fix, there is only one hyphen present as expected. 673104
All assemblies
104804 1600
This fix addresses an issue with deadlock issues in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, on large data warehouses with many records in the BBETLAUDIT tables (responsible for tracking OLTP deletes in the warehouse), when you ran the ETL refresh process and had the ETL parallelism setting at anything above “1,” you could have experienced deadlock issues. This most often occurred when the parallelism was set to the highest level, level “4.” Previously, the data in those tables was never deleted which created the opportunity for deadlocks. The fix cleans up those audit tables and now deletes the data when the ETL refresh task is complete. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 671570
All assemblies
65400 41
This fixes an issue where an Alias Type code table entry was able to be deleted even though it was in use on one or more constituent records. 671525
All assemblies
104660 49
New Feature: We have added a “Location” field for constituent interactions and for major giving plan steps. You can select an existing, active address from the constituent record to use as the location, such as “Home” or “Work.” You can also select “Other” and then enter a different location or address in the “Other location” field. 670844
All assemblies
New Feature: On Event Registration Form and Event Registration Form (Classic) parts, you can now select appeals and campaigns from Blackbaud CRM to associate with event registration payments. From the Design tab, under Options or General options, new sections for Appeal Tracking and Campaign Tracking display. 670635
All assemblies
We resolved an issue where constituents continued to be registered for events that they had removed from their shopping cart. Previously, when a BBIS constituent removed paid events for which he was registered from the event registration form’s shopping cart, the transaction details pulled over to CRM via batch showed that the constituent was still registered for the deleted events. Now, the deleted events no longer exist in the BBIS event registration batch that is sent to CRM and the constituent is no longer still registered for these events. 670100
All assemblies
104582 41
This fix addresses an issue with “SearchList” specs having the “MartKey” attribute configured for the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the “Upload catalog assembly” feature in Blackbaud CRM was not properly creating these specs in the data warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 669075
All assemblies
104461 41
This fix addresses an error which sometimes occurred with the Credit Card Updater Service. Previously, we updated card information even if no changed information was returned. Now, if the card information has not actually been updated, no changes to the card information are made in CRM and it is listed as "Not updated" in the Credit Card Updater Service results. 668246
All assemblies
104402 36
This fix addresses an error which could occur when viewing the list of communications on the Communications tab of a household, group, or committee record. Previously, if you added a communication for the household, group, or committee and the Comments field contained more than 200 characters, you received an error when viewing the list of communications. 666359
All assemblies
104287 45
This fix improves the performance of the "Fundraising Purpose Types" list in Fundraising. Previously, the list could take a long time to load. 665286
All assemblies
New Feature/Technical Change: BBUI-Angular is a library of tools designed for integration with the Blackbaud Infinity platform using an AngularJS-based web application. It is built in conjunction with SKY UX ( and allows users to build custom Angular web apps that integrate directly with Blackbaud CRM data. Find additional information and resources in our GitHub repository ( 664283
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when importing gifts into Blackbaud CRM from a Blackbaud Internet Solutions membership part. Previously, when you imported a gift from a membership part using a Membership Dues batch, if the constituent was auto-matched in the batch and committed, the recognition credit was not applied correctly. 664275
All assemblies
104103 49
This fix addresses an issue with smart fields which use an ad-hoc query as the application selection. Previously, if you deleted the ad-hoc query that was being used in a smart field, the smart field would still process with no errors. Now, the smart field validates that the ad-hoc query still exists and provides an error message if it has been deleted. 663943
All assemblies
BB748430 36
This fix addresses performance issues and data loading errors which could occur with a Blackbaud Internet Solutions website which included a page with sponsorship-related information. These errors would appear for website users who were then unable to complete their transactions. 662960
All assemblies
104098 41
We resolved an issue where BBIS event registration batches containing additional donations failed to commit to Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when a user tried to commit an event registration batch that included an additional donation, an error occurred. Now, the batches commit without an error. 662554
All assemblies
103978 41
New Feature: In Recurring Gift Payment Handling configuration, when the Overpayment rule is selected with the option to first apply the excess amount to past installments with a balance and then add a donation for any remaining excess, the ability to enable this rule in batch and import will be available. See the New Features Guide for more information. 662232
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with finder numbers and event invitations. Previously, if you sent event invitations, the download file could contain finder numbers; however, when you attempted to add revenue for an invitee and you entered the finder number on the “Add a payment” screen, you would receive an error that finder number could not be found. 662212
All assemblies
103959 49
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when you queried on "Constituents>Constituencies (Stored Values)" in query. The issue occurred only when you merged two constituents with different constituencies and you did not delete the source constituent. In this situation, the results of the query could be incorrect even after running the "Constituency stored-value refresh process." After you upgrade, you should run the "Constituency stored-value refresh process" to correct any affected information and then re-run your query. 662147
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103950 41
This fix addresses an issue with the “Transaction summary” section on recurring gifts. Previously, there were two primary date fields displayed in the summary: “Next installment” and “Last payment.” “Next installment” is the date of the next installment and that remains unchanged. The last payment date was meant to represent the date the last installment that was paid off was due and not the actual transaction date of the payment. We have updated the name of the field to “Last paid installment” to more accurately reflect the date displayed in the summary section. 661006
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103827 41
We resolved an issue where users were able to access some confidential pages from outside the hosted environment of Blackbaud Internet Solutions. We have now prevented access from outside the hosted environment to the following pages: (1) Pluginservice/testconfig.aspx: Accessible from local machine only. (2) Securitytestconfig.aspx: Accessible from local machine only; not accessible externally. (3) Webservices/ConfigurationService: No longer accessible either locally or externally. (4) TestconfigService.asmx: The page is visible, but the details and the methods are no longer visible locally or externally. 658006
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103561 45
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits not defaulting correctly when new constituents are entered into Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you imported a new constituent and a spouse, recognition credits with an amount of zero were created for the spouses even when the system defaults specified that no recognition credits should be automatically created. 655375
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103365 41
New Feature: In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, we improved our URL redirect implementation to ensure that browser search engines correctly handle your redirected pages. Previously, when administrators added a new redirect to forward an http URL to an https URL, a 302 redirect was created. Since 302 redirects are considered temporary, this was causing issues with the page indexing by Google's search engine. Now, our modification to the redirect functionality creates 301 redirects, which are considered as permanent page moves. Since search engines do not penalize 301 redirects like they do with other types of redirects, your new URLs do not lose page ranks, positions in search engine results, or back links to the original URLs. 654876
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which could occur on the Activity tab of a revenue record which prevented you from being able to view the data list. The row limit for the activity displayed on the tab was set to a greater number of rows so that the information could load properly. 654647
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000103297 41
This fix addresses an issue that could happen when you refreshed a static selection. Previously, when you tried to refresh a static selection, sometimes the process would time out. 654325
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103272 1804
New Feature: Blackbaud Internet Solutions now uses existing CRM address formats to determine whether to display or hide the State field on all web pages that allow users to enter address information. Previously when entering addresses for any nationality, the State field always displayed, except for the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Now, if a State value does not apply to the selected country, the State field is hidden on the web pages. If the State value is in CRM international address formats for the selected country, then the State field is visible on the web page and is required by Blackbaud Internet Solutions. The State field still displays for the countries United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada even if the State or State Abbreviation value is not included in the address format in CRM. This enhancement was made to the following parts: Donation Form; User Login Form; New User Registration Form; Payment 2.0 Form; Event Registration Form; and Profile Update Form. 654140
All assemblies
New Feature/Technical Change: This feature helps address performance and other related issues with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and the ETL refresh process. To help address these issues, we have added a new setting to the “Advanced Options” of the data warehouse deployment wizard to “Use Database Snapshots,” which is enabled by default when you upgrade. With this setting, each time you run an ETL refresh process, the process will create a database snapshot of the CRM database to use for the refresh process rather than it running on the OLTP database itself. The snapshot is automatically deleted after use. Note that the user accounts for users running the ETL refresh process will be automatically granted “CREATE ANY DATABASE” permissions on the server and “db-owner” permissions on the CRM database, which are required to take use this new feature successfully. Custom ETL packages which write back to CRM rather just reading from the database will need to be updated to use the new “writeback” connection or will otherwise fail. This connection string takes its value from the new configuration file “BBDW_ETL_WRITEBACK_CONFIG.dtsConfig,” which is automatically created and updated during deployment with the original configuration file “BBDW_ETL_CONFIG.dtsConfig.” Additionally, a new environment variable to point to the new configuration file, “BBETL_WRITEBACK_[database name]_RPT_BBDW,” is automatically created and updated with the original environment variable, “BBETL_[database name]_RPT_BBDW." To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, restart SQL Agent, and complete an incremental refresh. For more information, see 653326
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with a difference in results between the “Giving Dynamics” report and the “Giving Dynamics” smart query. Previously, the report, when filtered by designation, correctly included only the amount toward that designation and not the total amount when more than one designation was included on the payment. The smart query included the total amount, including the portions for other designations which was incorrect. The smart query calculations have been updated. 652308
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103127 41
This fix helps improve performance of ad-hoc queries. Previously, expanding query nodes which contained a large number of smart fields could time out. 650818
All assemblies
New Feature: We have added some additional query functionality to enhance your ability to use the Credit Card Updater Service. Originally, we provided a Credit Card Updates query that you could use to help track changes made by the Credit Card Updater Service. Now, we have added a "Credit Card Updater" query node in Constituent query and in Revenue query. With these enhancements, you can more easily mail to constituents who were included in the Credit Card Updater process, but whose card updates were not successful. Contact with these constituents may help you secure new cardholder information from your loyal supporters. 650795
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue where signup transactions fail with an error and cannot be downloaded. Previously, if there were two attributes of type constituent and revenue with same name, an error occurs while attempting to download the transaction. Now, all of transactions facing this issue will be successfully downloaded. 649850
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with adjusting payment amounts in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if you adjusted the amount of the transaction, the receipt amount was reset to zero after you committed the batch. 649615
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102956 45
This fix addresses an issue with scheduled business processes not running in Blackbaud CRM. The issue occurred when the program’s virtual directory contained non-lowercase letters. The issue impacted existing job schedules, as well as new ones created after CRM 4.0 Service Pack 8 was installed. 649439
102942 34
We resolved an issue where BBIS emails were failing to be sent when Smart Field values were included in the message. Previously, if you created an email message from a template that included CRM Smart Field values, an error occurred when attempting to send the message. Now, the emails are sent as expected with no error. 649287
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All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with updating multiple household or group information at one time using a custom global change. Previously, all the affected households or groups would end up with same name. Now, each individual household or group affected will be updated according to each group's associated name format. 648208
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with adjusting benefits on payments posted to a closed fiscal period. Previously, if you modified the benefits on the posted payment, you could receive an error message and the changes could not be saved. 647859
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102823 41
This fix addresses an issue with list segments in “Marketing and Communications.” Previously, you could import list segments which contained more than the allowed 12 characters in the post code field. You would not receive an error or an exception message; however, when you used the list segment in a direct marketing effort and attempted to export it, you would receive an error. The post code information is still limited to 12 characters, but is now validated when you import the segment list. 646468
All assemblies
New Feature: With this Service Pack, we have made enhancements to how some business processes are run in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, most business processes, such as acknowledgements and pledge reminders, could only be processed one at a time. This meant that if a pledge reminder business process for one site was running, the process had to finish before a user could start another pledge reminder process. With the new enqueued functionality, multiple instances of a business process type can be started and will be completed automatically, one after the next. The types of business processes that will be enqueued include the Assign Letters process, the Reminders process, and the Revenue Acknowledgements process. On the Business Processes page in Administration, there is now an Enqueue tab which displays all of the jobs that are enqueued. Before business processes can be enqueued, you must enter the credentials of a system administrator user that will be used to run the processes. The Edit enqueue settings task is on the Business Processes page in Administration. 645641
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when creating a parent organization relationship while adding a new organization constituent. Previously, if you added a new organization and, while on the “Add an organization” screen, you added a second new organization record as the parent company from the “Parent org” field, the RELATIONSHIPSETID value was not set in the RELATIONSHIP table in the database. 645292
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102637 45
This fix addresses an error which sometimes occurred when you created an Enhanced Revenue Batch template and set up a default “Revenue type” of “Pledge.” When you created a batch from the template, the revenue type default of pledge appeared in the batch row, but when you entered a pledge amount, you received an error. 644172
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102564 45
This fix addresses an issue with recurring gifts and direct debit rejections. Previously, a direct debit rejection could appear to be associated with the next installment even if the rejection should be associated with a previous paid installment. However, the ledger distributions were correct. Now, the direct debit rejection is displayed with the correct installment on the recurring gift. 641502
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with the "Address Geocode" global change in Administration. Previously, you could receive the error “The geocode process could not be completed. The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable” due to how the program was contacting the geocoding service. With this change, the “Address Geocode” global change process is now more stable with fewer errors and unprocessed geocoded addresses. The change affects the Microsoft endpoint that is used to process the geocode information. With the endpoint change, the “Address Geocode” global change process now completes with far fewer issues, though the processing time has increased. Submitting fewer records in one global change process will help decrease the processing time. However, you can also still set up a job schedule for the “Address Geocode” global change process. You can also still add it to a queue to be processed overnight or weekly, as needed, to minimize impact during normal business hours. 639991
All assemblies
New Feature: In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, we have upgraded the JQuery version from 1.7.2 to 1.12.3. 639626
All assemblies
New Feature: Blackbaud Internet Solutions was automatically updated in this release to include security improvements for credit card processing in compliance with Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS). Review these improvements to determine whether your organation needs to take any action. (1) Enhanced Password Protection: We now use industry-tested and accepted hashing algorithms to encrypt and store user passwords. This provides stronger protection for user data as passwords are no longer stored in the database. However, no changes are required by your organization if your website uses standard password functionality in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. (2) Site-Wide Secure Pages: Previously, you could require encryption for all pages, secure content, or administration pages in Sites & settings. Now, Blackbaud Internet Solutions requires encryption for all pages on your website to provide site-wide security and protect your users' connections to your website. The URLs for all Blackbaud Internet Solutions web pages use “https" to securely render the pages via Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. This provides three layers of protection: encryption, data integrity, and authentication. (3) Improved Security for Testconfig Page: Testconfig is a page on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website that reveals helpful information about your site's configuration, product versions, server-to-server connectivity, and more. To improve its security, testconfig.aspx is now accessible only from your local server. 638548
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when editing a user-defined data list created from an ad-hoc query. Previously, if you created a data list with aggregated “Application details (Revenue split)” output fields set to “Visible’ and then edited it from Shell Design in Administration, the fields might show without the correct output type information. 637453
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102530 36
This fix addresses an issue with the credit card processing process and Enhanced Revenue Batch. The issue occurred when a credit card revenue transaction in a batch was saved without a specific application applied to the transaction. Even though the credit card was processed for the actual transaction amount, the program displayed the processed amount incorrectly as zero in the results report for the credit card process. 637449
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102063 36
This fix addresses an error which could occur when you merged two constituent records with specific prospect-related information. The error occurred when the source constituent had a prospect manager with an end date which was earlier than the start date for the prospect manager of the target constituent. The target constituent’s prospect manager also had a blank end date. The merge was attempting to give the target constituent a prospect manager with an end date which occurred before the start date. When you attempted to merge the two constituents, including their major giving information, the error occurred. 637305
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when running the Event Revenue Report. Previously, when you ran that report for an event that included sub-events, you could sometimes receive an error. 637183
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102037 54
This fix helps address a performance issue which occurred when viewing the direct marketing effort export definition page. 637181
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102035 45
This fix helps improve performance related to record searches throughout the program. 636748
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102011 41
This fix addresses an issue with incorrect currency symbols being displayed in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Note that the actual amounts were correct; just the currency symbol displayed for the amount was incorrect. 636114
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error which could occur when geocoding an address. The issue could occur when adding or editing a single address and using the “Validate” button for the address or when geocoding multiple addresses by using the “Address Geocode” global change in Administration. The error occurred when an address contained symbols such as # which were not being handled correctly during the geocode process. 635169
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Edit Selections in Corporate Structure for organizations. When you edit selections and you select the top checkbox, all checkboxes on the list are selected. Previously, when you did this and then reopened the window, only the top checkbox was selected. With this fix, all checkboxes are still selected when you reopen the window. 634899
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101884 58
This fix helps address a performance issue which sometimes occurred with the Corporate Information page for an organization constituent which had large number of revenue transactions. 634244
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when you attempted to run the "Segmentation summary" report for a direct marketing effort which included a segment that was marked to "Exclude from effort but show counts." When you calculated segment counts and then tried to run the report, you received an error. 634046
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BB741981 41
This fix addresses an issue with the “Date left” for educational history information for constituents. Previously, if an import file included an educational history status of “Graduated,” “Currently attending,” or anything other than “Incomplete,” you could not also specify a “Date left” which was inconsistent with how you can enter the information on an individual constituent record. 634041
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101835 45
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when viewing validation information for a constituent address. Previously, if you created a Constituent Address Update Batch and clicked to “Validate addresses (All rows),” improperly formatted addresses would receive exceptions in the batch. If you then committed the addresses and opened one from the constituent record, the validation information for last validation attempt, along with the exception message information, was not updated on the address record. 633454
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101796 49
New Feature: To help improve reporting from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, we have added additional education information. The additional information includes academic catalog, education, and involvements. 633391
All assemblies
New Feature: To help improve reporting from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, we have added additional recurring gift information. The additional information includes first installment, last installment, recurring gift amendments, recurring gift installments, and recurring gift past due amount. 633379
All assemblies
New Feature: We have enhanced the Giving List by now including the ability to use this report based on recognition credit information instead of just revenue information. In the Giving List report, you can now use the Summary section to indicate whether the report should include just revenue information (as it did before) or whether it should include recognition-based information instead. The other filters, such as date ranges and more, can still be used and will be applied to recognition information. Note that the Giving List requires the use of the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. 633366
All assemblies
New Feature: To help improve the usability and flexibility of the program, we have added the ability to create attributes for several additional record types: appeals, sponsorships, and financial transaction line items. In Administration, you can create the attribute categories for these record types. After you create the attribute categories, an attributes tab will appear for these different records. 632886
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when linking deposits to revenue. When searching for revenue to link to a deposit, site was not respected and revenue from sites outside of the users site could appear. 632676
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101724 45
This fix addresses an issue with deposit amounts in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you made changes to a payment associated with a deposit in Blackbaud CRM, the information was not correctly updated in the Data Warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 631848
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101665 45
This fix corrects an error message which could occur when attempting to delete planned gifts or planned gift additions with associated revenue. The original error message was not able to be localized. In addition, more than one error message sometimes appeared. 631727
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101658 41
This fix addresses an issue editing payments for matching gift claims. Previously, a misleading error message about duplicate campaigns appeared even when no duplicate campaigns existed. The matching gift claims must be auto-generated based on the constituent relationships and the matching gift organization must have more than one matching gift condition set up. When you edited the payment and attempted to reset the matching gift claim, you received the error “Duplicate campaigns and subpriorities cannot be specified for the same revenue record.” The incorrect error no longer appears. 631698
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101656 36
This fix addresses an issue with the Pledge Installments Projection Report. Previously, the report could show the incorrect fiscal years. 631675
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101655 58
This fix addresses an issue with batch-related revisions and custom batch templates which caused upgrades to take a long time or to time out and fail. 631567
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101647 32
This fix addresses an issue with loss of start or end dates when updating email or address information for an organization relationship (like an employer) on an individual constituent. Previously, start and end date information could be inadvertently removed if the dates were entered on the individual’s Contact tab but then that information was updated on the relationship record. 630689
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101598 45
This fix addresses an error which could occur when you added a direct marketing effort from a template. The issue occurred when the template was set up to “consider exclusions as of today” and the template was locked. 630686
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101600 41
New Feature: With this enhancement, when you add a payment toward an existing commitment in Enhanced Revenue Batch, the appeal associated with the commitment is now defaulted onto the payment’s row in batch. However, if you add an appeal for a payment to the batch row before you select the application, the appeal will not be changed. Also, if the batch template has a default appeal, the appeal from the template is used as the default. 630049
All assemblies
New Feature: Prospect managers and fundraisers can access their prospect lists and more from CRM using a browser on their mobile devices. When you log into Fundraiser on the Go, you will see a quick list of your prospects. By clicking on a prospect's name, you can easily drill down into the details, such as spouse, contact information, and notes. You can even basic information about the prospect's most recent gifts and recognition credits. For each prospect, you can also see recent and upcoming interactions and steps. You can even file contact reports and add or edit steps when you're on the go. From Prospects, click Fundraiser on the Go to copy the URL to send to users. Fundraisers can use the bookmarks or favorites functionality for the browser on their mobile devices for quick and easy access. 629666
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with ad hoc constituent queries in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, an error sometimes occurred when attempting to view the results of these queries which contained attribute categories and designations which referenced a code table filter field with a code table value that had already been deleted in Blackbaud CRM. 628070
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101415 35
This fix addresses an issue with campaigns associated with revenue in an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you first saved and validated the batch, campaign information was sometimes removed from the individual transactions. 627249
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101344 49
This fix addresses an issue when importing constituent and spouse information into Constituent Update Batch. Previously, if the import file included an incorrect spouse, the “Spouse” field was still disabled, which meant you could not change it to the correct spouse in the batch. Now the “Spouse” field is always enabled. 627119
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101427 36
This fix addresses an issue with the “Nightly Job Summary” report for the ETL refresh process with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the report could say that the refresh process did not complete successfully even when it did. The issue was with the validation process that runs after the refresh process is complete. If the validation step failed, the report showed that the refresh process failed too. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 626676
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101297 36
This fix addresses an issue with revenue records in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse missing source codes that are present in Blackbaud CRM. The revenue source code information is now consistent. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 625474
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101230 32
We resolved an issue where performance statistics for sent emails were not displaying correctly. Previously, when an email was successfully sent to a large number of recipients, the email status showed Complete but the number of recipients was incorrectly showing as 0. Now, the recipient statistic is showing the correct number of people who received the email message, as expected. 624173
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101104 41
New Feature: To improve email address accuracy in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, multiple parts now provide the option to include a new Confirm email address field. When you select to display it on a web page, website users must enter their email address two times. Blackbaud Internet Solutions then compares the two email addresses to make sure they match. The following parts now include this field: Donation Form; Event Registration Form; Membership Form (via Payment 2.0); Sponsorship Form (via Payment 2.0); and User Login Form. 623894
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with customized batch templates. Beginning in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6, revisions affecting customized batch templates were skipped. After upgrading, opening an uncommitted batch could cause an error. With this fix, the revisions run properly for all batch templates. 623018
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when you upgraded and you had custom batch extensions. Previously, a revision error could occur when upgrading if the batch extensions included system fields. The error was due to an incorrect validation check. 622798
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101047 35
We resolved an issue where constituents were matching across all sites when the batch was downloaded or committed. Previously, when registering for an event online and choosing more than one attendee, the constituent's guest could be auto-matched to a constituent that you do not have access to (if you are using a batch with site security and that constituent exists in another site). Now, constituents will be matched to a specific site, based on the site configuration specified by the administrator in Batch Assignment settings. 622380
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100967 45
This fix addresses an issue with site security and Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, you could receive the error “The current user does not have rights to use this feature in the context of this specific record” when adding a new constituent with a payment in Enhanced Revenue Batch. 621880
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67343 35
This fix addresses an issue with site security and code tables. Previously, users with limited site security access could have inadvertently accessed code table entries that were associated with specific sites, even without access to those sites. 621867
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98460 32
This fix addresses several validation errors which occur with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 621748
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with information in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. The issue occurred when you changed the constituent on a pledge in Blackbaud CRM after the information had been populated in the Data Warehouse. After changing the constituent in CRM, the REVENUESCHEDULEDIMID in the BBDW.DIM_REVENUESCHEDULE was incorrectly changed to zero. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 621503
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100873 36
This fix improves performance for international customers when processing a donation that uses the Blackbaud secure payment server. 620950
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64364 32
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when changing the application of a payment in Enhanced Revenue Batch or Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if the payment had an application of “Donation” and then a user changed the application to a commitment, the “Apply to commitments” screen incorrectly showed the payment with both the donation application as well as the commitment application. This made the application total for the payment incorrect. 619922
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100808 36
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when exporting the rolled-up view of household revenue information. The issue took place when the same revenue record existed in CRM in more than one batch and the batch numbers were the same. In this case, the revenue record appeared multiple times in the export file. 619832
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100803 41
This fix addresses an issue that could cause payment applications to be missing in some batches. Previously, when you opened an imported Enhanced Revenue Batch that included payments for pledges, the payment applications could be missing, even though the revenue ID had been entered correctly in the import. This only happened when the constituent on the pledge was different from the constituent on the payment. Now, when you open an imported ERB, payment applications are displayed correctly. 619422
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100771 35
This fix addresses an issue with the Constituent Duplicate Search business process. Previously, if your browser’s regional settings used a date format of YYYY-MM-DD, the duplicate process would display an error if any constituents had partial or fuzzy birth dates that were month and day only with no year information. 619399
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100767 41
This fix addresses an issue with the currency symbol displayed for certain revenue goal information on the KPIs tab on the Information Library page. Previously, if the KPI was set up to use one currency such as USD on the Criteria tab and the computer’s or browser’s regional settings were set to something other than “en-US” such as “en-UK,” the incorrect currency symbol was displayed for the revenue goal amounts in the list. The goal amounts were not actually converted into the different currency. Now, the currency selected on the Criteria tab of the KPI is always used for that KPI. 619191
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100750 35
This fix addresses an issue with sending emails exported from a marketing effort in Blackbaud CRM through Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Regardless of the currency symbol specified for the organization’s currency, a dollar sign always appeared in the email for any monetary amounts included. 619078
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100747 36
New Feature: This service pack includes a new Event Registration Form part with functionality improvements and usability enhancements to both the Edit Part screen and the web pages that the part generates on your website. New functionality improvements for the part include the ability to select whether or not the user can register as an organization and how you want free events to appear on the page. Usability enhancements include better organization of the part's design options to avoid scrolling, and help text improvements to clarify what appears on the page. For website users, usability enhancements include a simplified registration process that has been reduced to three steps and numerous quick links so users can autofill registrant data. Enhancements include: 1) The original Event Registration Form part is now called Event Registration Form (Classic). It does not upgrade to the new event part and remains available to use on your website with its original design. There are several features the Classic part includes that the new part does not. You may want to consider these when you create the new part: Attributes; Link to another page from the event; Matching gifts; and Payment 2.0 part integration. 2) When you include the new Event Registration Form part on a page in Site explorer, the registration options appear on three separate pages on your website. Each page includes a status bar so website users can view their progress as they complete the event registration process. Users can click the button in the status bar to go to the previous or next page. 3) When you design the new Event Registration Form part, you now configure each event's options in its own configuration screen. This screen includes new column headers and help text to clarify what appears on the web page. You can also sort the event types in the order you want them to appear on the page. When you click Options, important options appear for the part such as the constituent code to use and additional donation information. In this section, you also select whether or not the user can register as an organization and how you want free events to appear on the page. When you create a new Event Registration Form or edit it, the Edit Part screen is condensed by the event configuration screen and the Options link. This greatly enhances your ability to view the part so you can quickly identify the area to make your changes. 618326
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This fix addresses an issue which occurred when attempting to view interactions using the interactions list builder view on the Interactions tab for a constituent when the interaction comments contained more than 200 characters. Previously, an error “String or binary data would be truncated when viewing the Interactions tab” appeared and you could not view the interaction information from the constituent record. 617641
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100638 36
New Feature: Your organization may engage the services of third-party vendors to help manage constituent-related information, such as to update existing donor or constituent information or to recruit new donors. Third-party vendors who collect sensitive credit card information can use the Blackbaud CRM Credit Card Tokenizer to easily send this information securely to the Blackbaud Payment Service for tokenization. The vendor can then destroy any sensitive credit card information and return only the secure token information back to your organization to import into Blackbaud CRM. For more information, see the New Features Guide. 617554
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which was introduced in Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6. Previously, if you added a new constituent through Constituent Update Batch and then entered the same constituent information again in a second Constituent Update Batch, the duplicate checking did not work correctly to match the duplicate constituent. 617227
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100614 35
This fix addresses a rare issue that sometimes happened when trying to merge constituents. Previously, you could occasionally get an error when trying to merge two constituents who had originally been part of an acquisition list. 616898
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could occur on Membership batches. Previously, if you edited the membership options in the batch, joint members could appear twice. 616889
All assemblies
100717 58
This fix addresses an issue which was introduced in Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 7. You could receive an error when running the ETL refresh process for the Blackbaud Data Warehouse if any constituent interactions from the CRM database had a status of “Canceled.” To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 616831
All assemblies
100576 35
This fix addresses an issue with PeopleFinder batches in the Data Tune-Up section of Administration. Previously, United States of America addresses included in the PeopleFinder batch were sometimes mistakenly translated to other countries and states outside of the United States when the batches were committed, such as "Seattle, WA, United States" being changed to "Seattle, Western Australia, Australia." 616827
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when using the EFT “Generate payments” process for Membership Dues Batches. Previously, the process generated payments with tax deductible amounts of zero, even when the membership transaction should have had a tax deductible amount. 616818
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue in Enhanced Revenue Batch with adding revenue with a payment method of “Stock” toward an outstanding pledge. Previously, if you then used the “Sell stock” task on the revenue record to record the actual sale of the stock, the revenue was displayed as a gain, even if the stock was actually sold at a loss. Now, the revenue from the sale is displayed correctly as a gain or a loss. 616781
All assemblies
100558 32
This fix addresses an issue with viewing segments for direct marketing efforts in Marketing and Communications which occurred when the user’s browser language was set to “French [fr].” 616042
All assemblies
100519 36
This fix addresses performance issue which could occur when adding revenue due a "SQL Server table hint" added by a stored procedure. 615581
All assemblies
100486 36
This fix addresses a timeout issue which sometimes occurred when adding or editing code table values in Administration. Note that if some resource-intensive queries are running and you change site-related information on the code table values, the timeout issues could still periodically occur. The same issue was addressed in both 589350 and 614705. 614705
All assemblies
100433 36
Technical Change: To enhance web browser security with Blackbaud CRM, we have added functionality for CRM to send down the "X-Frame-Options" header with the "sameorigin" value when responding to browser requests. We also strongly recommend you update your site’s web.config file to add an IIS custom headers configuration setting to the <system.webServer> section. For information about the setting, see KB101073. 614185
All assemblies
101073 35
To improve security, this fix blocks a user from entering JavaScript code in the User Name field on your website's sign up page. This change applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 613011
All assemblies
100307 35
This fix resolves a currency conversion issue for the Blackbaud Internet Solutions Transaction Manager part. Previously, an error message occurred when the IIS culture setting was set to a non-US format. The part has now been updated to handle all currency types so the Transaction Manager part renders successfully on your website. 612944
All assemblies
100302 35
This fix removes the revision error “The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK_CMS_SESSIONVARIABLEBACKUP_TYPECODE" when upgrading from Blackbaud Internet Solutions 3.0 Service Pack 14 to Blackbaud Internet Solutions 4.0. This upgrade now completes successfully without error. 612810
All assemblies
100280 35
This fix addresses an issue with marketing efforts and source codes. Previously, source codes were being incremented incorrectly even when the “Automatically increment source code values during data entry” checkbox was not marked on the source code part. Marketing efforts with incorrect source code values can be manually corrected or can be recreated. 612598
All assemblies
100263 35
This fix addresses an issue with opportunity information displayed in “Major Giving Management – Opportunities and Asks” in “Prospects.” Previously, if you had qualified opportunities with future dates and you set an “Organizational team” filter, those opportunity amounts were not included. Now, the opportunity amounts are included whether or not you use an “Organizational team” filter. 612543
All assemblies
100251 45
This fix addresses an issue inadvertently introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6 which caused campaign goal information to not be included in the output of a Campaign query even when those output fields were included in the query. 610980
All assemblies
100115 35
This fix addresses an issue where an error message could appear for Enhanced Revenue Batches that contained pledge installment payments created with the “Generate payments” process. The error “The total amount must be equal to the sum of the amounts applied to commitments” appeared if you increased the amount of the latest overdue installment to pay for any amount greater than the latest overdue installment amount and you tried to validate the batch. 610407
All assemblies
100087 35
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue which occurred with matching gift claim payments added through the “Add a payment” screen. Previously, Blackbaud CRM treated these differently than matching gift claim payments entered through Enhanced Revenue Batch. Now in either scenario, matching gift claims payments are added with an application type of “Donation.” Any preexisting matching gift claims will also be set with an application type of donation. 609286
All assemblies
100016 36
We resolved an issue where some communication records were not being updated in CRM when sending BBIS emails. Previously, the date sent for BBIS emails was not displaying in CRM, and the communication record in CRM was displaying last in the list because there was no date provided. Now, the date sent is updated correctly in CRM and the BBIS emails show correctly on the Communication tab of a constituent record. 608197
All assemblies
99903 45
Technical Change: Accent marks (also called diacritical marks), such as a tilde over an 'ñ' in Peña, now process from the following fields on a Donation Form part to Blackbaud CRM: First name, Middle name, Last name, Email address, Address Lines, City, State, and Zip. Previously, accent marks were removed when a website user entered these on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. This fix also applies to Blackbaud NetCommunity when you process donations to the Raiser's Edge. To resolve this, the HTMLHelper.VB file has been updated in the back end. 608084
All assemblies
99890 32
New Feature: We have made some improvements to the performance and security of the AddressFinder and DeceasedRecordFinder processes in Data Tune-Up. On the main Data Tune-Up page in Administration, we have added a configuration task for “Finder settings.” You should contact Support to receive your new credentials to enter on the “Edit finder settings” screen. You will also need to enter some information about your organization. We have also separated each process into four separate steps, rather than three. Previously the first step created and submitted the file to Blackbaud for processing. Now the first step is to create the file and give you a record count of how many records are included. This is so that you can better manage and track your actual number of records submitted for processing against the number of records you have contracted with Blackbaud to process. Step two is when you submit your file to Blackbaud. Step two also alerts you as to how many records you are submitting to be processed; you may be charged if you submit more records than you have contracted with Blackbaud to process. The final two steps remain the same with the exception of the step number. In step three (formerly step two), you retrieve the processed file from Blackbaud. And in step four, the final step (formerly step three), you can update the records in your database. After you upgrade, you must enter the information for this new configuration task before you can run any existing or new AddressFinder or DeceasedRecordFinder processes. 607223
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with relationships added to constituents through Constituent Update Batch or Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, these relationships were added with a blank value in the “Relationship set ID” field. 606962
All assemblies
99808 36
New Feature: To increase email efficiency in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, we have enhanced the send final email process to help make sure the correct group of recipients receive your intended email. Now, when you click Send final on an email message, a new Send Status tab appears for you to view the target lists, the number of recipients in each list, and when the lists were last refreshed. 606163
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes displayed an error message when you tried to replace a prospect manager for a constituent. The error would occur when you attempted to replace a manager with an end date of the current date with a new prospect manager with a start date of the following day. 605227
All assemblies
95064 49
This fix addresses an error which occurred when attempting to export the information on the Activity tab of a recurring gift revenue record. 604574
All assemblies
99619 49
With this fix, we have improved the wording on the Vehicle Options tab in the Major Giving Setup configuration task in Prospects. Previously, when you edited a planned gift vehicle's options, you could mark a "Auto-calculate realized amount" checkbox which simply enabled the option for users to enable this functionality on an individual planned gift record. To help clarify the functionality, the checkbox now reads "Enable the option to auto-calculate realized amount." When the checkbox is marked and a planned gift of that vehicle type is added, you can then click the "Enable realized amount auto-calculation" task from the planned gift. As revenue is associated with the planned gift, the realized amount is then automatically calculated. Also with this fix, the planned gift vehicle's subtype is displayed, when applicable, in the summary section of the planned gift record. 603943
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when importing transactions into Enhanced Revenue Batch, such as transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions. The issue occurred when updates to existing constituent information were included and the constituent had a spouse relationships with recognition credit information. Previously, the recognition credit information was completely removed from the related constituent in CRM. Also, the related constituent’s lookup ID was re-issued to the next available ID value. Now, the related constituent’s existing recognition credit information and lookup ID remain unchanged after the import. This issue was introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6. 603933
All assemblies
99546 32
This fix addresses an issue with importing revenue with multiple designations into Enhanced Revenue Batch when the batch template has the application field set with a default of “Donation.” Previously, recognition credits were defaulted incorrectly. 603655
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99522 36
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when attempting to export segment information from a direct marketing effort in “Marketing and Communications.” 603064
All assemblies
99449 41
This fix addresses an issue with import and file mapping templates which was introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6. If the file mapping template did not collection fields mapped, an import process using the template would fail. 602995
All assemblies
99447 35
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when upgrading Blackbaud CRM when you had created new, or had updated, custom batch templates. Previously, during an upgrade, all new and updated CRM-added batch templates were loaded or reloaded; however, new or updated custom templates were not loaded or reloaded appropriately when upgrade revisions were run. Now both CRM batch templates and custom templates are updated correctly. 602877
All assemblies
99434 32
This fix addresses an issue with synchronizing Luminate Online constituent interaction information from CRM to the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the ETL refresh business process could time out. We have increased the timeout settings so this no longer occurs. 602807
96637 29
This fix removes a run time error message on the Directory part when it includes the Education History Attributes field as a search field on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. The message appeared when a website user entered search criteria in the field, and the program returned a constituent record with that data in the results. The DirectoryOutput.ascx.vb and BBGridViewDataSource.vb files have been updated in the back end to remove this error message so the search results now appear successfully. 602057
All assemblies
99367 32
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when importing into an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if you mapped the "New/edit constituent" batch template column fields in the import and the import included revenue for existing constituents, you could receive an error. 602003
99361 29
This fix addresses an issue with constituent revenue application smart fields for constituents who are members of households or groups. Previously, if the household or group gave the revenue (not the individual constituent) and the smart fields were set up to calculate based on revenue recognition, the constituent revenue application smart field values for the individual constituents were incorrect and did not include the recognition amounts based on the household or group giving. The individual constituent's smart field values could also be incorrectly inflated by counting revenue and recognition amounts multiple times. Now, these smart field values are calculating correctly. After you upgrade, you must re-process these smart fields in order for the values on the individual constituents to be correct. This fix addresses issues reported in work items 586545 and 601462. 601462
All assemblies
99309 30
Technical Change: When you process an updated phone number from a Blackbaud Internet Solutions event web page to Blackbaud CRM, the updated start date for the number now adds to the constituent record. Previously, only the original start date appeared. To resolve this, the stored procedure "USP_BBNC_COMMITPROFILEUPDATEPHONE" has been updated in the back end. 601272
All assemblies
99292 35
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate constituent matching in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, if you had a constituent in Blackbaud CRM with an address and an address type but with no post code and then you entered information for the same constituent in Constituent Update Batch with the same address and address type also with no post code, the program did not match those two constituents as the same and so an additional, duplicate address with no post code was created. 601051
All assemblies
99271 32
This fix addresses an issue with the recurring gifts and the “Reminders” process in “Marketing and Communications.” Previously, a lapsed recurring gift was not included in the “Reminders” process, even though it should have been. Recurring gifts are classified as lapsed according to the rules set up on the “Update recurring gift statuses” page in “Revenue.” 600824
All assemblies
99255 36
This fix addresses an issue with the display status when posting edited revenue with adjustments to gift fees or benefits. Previously, editing the revenue and waiving the gift fees did cause an adjustment or reversal for the ledger and the adjustment is picked up by the post process properly; however the display status for the revenue was still listed as “Posted (activity pending).” 600807
All assemblies
99250 36
This fix addresses an issue with user-defined smart queries. Previously, if the smart query contained a field that used currency and you renamed the field/column header, you would receive an error when you tried to save the smart query. 600693
All assemblies
99242 45
This fix addresses an issue which occurred with unapplied matching gift payments in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, you could manually add a recognition credit to an unapplied matching gift payment in the batch. However, even when you saved the batch, if you reopened or committed the batch, the recognition credit you created manually for the payment was removed. Now, once added to the batch, the recognition credit you manually added is saved and will be committed correctly. 599986
All assemblies
99206 35
New Feature: In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, the Blackbaud CRM Integration service setting on the Schedules tab in Administration now displays the number of records to update in Blackbaud CRM. This is an informative way for you to monitor the amount of data the setting needs to process, which helps you avoid integration delays from Blackbaud Internet Solutions to Blackbaud CRM. 599962
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue to successfully track external links sent from Blackbaud Internet Solutions in a marketing effort. Previously, tracking information was lost intermittently. 599689
All assemblies
99194 32
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when solicit codes were used as exclusions for marketing efforts. Previously, if you added a solicit code as an exclusion to one marketing effort, it was inadvertently removed from other marketing efforts. Now, the same solicit codes can be used on multiple marketing efforts. This issue was introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6. If you added marketing efforts with solicit codes as exclusions in Service Pack 6, you should check your marketing efforts after you upgrade and re-add the solicit codes when needed. 599331
99155 29
This fix addresses an issue with a data list that had been customized. Previously, specific values defined for some fields in the data list did not appear correctly. 599182
99142 29
New Feature: We have added the ability to use the “Add constituent attribute” global change process to add more than one instance of the same attribute category but a different attribute value to a constituent record. For example, you might want to assign an attribute category of "Distinguished Alum" with a value of "Athletics," as well one with a value of "Academics" to a graduate who earned honors in both areas. This can occur only when the attribute does not have the “Allow only one per record” setting marked and when the global change process does not have the “Overwrite existing value” setting marked. 599137
All assemblies
99138 35
With this fix, the Degree field for the Education histories element on a Profile Update form now displays the degree name on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. Previously, the degree's database ID (the GUID) appeared. 599106
98998 28
This fix addresses an issue with adding or editing benefits to a posted payment. Previously, from the posted payment, you could click “Edit benefits” and add a new benefit to the payment; however, the change did not require you to enter an adjustment reason or date. Now, in order to add or edit benefits for a posted payment, you have to click “Edit posted benefits” which will require an adjustment reason and date. 598834
All assemblies
99102 45
This fix addresses an issue with the tax claim numbers for revenue as assigned by the R68 process for Gift Aid. This issue could occur if you ran the R68 process for a set of revenue transactions, but did not submit the claims to HMRC. If you then edited the R68 process and changed the tax claim number for the process, you could rerun it and inadvertently change the tax claim numbers associated with the revenue. There could also then be a mismatch between the tax claim numbers which appeared on the revenue records in CRM and the tax claim numbers submitted for the revenue to HMRC. Now, each instance of the R68 process will preserve the original tax claim number for the associated revenue. 598730
All assemblies
99090 35
This fix addresses an issue with correspondence process mailings to households. Previously, if a the processing options for the output format were set to “Include household member processing” and “Mail to primary household member when available,” the primary household member was inadvertently removed from the mailing if that constituent was also a non-primary of another household included in the mailing. 598446
All assemblies
99086 32
This fix help improve a performance issue which occurred with batches of web transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the “Manage Web Transactions” page in CRM could be slow to open or could encounter performance-based errors. 598398
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with benefit unit values on event registrations added from through batch in CRM. Previously, if a constituent had two or more of the same registration option for an event registration, the benefit unit value amount on the saved registration was doubled. For example, if a constituent registered for an event and requested two “Couple” registration options with a T-shirt benefit (four registrants, four shirts), the benefit unit value amount displayed on the Benefits tab of the registration was double the actual unit value set up for the T-shirt. The quantity of the benefits was calculated correctly, but the unit value and therefore the total value of the benefits were incorrect. 598166
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error which sometimes occurred when website users attempted to sponsor a child through Blackbaud Internet Solutions. 598158
99053 28
This fix addresses a database revision error related to the main constituent page which could occur when upgrading Blackbaud CRM when the Corporate Info subtab has been removed. 597730
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error which occurred when importing revenue transactions with application IDs into an Enhanced Revenue Batch. This issue was introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6. With this fix, CRM reads the application ID from the import file and associates the correct transaction type code to the revenue automatically. 596435
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98962 30
This fix improves performance issues related to application user security which occurred when running certain processes in CRM. 596391
All assemblies
This fix improves the performance of the Documentation and Interactions constituent summary tile, along with any paginated summary tiles. The paginated tiles now display only the first 500 records. To view the complete list, you can click the tile name link to go to the relevant tab on the constituent record. 596117
All assemblies
98934 49
This fix addresses an issue with posting revenue transactions to the ledger when using the QuickBooks IIF format. Previously, when posted to QuickBooks, all transactions were posted within one, single transaction set, whereas now the individual related transaction entries are posted in their own transaction sets. 595501
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98903 36
This fix addresses an issue with attributes when deleting a constituent. Previously, when you deleted a constituent, the associated attributes were not automatically deleted. With this fix, all the associated attributes are deleted when you delete a constituent. 595331
All assemblies
This fix makes RequestContext and RequestSecurityContext of the Import Process Handler public so they can be set outside of the platform catalog. 595013
98217 29
This fix addresses an error which sometimes occurred when running a tribute acknowledgement process. 594265
All assemblies
98808 35
Technical Change: When you use Blackbaud Merchant Services to process Blackbaud Internet Solutions transactions, the gateway ID for credit card transactions is now processed and appears on the Reconcile transactions and disbursements page in Blackbaud CRM. 594242
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with information displayed on the VSE Survey report in Fundraising. Previously, donations from constituents not associated with an affiliated educational institution were included only in section 3 (“Outright Giving”) of the report and not included in the breakdowns in sections 4a (“Additional Details on Section 3 – Individuals”)and 4b (“Additional Details on Section 3 – Organizations & Other”). Now the donations are included correctly in both sections of the report. 593685
All assemblies
98751 35
This fix addresses an issue with prospect plan steps and interactions when you merge two constituents. Previously, if the source constituent had a major giving prospect plan with steps and those steps had interactions, the associated interactions did not appear on the target constituent after the constituent merge. The prospect plan and its steps did appear on the target constituent, just not the associated interactions. 593521
All assemblies
98731 35
New Feature: We have added the ability to assign categories to smart fields. When you add or edit a smart field, you can now choose to assign a category to it. You can define your categories to best suit the needs of your organization. You can then sort or filter smart fields by category on the Smart Fields page under Administration to help you navigate the list more easily. To sort or filter by category, you use the new Category column, which now appears on the list by default. In addition, we have added the columns "Created by" and "Created on" to this list, which you can also use for sorting or filtering smart fields. These two columns do not appear on the list by default, but you can add them by clicking Columns and selecting them. 593042
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Membership Contribution Process. Previously, the process was not processing renewals and upgrades correctly for membership programs with the renewal window set to begin at the start of the membership. The issue occurred only when the membership term length was set to anything longer than 13 months. Now, membership terms of all lengths are correctly handled by the process. 592548
All assemblies
98669 35
This fix addresses a timeout issue which sometimes occurred when adding or editing code table values in Administration. Note that if some resource-intensive queries are running and you change site-related information on the code table values, the timeout issues could still periodically occur. The same issue was addressed in both 589350 and 614705. 589350
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue to successfully process transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions that are charged in Blackbaud Merchant Services, but do not appear in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, if an exception occurred for a transaction, it deleted from the transaction table. This prevented it from downloading to Blackbaud CRM. With this fix, the transaction remains in the table so it appears in Blackbaud CRM with an exception transaction status. 587899
All assemblies
98381 35
This fix addresses an issue with constituent revenue application smart fields for constituents who are members of households or groups. Previously, if the household or group gave the revenue (not the individual constituent) and the smart fields were set up to calculate based on revenue recognition, the constituent revenue application smart field values for the individual constituents were incorrect and did not include the recognition amounts based on the household or group giving. The individual constituent's smart field values could also be incorrectly inflated by counting revenue and recognition amounts multiple times. Now, these smart field values are calculating correctly. After you upgrade, you must re-process these smart fields in order for the values on the individual constituents to be correct. This fix addresses issues reported in work items 586545 and 601462. 586545
All assemblies
New Feature: As a follow up to the new Delete email permanently organization setting in Administration (released in version 4.0 Service Pack 5), you can now select to delete messages and newsletters based on whether the email is beyond a certain number of days, months, or years. To delete email permanently based on age, schedule the new Automatically delete email older than option. When the process runs based on this setting, the program first checks this section to delete email permanently. If you do not want to delete email messages and newsletter issues based on age, leave the default to Never. 585412
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when updating credit card numbers for recurring gifts. Prior to CRM 4.0 Service Pack 2, if a constituent had more than one recurring gift using the same credit card and a CRM user updated the credit card number on the "Edit payment details" screen for one recurring gift, the user received the message: "Other commitments use the original credit card. Would you like to update them to use the new credit card?" Beginning in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 2, even if the user clicked "No," all of the commitments were inadvertently updated to the new credit card number. Now, in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6, if the user clicks "No" on the message, the credit card information for the other commitments remains unchanged. The same issue occurred beginning in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 2 when updating credit card numbers for commitments in Revenue Update Batch. However, in batch, the user was not prompted to change the details for other commitments; the credit card information for the other commitments was automatically updated. Now, in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6, in Revenue Update Batch, the credit card information for only the commitment being edited in the batch is updated. 585200
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98224 27
This fix addresses an issue when editing a constituent record through a batch. Previously, when you updated a constituent record using a batch and added a spouse to the constituent, the recognition credit was not automatically updated on the spouse record. 584814
All assemblies
98192 1600
This fix addresses an issue with changing the constituent or revenue amount fields for a revenue transaction in a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if the appeal entered on the original revenue transaction included an appeal with a default designation, you could have manually changed the designation on the original transaction before you saved it. If you later edited that transaction in a Revenue Update Batch and changed the constituent or the amount, the designation was automatically re-defaulted and the designation that was selected manually was overwritten. Now, changing the constituent or revenue amount fields for a transaction in a Revenue Update Batch will not re-default the designation in order to match the behavior that occurs when you edit these transactions one at a time and not in a batch. 584659
All assemblies
98178 32
This fix improves a performance issue which sometimes occurred when running a consolidated receipt process. Previously, the consolidated receipt process could take longer than expected to complete or could time out and not complete. 584638
All assemblies
98175 30
This fix addresses an issue with using appeals and direct marketing efforts when entering revenue in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if an appeal was associated with only one marketing effort and you entered that appeal for the revenue in Enhanced Revenue Batch, the revenue was always associated with the marketing effort even if you removed the appeal from the batch row. 584126
All assemblies
98137 41
This fix addresses an issue with importing constituents and revenue from a list segment in a direct marketing effort into Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if the constituent was imported into a batch and then the same constituent and list segment was used in another batch, the error "BBERR_ADDRESS_PRIMARYADDRESSREQUIRED" appeared. This error occurred when constituent matching was enabled in the "Enable/disable matching" configuration task in Administration. 583704
All assemblies
97626 30
New Feature: The User Login part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions now includes the ability to change the order of the constituent attributes appearance on the form and modify their labels. This provides flexibility so you can specify how the attributes should appear on the web page, such as if you want them in the same order as they appear in Blackbaud CRM. 583649
All assemblies
New Feature: In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, organization settings now includes the Titles section so you can filter the options that appear from the Title field drop down on web pages. Previously, all titles from Blackbaud CRM appeared in the list. Use this feature to remove titles that are not frequently selected by website users, such as General and Chief. 583648
All assemblies
New Feature: You can now easily indicate whether to send multiple or single copies of emails when two or more constituent records include the same email address. To send one email to multiple constituents with the same email address, clear the new Send a unique email to each constituent who shares the same email address option in Administration. You typically select this when you want constituents, such as spouses, who share email addresses to each receive a copy of messages. This new option applies to recipients in an email constituent list and an import list. 583647
All assemblies
This fix helps improve the performance of the “Revenue dynamics” smart query. 583491
All assemblies
98048 32
When you download a recurring gift with a split designation from Blackbaud Internet Solutions to a Blackbaud CRM batch, the gift type now correctly downloads with a 'Gift' revenue type. Previously, this appeared as 'Grant Award.' In addition, the ability to edit designations for these transactions has been restored. To resolve this issue, the DonationProcessor.vb file has been updated in the back end. 581462
All assemblies
97774 32
When you use the Record Display part on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website, the Event Date merge field now appears in the correct format. Previously, it displayed alphanumeric characters. 581217
All assemblies
97748 32
This fix addresses an issue with the sort order for some code tables after you installed Blackbaud CRM Service Pack 5. Code tables are sorted alphabetically by default. However, before Service Pack 5, if a user chose to sort code tables differently, the system remembered this selection and used the sort order chosen by the user the next time the user accessed the code table. After you installed Service Pack 5, code tables reverted to alphabetical sort order, even if you had selected a different sorting option. This fix ensures that sorting options are persistent as they were before Service Pack 5. 580556
All assemblies
97353 27
Blackbaud CRM now eliminates leading spaces when downloading a zip code from your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website to the program. The leading spaces in the field were entered by the website user. This fix improves constituent searches that use zip code by eliminating the leading spaces. To resolve this, the AddressUIBase.vb file has been updated in the back end. 580472
All assemblies
This fix addresses a recognition credit issue which occurred when adding a payment to a matching gift claim in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if the matching gift claim had more than one designation, the recognition credits were duplicated on the matching gift organization’s constituent record. 579991
All assemblies
97636 32
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes caused the next installment date included in the output of a reminder process to be incorrect. 579817
All assemblies
97000 30
This fix addresses an issue with event registrants appearing on the Registrations tab of an event record. Previously, some constituents could appear on the Registrants tab even when they did not register for the event. The issue could occur when a constituent was included in an event invitation mailing but for some reason did not receive the event invitation, such as a lack of mailing address. On the event, if you clicked the "Update event attendance" task, the registrants list is updated; however, these constituents could incorrectly appear in the list when the "Attended" filter was set to "No." Now the constituent is not included on the Registrations tab if the constituent was not sent an event invitation and has not registered for the event. 579428
All assemblies
97600 41
This fix helps improve the performance of saving a selection of records within a specific radius on a constituent density map accessed from the “Constituent map” task in “Constituents.” Previously, this process could time out and the selection was not saved. 579339
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue where constituents within the search radius did not show in a MapPoint Radius search despite being closer to the center than others displayed. With this fix, the constituents now correctly appear in MapPoint Radius search results. 579301
All assemblies
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch containing a pledge where the amount is zero and the frequency is set to anything other than "Single installment" or "Irregular." Previously, when editing any pledge field other than "Amount," an error displayed stating that the server connection was lost. With this fix, when a pledge is edited, the server connection remains. 578925
This fix addresses an issues with security permissions for information in ad-hoc queries related to direct marketing efforts and refreshed segment counts. Previously, if a user had rights to view direct marketing effort segment counts in a query and then the counts were refreshed, those query security permissions were inadvertently removed. Now, the queries retain the correct, granted permissions for granted users to be able to query on information related to refreshed direct marketing segment counts. After you upgrade, existing queries now return the correct information automatically. 578104
All assemblies
97516 32
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with users without System Administrator security rights and the "Screen list" button on the Research List page in Prospects. Previously, these users were not able to see this button, even when system administrators thought the users' system roles had the correct permissions to do so. For this fix, we added an additional security permission for the "WealthPoint Generate Request Research List Add Form." System roles will need to be granted this additional security permission in order for users to access the "Screen list" button. 577276
All assemblies
97474 30
This fix addresses an issue with pledge commitments in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, certain pledges did not appear as commitments for a constituent in the batch. This occurred for pledges which had multiple payments and write-offs for the same pledge installments. Now, the pledge commitments will appear correctly for the constituent in the batch. 577025
All assemblies
97444 32
Previously, the color indicators for KPIs could display the incorrect color when you viewed the KPIs on a web dashboard. 576798
All assemblies
97425 1600
This fix removes the error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' when you attempt to commit a BBIS Profile Update Transaction Batch in Blackbaud CRM with educational history data from your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. 576575
All assemblies
97401 30
New Feature: When you make changes to a constituent record to "Show more" or "Show less" of the constituent summary of the record which includes the constituent summary tiles, the program remembers your settings the next time you open a constituent record. This is not a system-wide setting, but instead is specific to each user. 576504
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with some organization names being incorrectly changed in Constituent Update Batch. When you create a new organization constituent record, you can enter a backslash to denote a first word of the organization's name that should not be required when searching for the organization by name. For example, you might enter "A\Seed for Hunger" or "The\Dog House" so that users can simply search for "Seed for Hunger" or "Dog House" and still easily find the organization record. Previously, if you included the organization in a Constituent Update Batch and made any changes or additions to the record, the "A" or "The" and the backslash were removed from the organization's name. Now, you can update the organization in Constituent Update Batch and the full name of the organization is preserved. 575827
All assemblies
97354 30
This fix improves the way smart field data is stored in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse in order to prevent failures during the ETL refresh process. 575250
All assemblies
96696 30
This fix addresses an issue which prevented some credit card information from being properly saved in Enhanced Revenue Batch. The issue occurred when Blackbaud CRM received an error status from the Blackbaud Payment Service which CRM did not know how to interpret properly. Now Blackbaud CRM can process the error information from the Blackbaud Payment Service correctly during payment processing. The fix addressed issues reported in work items 544731, as well as 575210. 575210
All assemblies
97321 30
This fix helps improve the performance and loading time of the main import page in Administration for organizations with many different sites and many imports. The performance improvement happens only for system administrators or for those users in system roles with the “Run queries as admin” system privilege granted. 575203
All assemblies
97320 35
This fix addresses an issue with hyperlinks in emails. Previously, you could have issues when trying to add a hyperlink to an email when you were using Internet Explorer 11. 574925
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97283 1804
In order to optimize performance, we have updated the constituencies ETL in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse to take advantage of the new functionality that lets you mark constituencies as inactive. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 574441
All assemblies
94516 27
We fixed an issue where users logging out of BBIS were incorrectly being directed to a page from another client. Now, this issue has been resolved. 573782
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with gifts of sponsorship given through Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if the gift of sponsorship was given to a constituent that already existed in CRM, the sponsorship was not correctly processed as a gift. 573722
All assemblies
97223 27
This fix addresses an issue with benefit unit values on event registrations added from an event record in CRM not using batch. Previously, if a constituent had two or more of the same registration option for an event registration, the benefit unit value amount on the saved registration was doubled. For example, if a constituent registered for an event and requested two "Couple" registration options with a T-shirt benefit (four registrants, four shirts), the benefit unit value amount displayed on the Benefits tab of the registration was double the actual unit value set up for the T-shirt. The quantity of the benefits was calculated correctly, but the unit value and therefore the total value of the benefits were incorrect. 573703
All assemblies
97220 30
Technical Change: Previously, when a registrant's event attendance status changed to 'Will not attend' or 'Canceled' in Blackbaud CRM, the change did not impact event capacity on the Event Registration Form part on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. With this fix, event capacity on your website now adjusts when a registrant's status updates to either of these in Blackbaud CRM. For example, if two attendees cancel their attendance for an event, the event capacity increases by two on your website. 573608
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with address validation in constituent batches (Constituent Batch, Constituent Update Batch, and Constituent Address Update Batch), as well as in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you validated addresses for all rows in the batch and then committed the data, the address information was entered or updated correctly on the constituent records. However, the validation information on the Details tab of the constituent's address ("Last attempt" and "Validation message") did not appear. This validation information now appears correctly on the address so you can view and query on it as needed. 573561
All assemblies
97207 30
This fix addresses a site security issue related to batch templates which were secured by site. Previously, a user could access batch templates for a site in a system role for which the user had no other batch entry permissions. Now users can access site-secured batch templates only for sites in a system role in which they have batch entry permissions. 573181
All assemblies
97162 41
New Feature: With this release, when you issue a refund for a credit card transaction, you can now view refund details on the Details tab of the payment record as well as the Reconcile transactions and disbursements page in Treasury. Note that the ability to issue a refund for a credit card transaction by editing or deleting a payment is existing functionality. 573168
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the "Date sent" for a mailing direct marketing effort on the Communications tab of a constituent record. Previously, if the "Launch date" field on the direct marketing effort was blank, the "Date sent" for the mailing on the Communications tab of the constituent record was also blank. Now, the "Date sent" for the mailing on the Communications tab of the constituent record is set to the "Activation date" of the marketing effort when the "Launch date" is blank. 573014
All assemblies
97151 30
This fix addresses an issue with using finder numbers in Enhanced Revenue Batch. In Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 5 or higher, if you entered a finder number to enter a transaction in batch, the designation appeared to be filled in and you could enter the transaction amount and date. However, if you tried to validate the batch, you received an error that the transaction must have at least one designation. Now, the finder number populates the designation information correctly and the batch can be validated. 572888
All assemblies
97147 30
This fix corrects an eReceipt issue for the Transaction Manager part on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. Previously, it was possible for an eReceipt to appear for a different constituent other than the logged in website user. Now, the correct eReceipt appears for each logged in user on your website. To resolve this, the following files have been modified in the back end: CMSReceiptKeyByRevenueId.DataList.xml, CMSReceiptKeyByRevenueIdDataList.codegen.VB, and GivingHistory2Control.ascx.vb. 572484
All assemblies
This fix addresses two Marketing and Communications-related issues which could occur when importing direct marketing efforts into a Direct Marketing Effort Batch. The first issue dealt with "Test segment codes." Previously the combination of the "Test segment name" and the "Test segment code" had to be unique. The same "Test segment code" could not be used for more than one test segment. Now, only the "Test segment name" must be unique and the same code can be used on multiple test segments. The second issue dealt with direct marketing packages. Previously, if a package was associated with a direct marketing effort segment, you could not update the marketing effort segment with a different package during import. This fix addressed two work items: 512314 and 572140. 572140
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73628 27
This fix addresses an issue where the Wealth and Ratings page was unable to load if a group or constituent had over 100,000 gifts found by WealthPoint. 572083
All assemblies
97092 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when you created a marketing effort a template. The template could have exclusion settings for deceased and inactive constituents. When you created the marketing effort from the template, the exclusion settings were not copied to the new effort, even though they should have been. 572034
All assemblies
97087 41
This fix addresses a potential revision failure when upgrading Blackbaud CRM. Previously, you could receive a "Revision ID: 529 for revision set 1430 failed" error due to a memory usage issue. 571478
All assemblies
97034 30
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when merging two constituents when the source constituent was a member of a household and the target constituent was not a member of any household. Previously, if you selected to mark the source constituent inactive after the merge, the constituent still remained part of the household in the CONSTITUENTHOUSEHOLD database table. The source constituent was not visible on the household record in the program, but the information was incorrect in the CONSTITUENTHOUSEHOLD table which could cause issues with customizations or other reporting processes. Now, when the two constituents are merged, the source constituent is marked inactive and is removed from the CONSTITUENTHOUSEHOLD table. 571445
All assemblies
97028 30
New Feature: We have added the Site field to several constituent search screens so that you can further refine your search parameters. The updated search screens include: Constituent Search, Constituent Search by Name or Lookup ID, Committee Search, and the corresponding search screens in batches, when available. 570996
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when switching view options in the Information Library. Previously, when you selected to view queries by folder, the system remembered your selection the next time you were on this page. However, when you selected to view queries by category, owner, or record type, those selections did not persist the next time you were on the page. With this fix, all "view by" selections are persistent, so you see the last option you selected when you go back to this screen. 569673
All assemblies
96918 27
Technical Change: This fix downloads the assigned Constituency to organization records in Blackbaud CRM when processing a corporate gift from your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. Previously, these only downloaded to individual records. To resolve this issue, the dbo.USP_BATCHREVENUECONSTITUENT_ADD file has been updated in the back end. 569617
All assemblies
96915 30
This fix addresses an issue with long constituent addresses in the Address Validation Batch with the Address Validation service in the Data Tune-up section of Administration. Previously, during address validation, some addresses were updated to include more than 150 characters total in the address block in the Address Validation Batch. Addresses in the program are limited to a maximum of 150 characters, so the longer addresses in the batch caused errors. Now, the longer addresses from the Address Validation service are truncated to a maximum of 150 characters in an Address Validation Batch. 569150
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with a discrepancy in the length of the volunteer “Job name” field in Volunteers. The field has a 100-character limit, but the search list for volunteer jobs was limited to 50 characters. Both are now set to allow 100 characters. 568964
All assemblies
96854 41
Proposed Patch Tag: When a pledge with irregular installments is edited in Revenue Update batch the installment dates could be incorrectly altered when viewing the installment schedule through the edit installments dialog. The dates should no longer be incorrectly altered. 568909
All assemblies
96852 30
New Feature: For databases with the UK locale, the Payment 2.0 part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions now includes information about whether a Gift Aid declaration has been included with a donation. This information appears in the Payment 2.0 part shopping cart items list, the Payment 2.0 part confirmation page receipt grid, and the Payment 2.0 part acknowledgement email receipt grid. 568598
All assemblies
BB742662 27
New Feature: The Payment 2.0 part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions now includes information about whether a donation is given anonymously. This information appears in the Payment 2.0 part shopping cart items list, the Payment 2.0 part confirmation page receipt grid, and the Payment 2.0 part acknowledgement email receipt grid. 568596
All assemblies
BB742662 27
This fix addresses an issue with the constituent summary tile for addresses on constituent records. Previously, if a constituent had more than two current addresses, the scrolling order for the addresses from the tile was inconsistent and not necessarily in order. 568546
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with viewing query results through OData in a Microsoft Excel 2010, 2013, and 2016 which sometimes caused issues with data not appearing in Excel. 568527
All assemblies
96829 35
Previously, when matching gift records were imported through an Enhanced Revenue Batch, multiple donations displayed in the Revenue Application query. With this fix, the correct donations display in the query. 568109
All assemblies
96803 30
This fix addresses an issue with the “Constituent declines Gift Aid” checkbox on recurring gifts in a UK environment. Previously, after you saved the recurring gift, you could not edit it and mark or unmark the checkbox unless you changed the recurring gift amount or designation. Now, you can edit the gift and change the checkbox without changing anything else. 568017
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when copying segments from one direct marketing effort to another. Previously, users sometimes received the error "The current user does not have rights to use this form" even when they had security rights to copy the segments to the marketing effort. Now, users can copy segments to a marketing effort without receiving the error. 567832
All assemblies
96777 30
New Feature: To modernize email and improve statistical information to current industry standards, performance statistics for email messages in Blackbaud Internet Solutions have been enhanced. To centralize the data, you now view most statistics for an email message in one grid instead of clicking multiple tabs and sub-tabs. After you send a message, its row on the Messages page updates to display the grid. The percentages and counts that display update automatically each time you access the grid so you always view the latest statistics. The top row of the grid displays the email activity percentages for Open rate, Click rate, and Transaction rate, as well as the Average gift amount raised as a result of the message. You can hover over each statistic title to view a description of how the value was calculated. The bottom row of the grid shows the Total raised amount, and also lists email activity in total amounts for Recipients, Opens, Clicks, and Transactions. You can click each amount to view a list of email addresses associated with the statistic. Additional information is provided about the distribution lists used for the message, the number of messages that were not sent or that resulted in bounces and opt-outs, and the email job status. More details are included for URL performance, total number of views and unique viewers, total number of transactions, and the message content and properties. You can also export a summary or detailed version of the email statistics to a *.csv file. 567831
All assemblies
This fix improves the performance of selections used within segments and segments groups in "Marketing and Communications." 567618
All assemblies
96749 27
This fix addresses a performance issue that occurred when you attempted to validate and commit an Enhanced Revenue Batch when a constituent had a large number of commitments. 567556
All assemblies
This fix removes an error that appeared with a 'download transaction' ID message when attempting to download donations for non-US countries from Blackbaud Internet Solutions into a Blackbaud CRM batch. This was caused by an invalid row for routing numbers in a back end table. To resolve this, the DonationCapture2.ascx.vb file has been updated in the back end so that a validation now applies to all countries to validate routing numbers for the Donation Form. 567421
All assemblies
96732 32
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when changing stewardship plan step status information in a Stewardship Plan Step Update Batch. Previously, if you changed a step to “Canceled” or “Declined,” the “Actual date” field was required in the batch, even though the date was not required if you changed the status manually from the plan itself. Now, the batch no longer requires the “Actual date” for steps set to “Canceled” or “Declined,” only for those set to “Completed.” 567219
All assemblies
96726 41
This fix improves the performance of the "Sponsor" node in queries and selections. 567196
All assemblies
96718 30
This fix resolves a site security assignment issue when you download an organization record from Blackbaud Internet Solutions into Blackbaud CRM. Previously, the site security did not assign to the organization record. With this fix, the site security successfully assigns. To resolve this issue, the dbo.USP_BATCHREVENUECONSTITUENT_ADD file has been updated in the back end. 567128
All assemblies
96710 27
This fix addresses an error that occurred when the geocode process encountered an exception and all associated addressCoordinates records were deleted. With this fix, addresses that have existing coordinates will be retained in the addressCoordinates table and flagged so that they will be picked up for the next run of the geocode process. Records that have no longitude/latitude set will be deleted. 566102
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits for recurring gift payments in Enhanced Revenue Batch and Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you added a payment for a recurring gift, the recognition credit information was defaulted from the settings on the constituent record and not from the recognition credit settings on the recurring gift. Now the recurring gift payment has the correct recognition credits as specified on the recurring gift. 565617
All assemblies
96625 35
This fix addresses a site security error which occurred when filtering the stewardship plan documentation list on the Documentation and Interactions tab of a constituent. 565144
All assemblies
96600 49
New Feature: We have added two new settings to the "Global rules for married constituents" section on the Marriage tab of the Manage Life Changes page. To access this page, click "Manage life changes" under Configuration in Constituents. You can now select whether or not to have the primary phone number and email address automatically copied to a spouse's constituent record when you create the spouse relationship. Previously, when you added a spouse, all primary contact information (address, phone number, and email address) was copied from the existing constituent to the spouse record. Now, based on the new "Global rules for married constituents" settings, the primary phone number and email address may or may not be automatically copied to the spouse's record depending on your configuration settings. The primary address, however, is always copied to the spouse record. By default, the new "Copy primary phone number to spouse's record" and "Copy primary email address to spouse's record" checkboxes are marked. If you do not want this information copied to spouse records, you can change these configuration settings. 564759
All assemblies
71543 30
This fix addresses an error that occurred when you ran the Prospect Assignment Process for prospects that had both a current prospect manager and a historical prospect manager with null start dates. 564757
84436 24
This fix helps improve performance of the "Assign letters process" on the Letters tab of the Acknowledgements page. 564472
All assemblies
This fix helps improve performance of the "Marketing acknowledgement process" in Marketing and Communications. 564461
All assemblies
This fix addresses a site security-based performance issue which could occur when opening or editing an import process in Administration. 564288
All assemblies
96521 35
This fix addresses an issue with monetary amounts as displayed in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, they were shown only in the organization currency. Now, amounts are available in both organization and base currency. 564005
96493 51
This fix addresses a revision error that could occur when you upgraded Blackbaud CRM. 563644
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error which sometimes occurred when exporting a marketing effort. 563479
96465 24
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with searching for recognition programs in a Constituents query. Previously, if a user created a constituent query and wanted to include a specific recognition program as a filter, the user received a “The current user does not have rights to use this search” error, even when the system role had rights to all features. The issue did not occur for users who were system administrators. In order to address the issue, we created a new feature permission and you must manually grant the feature permission for “Recognition Program Search” under “Fundraising Efforts > Recognition Program” from the Features tab of the system role. 563476
All assemblies
BB749968 35
This fix addresses an issue when filtering global changes by site. Previously, the filtering by site was not working correctly on the Global Changes page. This issue was introduced in Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 5. With this fix, filtering by site is working correctly again. 563126
All assemblies
96434 27
Previously, when adding and saving a payment for a specific account system, the GL Distributions tab for the payment displayed a different account system. With this fix, the payment appears with the correct account system. 563097
All assemblies
96431 27
This fix addresses an issue with the Model Scores and Ratings Batch and the Model Scores and Ratings Update Batch. Previously, you could not enter model scores or ratings information for organizations, only individual constituents. You can now select constituents who are individuals or organizations in these batches. 562792
All assemblies
96414 30
This fix addresses an issue with importing records with lookup IDs or alternate lookup IDs into a Constituent Update Batch. Previously, the constituent matching logic was not applied based on the lookup or alternate lookup IDs and the constituent update rules were not followed. Constituent matching rules and constituent update rules are defined in the "Global data entry settings" task in Administration. Now the constituent matching logic is applied and the constituent update rules are followed. 562315
All assemblies
96354 30
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when validating the Blackbaud Data Warehouse in Administration. Previously, when you attempted to validate the warehouse, you could receive a status of “Did not finish” with a message of “Invalid column name ‘ID’.” To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 561594
All assemblies
96308 35
Previously, when upgrading from CRM version 3.0 to 4.0, a revision error could occur for systems that use the SEPA banking system. With this fix, the error no longer occurs. 561302
All assemblies
96293 27
This fix addresses an issue when running certain smart queries. After you applied Service Pack 5 of Blackbaud CRM, user-defined smart queries that used filter operators other than "Equal To" could return an error when you tried to run them. This fix addresses the issue so that the queries run correctly. 561247
All assemblies
96291 27
Previously, when updating multiple designation levels, a trigger in the designation table could throw an error. With this fix, we improved the trigger to handle bulk (multiple) updates. Note that this change fixes customizations that broke when the trigger was introduced in CRM 4.0 Service Pack 4 and is directly related to work item 505735. Additional customizations should not be impacted. 561209
96453 24
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch when adding a payment to a pledge associated with pre-existing paid installments. Previously, upon opening the saved batch, when the batch was validated or the batch row that included the pledge payment was changed in any way, the application associated with the payment was removed. With this fix, the application remains on the batch row. This change also introduces a known issue with the "Application" field in a Revenue Update batch. When the payment is applied to a fully-paid commitment, the "Application" field is incorrectly blank and the commitment information is only accessible through the "Apply to commitments" screen. 561015
96278 24
When an administration user manually enters the URL for a deleted web page into a browser address bar, the browser now redirects the user to the Site explorer page. Previously, the deleted page continued to appear. This change applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 560774
All assemblies
96259 27
Previously, when a non-administrator user searched for revenue records in a Revenue Update Batch, the process was slow and did not return records. With this fix, we updated the search form SQL to use FTM tables. Now, the search process returns records in a timely manner. 560637
All assemblies
95879 27
With this fix, we have made performance enhancements to the Gift Aid R68 process. Previously, all revenue records remained locked even if there was only a single transaction failure in the process. Now, the only records which remain locked are the ones that could not be successfully processed. The other records are successfully processed and are unlocked. The R68 process is now also able to complete more quickly. 560586
All assemblies
Technical Change: This fix addresses an error that could occur when you set a filter in a data list created using the "Revenue (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse)" query view. Previously, you received an error when you tried to save the data list after setting filters for attributes and smart fields. If you have custom code or reports that use a dbo.V_QUERY_BBDW_ATTRIBUTE<GUID> view or a dbo.V_QUERY_BBDW_SMARTFIELD<GUID> view, you must change them to use the BBDW.V_QUERY_BBDW_ATTRIBUTE<GUID> or BBDW.V_QUERY_BBDW_SMARTFIELD<GUID> instead. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 560472
95836 22
We have optimized the processing performance of the DIM_CONSTITUENT package in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 560433
All assemblies
94516 27
New Feature: This fix addresses an issue with the PhoneFinder process in the Data Tune-up section of Administration. Previously, if a constituent had an address marked as "Do not send mail to this address," the address was still included in the PhoneFinder submission file. With the AddressFinder process, you have the flexibility to choose whether or not to include those records. To be more consistent, there is now an "Include addresses marked as Do Not Mail" checkbox on the "Edit PhoneFinder submit process" screen. If you have many constituents who do not receive mail from your organization, you may still want to use addresses that are marked as "Do not mail" to help locate new or updated phone numbers for those constituents. However, if you use "Do not mail" to also indicate invalid or out-of-date addresses, you may not want to use those in the PhoneFinder process. By default, this checkbox is marked to match existing behavior. In order to omit these addresses from the PhoneFinder process, you must edit existing PhoneFinder submit processes and unmark the "Include addresses marked as Do Not Mail" checkbox. 560242
All assemblies
With this fix, we have improved the performance of the AddressFinder process located in the Data Tune-up section of Administration. Previously, in the "Step 1: Create and submit file to Blackbaud" step, you could select "For households, submit shared addresses once along with primary contact name" and, in some situations, the AddressFinder process could time out and fail to complete as a single file. You then had to break up the addresses into multiple files for processing. In addition, we made some performance improvements to the "Step 3: Update addresses" step which included enhancements for how the batch is committed. 560206
All assemblies
This fix addresses a revision error that could happen when reloading code table specs. Previously, when you had a custom index on a code table and reloaded all code tables, the custom index could not be updated. 559674
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when viewing account segment information for a designation on the GL Mapping tab. Previously the tab would display only the first 10 characters when account segment could be up to 100 characters. 559571
All assemblies
96163 54
This fix addresses an issue with the AddressFinder process. Previously, when you ran the AddressFinder update process, you saw same Mail Grade and Footnote on both the address submitted to AddressFinder and the new address returned by the process, even if the Mail Grade and Footnote no longer applied. 547499
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with direct marketing efforts and ask ladders when the marketing efforts were set up to allow ask ladder overrides. Previously, on the “Effort Settings” tab of the marketing effort, you could access the “Ask Ladder Overrides” tab in order to make changes; however, if you deleted the ask ladder override from the "Edit ask ladder overrides" screen, saved it, and then returned to the screen, the override still appeared and was not actually deleted. 546427
All assemblies
Previously, when multiple processes (such as saving revenue and adding solicit codes) attempted to update the same records simultaneously, a deadlock error message displayed. This fix improves performance and reduces the occurrence of deadlock errors. 545987
All assemblies
96015 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when importing into a Constituent Update Batch when the constituents had many pre-existing relationships in the database. Previously, the batch commit process after the import could take much more time to run due to the number of relationships the process needlessly checked. Now, this process has been improved so the batch commit process takes less time to run. 545968
All assemblies
96013 27
This fix addresses an issue with site security for new households and individual constituents when imported through Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if you imported a new household with household members through Enhanced Revenue Batch and the household was assigned to a specific site, the individual household member constituents were not assigned to the specified site. Now, site security is enforced and the site associated with the household is also assigned to the household members. 545273
All assemblies
95985 41
New Feature: This fix helps improve performance when you attempted to edit relationships between constituents. Previously, when a constituent had a relationship with a commonly used relationship pair (such as employee and employer) and you tried to edit the relationship, the "Edit relationship" screen could take a long time to load. To improve performance, we have added the ability to change the functionality so that the sort order for relationships in those relationship fields is alphabetical instead of being sorted with the most commonly used relationship pair at the top of the list. However, when you change the sort order to alphabetical instead of "Most frequently used pairing," the reciprocal relationship will not default automatically to the reciprocal relationship field. The new setting is on the Relationship Types tab of the Relationship Settings page which you access from the "Relationship settings" configuration task in Constituents. There is now a "Sort method for reciprocal relationships" setting on the tab. After you upgrade, the new setting will be set to "Most frequently used pairing." In order to see the performance improvements, you must change this setting to "Alphabetical" instead. 545019
All assemblies
BB755658 27
This fix addresses an issue with prospects and prospect managers on the “My fundraiser page.” A prospect can have a prospect manager listed on the Prospect Team tab of the prospect record. You can enter an end date prior to the current date for the prospect manager. Previously, if you did this, the prospect was still displayed in the “Prospect assignments” list on the Prospects and Plans tab of the “My fundraiser page” for the prospect manager. Now, the prospect is no longer displayed in the “Prospect assignments” list since the prospect is not currently assigned to the prospect manager. 544938
All assemblies
95967 41
This fix addresses an issue which prevented some credit card information from being properly saved in Enhanced Revenue Batch. The issue occurred when Blackbaud CRM received an error status from the Blackbaud Payment Service which CRM did not know how to interpret properly. Now Blackbaud CRM can process the error information from the Blackbaud Payment Service correctly during payment processing. The fix addressed issues reported in work items 544731, as well as 575210. 544731
All assemblies
95954 30
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when using AddressFinder in the Data tune-up area of Administration. Previously, when on "Step 2: Get file from Blackbaud," you could receive an error message if an address you submitted to Blackbaud had been deleted from the database. The "Index was outside the bounds of the array" message no longer appears and the addresses that are in the response file but have been deleted from the database are skipped and are placed into an exception file. You can download the exception file (as *.csv or *.xlsx) from the Recent Status tab of the process. 544686
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when refreshing an email marketing effort. Previously, if the refresh process timed out, you could receive an exception message that could not be properly displayed. Now the exception message information will be logged to the event viewer and IIS logs instead. 544586
All assemblies
95937 32
This fix helps improve performance with updating unmapped transactions from a general ledger account system in Administration. Previously, from an account system, if you clicked the "Review unmapped transactions" task and then clicked the "Update unmapped transactions" task, the process could sometimes run slowly or fail to complete. 544478
All assemblies
95924 32
This fix improves the performance of queries that include sponsorship nodes and recurring gift payment queries. 544100
All assemblies
95890 27
This change applies to revenue records associated with posted credit card payments processed through Blackbaud Payment Service. Previously, when a user selected to delete a revenue record, a confirmation message appeared with no option to cancel out of the delete process. When a user clicked the "X" in the top corner of the confirmation message, the message closed and the payment was deleted. With this fix, we added a "Cancel" option to the confirmation message and confirmed that clicking Cancel or "X" closes the confirmation message and nothing is deleted. 543695
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the household recognition summary calculation when the recognition filter 'Option to include recognition for pledge payments only if the constituent did not receive recognition for the pledge applied to household' is applied. 543615
All assemblies
Previously, when creating a batch using the "Generate revenue update batch" process, pledge payment adjustment fields were disabled, and an error displayed during validation. With this fix, adjustment field values from the batch grid automatically display in the payment adjustment details section on the Edit installment designations screen, and the batch validates properly. 543613
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when searching for smart field processes by site. This happened when you edited a process for a smart field queue and tried to search for an existing smart field process. When you selected a specific site to search under, the smart field processes for that site did not appear in your search results. The results did appear if you did not filter your search by site. With this fix, you can see the correct smart field processes in your search results even when you restrict the results by site. 543530
All assemblies
95839 27
This fix address an issue with direct marketing efforts and solicit code exclusions. Previously, if a solicit code was added as an exclusion to a communication template and you created a marketing effort from that template, you could still then go back and edit the solicit code. If you marked the solicit code itself as required when it wasn't required at the time the marketing effort was created, you could receive an error when you edited any solicit code exclusions on the marketing effort and tried to save it. The program was incorrectly trying to add a duplicate "required" version of the solicit code to the effort automatically, even though that was not expected behavior. Now, the marketing effort is saved correctly with only one solicit code and no duplicates, so there is no error. 543524
All assemblies
95838 27
This fix addresses an issue when you save new batches assigned to an owner other than the user creating the batch. Previously, when you created a new batch and assigned it to an owner different from you, the batch would open when you saved it. Now, when you save the batch, the batch does not open if it is assigned to an owner different from you. 543435
All assemblies
95833 27
Previously, when users tried to edit a "Generate payments" process that was associated with an inactive batch template, an error displayed. With this fix, users can now edit the process when the batch template is inactive. 543345
All assemblies
95818 27
This fix resolves an issue with the Designation field on a Donation Form web page when using Internet Explorer 10 or 11. With this fix, website users can now successfully click the drop down for the field to select a designation. Previously, the list of designations quickly appeared when clicking the drop down in IE10 or IE11, and the user could not select a different designation. This issue was introduced in Blackbaud Internet Solutions 4.0, Service Pack 5, 463584. 543157
All assemblies
Previously, if you added a research list using a constituent selection, the research list would not populate with the selected constituents if a constituent revenue application smart field existed in the system. With this fix, the form saves and the list populates successfully. 543078
95784 23
This fix addresses a performance issue with the Donor list smart query and multicurrency. Previously, the Donor list smart query could take significantly longer to process when a non-organizational currency was selected. In addition, this fix also resolves an issue related to historic exchange rates and time zone information. Previously, an incorrect exchange rate could be used in revenue calculations when the transaction time was within the time zone offset of either the start or end date range of the exchange rate. 543052
All assemblies
94143 27
This fix addresses an issue where an error occurred when limited rights users searched for revenue not associated with an opportunity on the Opportunity Unassociated Revenue Search screen with search list security enabled. With this fix, the error no longer occurs. 542145
All assemblies
95778 27
This fix addresses an error that could sometimes occur when running an export process that used a selection as an output field. This happened when you created a selection from an ad-hoc query and selected the option to "Show this Selection in the Query Designer" on the "Set save options" tab of the query screen. If that selection was used as an output field in an export definition and you renamed the ad-hoc query the selection was based on, you would receive an error the next time you tried to use that export definition. Now, when you rename the ad-hoc query, the selection, as well as the export definition which used the selection, continue to work as usual. 542138
All assemblies
95776 27
This fix can help improve performance when opening certain uncommitted Enhanced Revenue Batches. Previously, when you opened a batch, it attempted to unnecessarily reload commitment information multiple times. Now, some of that information is cached so the batch does not have to reload it. 541761
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the marital status of constituents when using the "Global rules for married constituents" and "Global rules for deceased constituents" in the "Life changes" configuration task in Constituents. Previously, if you had configured the global rules to change a constituent's marital status automatically, there was an issue with a constituent's status of "Widowed" getting set back to "Married." This issue occurred when the relationship information between the spouses was changed or re-saved after the marital status was set to "Widowed." 541503
All assemblies
82254 27
New Feature/Technical Change: This fix improves the "Incremental Constituent Duplicate Search Process" located in Duplicates which you access from Constituents. Previously, two constituents with addresses that were almost identical were sometimes not seen as duplicates by the process. The issue occurred when one address included a five-character postal code and the other included the ZIP+4 postal code with all other address information matching exactly. To correct this issue, we added a new field to the "Custom settings" tab of the "Edit incremental duplicate constituent search process" screen. The "Number of characters to use for matching" field allows you to specify how many characters of the postal code to compare for the match criteria. The default for the new field is 12 but you can change it to suit the needs of your organization. If the value of this field is set to five, for example, the five-character postal code and the ZIP+4 postal code will now be seen as exact matches since only the first five characters are compared. A higher number represents a more stringent match criteria. The new POSTCODEPREFIXLENGTH column was added to the CONSTITUENTDUPLICATESEARCHPROCESS table to represent the new search process option field. The stored procedure USP_DATAFORMTEMPLATE_EDITLOAD_CONSTITUENTDUPLICATESEARCHPROCESS for the "Edit incremental duplicate constituent search process" screen now returns a value for POSTCODEPREFIXLENGTH. A new stored procedure USP_DATAFORMTEMPLATE_EDIT_CONSTITUENTDUPLICATESEARCHPROCESS_2 is now used to save the incremental duplicate search process settings. The stored procedure USP_CONSTITUENTDUPLICATESEARCHPROCESS_GETCONSTITUENTS now takes a new parameter POSTCODEPREFIXLENGTH when searching for possible duplicate constituents. If you have customizations for the incremental duplicate constituent search, you should consider implementing this new feature. 541174
All assemblies
83328 27
Previously, when you copied a marketing effort, the Direct Marketing Effort page sometimes became unresponsive. 540805
All assemblies
95619 58
This fix improves a revision error to help you more easily identify the source of the problem for a certain scenario. When running revisions, you could encounter an exception error if an index on a custom code table was incorrect. Previously, the exception error language was generic. This fix has updated the exception message to provide more specific and clear details to help you identify the source of the issue. 540702
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when attempting to view a public media effort in Marketing and Communications. Previously, if your browser language settings were set to anything other than "English (US)," you sometimes received the error "Input string was not in a correct format." 540347
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes prevented you from being able to delete a constituent. Previously, if a constituent’s address was updated in a committed Constituent Address Update Batch, you would receive an error when you tried to delete the constituent. Now the constituent is deleted correctly and the constituent’s address information in the committed Constituent Address Update Batch is also removed. 539602
All assemblies
95525 41
This fix addresses an issue with the constituent recognition process awarding levels to constituents correctly based on giving; however, the amounts calculated for the previously attained levels were sometimes incorrect. 539085
All assemblies
95496 35
Previously, when you entered membership transactions into Blackbaud CRM through Blackbaud Internet Solutions, the Inbound channel field was blank. Now, information properly defaults in the Inbound channel field for membership transactions. 538998
All assemblies
88816 27
Previously, recognition credits did not default for memberships of new constituents created from the Membership Dues Batch. With this fix, recognition credits are created correctly. However, uncommitted batches generated through Import or downloaded from Blackbaud Internet Solutions will need to be imported or downloaded again. 538989
All assemblies
88906 30
This fix addresses an issue which occurred sporadically when opening a Membership Dues Batch. Previously, a user would sometimes receive the error "Expires on is required" when attempting to open the batch. 538974
All assemblies
91220 30
This fix addresses an issue that prevented organizations with duplicate matching gift conditions from merging. With this fix, these organizations now merge successfully. 538963
All assemblies
92971 30
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when you attempted to rejoin a canceled membership through Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you changed a membership dues row in batch to rejoin a previous membership, the membership level and term adjusted incorrectly. 538947
All assemblies
95154 32
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a user added a payment to a pledge or recurring gift and committed the batch, payment details (such as payment method) were not accurately reflected on the pledge or recurring gift record. With this fix, payment details are updated correctly. 538705
All assemblies
95472 27
This fix addresses an issue where the marketing information section on the Payment tab of a sponsorship would load incorrectly if the sponsor associated with the sponsorship had a finder number longer than 10 characters. This issue was due to the Finder number field having an incorrect data type which has now been updated so the Finder number field now displays finder numbers with more than 10 characters. 538696
All assemblies
95470 27
This fix addresses an issue with updating deceased dates for constituents using Constituent Update Batch. If a constituent record had a deceased date entered manually on the constituent record and was then entered in a Constituent Update Batch with a different deceased date, the date was not actually updated after the batch was committed. 538516
All assemblies
95451 41
New Feature: To enable you to specify which email address to use for messages in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, a new Email address type field is now available when you create templates from Email, Templates or messages from Email, Messages. When a constituent does not have the email address type you select in the field, the message is sent to their primary email address. 538488
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue where revenue queries using columns from the Recurring Gift Revenue Function History Query node did display data for those columns. Now, columns from that query node will display data correctly. 538420
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with UK-specific Gift Aid fields appearing on the “Split designations” screen accessed from the “Add a pledge,” “Edit pledge,” and “Edit posted pledge” screens in non-UK CRM environments. 537608
All assemblies
95384 35
Previously, an error occurred when you attempted to edit the Revenue category field of a pledge payment when the pledge was linked to an opportunity. With this fix, you can now select a new revenue category, and the error no longer occurs. 537457
All assemblies
95374 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when adding a new public media group segment to a public media effort in Marketing and Communications. Previously, when you selected the segment for the effort from the Segment field, this list contained only segments that were not public media segments. When you selected a segment from the list, you then received an error when you tried to save the public media effort. 536783
All assemblies
95335 27
This fix ensures that audit tables are listed by size in Database Growth Management. Previously, the list of audit tables on the Audit Tables tab of the Database Growth Management screen were not arranged by size. With this fix, the audit tables are now listed by size, from largest to smallest. 536586
All assemblies
95330 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when editing responses for a prospect plan step. Previously, on the Details tab of a prospect plan, when you clicked "Step" and then "Responses" for a planned, pending, or completed step, you could receive an error which said that you did not have rights to access the "Edit responses" screen. The error occurred even when you did have rights to access the screen. The error no longer appears when you have rights to access the "Edit responses" screen. 536348
All assemblies
95311 27
This change applies to a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when applying a payment to a pledge that overpaid the next installment, recognition credits were not saved correctly upon batch committal. With this fix, recognition credits are saved correctly. 535963
All assemblies
95284 27
This change applies to editing pledges. Previously, when making changes to the designation, installments, and distribution of amounts, the pledge did not save the changes and an error message appeared. With this fix, we updated the "save" handler on the Edit Installment Designations form to ensure that the correct value is saved. 535957
95279 23
This fix addresses an issue with designations displayed on the Installment/Write-off Activity tab of a pledge. Previously, if a pledge was set up with multiple designations, all of the designations were displayed for installments even when the payment was not actually applied to each designation. Now only the designations associated with each payment are displayed. 535943
All assemblies
95274 32
This fix addresses an issue where an error occurred when you added a payment with the payment method of Other to a recurring gift in an Enhanced Revenue Batch. 535919
All assemblies
95270 27
New Feature: We have added the ability to query on recurring gift status activity in revenue queries. We have added the "Revenue>Recurring Gift Amendments" node to revenue queries with the "Recurring gift previous status," "Recurring gift status," "Recurring gift status change reason," and "Recurring gift status change reason description" fields. You can edit existing queries to include these new fields. 535834
All assemblies
95265 30
This fix addresses an issue with blacklisted email addresses. Previously, the system could not handle blacklisted email addresses in bulk. 535793
All assemblies
95254 1716
This change applies to the "Constituent revenue application amounts" smart field. Previously, the smart field was not updated with constituents recently added to the site associated with the smart field configuration. When a constituent was added to the site after the smart field process ran, the smart field value was not added to that constituent's page. With this fix, the smart field is checked for any constituents that have been added to the site since the process last ran. 535445
95223 23
This fix addresses an issue with recognition programs in Constituents. Previously, if you ran the constituent recognition process through a queue (set up in Administration) or if you scheduled the process to run using the “Job schedules” tab on the process, the status of the recognition program for constituents was always set to “Active.” This occurred even if you selected “Pending” in the “Initial status” field of the constituent recognition process. 535335
All assemblies
95207 35
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when you edited an export process and changed which smart query selection it used from one to another or from a smart query selection to an export definition. When the issue occurred, the error “You must use a selection that includes a system record ID in the primary key field” appeared even though that did not actually describe the issue. Now, you can edit the export process successfully without receiving the error when the system record ID is included. 534145
All assemblies
95111 35
Previously, when you replaced a manager for a prospect on the Prospect Team tab, an overlapping dates error sometimes occurred that prevented you from replacing the prospect manager, even if the start date of the new manager did not overlap with the previous manager. With this fix, the error no longer appears. 533530
All assemblies
95064 27
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes occurred with custom collection fields. Previously, some custom collection fields did not display on forms when you accessed them using Chrome as a browser. This happened when the fields used a <span> element for field mapping. With this fix, custom collection fields now display correctly in Chrome. 533436
All assemblies
95053 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when entering a payment with multiple applications and at least two additional applications, each with an amount of zero, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, you received a "You must have at least one application" exception message when you validated the batch. 533229
All assemblies
95041 30
This fix addresses an issue when identifying loyal donors in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. You define loyal donors by editing donor constituency criteria under "Constituencies" in the Constituents functional area. Previously, in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, constituents were only identified as loyal donors when they had given for exactly the amount of time you defined, but not if they had given for more than that time. For example, if you defined loyal donors as those constituents who have given for three consecutive years, the Blackbaud Data Warehouse only identified as loyal donors those constituents who had given for exactly three years, but did not include constituents who had given for more than three years. With this fix, donors who have given for the length of time you define or longer are correctly identified as loyal donors. In the previous example, donors who have given for three years or more would be identified as loyal donors. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 533046
All assemblies
95017 27
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when renewing a membership at a different level in Membership Dues Batch. This occurred only when the membership type column was not visible in the Membership Dues Batch. If the original membership had a type associated with the level and you renewed the membership for a different level with or without a type, the original type was still associated with the renewed membership even if the level did not allow that type. 532695
All assemblies
94990 41
With this fix, we improved the performance of the following EFT processes: Generate payments, Generate direct debit files, and Credit card processing. 532454
All assemblies
94979 27
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, an error may have displayed when applying payments (with a payment method of credit card) to commitments. With this fix, the error no longer displays. 532350
All assemblies
94974 27
This fix addresses a usability issue with smart fields listed on the "Assign smart fields" screen used to assign rights to the smart fields to the system role. Now, these smart fields are sorted alphabetically which helps make a long list of smart fields easier to navigate. 532237
All assemblies
94962 30
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a user entered revenue in a batch row, entered an amount, and selected an appeal with no benefits, then went back and changed the Amount field, the Receipt amount field was not updated. With this fix, the Receipt amount field updates when a change is made to the Amount field. 532144
All assemblies
94945 27
This fix addresses an issue where child campaign goals were incorrectly displayed in queries. Now, query results no longer list goals that existed before a campaign was added to a hierarchy. 531223
All assemblies
94836 27
This fix addresses an error that occurred when a constituent sponsoring a child signed up as a new BBIS user if the constituent was automatched with an existing constituent in Blackbaud CRM. With this fix, this error no longer occurs. 531126
All assemblies
94831 21
New Feature: To provide an optimal check out experience for website users on multiple devices, you can now upgrade your static Blackbaud secure payment web pages to responsive web pages. You can select to upgrade each secure payment page individually, or you can upgrade all pages, across all of your websites, at the same time. After you select to upgrade Blackbaud secure payment pages from static to responsive, you cannot use static pages again. 531051
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue where users sometimes received an error message when running the R68 process. With this fix, the error no longer displays. 530899
All assemblies
94810 27
This fix addresses an issue when granting task permissions on system roles. Previously, when you were granting task permissions, you could sometimes see features on the list that you could not grant permissions to. Those features are no longer visible to eliminate confusion when selecting features to grant permission to. 530759
All assemblies
94800 27
New Feature: From Administration, Sites & settings, you can now select 'This is a non-production environment' when you want to test or disable specific functionality in an environment that is not available to website users and email recipients. When this checkbox is clear, your environment is live and set to Production. 530367
All assemblies
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch imported using the Additional applications collection field. Previously, when the collection field was mapped to a single application, recognition credits were incorrectly cleared. With this fix, recognition credits remain. 529961
All assemblies
94742 21
Previously, for a Revenue Update Batch, the Revenue category was blank when loading multi-designation recurring gifts and pledges. With this fix, we changed the load stored procedure for Revenue Update Batch to return a Revenue category for these types of gifts. The Revenue category now loads correctly. 529870
All assemblies
73881 21
This fix resolves an issue with the Online Information tab in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, the tab did not display an imported website user's lasts login date from your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. With this fix, the date now displays in the Last login field for all imported website users, as well as registered website users. To resolve this, the USP_BBNC_INTEGRATIONWEBTRAFFICADDUPDATE stored procedure has been updated in the back end. 529438
All assemblies
94698 27
New Feature: With CRM 4.0 Service Pack 6, we introduce Credit Card Updater Service - a subscription service that helps you maintain accurate credit card data for your recurring gifts, pledges, and membership installment plans. To use Credit Card Updater, your organization must subscribe to the Credit Card Updater Service and have an active Blackbaud Merchant Services account. Within CRM, features include an option to enable or disable the Service, a new business process and query, and a new revenue record field that indicates when the associated credit card was last updated. For more information about subscribing to Credit Card Updater, contact Blackbaud Merchant Services at 529408
All assemblies
This fix addresses a formatting issue in import exception files. Previously, data in import exception files sometimes showed no spaces between fields. This happened when the file you imported was a fixed-width file. 528688
All assemblies
94649 27
This fix optimizes performance when high volume donations impact a Payment 2.0 part using the Blackbaud secure payments checkout process. This fix also improves the process when a website user clicks the back button on the secure payment web page by maintaining the user's dbo.CMS_SessionVariableBackup row in the back end until the transaction processes successfully. Previously, this row was deleted when the user clicked the back button. These changes apply to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 528644
This fix addresses an issue where users received an error when attempting to edit a child or project record in a sponsorship opportunity group that allowed unlimited sponsors. With this fix, the error no longer displays. 528321
All assemblies
94610 27
This fix addresses an issue with membership expiration dates in Memberships queries. Previously, if a constituent was a member of a specific membership program and you created a Memberships query, the expiration date included a time and not just the date. This occurred when you included the “Memberships>Members>Constituent>[Specific membership program]>Expiration date” field in the query results. Now the query results for this field correctly include only the expiration date and not the time. Any existing membership queries will now correctly include just the expiration date value for that specific field after you upgrade. 528266
All assemblies
94593 41
This fix addresses an issue that could lead to blank exception batches as a result of General Ledger errors in Enhanced Revenue Batches. Previously, legitimate errors could fail to appear in exception batches if a batch's required fields became out of sync with the batch template's required fields. This could lead to empty exception batches even though there were exceptions that should have appeared. This could happen when you modified a batch template after a batch had been created based on that template. If you changed the required fields on the template but the batch was created before those changes, the required fields on the template and on the batch would become inconsistent and exceptions could fail to appear on the exception batch. 527975
All assemblies
94541 27
This fix addresses an issue with start dates for Gift Aid declarations in databases using the UK locale. Previously, when you downloaded donations from Blackbaud Internet Solutions, the start date was set to the date you completed the download instead of the date the gift was given. With this fix, the date correctly indicates when the gift was given and the declaration completed. 527797
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue where the Committee Summary tab was being displayed for constituents who were not committees. 527727
All assemblies
94525 27
We have optimized the ETL by changing when the clustered index is added to fact tables during full refreshes. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 527620
All assemblies
94516 27
This change applies to a Sponsorship Batch. Previously, the base amount displayed the currency of the organization instead of the base currency in multi-currency environments. Now, the correct currency is displayed. 526736
All assemblies
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, after importing a payment applied to a constituent's commitment where the constituent was different than the one imported into the batch row, the Application and Applied amount fields were blank. With this fix, the field information displays correctly. 526372
All assemblies
94444 27
New Feature: This fix addresses an issue with event invitees and the Constituents query. Previously, you sometimes got incorrect results when you used the "Constituents>Invitee>Name" field for output in addition to the "Constituents>Invitee>Event>Invitations>Name" filter to query on invitees from a specific invitation list. The issue occurred because all invitees were included in the results regardless of the invitation, even when a specific invitation was specified as a filter. Now, we have added the ability to query on event invitees by invitation lists in constituent queries. You can use the new "Constituents>Invitees" node which can sort or filter the results by invitation list. If you have any existing queries using the "Constituents>Invitee" node and you would like to sort or filter by invitation list, you should modify them to use the new "Constituents>Invitees" node. 525927
All assemblies
94412 30
This fix resolves an issue for multiple event registrations on your event web page. When one event is sold out, the event capacity message no longer appears for additional events with available registrations. With this fix, online registrants can continue to process these registrations successfully. To resolve this, the CartDisplay.ascx.vb file has been modified in the back end. This fix applies to the Event Registration Form part for Blackbaud Internet Solutions and to the Event Registration Form (Classic) part for Blackbaud NetCommunity. 525849
All assemblies
94390 27
This fix optimizes performance of the ETL process in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. To improve performance of the FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTIONLINEITEM ETL package, we have optimized the indexes for the FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTIONLINEITEM_STAGE table. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 525205
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
This fix resolves an issue that sometimes caused external links in emails you sent from Messages to redirect to the website's home page instead of their destinations. The issue occurred when your website also used acknowledgement emails that included links. The problem was introduced by a change in Blackbaud Internet Solutions 4.0 Service Pack 3, 464025 and Blackbaud NetCommunity 6.64 Maintenance Release, 464025. This change resolves the current and previous issues. 525167
94919 18
This fix allows you to schedule SQL Snap to run automatically on system startup. For more information, see Knowledgebase solution 54657 at 525092
All assemblies
94356 21
This fix helps improve performance issues when refreshing static queries. The fix also helps improve performance in queries which contain smart fields that use value groups. 525072
All assemblies
94352 32
This fix addresses an issue with the Event Profile report. Previously, constituents who received an event invitation and declined were sometimes listed as "Did not respond" instead. The issue occurred when the constituent was sent more than one invitation to the same event and the constituent declined the most recent invitation. Now, a constituent's event invitation status is listed according to the response to the most recent invitation. If a constituent declined a previous invitation to an event but did not respond to a more recent invitation, the constituent is considered "Did not respond." Note that constituents are considered "Registered" if they register for any invitation to the event, regardless of how they respond to the most recent invitation. 525033
All assemblies
94350 30
This fix addresses an issue that could make some queries intermittently slow when you opened or edited them. 524836
All assemblies
94334 27
This fix addresses an issue with batch actions. Previously, you sometimes could not see the actions that normally appear underneath each query on the Batch Entry screen in Revenue. When you filtered one of the columns on this page, you sometimes were not able to see the actions for each batch, such as "Edit batch" and "Commit." With this fix, the actions appear correctly for all batches, even when you filter the list by column. 523808
All assemblies
94280 21
This fix removes unnecessary message from the ETL log file. Because this reduces the size of the log file, you might notice performance improvements during the ETL process. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 523799
83343 19
Technical Change: Previously, the Results per session field on the Sponsorship Search Part was limited to 50 results. With this fix, there is no longer a limit to the amount of results on this field. 523708
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a user entered revenue in a batch row, entered an amount, and selected an appeal with no benefits, then went back and changed the Amount field, the Receipt amount field was not updated. With this fix, the Receipt amount field updates when a change is made to the Amount field. 523584
All assemblies
94262 27
This fix resolves an issue that caused an error message to appear when website users attempted to register for team fundraising events. 523426
Previously, in a Revenue Update Batch, an error displayed upon validation if the batch contained a payment for a matching gift claim whose constituent had been changed. With this fix, the error no longer occurs and the batch validates correctly. 523389
All assemblies
94241 27
We have updated the Blackbaud Data Warehouse to correctly calculate first gift information in the Giving List report. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 523290
All assemblies
94233 27
This change applies to settings on the Goal tab for new KPI instances. Previously, when "Good target" and "Satisfactory target" were set to the same value and "High values are good" was selected, the KPI graph and tooltips indicated "Low values are good". With this fix, the KPI displays correct data. 523227
All assemblies
91368 21
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes occurred when navigating through folders in the Information Library. Query and KPI folders contain up to 30 queries or KPIs per page. When a folder has more than 30 queries or KPIs, the folder expands to more than one page. Previously, when you navigated from one query folder to another or from a KPI folder to another, the contents of the second folder could sometimes appear blank even when the folder had items in it. This happened when you navigated from a page in the first folder that did not exist in the second folder. For example, if you were viewing the third page of a query folder and then navigated to a query folder that only had two pages, the second query folder appeared blank until you refreshed the list. With this fix, when you navigate from one folder to another, you always see the first page of the second folder, regardless of what page of the previous folder you were viewing. 522717
All assemblies
94181 21
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with the Appeal Profile report. Previously, this report treated recurring gifts and recurring gift revenue inconsistently with regard to which transactions were included in the Revenue Detail as well as in the Revenue Summary sections of the report. The function "UFN_REPORT_APPEALPROFILE_REVENUE" was changed to include a new "INCLUDEINSUMMARY" field to indicate which revenue should be included in the Revenue Summary section of the report in the "Total revenue", "Number of transactions," and "Number of donors" summary fields. With this fix, the Revenue Details section of the Appeal Profile report now includes recurring gift amounts for both recurring gifts and for recurring gift revenue transactions. The Revenue Summary section of the report includes only recurring gift revenue transactions. After you upgrade, the numbers in the Revenue Summary section may no longer match the previous summary totals. This fix addresses issues reported in 517020 and 522595. 522595
94165 19
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened on the Segments list in Marketing and Communications. Previously, when you accessed segments on this page, you sometimes did not see the actions that appear underneath each segment, such as "Edit" and "Delete." With this fix, the actions appear correctly for all segments on this list. 522560
All assemblies
94154 21
Previously, the median price was used to calculate a stock sale which, at times, caused revenue amounts to be different than the associated General ledger amounts. With this fix, we changed stored procedures to ensure the stock sale calculation is based on the payment amount. 522541
All assemblies
94150 27
This fix addresses an issue with the capitalization of constituent names being changed incorrectly in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, if you selected an existing organization, for example, with a name that included all capital letters (such as "AAA Concrete"), the batch could use the "Global data entry settings" from Administration to potentially update the organization name to having only the initial letter capitalized (such as "Aaa Concrete"). The issue could also occur when you imported existing constituents into a Constituent Update Batch. Now when you select an existing constituent or import one into a Constituent Update Batch, the "Global data entry settings" are not automatically applied to the "First name" and "Last/Org/Group/Household name" fields and the capitalization of the existing name in these fields is not changed. If you edit the name of the constituent in these fields, the settings are applied and the capitalization could be changed. 522402
All assemblies
94141 27
Previously, in a Revenue Update Batch, when a payment was split between a donation and a pledge and the batch was saved and reopened, the designation was not visible on the Apply to commitments screen. With this fix, the designation appears correctly. 522145
94121 15
This fix addresses an error which occurred when running the receipt process. Previously, if a constituent had more than one address of the same type, the receipt process sometimes encountered an error when trying to determine which address was the correct one to use. 521829
All assemblies
New Feature/Technical Change: With the CRM 4.0 release, we introduced constituent summary tiles to offer quick views of constituent information such as contact information, relationships, and memberships. With Service Pack 4, we introduce a more streamlined way to create and deploy new constituent tiles. For more information, see the SDK documentation. If you already created custom constituent tiles on version 4.0 prior to Service Pack 4, your customizations will continue to work after you upgrade; however, we recommend you plan to upgrade your custom tiles to take advantage of the streamlined tile development and deployment process. 521660
This fix addresses an issue when manually adding a matching gift claim payment. Previously, when you added the payment manually, the Revenue Category was not automatically inherited from the payment. With this fix, the Revenue Category for the matching gift claim payment automatically matches that on the payment for the original gift. Matching gift claim payments added through Revenue Update Batch never inherited the Revenue Category, and this behavior is not affected by this fix. 521216
All assemblies
94035 54
This fix addresses an issue with Constituent Update Batch when the batch included phone numbers or email addresses. Previously, the duplicate matching logic did not always detect an exact match for the constituent's phone number or email address and treated it as a new entry. Now the existing phone number or email address is detected and the batch is able to validate and commit properly. 521088
All assemblies
92079 21
For clients using a UK instance of Blackbaud CRM, this fix addresses an issue that could incorrectly remove a Gift Aid tax claim number from a payment. Previously, when you changed the Designation on a paid pledge installment, that already had a claimed Gift Aid payment, the tax claim number would be removed from the payment. Now, if the new Designation still qualifies for Gift Aid, the tax claim number is not removed. 520938
All assemblies
94018 54
This fix addresses an issue with appeals in Enhanced Revenue Batches. Previously, when you entered a pledge payment in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, the appeal did not appear on the batch rows, even though it did appear on the committed revenue transaction. 520908
All assemblies
94015 54
This fix addresses an issue with certain fields in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. After applying Service Pack 3 for version 4.0 of Blackbaud CRM, some fields in the ETL were not updated. The fields affected were bbdw.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION.TRANSACTIONBALANCE, bbdw.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION.INSTALLMENTCOUNT, bbdw.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTIONLINEITEM.TRANSACTIONBALANCE, and bbdw.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION.LINEITEMBALANCE. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete a full refresh. 520725
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
92966 14
This fix addresses an issue with “Prospect assigned” email alerts which are configured in Administration. Previously, the email alert included a link to a blank CRM page. Now the email alert includes the correct link to the Prospect tab of the constituent record. 520680
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93491 35
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, when a constituent was automatically matched to an existing record, their recognition credits were duplicated. With this fix, recognition credits are correctly re-defaulted (not duplicated) after the constituent is matched. 520271
All assemblies
92962 27
This fix resolves an issue that caused the benefit screen for a membership form to not include decimal digits when the benefit value is a whole number. 520261
This fix addresses an issue with queries when using Google Chrome as your browser. Previously, you sometimes did not see the action options underneath queries in the Information Library. This occurred when you used Chrome and searched for queries using the search box in the Information Library. After your results appeared, you were not able to see the actions, such as "Edit" and "Delete," underneath the query name. You were still able to access those actions by right-clicking on the query name. With this fix, the actions appear correctly underneath the query name. 519669
All assemblies
92924 21
New Feature: We have added a new field in queries for masked account numbers. The existing field "Account number" on the "Direct Debit Account" node in queries displays the entire account number. When used in printed materials such as acknowledgement letters, this could result in security issues if an entire account number is included. To offer an alternative, we have added the field "Account number (masked)," which masks the account number except for the last four digits (for example, ****5678). To take advantage of this new field in existing queries that include account numbers, you must edit the queries and change the selected field from "Account number" to "Account number (masked)." You can continue to use the "Account number" field for situations in which you want the entire account number to appear. 519495
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue where solicitors on a prospect plan appeared twice on payments linked to an opportunity associated with the prospect plan. 519095
All assemblies
92108 27
Previously, when opening a revenue batch that was committed prior to upgrading to version 4.0, the following error message displayed: "The given key was not present in the dictionary." With this fix, the error no longer displays. 518884
All assemblies
92070 27
The default field label that appears for the image prompt on eCard forms that include reCAPTCHA images is changed. Previously, the label instructed users to "type the words" shown in the reCAPTCHA image. Since the images typically include characters that do not form words, the text now informs them that the image is "a security measure to help prevent fraud." To change the new default message, navigate to the Language tab on the part, select the reCAPTCHA category, and update the text in the "Subheading" row. A similar change was made in the 6.64 Maintenance release for the Donation Form, Payment, Payment 2.0, and User Login parts. 518795
This fix addresses a performance issue with committing membership dues batches when benefits are awarded to new memberships. With this fix, the commitment time for these membership dues batches has been reduced. 518648
90822 19
This fix eliminates the error message 'Could not download transaction with ID 999. The error was: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime' that appeared when a website user attempted to submit a profile update on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. This was caused by email addresses that use a start or end date with the date format dd/mm/yyyy. With this fix, the dates for an email address now save properly when your organization's web server settings are set to dd/mm/yyyy so profile transactions successfully process to Blackbaud CRM. 518469
All assemblies
92023 21
This fix helps improve a performance issue which occurred sporadically when adding a single payment using a finder number. Previously, if a direct marketing effort was in the process of being activated, adding a single payment using a finder number could time out or take a long time to process. 518294
This fix addresses an issue were you previously could not enter a date of birth for new user registrations in the standard date formats for Finland ( and Germany (dd-mm-yyyy) in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Also, date of birth values did not appear in sign up transactions in Blackbaud CRM if Blackbaud CRM was set to a different culture than Blackbaud Internet Solutions. 517949
All assemblies
91988 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when adding media links, attachments, or interactions from the "Documentation and Interactions" constituent summary tile for a group or household. Previously, the add screens that appeared were the ones for adding those items to individual constituents and not groups. Therefore they did not include the "Constituent" field so that you could select whether the item was for the group/household or for a specific constituent in the group/household. Adding notes from the "Documentation and Interactions" constituent summary tile worked correctly. Now adding media links, attachments, and interactions correctly uses the group version of the add screens which includes the "Constituent" field. 517719
All assemblies
91975 27
Previously, adjusted pledges were incorrectly calculated on the Donor Information tab of a purpose record. With this fix, adjusted pledges are calculated correctly. 517717
This fix addresses an issue where users attempting to view posted pledges that had been adjusted multiple times resulted in the data list being unable to load. 517715
89347 19
This fix addresses an error that occurred when committing a Membership Dues Batch that included a donor who purchased a membership via the BBIS membership part and was auto-matched to a constituent in Blackbaud CRM with an expired membership in the same program of the online purchase. 517443
89286 19
New Feature: To satisfy the Canadian Revenue Agency's requirements for donation receipts, the Donation Form, Payment, and Payment 2.0 parts in Blackbaud Internet Solutions now include the Middle name field under Additional fields. 517407
This fix eliminates an issue with decimal amounts for international customers who use the Membership Form part. Membership installment amounts now display correctly. Previously, installment amounts that included a decimal were displayed in US format. 517377
This fix resolves an issue that prevented the files for the 6.64 version of the product from installing on 32 bit systems. 517348
This fix addresses a performance issue when upgrading your database to Blackbaud CRM version 4.0 and above. Previously, the database upgrade process was slower than expected. With this fix, performance has been improved. 517209
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with the Appeal Profile report. Previously, this report treated recurring gifts and recurring gift revenue inconsistently with regard to which transactions were included in the Revenue Detail as well as in the Revenue Summary sections of the report. The function "UFN_REPORT_APPEALPROFILE_REVENUE" was changed to include a new "INCLUDEINSUMMARY" field to indicate which revenue should be included in the Revenue Summary section of the report in the "Total revenue", "Number of transactions," and "Number of donors" summary fields. With this fix, the Revenue Details section of the Appeal Profile report now includes recurring gift amounts for both recurring gifts and for recurring gift revenue transactions. The Revenue Summary section of the report includes only recurring gift revenue transactions. After you upgrade, the numbers in the Revenue Summary section may no longer match the previous summary totals. This fix addresses issues reported in 517020 and 522595. 517020
This fix addresses an issue related to site security and the ability to view, edit, and delete constituent contact information. Previously, a user with permission to view all constituent records and contact information, but not with rights to edit or delete constituent contact information according to a specific site could incorrectly still edit or delete contact information which should have just been view-only. 516996
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with direct marketing email jobs. Previously, the time specified on the "Start email job" screen was ignored so an email job set up to be sent at any time on a given date was sent at midnight on that date. If you scheduled a job for a later time in the same day, the email job was processed immediately. 516819
91344 19
This fix improves a performance issue where the BBIS Sponsorship Search part would perform poorly and occasionally time out when multiple requests were made to the page in a short period of time. 516581
All assemblies
91310 21
Previously, users received an operation time-out message when viewing the Revenue History tab with a revenue filter. With this fix, we made performance improvements to ensure the error no longer appears. 516474
741198 19
New Feature: We have added some address-related enhancements to PeopleFinder to help fix an issue with new addresses for constituents found by the PeopleFinder process. Previously, if the constituent already had an address in CRM marked as "Primary" and PeopleFinder returned a new address for the constituent, the primary address in CRM was no longer marked as primary and the address type was set to "PeopleFinder-former." The new address from PeopleFinder was added to the constituent and was marked as "Primary." In order to offer more flexibility, we have added some additional options to the Edit PeopleFinder process options screen. On this screen, you can now choose whether or not to add new addresses from PeopleFinder to constituents at all. If you do, you can select the address type and information source to use for the new addresses. You can also choose the address type to use for the former primary addresses for constituents. In addition, you can choose whether or not to make the new addresses from PeopleFinder the primary ones. In order to support these changes, the PEOPLEFINDER process table in the CRM database has been updated with these additional columns: UPDATEADDRESS, OLDADDRESSTYPECODEID, NEWADDRESSTYPECODEID, NEWADDRESSINFOSOURCECODEID, and MARKADDRESSASPRIMARY. Existing PeopleFinder processes will remain unchanged; however, the Edit PeopleFinder process options screen will have the new options. If you want to take advantage of these changes, you can edit the existing PeopleFinder process options. 516404
Technical Change: This fix resolves an issue with date attributes on the Donation Form part on a Blackbaud NetCommunity web page. When you process these to The Raiser's Edge, the program now changes the format to a short date so the transactions download successfully. 516337
This fix addresses a formatting issue with export files that include year fields. Previously, when you generated an export file in .xlsx format that included a year field such as "Class of," the formatting for the year could be incorrect because the export handled it as a number instead of a year. Depending on your locale settings, years could appear in your export output with additional characters such as thousand separators. 515786
All assemblies
83020 21
This fix optimizes the processing of the ATTRIBUTEISCURRENT flag in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 515511
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
74234 19
This fix eliminates an issue with decimal amounts for international customers who use the Event Registration Form part for Blackbaud NetCommunity. When a website user progresses through the event steps for the part on a web page, amounts that include a decimal are no longer multiplied by 100. With this fix, amounts accurately reflect the exact amount the user entered and also process correctly to Blackbaud Raiser's Edge. 515503
This change fixes the SQL 2008 revision error for Blackbaud NetCommunity version 4.0 Service Pack 2. 515362
This fix addresses an issue with degree and program information for non-affiliated educational institutions not appearing correctly on the Education tab of a constituent record. 515113
All assemblies
90922 21
This fix addresses an issue in Enhanced Revenue Batch which occurred when you changed the constituent after you entered the payment application and designation information for the transaction. Previously, the application and designation information was removed from the row when you changed the constituent. 515091
All assemblies
90916 21
Previously, when you assigned seats for an event, if you chose to sort the list of registrants by the Name, Host, Group, Guest count, or Seat columns, sort order was lost when you assigned a registrant to a seat. With this fix, sort order is now maintained when you assign seats. 515071
All assemblies
90914 27
Previously, when a prospect manager, primary manager, or secondary manager appeared consecutively, the history was deleted even if the dates did not overlap. With this fix, the history of consecutive managers without overlapping dates are retained correctly. If dates do overlap, and the new manager does not have an end date, the history deletes and the current manager's start date will default to the start date of the latest history that overlapped. If the newest manager's dates overlapped with the latest history, and an end date exists, the history record will be updated with the end date you previously entered. 515052
All assemblies
90902 27
This fix addresses an issue with deleting a merged constituent record associated with a PeopleFinder batch. Previously, if you merged two constituent records and the source constituent was in a PeopleFinder batch, you received an error if you tried to delete the source constituent. This occurred because the PeopleFinder batch still referenced the source constituent record. Now, the PeopleFinder batch is updated when you merge the constituents so that it references the target constituent instead and you can successfully delete the source constituent record. 515042
Technical Change: This fix eliminates the error message 'Input string was not in a correct format' when your web server uses a culture setting that formats currency different than the United States. As a result of this resolution, currency amounts now display in the language format selected by the website user. This change applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud Netcommunity. 514947
This fix addresses an issue where the Opportunities tile would not refresh after adding a prospect plan to a constituent group or household. 514558
This fix addresses an inconsistency with the way the primary manager was displayed on a prospect plan. Previously, former managers were displayed as current on the Opportunities tile and the Prospect Plan List View. 514556
Previously, for the Household revenue dates smart field, when "Earliest date" or "Latest date" was selected in the Value to return field, incorrect values displayed for all households after records were processed. With this fix, the values display correctly. 514538
89002 19
This change applies to editing a posted payment with associated gift fees. Previously, upon saving the edit, the following message appeared: "The adjustment reason must be set if the payment is being adjusted." After the user clicked OK, the adjustment fields were disabled even though, in some cases, they were required for a successful edit. With this fix, the message still appears, but after clicking OK, the fields are enabled and the payment can be saved. 514393
90827 19
Technical Change: We have changed the way revenue is calculated for marketing efforts. Previously, if someone made a pledge payment and included an additional donation associated with an appeal on a marketing effort, the pledge payment portion was also included in the totals toward the marketing effort. Now, in this situation, only the additional donation is counted. You must refresh your marketing efforts that may contain pledge payments in order to take advantage of the updated calculation. 514264
79863 19
New Feature/Technical Change: With this release, Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 5 now requires .NET 4.5.2 to support the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 protocol for enhanced communication security over the Internet. Before you upgrade, you must upgrade all servers that run any component of Blackbaud CRM (such as database and web servers) to .NET 4.5.2. If you have any customizations, they will continue to work after the upgrade. However, if you edit a customization or create a new one, you must update the target framework in the project properties to use .NET 4.5.2 before you recompile the customization. For more information, see the SDK new features information at 514051
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that could sometimes occur when you tabbed out of the Amount field of a batch. Previously, depending on your permissions settings, this action could return an error even though there was no error. 513799
All assemblies
116470 58
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes occurred when changing the application of a payment in a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if the revenue transaction had an appeal that was associated with business units, if you changed the application in a Revenue Update Batch, you could receive an error message. Now, the business unit information is reset whenever you update the revenue’s application and the error no longer occurs. 513743
All assemblies
97651 32
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when importing new constituents into a Sponsor Batch. The issue occurred only when you have Address Validation in the Data Tune-Up section of Administration. Previously, when you added constituents by importing them into a Sponsor Batch, the "Omit from validation" checkbox for the constituent's address was always marked. If you added constituents manually to the Sponsor Batch, the checkbox for the address was not marked by default. Now, in either situation, the "Omit from validation" checkbox for the address is not marked by default, which is consistent with adding or importing constituents in Enhanced Revenue Batch. 513610
All assemblies
90761 30
This fix addresses an issue when using the query "Constituents (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse)." Previously, when you used the field "Educational Program" for the query results, you received an error and were not able to see the results of the query. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. 513293
90725 12
This change applies to the "Constituent revenue application counts" smart field with a specific number of years for consecutive giving. Previously, after the smart field processed, results displayed the total number of years of consecutive giving instead of the number specified in the smart field. With this fix, results reflect the correct timeframe from the smart field even if the actual number of giving years exceeds that timeframe. 513268
All assemblies
90728 27
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur in committed batches. When working in a multicurrency environment, the Enhanced Revenue Batch details in the 'Committed Batches' tab always displayed the Recognitions amount in U.S. Dollars, even if that was not the currency used. 513184
All assemblies
90722 58
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you saved queries without a static selection. If you had the Blackbaud Data Warehouse deployed and you selected the option to copy static selections, saving a query without a static selection resulted in an error in your event log for the web server. In addition, if your web server were running .Net version 4, your web server could crash as a result of this error. With this fix, saving a query without a static selection no longer results in an error in your event log. In the event of a legitimate error, we have also updated the background task on the event log to prevent issues with .Net version 4. 513166
90720 19
This fix eliminates an issue with decimal amounts for international customers who use the Membership Form part. Membership prices now display and process correctly. Previously, amounts that included a decimal were multiplied by 100. 513085
Previously, when any revenue was loaded into a Revenue Update Batch with an associated note, errors displayed. With this fix, we updated the code that loads the Revenue Update Batch and the errors no longer display. 512960
90669 19
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes cause Gift Aid refunds to be processed more than once. When you edit a processed payment made to a designation that qualifies for Gift Aid and change the designation to one that does not qualify for Gift Aid, the Gift Aid amount needs to be refunded and the refund information needs to be included the next time the R68 process runs. Previously, this process worked correctly. However, if you opened the payment record and saved it again after the initial refund was included in the R68 file, the refund was added again. This could result in multiple refunds for the same transaction. With this fix, the refund is only added once, even if you open and re-save the payment record. 512909
This fix improves a performance issue which sometimes occurred when merging two individual constituents with the same primary business information. Previously, if the source and the target constituents each had a relationship with the same organization and the relationships had the "This is the primary business" checkbox marked, the constituent merge task could be slow or could time out. 512772
All assemblies
90659 21
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, when a pledge record with installments was imported and committed without opening and validating the batch, the pledge record was created without installments. With this fix, the pledge record is created correctly with the associated installments. 512694
89644 19
This fix addresses a performance issue loading uncommitted batches. We have improved performance so that uncommitted batches load faster when you access them. 512659
66612 19
This fix eliminates an issue with decimal amounts for international customers who use the Event Registration Form part for Blackbaud Internet Solutions and the Event Registration Form (Classic) part for Blackbaud NetCommunity. When a website user progresses through the event steps for the part on a web page, amounts that include a decimal are no longer multiplied by 100. With this fix, amounts accurately reflect the exact amount the user entered and also process correctly to Blackbaud CRM and The Raiser's Edge. 512455
Previously, when accessing the Employee Information report on the Corporate Information page for a constituent, the report loaded slowly. This fix improves the performance and response time of the report. 512428
89340 19
This fix addresses an issue where incorrect values were being returned for consecutive years a constituent was a member of a recognition program. This issue occurred for constituents who were awarded multiple recognition levels in the same year, and then continued their membership in the following year at one of those levels. With this fix, the correct values are now returned. 512379
All assemblies
89333 21
This change applies to a payment with overwritten business units in a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when a payment's amount was updated to zero, the following validation error displayed: Business unit's amount cannot exceed its application applied amount. With this fix, the error no longer displays and the batch can commit. 512349
All assemblies
89318 21
This fix addresses two Marketing and Communications-related issues which could occur when importing direct marketing efforts into a Direct Marketing Effort Batch. The first issue dealt with "Test segment codes." Previously the combination of the "Test segment name" and the "Test segment code" had to be unique. The same "Test segment code" could not be used for more than one test segment. Now, only the "Test segment name" must be unique and the same code can be used on multiple test segments. The second issue dealt with direct marketing packages. Previously, if a package was associated with a direct marketing effort segment, you could not update the marketing effort segment with a different package during import. This fix addressed two work items: 512314 and 572140. 512314
All assemblies
89308 27
Technical Change: This fix resolves an issue with a recurring gift that does not start payments 'today' on the Advanced Donation Form part on a Blackbaud Internet Solutions web page. When a website user establishes a future date for a recurring gift payment, the program now navigates the user to the BBSP Store Card page for the user to enter credit card information. The page only stores the data for a future charge. Previously, the program navigated users to the BBSP Credit Card Payment page that always makes a payment 'today.' 512289
Previously, the immediate origin and destination numbers on bank accounts were limited to 9 characters. With this fix, we expanded the immediate origin and destination numbers on bank accounts to accommodate 10 characters. 512286
89294 19
This fix resolves an issue that prevented membership and donation form users from entering more than eight characters in the "Account Number" field for direct debit payments. The issue occurred after websites with United Kingdom version of The Raiser's Edge were upgraded to the 6.64 version of Blackbaud NetCommunity. 512049
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when you tried to load certain specifications through Catalog Browser. Previously, you received an error when you used the AlterExistingPages function to add a detail view form to a data list. You only received this error when you were adding a detail view form to a data list that previously did not have a detail view form. 511936
88996 19
Previously, a funding request could not be removed even after all posted grant awards associated with the request were removed. With this fix, funding requests can be removed successfully without error. 511871
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when importing into a Constituent Update Batch with specific constituent update options set on the "Configure options" tab of the batch template. Address, phone numbers, and email addresses were added as primary contact information even when the settings on the "Constituent updates" tab of the "Configure options" tab of the batch template were set to "Add as new" and "Make new address/phone/email address primary" was set to "Only if the current primary address/phone/email address has the same type" or "Never." If the new contact information didn't have the same type as the existing primary contact information, the new contact information was still being imported and marked as primary. Now, importing into a Constituent Update Batch will respect the rules set up on the batch template when the "Use batch template settings" is marked on the "Constituent updates" tab on the "Set options" tab of the import process. 511714
All assemblies
88992 27
This fix addresses issues with the Batch Entry page that could cause errors in security handling. In some cases, this prevented some users from seeing batches that they had security rights to see. 511362
88948 19
With this fix, we improved performance when running an incremental refresh for the following smart field types: Constituent revenue application, Constituent recognition credit amounts, Constituent recognition credit dates, Constituent revenue application amounts, Constituent revenue application annual renewer, Constituent revenue application counts, and Constituent revenue application dates. 511205
88443 13
This fix improves the performance of the Export Definitions page. Previously, the list on this page could take a long time to load. With this fix, load time has been improved. 510508
88826 19
This fix addresses an issue which occurred with major giving prospect plan steps. Previously, when you entered a start date for the plan, the dates of the plan steps were still based on the current date. Now the dates of the plan steps are based on the start date of the plan. 510366
All assemblies
88555 41
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when refreshing direct marketing efforts. Previously, if the marketing effort contained only acquisition lists as segments, refreshing the direct marketing effort could take a long time to process. With this fix, we have optimized the refresh process. 509821
86310 19
When a Blackbaud Internet Solutions donation web page uses German or Italian and the currency separator uses a comma, the donation amount is no longer incorrect. This fix corrects the actual donation amount and format on the web page. The amounts are also now correct for acknowledgements and receipt emails. However, they display using the United States currency format (addressed in 509641). If you have a customization for currency values with periods, please be aware there may be an impact to the web page when you view it in a different language. 509643
88518 12
When a Blackbaud Internet Solutions donation web page uses German or Italian and the currency separator uses a comma, the amount format is now correct for acknowledgements and receipt emails. Previously, these amounts displayed using the United States currency format. 509641
88516 12
This fix addresses a performance issue with certain ad-hoc queries. Previously, ad-hoc queries that used an attribute category as a criteria could have performance issues when the attribute category was set up with a data type of code table. With this fix, we have optimized performance so these queries run more efficiently. 509443
88519 19
This fix addresses a performance issue with certain ad-hoc queries. Previously, ad-hoc queries that used an attribute category as a criteria could have performance issues when the attribute category was set up with a data type of code table. With this fix, we have optimized performance so these queries run more efficiently. 509422
88519 19
This fix addresses an issue with the “General ledger setup” in Administration. When you set up a ledger account, you can specify an account alias. Sometimes the account alias column would display as blank in the grid, even when you specified an account alias. 508529
All assemblies
88372 41
Previously, push date functionality did not allow for more than one row in the Expiration dates grid. With this fix, the grid now allows for multiple rows. This fix addresses issues reported in 497343, 507829 and 508294. 508294
88336 19
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur when opening batches or data forms. Previously, if your timeout settings were set to a value larger than 180 seconds, you could receive an error when you tried to open batches or data forms. Timeout options for the WebShell.DefaultClientAppInfoTimeoutSeconds web.config setting used to be limited to 180 seconds. With this fix, this restriction has been removed. 507917
87219 19
We have improved the text of an error message that appears when you try to delete a Reserve Opportunities process and the process cannot be deleted because there is an associated uncommitted batch. 507865
All assemblies
88306 58
Previously, push date functionality did not work correctly when using membership terms longer than a year. With this fix, this functionality now pushes membership expiration dates properly. This fix addresses issues reported in 497343, 507829 and 508294. 507829
88289 19
This fix resolves an issue that caused an error to appear when you attempted to send emails to large recipient lists. This issue occurred after you upgraded to the 6.64 version of the product. 507641
In Blackbaud CRM 2.91 and subsequent versions, we made enhancements to several of the main functional areas, including Events, Prospects, and Memberships. These functional areas were converted to actual pages to improve functional flexibility and overall usability. While you cannot assign tasks to pages, pages can have actions. To add actions to these pages, you edit the page properties while in design mode. You can create custom action groups, similar to custom task groups; however, before this fix, you could not control the placement of these groups on the page. Previously, custom action groups appeared only on the left side of the screen above the Shortcuts, Recent searches, and Recently accessed lists. With this fix, you can change the placement of these groups on the page. You can leave the custom action groups on the left side of the screen. However, you can now also add these directly to the page. To change the placement of the action groups, click "Edit action groups" in design mode. Select the action group you want to edit and use the RenderLocation field on the Action group screen to change the location. Placement for the action group defaults to "ExplorerBar," which places the action group on the left side of the screen where the group was located before. You can now also select "Tab" if you want the action group to appear on the page instead. 507521
All assemblies
88256 21
This fix addresses an issue when adding a plan participant to a major giving plan for a prospect. This issue was introduced in Service Pack 2 for Blackbaud CRM 4.0. When you added a major giving plan for a prospect from the prospect's record, your participant appeared on the screen with the record ID for the person rather than the participant's name. This happened if you selected the participant from the drop-down menu. If you searched for a participant instead, you did not encounter this issue. With this fix, the name displays correctly. 507460
88254 12
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate constituent matching in Constituent Batch. Previously, Constituent Batch did not use the "In batch" match settings as configured in "Global data entry settings" in Administration. In addition, the duplicate constituent matching in Constituent Batch now more closely resembles the behavior found in other batch types, such as Constituent Update Batch and Enhanced Revenue Batch. Before this fix, Constituent Batch considered only the first and last name fields, in addition to the address fields. Now, Constituent Batch also considers matches in the following additional fields: middle name, title, suffix, lookup ID, alternate lookup ID, phone number, and email address. For information about duplicate matching, see the "Duplicate Constituents and Merge Tasks Guide." This fix addresses issues reported in 481470 and 507278. 507278
86662 19
We have optimized the performance of the FACT_INTERACTION ETL package in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Because this package processes more data in version 4.0 of Blackbaud CRM than it did in previous versions, the performance enhancements may not be noticeable compared to versions prior to 4.0. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 507250
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
87211 19
This fix improves a performance issue when calculating the "Constituent revenue application amount" smart field when revenue recognition is selected on the Parameters tab. 506715
69349 12
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur with the Database Growth Analysis Process. Previously, this process would fail if you had made a copy of a business process output table on a schema other than the dbo schema. 506535
When you select Support Community from the Help menu, you are now directed to the new Blackbaud CRM and Blackbaud Internet Solutions Community at 506490
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, when an event registration commitment was created and added to a batch row, an error displayed in the following scenario: If, prior to saving the batch row, another row in the same batch was deleted or any other Enhanced Revenue Batch was deleted, the event registration commitment was deleted and an error message displayed upon save. With this fix, the batch saves correctly. 506307
86293 12
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, donors did not receive recognition credits for matching gift claim payments. This occurred when the donor on the matching gift claim was not the same constituent as the donor on the matching gift payment. With this fix, the donor accurately receives recognition credits for the payment. 506297
86294 19
This fix addresses an issue with the "Given anonymously" field in Enhanced Revenue and Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if you entered a transaction, marked the "Given anonymously" field, and then opened the "Apply to commitments" screen, the "Given anonymously" field was cleared after you clicked OK on the "Apply to commitments" screen. Now, when you mark "Given anonymously," the field remains marked after you close the "Apply to commitments" screen. 505963
All assemblies
84470 30
With this fix, we improved the performance of queries, such as Revenue application, that use the Designation name field. For custom SQL code that references UFN_DESIGNATION_BUILDNAME or UFN_DESIGNATION_BUILDNAME_BULK to retrieve Designation name, we suggest you rewrite the code to reference DESIGNATION.NAME directly. In addition, the NAME column in the DESIGNATION table was previously a SQL-calculated field. With this fix, it is now a text field populated by database triggers on the DESIGNATION and DESIGNATIONLEVEL tables. Note that SQL queries should never insert or update the NAME column directly; however, "select" operations from this column now perform better in many instances. 505735
This fix addresses a performance issue that some users could experience when viewing the Export Definitions page. Previously, when users who did not have administrative rights tried to view the page, the page could sometimes time out and the users were not able to see the contents of the page. This was not an issue for administrative users. With this fix, we have improved the performance of this page to prevent timeouts for all users. In addition, the Export Definitions page now respects the "Allow access to all query views" system privilege. 505685
80415 19
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when creating forms using the SDK. Previously, when you created a form that included a collection field and set the EnablePaging property of the field to "true," the collection included a "Refresh" button in the final rendering of the form. This button was unnecessary and could cause problems with the form if a user clicked it. To prevent this issue, we have removed the "Refresh" button so that it no longer appears in these forms. 505584
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you saved queries without a static selection. If you had the Blackbaud Data Warehouse deployed and you selected the option to copy static selections, saving a query without a static selection resulted in an error in your event log for the web server. In addition, if your web server were running .Net version 4, your web server could crash as a result of this error. With this fix, saving a query without a static selection no longer results in an error in your event log. In the event of a legitimate error, we have also updated the background task on the event log to prevent issues with .Net version 4. 505457
New Feature: The constituent record now includes the Prospect Tile, which summarizes information for major giving prospects. You can view and edit a constituent's prospect information from the tile, including the prospect status and the prospect manager. From the Prospect Tile, you can also flag the prospect for tracking purposes. 505111
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes occurred with query folders in the Information Library. Previously, when you switched between query folders, some folders could incorrectly appear empty. This could happen when you paged through the queries in one folder and then switched to another folder that did not have as many pages of queries as the previous one. With this fix, folders display their content correctly when you switch between them. 504822
All assemblies
82252 21
New Feature: Your System Administrator can now use the BlockAllEmails and BlockScheduledEmails settings to prevent inadvertently sending email messages and scheduled email from a test environment. To do this, you must add <add key="BlockAllEmails" value="True" /> and <add key="BlockScheduledEmails" value="True" /> to the appSetting node in both web.config files for Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud CRM. By default these settings do not appear in the file, and the default behavior is "False." With this change, the ProcessCMSEmail.BusinessProcess.vb file has been updated for the Process CMS Email Business Process in Blackbaud CRM. Tip: The BlockScheduledEmails setting only blocks emails sent from the Email, Scheduled emails functional area. It does not block scheduled emails set to send when you use the Send after date field in Messages or Marketing Efforts. 504521
This fix addresses an issue when editing posted payments with adjustments linked to deposits. Previously, when editing a posted payment, the following error displayed: "Data could not be saved. Payments cannot be added to locked deposits". With this fix, this error no longer displays and the form saves correctly. 504507
80370 12
This fix addresses an issue with the Excel OLAP report. Previously, when you attempted to open or refresh the report, you could receive an incorrect error. 504251
All assemblies
80934 1600
Previously, when a recognition filter was applied for a constituent, the Recognition History and Recognition Summary tabs displayed incorrect records for transactions and payments. With this fix, records now display correctly. Note that this fix addresses issues reported in 499701, 501624, and 504122. 504122
80917 19
When a Blackbaud Internet Solutions or Blackbaud NetCommunity donation web page uses culture settings set to display date formats as dd/mm/yyyy, this fix eliminates the message 'String was not recognized as a valid DateTime' that potentially occurred when the page included a date attribute field. 504066
This fix addresses a performance issue with the Constituent Recognition Revenue data list. Previously, users encountered an error when viewing information on the Recognition Credit History tab on the constituent recognition record. 504056
80664 19
This fix addresses an issue where users without security permissions to forms related to recurring gifts received an error when navigating through rows in an Enhanced Revenue Batch. 504032
80409 19
This fix addresses an issue with user-defined smart queries. When you create user-defined smart queries, you can specify output fields to use as filters on the "Set save options" tab of the query. These filters are used on the Parameters tab of smart queries you create from this user-defined smart query definition. You can use one or more output fields of the same record type (such as GUID fields) and select one or more as filters on the "Set save options" tab of the user-defined smart query definition. Previously, you could have two or more output fields of the same record type and the same name on the "Set save options" tab (such as "Constituents\Name" and "Constituents\Spouse\Name") and select only one to be used as a filter. When you re-opened the query, both fields were selected as filters on the "Set save options" tab. If you did not re-save the query, the original single filter option remained unchanged. However, if you re-opened and re-saved the query, both fields were saved as filters and both filters appeared on the Parameters tab of smart queries you created from this user-defined smart query definition. With this fix, the filters you select on the "Set save options" tab of the user-defined smart query definition are saved correctly. When you re-open the query, the original single filter you selected remains unchanged. Even if you re-save the query, only the output fields you selected as filters on the "Set save options" tab are saved to appear on the Parameters tab of smart queries you create from this user-defined smart query definition. 503578
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with the names of AddressFinder processes and AddressFinder Submit processes. Previously, when you attempted to add an AddressFinder Submit process to a queue, all of the AddressFinder Submit processes had the same generic "AddressFinder Submit Process" name. If you had more than one, you could not differentiate them to tell which one you wanted to select. Now, new AddressFinder Submit processes are named whatever the process is named on the "Add (or Edit) AddressFinder process" screen; however, the Submit process names must be unique and will be truncated at a maximum of 100 characters. After you upgrade, the names of any existing AddressFinder processes will remain the same on the "Add (or Edit) AddressFinder process" screen for each process. The names of the AddressFinder Submit processes will be updated in existing queues to be the name of the AddressFinder process, but will be unique and truncated at a maximum of 100 characters. Any new queues you create after the upgrade will display the new unique AddressFinder Submit process names. 503572
79873 19
Previously, the Link Tank window on the Wealth and Ratings screen was not populating links to online data resources correctly. With this fix, these resources now appear in the window. 503556
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch where the default application was set, the Apply to commitments screen displayed even when no commitments existed for a constituent. With this fix, the screen no longer displays unnecessarily. 503359
83019 12
Resolve an issue when attempting to authenticate to the Designer Toolbox web service. 503239
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue which occurred when creating a test marketing effort for a direct marketing effort. The issue occurred only if the direct marketing effort was created with a communication template that had one or more required solicit code exclusions. Previously, when you set up a test marketing effort, required solicit code exclusions were copied to the new test effort as a both default solicit code exclusions and as required solicit code exclusions. Now, the required solicit code exclusions are no longer copied to the new test marketing effort; instead, they are added automatically to all direct marketing efforts and test efforts as required exclusions whenever the solicit code is marked required. To address this issue, we made a change to USP_MKTCOMMUNICATIONTEMPLATE_COPY so that it now removes any required solicit code exclusions from the copied exclusions before the new template is created. Solicit codes that are set as required appear automatically on every communication template and on every marketing effort. You can make solicit codes required from the "Solicit codes" task under Configuration on the Marketing and Communications page. On the "Select features and defaults" tab on the communication template, you can click "Exclusions" to view required solicit codes. You can also click on the Exclusions tab of the marketing effort to view required solicit code exclusions. You can create a test marketing effort from a marketing effort that has not yet been activated by clicking "Test efforts" under Testing. 503012
79823 19
This fix improves the performance of the Recognition Credits report. 502771
All assemblies
79797 27
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue direct marketing efforts with source codes that contain a user-defined source code part in "Marketing and Communications." Previously, if the user-defined source code part was assigned as a default on a communication template, you could receive errors when adding segments to direct marketing efforts. We updated USP_DATAFORMTEMPLATE_ADD_MKTCOMMUNICATIONEFFORT to properly handle this situation. When you upgrade, existing marketing efforts that have already been created with a default user-defined source code part will need to be recreated. 502697
All assemblies
79794 27
Technical Change: This fix addresses a site security issue which occurred when importing updated constituent information using Constituent Update Batch. Previously, if a constituent in CRM was associated with site A and you updated that constituent through an import, but the import file had the constituent in site B, after the import the constituent in CRM would be associated with site B only. The import process removed site A since that wasn't in the import file. Additionally, if the import file had no site information for the constituent, after the import the constituent in CRM would have no site. Now, the import process using Constituent Update Batch simply adds any site information for the constituent to the constituent in CRM. If a constituent in CRM has site A and the import file has site B for the constituent, after the import the constituent in CRM will have sites A and B. If the import file had no site information for the constituent, after the import the constituent in CRM would still have site A. With manual data entry in Constituent Update Batch, as opposed to import, if you remove a site from a constituent in a batch row, the site will still be removed from the constituent record in CRM. The BATCHCONSTITUENTUPDATE table (ConstituentUpdateBatch.Table.xml spec) now has a new column "ROWFROMBATCHUI" that indicates whether the data in the row was populated through manual data entry or through import. Four other specs changed to accommodate the "ROWFROMBATCHUI." USP_ADD_BATCHCONSTITUENTUPDATEBATCHROW.xml, which adds a row to the batch, now saves the "ROWFROMBATCHUI" value to the new table column. USP_EDITLOAD_BATCHCONSTITUENTUPDATEBATCHROW.xml, which loads the batch row for editing, now reads the "ROWFROMBATCHUI" value from the table column. USP_EDITLOAD_BATCHCONSTITUENTUPDATEBATCHROW_1.xml, which saves edits made to the batch row, now saves the "ROWFROMBATCHUI" value from the table column. When you save and commit the batch, the "ROWFROMBATCHUI" value is used to remove sites that are not in the batch from constituents in CRM if the information was added through manual data entry. 502525
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, an error displayed when installments were edited and the batch template included a default revenue type of pledge. With this fix, the error no longer displays. 502465
83021 12
When you use Blackbaud Internet Solutions or Blackbaud NetCommunity, this fix resolves an issue that prevented the Volunteer Opportunity part from processing volunteer transactions to batch in Blackbaud CRM or The Raiser's Edge. 502435
Previously, when a constituent had both an active membership and a cancelled membership, and their membership was renewed through the BBIS membership part, the part would attempt to rejoin the cancelled membership and result in a download error in Membership Dues Batch. Now, the part will choose to renew the active membership. 501924
73499 19
This fix addresses an issue importing fixed-width files that was introduced in Service Pack 2. Item 447418 in Service Pack 2 addressed a problem with import exception files not properly handling fields with commas or quotation marks. That fix inadvertently caused fixed-width import files to fail. Now, fixed-width files import and process correctly, as they did before Service Pack 2. 501673
Previously, when a recognition filter was applied for a constituent, the Recognition History and Recognition Summary tabs displayed incorrect records for transactions and payments. With this fix, records now display correctly. Note that this fix addresses issues reported in 499701, 501624, and 504122. 501624
This fix addresses an issue with "Sponsorship effort templates" found in Marketing and Communication and in Sponsorships. Previously, if you added a sponsorship effort template and added a rule from the Sponsorship Rules tab of the effort template, you could mark the "Exclude from effort but show counts" checkbox. However, after you marked the checkbox, the Sponsorship Rules tab on the effort template would not load and you would receive the error: "The section could not be loaded. Input string was not in a correct format." Now the error no longer appears and the Sponsorship Rules tab is displayed correctly. 501460
All assemblies
BB751947 27
This fix addresses an issue with performance of ETL packages in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the BBDW_FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTIONLINEITEMSITE ETL package could take a long time to complete. This happened if you had a large number of records in your SITE table. With this fix, the package runs more efficiently. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 501214
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
74394 9
This fix improves a performance issue with the Fundraising Purpose Types data list. Previously, a timeout message sometimes appeared before the data was available. 501105
All assemblies
Technical Change: This fix improves a performance issue with the generation of query views when querying on constituents in a recognition program assigned to large amounts of constituents. This fix only applies to newly generated recognition program query views. Existing query views will need to be regenerated on demand via a script. 500968
74016 19
Previously, the status of a membership card was set to "Canceled" after adding a payment to an installment plan. With this fix, the status remains unchanged when adding the payment. 500964
74440 19
This issue addresses an issue when trying to add Show Report actions in WebUI. Previously, when you tried to add a Show Report action using Page Designer in WebUI, you were unable to fill out the required report parameter "ID" field because the drop-down menu was empty. With this fix, you are able to add these types of actions normally. 500875
This fix addresses an issue which sometimes occurred when merging two constituent records. Previously, you could have a source constituent with an address updated using Constituent Address Update Batch to match the address on the target constituent. If you then merged those two records and the merge was set to “Exclude duplicate addresses,” you could receive the error “Cannot delete address on the source constituent because it is associated with a constituent address update batch.” This was incorrect as the batch was already committed and there was no need to delete it. 500592
All assemblies
Previously, when attempting to delete a posted matching gift claim and its associated payment, the following error displayed: "There are matching gift claims against this payment. Delete those matching gift claims before deleting this payment." With this fix, we changed the stored procedure to delete all related records, and the error no longer displays. 500193
This fix addresses an issue where users were unable to delete memberships after the associated payment was deleted if the payment was posted. 499962
83346 19
Previously, when a recognition filter was applied for a constituent, the Recognition History and Recognition Summary tabs displayed incorrect records for transactions and payments. With this fix, records now display correctly. Note that this fix addresses issues reported in 499701, 501624, and 504122. 499701
83342 19
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when importing new constituents into a Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when a constituent's gender was blank in the import file, the import process into the batch did not include the logic to map the gender of the constituent based on the constituent's title or first name, as determined by the "Title code defaults" and "First name" configuration tasks in Constituents. The gender for the new constituent was set to "Unknown" instead. Now when you import new constituents and the gender is blank, the gender for the constituents is set based on the settings of the "Title code defaults" and "First name" configuration tasks. If the gender cannot be determined based on the configuration settings, the constituent's gender is set to "Unknown" when imported into the batch. 499466
All assemblies
86599 21
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when you tried to load a custom QueryViewSpec using the Blackbaud SDK. Previously, you could sometimes get an error when importing a selection of a particular record type. This happened when the BBAppFxServiceRole did not have Select permissions for that record type's base table. 499370
All assemblies
73273 21
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when you edited a scheduled business process. Previously, when you edited a scheduled business process with a schedule type of "One time," the time reverted to 12:00am when you saved the schedule, regardless of the time you entered before saving it. 499090
This fix addresses an issue with BBIS forms with multiple pages. Previously, when you had multiple pages in a workflow and there was an unformatted text part in the header or footer, the content in the header or footer was carried over to the subsequent pages in the workflow. 498861
This fix addresses a formatting issue with export files that include year fields. Previously, when you generated an export file in .xlsx format that included a year field such as "Class of," the formatting for the year could be incorrect because the export handled it as a number instead of a year. Depending on your locale settings, years could appear in your export output with additional characters such as thousand separators. 498852
83020 19
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue that occurred when you ran the database integrity utility after upgrading to Blackbaud CRM version 4.0. Previously, when you ran the utility after the upgrade you could notice that constraints in the DATAFORMFIELDCHARACTERISTIC table were not respected. To avoid this problem, we have removed the constraints from the table. The constraints are now enforced by the Data Form Field Characteristic Edit data form. 498833
87217 19
This fix addresses an issue that prevented users from searching for revenue that was not associated with an opportunity when the designations on the opportunity matched designations on the revenue. 498616
83602 19
Previously, an error occurred when trying to complete a sponsorship where a constituent was sponsoring an opportunity via BBIS and the constituent was not created properly. Now, a record operation called "Retrieve constituent" appears in the Sponsorship Purchases data list for rows that are missing constituents. Running this record operation will retrieve the constituent information. You can then either complete or delete the BBIS sponsorship. However, records in the data list that are missing constituent information prior to this fix will retrieve the constituent information from BBPS, so the constituent will not be matched and the full name of the constituent will be created in the Last name field in the constituent table. To fix this issue, you can separate out the constituent name after retrieving the constituent. 498569
This fix changes the requirements for addresses located in Hong Kong. With this fix, Hong Kong addresses no longer require a post code and province in order to be saved. 498477
This fix addresses an issue where target dates were not being calculated correctly when adding steps from a template on the Add Stewardship Plan form. 498458
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when merging two constituents with different names when the source constituent was also a member of a household. Previously, when the constituents were merged, the name of the household record for the source constituent was not updated correctly after the merge. Now, the name of the household record for the source constituent is updated correctly after the merge. However, if a user has recently accessed the household record of the source constituent, after the merge the name of the household record is not updated in the "Recently accessed" list. After the user opens the household record again, the name of the household in the "Recently accessed" list is correct. 497681
All assemblies
87456 41
Previously, an error occurred when adding a new sponsorship from the constituent record using a credit card as the payment method. With this fix, the sponsorship is now added successfully. 497481
90753 19
Previously, push date functionality did not push membership expiration dates into the next year correctly if the push date was after the expiration date. With this fix, this functionality now pushes membership expiration dates properly. This fix addresses issues reported in 497343, 507829 and 508294. 497343
74357 19
When your Blackbaud Internet Solutions Donation Form is configured for pledges only, the part no longer displays a configuration error on your donation web page. This fix removes the error so the pledge only form displays successfully on your website. 497216
74371 12
Previously, in a Revenue Update Batch, when editing installment designation amounts on specific posted pledges, an error displayed. With this fix, the error no longer displays. 497025
74387 12
This fix addresses an issue when you tried to edit a special link in the Blackbaud Direct Marketing email editor. Previously, once you inserted a special link, you were not able to edit it. If you wanted to make changes to an existing link, you had to delete it and re-insert it. With this fix, you are now able to edit special links. 496933
74236 19
New Feature: There are now additional types of revenue that you can link to opportunities in order to track high-impact donations. Previously, Blackbaud CRM allowed you to associate pledges and donations with an opportunity to signify the level of fulfillment of the opportunity. You can now link opportunities to event registrations, matching gift claims, and planned gifts. 496881
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with performance of ETL packages in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the BBDW_FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTIONLINEITEMSITE ETL package could take a long time to complete. This happened if you had a large number of records in your SITE table. With this fix, the package runs more efficiently. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 496712
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
74394 12
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you were running a business process. Previously, while a business process was running, you could sometimes receive an error indicating that the business process was already running. This message was redundant and did not actually represent an error in the process. With this fix, you no longer receive this unnecessary error message and you receive a standard notification when the process is complete. 496700
74388 19
This fix addresses an issue that prevented some users from the same site to see uncommitted batches owned by other users on the site. Previously, a user who did not have administrative rights had to be both the batch owner and have access to the site for the batch template in order to see an uncommitted batch. This was an unintended limitation. With this fix, users can still see uncommitted batches if they own the batch, but now they can also see them if they have access to the site for the batch template, even they do not own the batch. 496577
74398 12
This fix addresses an issue when you used the "Contacting Support" link from the legacy help in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when you tried using that link, you sometimes received an error. The link has been updated so that it now works consistently. 496527
73585 12
To improve usability of global changes in Administration, we have converted the Global Changes page to a list builder list. List builder lists include functionality that makes it easier to navigate items on the list. For example, on list builder lists you are able to sort and filter by column, select and rearrange columns, search the list, and navigate directly to any page on the list. 496510
All assemblies
74412 21
We resolved an issue with transaction IDs when using the Advanced Donation Form part in BBIS. Previously, when using an Advanced Donation Form part that was configured to "Proceed directly to Payment", the transaction ID values in the BBMS transaction export did not match the BBIS transaction tables. Now, with this fix, the correct BBMS transaction IDs are stored in the BBIS transaction tables. 496507
All assemblies
74411 1600
This fix addresses an issue when looking at some constituents' Revenue Summary tab. Previously, when a constituent belonged to a household and you viewed the Revenue Summary tab on their record, the "Consecutive years with revenue" total did not always display. 496367
All assemblies
74422 54
When you use Blackbaud Internet Solutions or Blackbaud NetCommunity to send email, this fix resolves the broken tracker image at the end of the email. This image is used to send received and opened information to Blackbaud. To resolve this issue, the EmailJob.vb file has been updated. 496125
All assemblies
74442 21
Technical Change: Previously, on the Prospect Team tab, the edit and delete options for primary manager, secondary manager, and secondary solicitor were disabled. Now, the edit and delete options are hidden for those team members. 495949
All assemblies
BB752425 21
This fix addresses an issue with constituent auto-matching based on Lookup ID and Alternate Lookup ID when importing into Constituent Update Batch. In Administration, you can click "Enable/disable matching" to then enable or disable the "Auto-match duplicates in batch" setting. On the "Set options" tab of the import process, there are two options related to matching: "Check for records that match existing constituents" and "Process automatically." If either of these options are disabled, auto-matching is not performed on the imported batch during batch validation. However, previously, the automatic matching functionality was not properly disabled during import so auto-matching was still taking place. Now when either of these settings are disabled, the automatic matching functionality is disabled completely when importing into a Constituent Update Batch. 495831
74450 9
With this fix, users are now prevented from adding duplicate mappings when a composite segment mapping includes a large number of items. 495503
This fix improves committal performance when using a Revenue ID in Import and Enhanced Revenue Batches. 494621
74128 19
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue which occurred when viewing constituent groups; the information about the group members on the Summary tab of the constituent group record would not load. This issue occurred because we allowed you to add the same constituent more than one time to the same group in some places. We have added a trigger "TR_GROUPMEMBER_DUPLICATEGROUPMEMBER" on the GROUPMEMBER table to prevent duplicate members. 494546
All assemblies
BB727712 21
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue which occurred when viewing constituent groups; the information about the group members on the Summary tab of the constituent group record would not load. This issue occurred because we allowed you to add the same constituent more than one time to the same group in some places. We have added a trigger "TR_GROUPMEMBER_DUPLICATEGROUPMEMBER" on the GROUPMEMBER table to prevent duplicate members. We have also modified the "Group Add" functions for Auction Item Batches, Sponsorship Batches, and Enhanced Revenue Batches to prevent duplicates. 494545
This fix addresses an issue when adding a task in Shell Design with an action type of "BrowseQueryResults." This problem occurred when you selected a query type of "SmartQueryInstance." Previously, when you attempted to search for the smart query instance, the Ad-hoc Query Search screen appeared so you were not able to select a smart query. Now, the Smart Query Search screen appears instead. 493859
73282 19
In a Constituent Update Batch, if there were multiple members of a household and there were conflicts with any of the phone numbers, such as with which number should be marked primary, the program created an exception batch and included an unfriendly error message. Now a more helpful error explaining the conflict is displayed. 493700
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when saving user-defined smart queries. Previously, if you made changes to the output fields on a user-defined smart query and then tried to save it without first viewing the "Set save options" tab, you were not able to save the query. With this fix, saving works correctly, even if you do not first access the "Set save options" tab. 493563
All assemblies
New Feature/Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with how multiple household members were included in the same general correspondence process in Marketing and Communications. Previously, the way this was handled was different than how multiple household members were included in direct marketing efforts even though users expected general correspondence to work the same way. Now, when you add or edit a correspondence process, when multiple members of a household are included in the mailing, you can click Edit in the "Output format" field and mark a new "Mail to primary household member when available" checkbox on the "Processing options" screen. Previously, before we added this option, the correspondence output for the household would use the name of the household record in the Addressee and Salutation fields, with addressee information for one of the household members for the Contact Addressee field. Now, when the new checkbox is marked, the Addressee and Salutation fields will contain the information for the primary member of the household and not the information from the household itself. If the household does not have any members, the output for the household will still use just the household information. We created a new USP_DATAFORMTEMPLATE_EDIT_CORRESPONDENCEPROCESS_5 to be used in place of USP_DATAFORMTEMPLATE_EDIT_CORRESPONDENCEPROCESS_4. The old USP still exists but does not contain the new functionality. The new USP will be used automatically after you upgrade and contains the new checkbox which, by default, is not marked. In order to take advantage of the new functionality, you will need to edit existing general correspondence mailings and mark the checkbox after you upgrade. 493402
All assemblies
73312 27
This fix improves sporadic performance issues with the Appeal Performance report and the Appeal Profile report. In addition, when using the UK version of Blackbaud CRM, this fix also changes the reports to now use the Gift Aid tax claim amounts that are pre-calculated by the "Gift Aid refresh process" in Revenue. 493358
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch created from an import process. Previously, when importing benefits, the receipt amount did not calculate correctly on a pledge record. With this fix, the receipt amount calculates correctly. 493293
74655 12
This fix addresses an issue when searching for an email package for an event invitation. Previously, the search results could be inconsistent or incomplete. 493262
All assemblies
116475 58
The Refresh UI Model utility in Visual Studio now supports C#. When you create a UI Model with C# in the SDK, you can now use the Refresh UI Model utility to update the UI Model's partial class to reflect changes to the data form spec. Previously, the Refresh UI Model utility in Visual Studio only supported Visual Basic. You could still create a UI Model with C#, but you could not use the Refresh UI Model utility to update the UI Model's partial class. 492190
All assemblies
74113 21
This fix addresses an issue in databases with two or more data warehouses configured. Previously, when you tried to delete an attribute category in a Blackbaud CRM database that had two or more data warehouses, you received an error. This fix addresses the issue so you can now delete attribute categories without receiving the error. 492065
57926 12
This change applies to exceptions in an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when an exception occurred, and the batch row contained multiple applications as well as multiple solicitors or recognitions (or a combination of both), empty exception batches were created. With this fix, empty exception batches are no longer created. 491964
This fix improves the performance of adding and updating GL accounts for systems associated with a large number of GL accounts. 491856
72073 19
This fix addresses an issue with the Pledge Receivables Report. Previously, when payments were applied to pledges, posted, and then removed from those pledges, the payments were incorrectly included in the Pledge Receivables Report. This caused the Payments and Balance columns to be incorrect. With this fix, adjusted payments to pledges are correctly excluded from the report. 491661
All assemblies
Previously, when multiple solicitors and designations existed in a Revenue Update Batch, and the solicitor and designation fields were changed in a batch row, an error displayed during validation. With this fix, the batch validates without error. 491517
All assemblies
74355 21
With this fix, the Adjusted revenue report now respects site security. 491515
This fix addresses an issue when attempting to import constituents into the Auction Item batch using their lookup ID. With this fix, constituents can be imported using their lookup ID without error. 491427
73761 12
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when users registered invitees for a multi-level event configured to use a registration package. Previously, the Add a registrant form would default an incorrect event. 491142
All assemblies
BB750030 21
This fix addresses an issue with comments displaying on the Memberships page. Previously, a row containing comments always appeared for the membership, even if no comment was present. With this fix, rows only show if a comment has been provided. 491131
All assemblies
73489 21
This fix improves a performance issue that occurred when non-administrator users searched for designations. 491115
73430 12
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when changing which email address was marked as primary for a constituent in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you changed which email address was marked as primary for a constituent, you sometimes received the error "Constituent can only have one primary email," even though only one email address was marked as primary. The error no longer appears when only one email address is marked as primary. 490822
74181 19
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when changing which phone number was marked as primary for a constituent in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you changed which number was marked as primary for a constituent, you sometimes received the error "Constituent can only have one primary phone," even though only one number was marked as primary. The error no longer appears when only one number is marked as primary. 490820
74184 19
Previously, Related Staff records were not merging during the constituent merge process. With this fix, these records now merge correctly. 490507
73474 12
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with submitting addresses through the AddressFinder process with the "For households, submit shared addresses once along with primary contact name" option selected. Previously if two spouse records were included but the household was not, neither individual record's address was included in the submission file. The household record for the two spouse records was not included either. Now the members of the household are all submitted for processing as individuals. If the selection includes the household and the individual household members, the process includes only the primary member of the household as the option states. The database function UFN_COAUPDATE_GETMATCHINGHOUSEHOLDS has been changed to return only the addresses that are shared with a household that is in the selection for the process. 490340
New Feature: To improve the performance when users screen a group of constituents through WealthPoint, Target Analytics is making a few updates that will focus on returning the key relationships from GuideStar. On group screenings, known relationships (both people have been screened through WealthPoint and have a connection through a nonprofit found in GuideStar), regardless of form year, and a representative sample of the other relationships from the most recent years will return. For some nonprofit connections, we've seen the total number of relationships returned could be up to 20,000. For you to sort through 20,000 relationships and get the most pertinent information is unrealistic. Therefore, we have simplified the process. These initial results will then help you determine if it is worth the effort to review the additional relationships. And, we want to ensure that you have the choice when to return thousands of relationships for a constituent. If a user does want to see all the relationships, individual WealthPoint screenings will continue to return all relationships. Also, we added an indicator on the wealth and ratings record for constituents who have more network connections available from GuideStar. This indicator plus the initial information returned can help you decide if you want to run an individual WealthPoint screening. In addition, the known relationships will display at the top of the network connections list. With these changes we can improve your WealthPoint group screenings without sacrificing the ability to see all relationships for a constituent. We hope these performance updates will improve your experience group screening constituents in WealthPoint. 490167
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue in Blackbaud NetCommunity version 6.64 that caused email reports to not record clicks from messages to links outside of the program. 490143
BB756184 6
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with upgrade time in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, upgrades that included revisions to batch type specifications could take an unusually long time. To improve upgrade time, we have optimized the performance of batch revisions. Previously, revisions processed all batch templates, whether or not the templates were active. This could negatively impact upgrade performance and was unnecessary. Now, the upgrade only processes batch revisions for active batch templates. If, after the upgrade, you reactivate a batch template that was inactive at the time of the upgrade, the revision for that batch template is processed at that time. In rare cases, this could cause the reactivation of inactive batch templates to take longer than normal. As part of this fix, we have added a new stored procedure with improved SQL performance. The new procedure, USP_BATCHTEMPLATE_TEMPLATESTOPROCESS, returns the templates to process and replaces the legacy procedure USP_BATCHTEMPLATE_GETLIST. 490132
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue in Blackbaud NetCommunity version 6.64 that caused organization fields to appear below individual fields on the second step of Event Registration forms after website users opted to register as organizations. 489938
BB756162 6
This fix addresses an issue when manually editing the conversion rate on a payment record for databases using multicurrency functionality. Previously, when you manually changed the exchange rate when editing a payment, you received an error when you tried to save your changes. 489725
All assemblies
Previously, when the Household Revenue Amounts smart field scans a large amount of data, the process times out and an error appears. With this fix, we updated code to improve the performance of the smart field. 489496
73824 12
Previously, when the Household Revenue Dates smart field scans a large amount of data, the process never completes. With this fix, we updated code to improve the performance of the smart field. 489495
74655 12
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when a user who is not a system administrator tried to add a user-defined smart query. In certain rare situations, when users who were not system administrators tried to add a user-defined smart query, they would receive the error, "The current user does not have rights to use this simple list." This happened when the users clicked the Results tab of the query. 489391
74799 12
This fix addresses an issue with query performance. The speed at which results are retrieved has improved for all queries referencing the Modeling and Propensity query view. 489324
74030 12
Previously, the pledge reminder process sometimes produced duplicate rows in its output. This occurred when using either the "Standard reminder output" format or the "Seasonal address reminder output" format for constituents with both a primary addressee and a primary salutation name format and those name formats were different. The V_QUERY_PLEDGEREMINDERPROCESS and V_QUERY_PLEDGEREMINDERPROCESS_SEASONALADDRESSOUTPUT views were modified to address the duplicate rows. 489020
73536 12
This fix addresses an issue when clicking through tabs on certain pages. Previously, when you navigated through tabs on a page that had tabs of different lengths, you sometimes would see that your location on the page was not kept when you switched tabs. With this fix, when you click through the tabs, your position on the page does not change. 488916
73241 12
This fix addresses an issue with some labels on web dashboards. Previously, when you accessed a web dashboard that contained a gauge (such as a thermometer or a speedometer), a ticker, or a chart, non-alphanumeric characters in the title or other labels were not always readable. 488780
This fix addresses an issue with appeal queries when they are filtered by something in the query's Appeal > Business unit node and the queries are being run by users who are not system administrators. Previously, the business unit filter was not properly filtering the query results because it was using an incorrect record type. 488461
74771 12
This fix addresses an issue in Enhanced Revenue Batch and on the "Add a payment," "Add a pledge," and "Add a recurring gift" screens. Previously, if you changed the constituent or removed the finder number for the revenue, the Effort, Source code, and Appeal fields were set back to blank and you had to re-enter that information. Now, when you change the constituent or remove the finder number, you receive a prompt asking if you want those marketing-related fields to be reset. 488447
73556 12
This fix addresses an issue with address validation in batch. Previously, any addresses with cities without corresponding state/county values were not able to be validated and the batch process would fail. You must re-run the Address Validation Service Deployment utility from the application start page under "Utilities" in order for this change to take effect. You must then run any address validation processes again in order to validate these addresses. 488434
72873 12
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when an application was selected on the Apply to commitments screen and the screen was saved and closed, the selected application did not appear correctly in the batch grid. With this fix, the application appears correctly. 488281
73566 12
This fix addresses an issue including blank results in some ad-hoc queries. Previously, when you used an ad-hoc query field in a "Not one of" filter, and no fields from the field's node were included in the output, the "Include blanks" checkbox for the filter did not work properly. This could sometimes incorrectly omit results from the query. To take advantage of this fix for dynamic selections you saved since upgrading to version 4.0, you must resave those selections. 488274
BB756071 7
With this fix, we changed validation when editing payments so incorrect error messages are not displayed when editing payments. Previously, error messages were displayed when editing any split payment with an associated campaign. 487953
74463 12
This fix addresses an issue where canceled prospects appeared in the No. prospects column on the My prospect research page. With this fix, canceled prospects are now excluded from this column. 487675
All assemblies
74483 21
This fix addresses an issue with some ad-hoc queries in version 4.0 and higher. Starting in version 4.0, you could sometimes get the wrong results in an ad-hoc query if you used the "is not one of" filter for an attribute value, checked both "Include blanks" and "Only return records that do not match any of the selected values," and did not include the attribute as an output field. 487668
BB756042 7
Previously, in Enhanced Revenue Batch and Revenue Update Batch, users were not prompted to default recognition credits when manually entering a constituent. With this fix, users are prompted appropriately. 487604
74485 12
This fix addresses an issue with Direct Marketing emails, which can be accessed from the Marketing and Communications page by clicking "Email marketing" and then "View emails." Previously, if you had an email and used the HTML Source Editor to enter a hyperlink, you would sometimes receive an error because the validation for the required links did not handle the hyperlink correctly. 487601
70151 12
Previously, when you edited a payment encumbered by a donor challenge and changed the amount, the payment saved and no error message appeared. Now, an error appears and the payment will not save until you adjust the donor challenge. 487336
All assemblies
74659 27
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when editing a group or household record from Enhanced Revenue Batch or Revenue Update Batch. Previously, the "Validate" button was missing when you attempted to edit the address information for these constituents. 487045
This fix addresses an issue when searching for constituents with the "Check alternate lookup IDs" checkbox marked. Previously, the search could contain fewer results when that that checkbox was marked. 486941
73608 12
Technical Change: When a website user submits a new phone number on the Profile Update Form on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website and the linked constituent record in Blackbaud CRM does not have phone number data, the number now becomes the primary phone number for the constituent after it downloads to Blackbaud CRM. 486631
Technical Change: When a website user submits organization position data without submitting organization name data on the Profile Update Form on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website, the 'Could not update the constituent's primary business position because no organization was specified' batch exception occurred in Blackbaud CRM. To avoid this, Blackbaud Internet Solutions now requires the Organization name field when submitting data for the Organization position field. Also, when a user attempts to submit position data without submitting organization name data, the 'Required: Organization name. When you submit position information, you must also submit an organization name' message now displays. 486594
This fix addresses an issue with addresses and the AddressFinder process. Previously, if an address had extra line breaks and it was submitted to Blackbaud using the AddressFinder process, the updated address that was returned sometimes had Address Line 1 duplicated in Address Line 2. The duplicate information no longer appears. 486498
73821 12
Previously, an error occurred when users tried to edit an interaction to change the status to pending. With this fix, the form now saves correctly. 486487
All assemblies
74717 21
This change applies to a posted revenue record linked to a locked and posted deposit in a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, the adjustment post date was incorrectly added to the revenue record as today's date. With this fix, the adjustment post date is accurately reflected on the revenue record. We also added a warning message communicating that the deposit will be unlinked if the adjustment date is changed. 486481
All assemblies
74716 27
Previously, user-defined data lists did not include a time added or time changed on the "Date added" and "Date changed" fields. You could see the date the data lists were added or changed, but not the time. In addition, you were not able to see time stamps when viewing data lists through the web dashboard. To take advantage of this fix for existing user-defined data lists that are displaying the date fields incorrectly, you must open them and re-save them. 486008
71188 12
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. When multiple, identical addresses exist on a single constituent record where the only difference is that one address is spelled out while the other uses an abbreviation, the following error may display: "The address you entered already exists for this constituent." With this fix, we modified the auto-match process to take into account subtle differences in the address block spellings so that the correct address is matched. 485991
68908 19
This fix addresses an issue that prevented users from editing a recognition level if the level had a past effective date for the future minimum recognition amount. 485952
All assemblies
74744 21
We've updated the login and Add Users Utility to leverage a new process for enhanced security for password management for OCC/OLA/OLRE clients. There are not steps required by clients to take advantage of these changes; however, please test any custom SSO procedures as changes have been made to improve security of passwords and may require an update to customizations to utilize the new procedures. 485787
BB755912 5
This fix addresses a performance issue in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse introduced in version 4.0 of Blackbaud CRM. When using SQL Server 2014 with version 4.0, row-store indexes were replaced with clustered columnstore indexes, which affected performance and could lead to timeout errors when running queries and reports. This fix restores the use of row-store indexes for all supported SQL Server versions. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. If you have already redeployed the Blackbaud Data Warehouse after upgrading to Blackbaud CRM 4.0, we recommend that you reset the warehouse before you apply the service pack, and then perform the refresh after you upgrade to Service Pack 2. You are not required to reset the warehouse before you apply the service pack. However, this specific sequence of tasks will greatly reduce the time it takes to perform the incremental refresh. Otherwise, the incremental refresh could potentially take an hour or more to process. 485677
All assemblies
BB755906 8
This fix addresses an issue with the “Remainderman %” field for planned gifts with a vehicle type that uses this value. Previously this field rounded any value to the nearest tenth of a percent and any additional specified percentage digits were removed. So “.76” became “0.8” and “.03” became “0.0” for example. Now this field can contain up to six percentage digits after the decimal. If you enter more than six digits, the number will be rounded. This field is available on the add and edit planned gift screens and is displayed in the summary section of the planned gift record for the specified vehicle types. 485425
All assemblies
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with the Appeal Performance report. Previously, this report did not include recurring gift revenue. The function "UFN_DESIGNATION_RAISEDBYAPPEAL_INCURRENCY_INLINE" was changed to include revenue generated from recurring gift payments. Report totals after you upgrade may no longer match the previous amounts since recurring gift revenue is now included. 485371
This fix addresses an issue when assigning a prospect manager to a constituent from a research list. Previously, when you assigned a prospect manager from a research list, the start date was not recorded, even when you specified it. With this fix, the start date you select is now correctly reflected in the prospect manager assignment. 485338
All assemblies
73404 54
This fix addresses an issue with entering constituents and revenue from a list segment used in more than one direct marketing effort into Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if the constituent was committed into a prior batch and then the same constituent and list segment for a different marketing effort was used in another batch, the error "The constituent does not match to this finder number" appeared. This error occurred when constituent matching was enabled in the "Enable/disable matching" configuration task in Administration. 485261
All assemblies
73413 30
This fix eliminates a null reference error message when you include the Profile Update Form on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website and a website user leaves the Date from, Date to, or Graduation date fields blank. To resolve this, the code has been updated to display blank dates successfully when a website user visits the web page. 485237
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue that caused registrants to appear twice on an event record in The Raiser's Edge when they entered spaces at the end of the First Name field on the Event Registration Form. 485146
73426 12
Previously, an error message appeared when attempting to access the KPI dashboard from the Mobilize page. With this fix, this error no long occurs. 485131
73421 12
Previously, regardless of what was entered in the threshold value on the Sponsorship greatest need rule set, the dynamically generated rule set always set the value to zero. Now, the greatest need rule set works correctly. In order to utilize this fix, the affected rule set will need to be edited in order to refresh the programs that reference it. 485036
73429 12
New Feature: When you design the Profile Update Form for your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website, the Email addresses element under Contact information has changed. To improve email address privacy for website users, the new 'Make my primary email address private' checkbox appears in the design area when you add the element to a form. To display the checkbox on your web page so users can select whether to mark the primary email address as private, select "Yes" in the Privacy enabled row on the Properties pane. Note: When users select this new checkbox on your web page, it also designates their primary email address as private for the Directory and Profile Display parts on a web page. 484998
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when loading SQL stored procedures in customizations. Previously, when you used load spec to load a SQL stored procedure, you could sometimes receive an error indicating that the stored procedure already existed. With this fix, existing stored procedures are updated correctly, and new ones are added without error. 484993
All assemblies
Previously, the membership contribution process would not upgrade a member to a higher level when set to renew. With this fix, the process now allows a member to renew and upgrade at the same time if they have given enough to qualify for a higher level. 484794
BB749417 4
This fix addresses potential query and export performance issues that occur when they are being run by users who are not system administrators and the queries need to check site and constituent record security permissions. If you have created new or edited and saved existing queries prior to this fix in CRM 3.0 SP10, you must open and re-save those queries in order for the changes and performance improvements to take place. 484375
All assemblies
BB755759 8
This fix addresses an issue with importing records into Constituent Update Batch when the batch included user-defined constituent attributes or any type of custom batch extension. Previously, if the batch template contained the constituent type, it defaulted to “Individual” which could not be changed on the records during import, even when the records were households. 484290
All assemblies
73470 41
This fix addresses an issue with individual and household addresses which occurred when a former address with an end date was added again as a new primary address. Previously, you could receive an error message. Now the former address with the end date is maintained on the record and a new address instance with the same address was added and marked as primary. 484157
All assemblies
73468 41
This fix addresses an issue with exclusions for direct marketing efforts. Previously, if you had more than one selection listed on the Exclusions tab of the direct marketing effort and at least one of those selections was not marked as "Locked," you could mistakenly delete a locked selection from the marketing effort. This occurred if you used the multi-select functionality in the "Selections to exclude" list and marked an unlocked selection first and then marked a locked selection. The Delete button for the list was still enabled which allowed you to delete both the marked unlocked and locked selections. Now if you click Delete when you have unlocked and locked selections marked, you receive an error and only the unlocked selections are deleted. The locked selections still appear in the list. 484148
73475 12
This fix addresses an issue when editing second-tier tabs using Page Designer. Second-tier tabs are found in different areas of the program, such as on most tabs of the Constituent record. For example, the Revenue tab of a constituent record has a number of second-tier tabs, such as Revenue Summary and Revenue History. Previously, when you were using Page Designer and tried to edit the properties for a second-tier tab, you could receive an error when you tried to save your changes. With this fix, you are now able to save your changes to properties on second-tier tabs. 484066
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that you sometimes received when you tried to run a query that included a Site query node. Previously, when you included a filter or output field from the Site query node on your queries, you could receive the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." 483932
73486 12
This fix addresses an issue where users would see duplicate Status columns when mapping the fields of an Event Registrant Batch import. 483819
All assemblies
73493 21
This fix improves a slow performance issue when searching for constituents using phone numbers. You can configure search list fields in Administration under Search List Configuration so that a constituent search includes phone numbers. 483739
Previously, when a source constituent that had a prospect manager with a start and end date was merged to a target constituent with no prospect manager, the source start and end date were not merged along with the source prospect manager. With this fix, the start and end dates are now included. 483522
73514 12
New Feature: We've made some enhancements to the Communication Preferences form to provide functionality improvements to email communication preferences. 1) Previously on the Communication Preferences form, constituents could select which email address they wanted to receive a communication from. However, BBIS does not honor this email preference. Now, you can now configure whether or not to allow email address selection in BBIS. We've added a new Email address selector property to the Form tab. Use this property to configure whether or not to allow email address selection on the form. 2) In an effort to improve how email communication preferences are used in Blackbaud CRM, the email preferences have been updated to more specifically indicate whether you want to opt in or opt out of email communications, or if you have no preference either way. There are three new email preferences (Opt-in, Opt-out, and No Preference) available for each communication type. If desired, you can customize the display text for each option using the Elements tab. 3) You can now include confirmation text for the Global Opt-out option. When this option is selected, all email preferences are disabled. Now, on the Element tab, you can specify the text you want to display beneath the Global Opt-out option when it is selected. For example, you may want to display text such as "You will not receive any email from our organization." If you do not want to display a confirmation message, you can leave this field blank. 482904
All assemblies
This change applies to pledge and recurring gift records for appeals associated with multiple business units. Previously, upon saving, full amounts were not distributed to all business units. With this fix, full amounts are distributed correctly. 482854
This fix addresses an issue when setting feature permissions using Page Designer. Previously, when you used Page Designer to assign page permissions, sometimes the tabs available within the Page permissions screen were duplicated, so that you could see more than one tab with the same name. With this fix, we have corrected the unnecessary duplication of tabs on the screen. 482636
All assemblies
95081 21
This fix addresses a performance issue in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse introduced in version 4.0 of Blackbaud CRM. When using SQL Server 2014 with version 4.0, row-store indexes were replaced with clustered columnstore indexes, which affected performance and could lead to timeout errors when running queries and reports. This fix restores the use of row-store indexes for all supported SQL Server versions. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. If you have already redeployed the Blackbaud Data Warehouse after upgrading to Blackbaud CRM 4.0, we recommend that you reset the warehouse before you apply the service pack, and then perform the refresh after you upgrade to Service Pack 2. You are not required to reset the warehouse before you apply the service pack. However, this specific sequence of tasks will greatly reduce the time it takes to perform the incremental refresh. Otherwise, the incremental refresh could potentially take an hour or more to process. 482577
All assemblies
BB755721 8
This fix resolves an issue that sometimes caused incorrect values to appear for drop down options in grids on forms. 482494
67411 19
This fix addresses issues with the Prospects and Plans data list and the Prospect Assignments data list found on the Constituent record and My Fundraiser page. Previously, the data lists hid records linked to historical plans. Now, you can mark a check box for these records to appear. Also, the warning icon indicating 90 days of inactivity on the record will not show for historical plans. Finally, records linked to historical plans will be italicized when they are displayed. 482339
73685 12
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, business units associated with appeals did not display correctly and an error displayed upon committal. With this fix, we made code changes to ensure business units save and commit properly. 482058
This fix removes the "Smart Query Instance Edit Data Form" permission from system roles. This feature cannot be granted to or removed from a role because it is not dependent on security. Every user has access to this feature because it is an integral part of the system platform. To eliminate confusion, we have removed it from any roles that had rights to it, since it does not require explicit rights. 481986
73714 12
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when importing constituent information through a Constituent Update Batch. Previously, if a constituent had the constituent ID from Blackbaud CRM in the import file, the "Address is primary" flag in the import file was ignored regardless of the import or batch constituent update settings. Now, if the constituent ID and the ID of the contact information (address, phone, or email) is included in the import file, the update settings are ignored based on the assumption that if you know the constituent ID and the ID of the contact information, you know exactly which records to update through the import. If you do not know the constituent ID and the contact information ID, we assume you are not sure of the exact match with the constituent. Therefore, if you do not include the contact information ID, we do not accept the "Address is primary" flag from the import batch when adding those addresses, regardless of the settings on the import or batch constituent matching settings. 481812
All assemblies
73720 27
This fix addresses an issue with site security and revenue batches which occurred when a user was assigned to multiple system roles restricted to different sites. If one system role had site security record access set to "All records," it was assumed the user assigned to that role, in addition to any other roles with more restricted access, would still be able to access all records. In Enhanced Revenue Batch and Revenue Batch, this meant the user could add revenue to or edit revenue for a constituent the user should not have access to. The user received an error in the constituent view window in the batch, but the transaction could still be committed through the batch. Now, that user cannot add or update revenue information using revenues batches. 481700
All assemblies
73743 30
Now when you use The Raiser's Edge 7.94 to process profile updates that include email or phone changes, the options to download information on the NetCommunity Page more intuitively affect the Telephone Numbers, Email Addresses, Links, Fax Numbers, and Other tabs of constituent records. For detailed information, see the "NetCommunity Page in The Raiser's Edge" topic in the online help. 481671
This fix addresses a performance issue when searching for constituents with a constituency of "Student" or "Alumnus." The Constituency field can be added to constituent searches from "Search list configuration" in Administration. 481547
73757 12
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate constituent matching in Constituent Batch. Previously, Constituent Batch did not use the "In batch" match settings as configured in "Global data entry settings" in Administration. In addition, the duplicate constituent matching in Constituent Batch now more closely resembles the behavior found in other batch types, such as Constituent Update Batch and Enhanced Revenue Batch. Before this fix, Constituent Batch considered only the first and last name fields, in addition to the address fields. Now, Constituent Batch also considers matches in the following additional fields: middle name, title, suffix, lookup ID, alternate lookup ID, phone number, and email address. For information about duplicate matching, see the "Duplicate Constituents and Merge Tasks Guide." This fix addresses issues reported in 481470 and 507278. 481470
This change applies to payments previously associated with a matching gift claim. When a payment's constituent was changed, an error displayed upon saving. With this fix, we changed stored procedures to delete all related records, and the error no longer displays. 481205
73774 12
Previously, in a Revenue Update Batch, when a user increased the pledge payment amount and left the increased amount unapplied, the message "The payment amount must be fully applied" did not display. With this fix, the message displays correctly. 481131
This fix addresses an issue with the “Constituent Data Review” found in Constituents. Previously, if you filtered the list by the user who made the change to the constituent record, the list incorrectly displayed only the most recent constituent change by that user. When filtered, the list now displays each constituent change made by that user. 481089
All assemblies
Previously, evenly split business units for pledges did not default correctly on pledge payments. With this fix, we made code changes to ensure business units default correctly. 481077
This fix addresses a security option for batches. Previously, users were able to update projected batch totals from the batch even when they did not have security rights to that option. With this fix, we have removed the "Update projected batch totals" option from the batch screen for users who do not have security rights to update projected batch totals. 481065
73789 19
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you tried to edit a task on an event. Previously, when a user with no administrative rights tried to make this edit, they could receive an error indicating that they had no rights to the constituent, even though they did have permission to edit that constituent. This happened when the task did not have an assigned owner. 480957
All assemblies
73806 58
The LoadSpec utility has been updated so that computed columns and constraints which reference the Blackbaud function UFN_BUILDFULLADDRESS will not prevent country address formats from being updated. 480841
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with site security and marketing efforts. Previously, a user who did not have site security for a specific site could incorrectly create a marketing effort from a communication template that was restricted to that site. In addition, a user was not able to create an effort from a template even if they did have the proper security when the template used a communication name pattern that was restricted to that site. Now, the user who did not have site security for a specific site is restricted from being able to create an effort based on the site security of the communication template. However, if a communication template uses a name pattern that is restricted by site, users can still create efforts based on the communication template with proper site security even if the users cannot access or edit the name pattern itself. 480769
This fix addresses an issue where the Plan participant drop down would not populate correctly when editing a step while adding a prospect plan. 480686
All assemblies
73829 21
This fix addresses performance issues which occurred when calculating segment counts for a marketing effort. Previously when you clicked "Calculate segment counts" under Tasks on the marketing effort record, there could have been performance issues if segments were based on a query which had simple data list or code table fields used as filters. To address this, we added additional metadata to several query views in Service Pack 2 with item 475518. With this item, we have made the same changes to additional query views. 480284
73579 12
This fix addresses a problem when trying to add new collection fields in the SDK. In version 4.0, when you attempted to add a collection field using the SDK, sometimes the add procedure did not work. 480205
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with marketing-related emails in CRM. Previously, conditional tags in the HTML in the body of the email message were not supported, but now they are. 480182
73863 12
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue which occurred when copying communication templates in Marketing and Communications. The issue occurred only if the template was set up to exclude constituents with one or more required solicit codes. Previously, when you made a copy of the template, the required solicit code exclusions were copied to the new template as default solicit code exclusions. The required solicit codes do not need to be copied at all as they appear automatically on every communication template. If you made a copy of the new template, you received an error message because the original required solicit code exclusions were copied to the newest template a second time--once from the original template and once from the copy of the original template. Templates cannot have multiple instances of the same solicit code exclusions. To address this issue, we made a change to USP_MKTCOMMUNICATIONTEMPLATE_COPY so that it now removes any required solicit code exclusions from the copied exclusions before the new template is created. Solicit codes that are set as required appear automatically on every communication template. You can make solicit codes required from the "Solicit codes" task under Configuration on the Marketing and Communications page. On the "Select features and defaults" tab on the communication template, you can click "Exclusions" to view required solicit codes. 480147
73865 19
Technical Change: Previously, auction item donors and purchasers could not receive donor constituency since auction items were not included in the revenue filter. Auction items have now been added to the filter so that these donors and purchases can now receive donor constituency. 480111
All assemblies
73867 21
Previously, the smart field list would not load when the sites list for any smart field was longer than 255 characters. This fix truncates the sites list at 255 characters and the list loads normally. 480091
All assemblies
BB755495 8
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when transactions downloaded into Enhanced Revenue Batch in CRM contained existing constituents with new contact information: addresses, email addresses, or phone numbers. Previously, the constituent in the batch would get flagged for review as a potential duplicate. When the match was confirmed, the transaction was processed, but the new contact information did not have the correct information source. The information source is specified on the "Configure integration" screen accessed from the Web Transactions page in CRM. Now the transaction is processed and the new contact information does have the correct information source. 480021
When you applied Service Pack 10 for version 3.0 of Blackbaud CRM, some revisions could take a long time to run if your database had a large number of batch templates or attributes. With this fix, the revisions run more efficiently and the process is completed faster. 479886
All assemblies
BB751635 8
This fix addresses an issue with site security and direct marketing efforts. Both marketing plans can be associated with a specific site. Previously, if a direct marketing effort was created from a marketing plan with one site, but then associated with an appeal from a different site, an error occurred and the marketing effort could not be saved. Now you can save the marketing effort successfully even when the related plan and appeal have different sites. 479844
All assemblies
BB755483 27
This fix addresses a usability issue in the constituent record. Previously, when you navigated content in a constituent record by clicking on tabs, the page would jump back to the top every time you clicked a tab, even if you had scrolled down the screen before you clicked the tab. With this fix, the screen remains at the same place as it was before you clicked the tab. 479699
All assemblies
Technical Change: This change affects contact information in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you imported information into a Constituent Update Batch, the only contact information that would appear in the imported batch was the contact information found in the import file. Starting in version 3.0, we made a change and included all contact information for the constituents in the imported batch instead. To mitigate the risk of impacting customizations due to the change, we have now added ROWORIGINCODE flags on the ADDRESSES, PHONES, and EMAILADDRESSES collection fields in Constituent Update Batch. This field will have a value of 2, 1, or 0. A value of 2 indicates that the contact information previously existed on the constituent and was automatically added to the batch row by the system during import, even though it was not present in the import file. A value of 2 could also indicate that the contact information record was matched to an existing constituent's address through the duplicate matching functionality. A value of 1 indicates that the contact information was present in the import file or was added manually when adding a batch row. A value of 0 indicates that the origin of the contact information was not determined. The record could have been added to the batch row by any method, including those that would normally give a value of 1 or 2. The ROWORIGINCODE value could change from a value of 1 to a value of 0 if you use manual duplicate resolution in the batch. 479135
All assemblies
New Feature: To improve flexibility in managing pending activity information, the Pending Activity data list has been converted to list builder format to include more advanced options for sorting, navigating and customizing data in the list. You can access the Pending Activity list builder on the Pending Activity second-tier tab on the Fundraiser tab of the constituent record or the Pending Activity tab on the My Fundraiser page. In order to opt-in to the Pending Activity list builder, you will need to access design mode on the current Pending Activity datalist, and change the list builder "Visible" setting to "True" and the datalist "Visible" setting to "False." 478926
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when searching for a public media effort in "Marketing and Communications." Previously, you could receive a permissions error even when you had rights to search for public media efforts. 478673
All assemblies
74218 41
This fix addresses a performance issue with the ETL refresh. Previously, the ETL refresh could take longer to run after you upgraded to Blackbaud CRM version 4.0 or later. This performance issue affected the total refresh time as well as refresh time for individual packages. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 478500
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
74234 12
New Feature: You can now choose whether you want to use the primary address on a record or choose a specific address for a Gift Aid Tax Declaration. You can also choose whether you want to use the constituent's name or an alias in the declaration. By default, all existing declarations use the constituent's name and primary address. To choose a different address or alias, you must update those associated declarations. The selected name and address are then used for R68 Gift Aid processing. 478446
This fix eliminates an [ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: s] error message on the Payment 2.0 part on your website. To resolve this, the code has been updated to handle the occasional case of XMLTYPES being NULL in the CMS_SessionVariableBackup table. This applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 478443
All assemblies
BB755405 8
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when merging two constituents who are members of the same group or household record. Previously, the group membership start and end dates did not always accurately reflect the total duration of the individual's group membership. If the individual constituent was a member of the same group for consecutive, but not overlapping, periods of time, the merged constituent showed only the most recent group membership term start and end dates. 478441
All assemblies
BB753326 8
New Feature: This fix allows UK clients to use gross amounts in recognition programs. When you add a recognition program, you can now select to use the gross amount. You can also now query on either net or gross amounts. These calculation changes are reflected in the Constituent Recognition Program Process and in the Recognition Revenue Report. 478439
This fix updates the schema for submitting R68 Gift Aid claims in the United Kingdom to HRMC from version 1 to version 2. As a part of this schema change, overseas addresses are now marked as such, instead of including a postcode element. 478430
This fix addresses an issue introduced in Service Pack 1 which could generate an error during the ETL refresh. Previously, the ETL refresh process would fail when the BBDW.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTIONLINEITEM table had a designation list that was too long. This fix truncates the designation list at 4,000 characters and you no longer receive this error when you refresh the ETL. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 478272
All assemblies
This change applies to the Corporate Structure page for a constituent record. Previously, when a large amount of information existed for a constituent, the Corporate Structure page timed out. With this fix, the page loads in an appropriate amount of time. 478044
All assemblies
BB737594 8
This fix addresses an issue where users received an error message when adding matching gift claims to payments with multiple splits when a solicitor had been added to at least one split. 477752
All assemblies
94406 21
This fix eliminates an "Object reference not set to an instance" error message when you download a Blackbaud Internet Solutions profile transaction in Blackbaud CRM that generated from a User Interests Form, a deprecated Profile Form part, or a deprecated User Email Preferences Form. This error occurred when the website user's constituent record did not contain an education 'From' date on the education history record found on the Education tab of the constituent in CRM. This happened because the program did not check for a previous education 'From' date when the batch download process began. With this fix, transactions process successfully and the error message does not appear. 477537
All assemblies
BB749537 8
This fix addresses the error "Error: Conversion failed when converting from a character string to unique identifier" which sometimes occurred when viewing KPIs for a direct marketing effort from the KPIs tab on the Effort Settings tab. 477510
All assemblies
BB755341 8
Previously, when a planned gift addition was added as revenue and the Generate GL distributions checkbox was not selected, the addition showed a post status of "Not posted" and included a post date. Now, the form uses the Generate GL distributions checkbox to calculate the post date and post status code. 477387
All assemblies
74313 21
This fix addresses an issue with deleted attributes in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you deleted modeling or propensity attribute values, these deleted values still appeared in your queries. With this fix, the deleted attributes no longer appear. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete a full refresh. 477276
BBDWETL - SSIS Reporting Package
74319 12
This fix addresses an error which occurred when importing an Educational History Update Batch. The error occurred when the import process was set up to use the "Quick find" option for "Search list fields." 477161
All assemblies
BB754241 8
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur when you tried to use legacy help in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, you were not able to access legacy help in a new Blackbaud CRM 4.0 installation. With this fix, you now see no errors when you access help after choosing to use the legacy help. To change the type of help used in your database, under Administration, click "Configure help type" and select whether you want to use the standard help panel or the legacy help option. 477109
All assemblies
All assemblies
74331 27
When you use Blackbaud Internet Solutions, this fix eliminates a "gateway specified does not support tokenizing" message when a website user submits a recurring gift on the Advanced Donation Form part. This change updates how the token is stored so the transaction processes successfully. This is an update to 445906 that was previously resolved in Service Pack 10. 476797
All assemblies
This fix eliminates an "Object reference not set to an instance" error message when you download a Blackbaud Internet Solutions profile transaction in Blackbaud CRM that generated from a User Interests Form, a deprecated Profile Form part, or a deprecated User Email Preferences Form. This error occurred when the website user's constituent record did not contain an education 'From' date on the education history record found on the Education tab of the constituent in CRM. This happened because the program did not check for a previous education 'From' date when the batch download process began. With this fix, transactions process successfully and the error message does not appear. 476433
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Revenue History tab of a constituent record. Previously, the content was especially slow to load or timed out when using a revenue filter. 476395
All assemblies
BB750317 8
Previously, when manually entering a constituent in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, users were not prompted to reset recognition credits. This caused duplicate constituents to be created through the batch. With this fix, users are prompted appropriately and duplicates are no longer created. 476376
74775 12
This fix addresses an issue with the Ask Ladder Response report. Previously, when you selected to include "All marketing efforts" and clicked "View report," you sometimes received the error: The 'CURRENTAPPUSERID' parameter is missing a value. The error was caused by a timeout when retrieving the data for the report. 476327
All assemblies
BB752513 8
This fix removes the character limit on the Essay element of Survey parts in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the Essay element was limited to 225 characters. With this fix, the limit has been eliminated. 476254
All assemblies
The Donation Form, Payment, and Payment 2.0 parts now include the Middle name field under Additional fields. The change allows you to include it so your organization meets the Canadian Revenue Agency's requirements for donation receipts. 476044
74793 12
This fix addresses performance issues which occurred when calculating segment counts for a marketing effort. Previously when you clicked "Calculate segment counts" under Tasks on the marketing effort record, there could have been performance issues if segments were based on a query which had simple data list or code table fields used as filters. To address this, we have added additional metadata to several query views, including the Address Processing Option Addresses, Designations, Educational History, Prospect Plans, Relationships, and Revenue Recognition Credits query views. 475518
All assemblies
BB755213 8
Previously, when annual recognition programs with the same program levels occurring in different years were merged during constituent merges, the status of the earlier program record was set to "Inactive (Merge)." With this fix, the status of the program record sets to "Inactive (Merge)" when you merge constituents with annual recognition programs at the same level and with the same date achieved. 475489
All assemblies
BB755210 8
This fix addresses an issue with social media accounts for constituents. Previously, when you added a social media account on the constituent's Contact tab, the "User ID" field was not required and was not always automatically populated based on the "Profile page URL." A hyperlink to the social media account appeared in the "Contact information" column only when a "User ID" was entered. Now the hyperlink to the social media account appears in the "Service" column of the data list regardless of whether a "User ID" was entered. 475486
All assemblies
BB753723 8
New Feature: The constituent record now includes the Opportunity Tile, which summarizes opportunity information for constituents who are major giving prospects. You can add and edit a constituent's opportunity information from the tile, including the opportunity's plan, the plan's primary manager, and other information about the opportunity. 474696
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with attributes marked as "Allow only one per record" sometimes not showing up in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. This could happen when attributes were deleted and then re-added to a record before the Data Warehouse was refreshed. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 474462
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Revenue Gift Aid query. Previously, different application gift aid refresh dates in the query could incorrectly display multiple rows per revenue. The query now shows the most recent refresh data across the applications. 474447
All assemblies
BB754777 8
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened with where fully qualified email links from BBIS and BBDM emails that directed to a BBIS site with a different domain from the default site lost the email tracking information in the redirect, meaning that email conversions to donations might not be tracked. 474446
All assemblies
This change applies to the GL setup area of Administration. Previously, the GL mapping to a Constituency did not respect the Constituency end date. With this fix, we made changes to ensure expired Constituencies are not used with GL mapping. 473961
All assemblies
BB754164 8
This fix addresses an issue with deleted attribute categories. Previously, deleted attribute categories were incorrectly still appearing in Blackbaud Internet Solutions and in ad-hoc queries in Blackbaud CRM. Because these deleted attribute categories were still in use, if you tried to add a new attribute category with the same name and record type as a deleted one, you received an error. This happened because attribute categories of the same record type must have a unique name. With this fix, deleted attribute categories are fully deleted, including deleting them from Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Query. This now allows you to add a new attribute category that matches the properties of a deleted one without receiving an error. While this fix prevents this situation going forward, it does not address existing attribute categories that were already deleted before this fix is applied. For attribute categories that were deleted before this fix, you may receive an error if you try to add a new attribute category matching their name and record type. 473248
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the data list on the Review Receipts tab of the Receipts page. Previously, if the list took longer than 30 seconds to load, the list would time out. To address this, we have increased the length of the list's timeout setting. 473088
All assemblies
BB754528 8
This fix addresses an issue with segment and package information when you add payments. Previously, if the payment was added without using a source code, the segment and package information did not appear on the payment. 472879
All assemblies
74577 32
With this fix, the print button no longer appears for reports in any browser due to functional browser limitations. 472859
All assemblies
62189 49
This fix addresses an issue which could occur when adding memberships. This could occur if you added a membership to a constituent from the “Add a membership” screen or from Membership Dues Batch. Previously, if a campaign was associated with a designation and that designation was specified on the membership program to be used for the contributed portion of the membership, the campaign did not appear on the membership transaction after it was saved. 472481
All assemblies
102455 41
This fix addresses an issue with certain ad-hoc queries. Previously, if you used a field from the Selections node as an aggregate field in the output of an ad-hoc query, and you used the field as a filter on the "Set sort and group options" tab, you sometimes received an error. This prevented you from previewing or saving the query. 472399
74628 12
This fix addresses an issue with the History tab on the Marketing Effort Activation Status page. You can now download exceptions successfully. 472075
This fix improves a performance issue which occurred when exporting an ad-hoc query which contained another ad-hoc query. 471872
This fix addresses an issue with constituent merge that occurred when the merge process included an "Excluded constituents" selection which excluded all of the source constituents that would be merged. In that situation, the merge process terminated unexpectedly or started to run but never completed with a status message of "Beginning merge..." Now, the merge process will skip those constituents without experiencing the issue. 471543
74818 19
This fix addresses an issue when you edited the date format for import processes. Previously, the date field was not case-sensitive, which could create confusion between using "m" for minutes and "M" for months. When you tried to enter an uppercase letter such as "M," the system would automatically change it back to the lowercase "m." With this fix, you can now enter uppercase or lowercase letters and the format respects your entry. Date formatting still considers the lowercase "m" to mean minutes and the uppercase "M" to mean months. To take advantage of this change, you may need to edit import format options for formats that are not working as expected. 471454
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Plan Status report for marketing plans in Marketing and Communications. Previously, if the marketing plan had an activated marketing effort associated with it and you tried to view the Plan Status report, you received an error. Now the report runs without the error. 471085
All assemblies
BB754920 8
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes occurred when you ran a query using constituency filters. Previously, when you used constituency filters on a query and selected the option to "Only return records that match all selected values," you could receive an error. 470672
74858 12
This fix addresses an issue with adding a grant award with an irregular installment payment schedule to a grant program in Foundations. Previously, you could incorrectly receive the error “Installment receipt amounts must be less than or equal to the installment amount” and the grant award could not be added. 470547
All assemblies
This changes fixes the failing revisions for a Revenue Update Batch. By increasing the Rejection message field size, the revisions run successfully. 469431
All assemblies
BB754873 8
This fix addresses an issue with the “Relationship settings” configuration task in Constituents. Previously, when you set up relationship types and specified that the relationship type applied only to specific constituent records, such as individuals, you could still select that relationship type for a relationship between other constituent record types, such as individuals and organizations. 469324
All assemblies
74903 41
This fix addresses an issue saving attribute form extensions. Previously, when you tried to add and save an attribute form extension from Administration, you sometimes received an error. 469285
This fix addresses an issue with the AddressFinder report which sometimes added a space at the beginning of the second address line. Previously, if the first line of the address started with a “C/O” (meaning “in care of”), the second address line included an unnecessary leading space. 469017
All assemblies
BB741225 54
This fix addresses an issue with the Constituent History report, which you access from the History tab on the constituent record. Previously, the "Prepared by" name listed in the footer of the report was incorrect. Now the application user's name is correctly displayed. 469016
All assemblies
BB745603 41
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when you edited the role of a committee member in Constituents. Previously, the "CHANGEBYID" value was incorrectly using the database server’s ID instead of the system ID of the application user who edited the role of a committee member. 469011
All assemblies
BB753223 41
This fix addresses an issue with committee member information on the Members tab of the committee. Now, the committee member's start and end dates appear for each role on the committee in the data list. 468999
All assemblies
BB737666 21
New Feature: To help you find and track social media accounts for your prospects, we added a new data service to WealthPoint screens. PeopleGraph, a Dun & Bradstreet company, uses name and email address information from your constituent records to find social media data in their Social Media Finder service. The social media data that returns on a wealth screen is stored on a new Social Summary tab on the wealth and ratings record. On the Social Summary tab, you can track the social media accounts for your prospects and if you have the Social Media Finder subscription, social media accounts, profile images, demographics, and ratings appear here after a WealthPoint screen. 468251
All assemblies
Previously, when entering a new pledge or recurring gift through an Enhanced Revenue Batch, a message prompted users to reset recognition credits. With this fix, the prompt no longer displays. 468127
74064 12
This fix addresses an issue that could occur when upgrading to version 4.0 of Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when you upgraded from version 3.0 Service Pack 6 to version 4.0, you could receive a revision error. 467825
All assemblies
Previously, navigation tree grids loaded with every node expanded. To improve performance, now all navigation tree grids only expand to the record the tree is being launched from, and the rest are minimized. 467787
All assemblies
BB755068 8
With this change, we improved performance for an Enhanced Revenue Batch and a Revenue Update Batch in the following scenarios: when entering constituent information in a batch row and when entering information on the Apply to commitments screen for constituents associated with a large number of commitments. 467706
All assemblies
Previously, a time zone conversion error displayed when trying to run the Download Exchange Data process and the version of Exchange being used was unestablished. With this fix, the default processing mode is now set to Exchange 2010 when the version is unestablished to help prevent this error message in the future. 467670
All assemblies
BB747213 8
When you schedule a Blackbaud Internet Solutions email for the second week in a month, this fix prevents the program from sending it prematurely the first week of the month. To resolve this, an integer division error in the date calculation has been fixed. 467664
All assemblies
New Feature: To improve efficiency with group management, you now have the ability to add multiple constituents to a group at once, rather than just one constituent at a time. When you add a new group, you now have the option to pick a selection of constituents, in addition to selecting individual constituents. You also have the option to use a selection when you add additional members to an existing group. There is a separate security permission so that you can decide which system roles should have rights to do this. There is no undo for this feature nor is there "delete group members in bulk" functionality, so choose your selection carefully. When someone in a selection is already an active member of the group, nothing changes with the group member. When someone in a selection is a previous or inactive member of the group, the constituent becomes an active group member again and start date for the constituent's group membership is reset to the date entered. 467462
All assemblies
When you use a Profile Update Form on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website, this fix prevents the "An item with the same key has already been added" error message from appearing when a website user attempts to submit the form. This message appeared when multiple email address types were designated as private for the Email Addresses element. To resolve this issue, the USP_CODETABLE_TABLEENTRY_DATALIST has been replaced with the USP_EMAILADDRESSTYPECODE_GETLIST stored procedure for this action. 467433
All assemblies
BB754790 8
This fix eliminates error messages related to notification failures (and other unknowns) that potentially occurred during the BBPS Transaction Reconciliation Business Process. Now, valid transactions download successfully to Blackbaud CRM and The Raiser's Edge. This fix applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 467420
All assemblies
BB754706 8
To improve performance for Blackbaud Internet Solutions, the index IX_TEAMFUNDRAISINGTEAMCAPTAIN_CONSTITUENTID has been added. 467387
All assemblies
Previously, revenue deleted via an adjustment appeared in search results. With this fix, deleted revenue is no longer returned. 467237
All assemblies
BB753465 8
Previously, when using a custom batch template derived from an Enhanced Revenue Batch, the Apply to commitments screen did not automatically display for a constituent with outstanding commitments. With this fix, we updated code to ensure the screen automatically displays when outstanding commitments exist. 466965
All assemblies
BB754159 8
With this change, we modified SQL function to ensure the correct set of tables are used during validation. 466753
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when adding an education history item to a constituent on the Education tab. Previously, when you searched for the educational institution and selected a country such as Canada, the list of states was not limited to those associated with Canada. Now the list of states or provinces is limited to the ones set up for the country in the "Countries and states" configuration task in Administration. 466592
All assemblies
73954 21
This change applies to a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when a user changed a posted pledge payment through a batch, adjustment fields were disabled. This resulted in an error during validation. With this fix, a user can now enter correct values for adjustment fields and commit the batch. 466382
All assemblies
BB753367 8
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when you added an education record on the Education tab of a constituent record. Previously, when you searched for the educational institution you could use only the question mark (?) and underscore (_) characters as wildcards to replace a single character value, but not the asterisk (*) or percent sign (%) to replace a series of characters. Now, all four of these wildcards can be used when you search for an educational institution for the constituent. 465669
All assemblies
BB737746 41
As part of our normal product improvement processes, we review our security measures, protocols, and infrastructure on an ongoing basis. Blackbaud Internet Solutions was automatically updated in this release to include security improvements which address vulnerabilities that could potentially compromise the integrity of our product. 464759
All assemblies
New Feature: With this release, we improved functionality for pledge installments to improve quality, and increase reliability, accuracy, and consistency. These improvements ensure accurate and consistent behavior when adding or editing a pledge through a record, Enhanced Revenue Batch, or Revenue Update Batch in the following fields: Installment amount, No. installments, and No. installments remaining. 464595
All assemblies
BB752100 8
This fix addresses and issue with creating or editing batch templates. Previously, even if the new template created contained only the default fields and information, it could take longer than usual to save. This issue occurred when the batch record type had a large number of attributes or custom batch extensions. 464511
All assemblies
BB753374 49
This fix resolves an issue when you commit a BBIS Event Registration Transaction Batch for event registration transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when the expense (for example, a cost or benefit) exceeds the event fee for a registration, the total receipt amount became negative instead of zero. This caused a constraint violation message to appear. To resolve this issue, the USP_BBNC_COMMITEVENTREGISTRATIONPAYMENTADD stored procedure has been updated. 464027
All assemblies
BB754404 8
This fix resolves an issue when you commit a BBIS Event Registration Transaction Batch for event registration transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when the expense (for example, a cost or benefit) exceeds the event fee for a registration, the total receipt amount became negative instead of zero. This caused a constraint violation message to appear. To resolve this issue, the USP_BBNC_COMMITEVENTREGISTRATIONPAYMENTADD stored procedure has been updated. 464026
All assemblies
BB754404 8
The names of direct marketing efforts are based on Communication Templates which use a Communication Name Pattern. The name pattern gives a marketing effort a name such as "Channel-LaunchDate-Appeal" to uniquely identify each effort. The "Trailing separator" in the name pattern is what indicated whether or not the different name parts were separated by hyphens, underscores, asterisks, and so on. If the "Trailing separator" was set to <Space>, the separator was ignored and no space was used. This fix corrects the issue so name patterns with a "Trailing separator" of <Space> correctly include spaces in the name of the direct marketing effort. 463794
All assemblies
BB754606 8
Technical Change: This fix resolves an issue with long designation names on the Donation Form part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. When you previously configured the part and selected a designation with a long name, the field did not adjust to display the entire name. With this fix, the designation field now displays the entire designation name so you can confirm you selected the intended designation for your website. The Designation field on a web page also now displays the entire designation name when a donor clicks the drop down menu. To resolve this, the DesignationLink.ascx and DonationDisplay.ascx files have been updated in the back end of the database. 463584
All assemblies
New Features: In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, to improve performance and delete email messages and newsletter issues in bulk, you can now run a process to permanently delete these from your database. In Email, when you delete an email message or newsletter issue, it only soft deletes. When you soft delete email, it removes from the user interface, but the data remains in the database. To delete this email permanently from the database, schedule the new Delete email permanently organization setting in Administration. Tip: To prevent the program from running this process, select Never. By default, this is selected when you upgrade to this version. 462873
All assemblies
This fix resolves an assembly mismatch issue for a third party time zone component. Services such as the CMS Data Integration Business Process would fail with a method not found exception. 462599
This fix addresses an issue that happened with split designations when downloading transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions when using the UK version of Blackbaud CRM. Previously, transactions could download without Gift Aid numbers. This only happened for databases that used multiple sites. 462581
All assemblies
Technical Change: When you create or edit a web page, this fix forces a 100 character limit on the page name. This avoids potential errors that may occur when page names exceed this character limit. This change applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 462411
All assemblies
69432 21
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with correspondence processes and households when the output format is set to "Formatted mail correspondence output." Previously if the "Include household member processing" checkbox was marked on the output format Processing options screen of a correspondence process and the process was set to include a household and one individual member of the household, the mailing included both the individual as well as the household. Now the mailing excludes the household so the constituent can be addressed individually. From the Add or the Edit correspondence process screens, when the Output format is set to "Formatted mail correspondence output," you can click the edit button for the Output format field to access the Processing options screen. 461892
All assemblies
BB754146 2
This fix increases the default font size for all HTML fields including the view, add, and edit forms for constituent notes. The new font size is now larger for ease of reading. 461809
All assemblies
BB743530 2
Previously, query filter options sometimes did not appear correctly in WebUI. In some instances, the query filter did not display the 'Only return records that do not have a value equal to the selected value,' 'Only return records that match all selected values,' or 'Only return records that do not match any of the selected values' checkboxes. With this fix, these filter options now appear correctly. 461316
All assemblies
BB753784 8
This fix increases the details provided in the business process status messages for the Full Constituent Duplicate Search and the Incremental Constituent Duplicate Search. You can now also see the additional details in the Windows application event log after you run duplicate search processes. To take advantage of the additional details in the Windows application event log, you must edit the health monitoring section of your web.config file to record more detailed event logs for these processes. This detailed logging can help when you work with Blackbaud Customer Support to research an issue with the process. 460865
This fix addresses an issue with the Membership contribution process. Previously, if revenue was added after the initial qualifying revenue but outside of the membership's renewal window, the subsequent revenue was counted toward the next renewal rather than as additional revenue. For example, for a given membership program, a donation was made on 1/1/2013 for $50 and the constituent then qualified for level one in the membership program. A second donation of $50 was made two months later, which was before the membership program's renewal window was open. The following January, the constituent made a donation of $50 to renew the level one membership. However, the renewal was counted as $100 as a combination of the second and third donations. 460801
All assemblies
This fix allows you to add child tabs (or second-level tabs) to a tab, or edit the child tabs on an existing tab using the Blackbaud SDK. Now, when you use the SDK to author specs that support the AlterExistingPages element, you can add AlterTabs elements to AlterTab elements. 460765
Previously, the Export process page sometimes did not respect the 'rights to all query view' system privilege. This caused some users who had rights to see all query views to have problems when accessing export processes from this page. With this fix, users with rights to all query views can now see the appropriate export processes on this page. 460750
All assemblies
BB754004 8
This fix addresses an ETL failure that sometimes happened when the Recognition field on the RPT_GIVINGLIST table was more than 4,000 characters long. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 459868
All assemblies
With this fix, a Blackbaud Internet Solutions password reset email no longer sends to the intended recipient plus all users linked to the recipient (possibly as a result of a duplicate merge or duplicates in the database). Now, a password reset email only sends to the user with the most recently created account. 459525
All assemblies
This fix addresses a "The current user does not have the rights to use this form" error which occurred for users without explicit rights to the Default Country View Form who tried to search for a committee. With this fix, the error no longer appears. 453508
All assemblies
BB755222 8
This fix resolves an issue that caused the program to use a large amount of server memory when it generated downloadable export and data list files in XLSX format. 453496
All assemblies
BB716079 2
This fix addresses an issue with the "PAIN.008" file generated with the direct debit process for bank accounts with "Europe (SEPA)" selected as the banking system. Previously, the creditor IBAN was truncated at 19 characters. The file now includes all 24 characters of the IBAN. Previously, the debtor address information in the file did not include the country code, post code, or city information. This information has been added to the "PAIN.008" file. With the additional information included in the file, the direct debit transactions can now be processed. 453404
All assemblies
BB753950 2
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when you deleted rows from a batch with more than 65 rows, which meant the batch had more than one page. Previously, if you deleted rows from the first page of the batch, saved the batch, and then went to the second page of the batch, you could have received an error or lost a row from the second page of the batch. Now, when you do that, no errors occur and the batch rows remain intact. 453283
All assemblies
BB753446 2
Previously, the ETL process would not complete if you had too many constituent attributes. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 453206
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when deleting attribute categories. Previously, you were able to delete an attribute category in Administration, even if that attribute category was in use on a record. This was not intentional, since attribute categories that are in use should not be deleted. With this fix, the program does not allow you to delete an attribute category that is in use on any record. 453059
All assemblies
71172 21
Previously, when opening an existing batch that contained no applications, an error displayed and the batch could not be opened. With this fix, we updated the batch edit load stored procedure to check whether a designation exists for additional applications before updating them. The error no longer displays and the batch opens correctly. 453016
All assemblies
BB733534 2
Previously, the ETL process could fail if you merged a dynamic selection and a static selection. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 452245
All assemblies
This fix addresses a formatting issue with email messages that included a receipt grid from a Payment 2.0 part from Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you changed the format of the receipt grid in the part, your formatting changes did not carry over to emails that included the receipt grid. Now, any styling changes you make to the receipt grid in the Payment 2.0 part are also reflected in email messages that include the receipt grid. 452070
All assemblies
BB742662 27
This fix addresses an issue with sponsorships in Blackbaud Internet Solutions where an error occurred when you entered a new user registration and sponsorship at the same time and selected the "Enable CRM security for linked CMS users" option. 451907
All assemblies
BB742214 27
This fix resolves an issue with the Donation Form on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. Previously, when a donation web page included a default source, the website user was unable to navigate to the donation form from the donation summary page after selecting the designation. With this fix, the donation form now appears correctly. To resolve this, the DonationDiaplay.ascx.vb file has been updated. 451886
All assemblies
BB753479 2
This fix addresses an issue with deceased constituents in queries. Previously, when you queried on deceased constituents, the Date changed and Changed by fields in the query did not always represent the most recent change. 451720
All assemblies
BB753327 2
This fix addresses an issue with querying on appeal mailings. Previously, you could query on package codes but not query on channel codes. The channel codes were not available in query unless the appeal mailing was part of a direct marketing effort. 451656
All assemblies
72633 41
To improve email performance, this fix significantly reduces the time it takes to process a Blackbaud Direct Marketing email effort. 451645
All assemblies
BB750474 2
Previously, a constraint error appeared during database revisions if the database contained bad data for Job Occurrence date ranges. Now, the revision runs successfully and the data is repaired. To utilize this fix, you will need to run the repaired revision. 451582
All assemblies
Previously, the timeout settings controlled by the web.config file did not impact timeout for user-defined data lists, so these could still time out even when you had extended the timeout options in your web.config file. With this fix, the timeout settings on the web.config file apply to user-defined data lists. 451361
All assemblies
This fix extends the character limit for job titles. Previously, job titles associated with relationships and employment history were sometimes limited to 50 characters. With this fix, job titles throughout the program are now limited to 100 characters. 451213
All assemblies
BB747732 2
This fix addresses an issue when you edited the date format for business process output such as exports. Previously, the date field was not case-sensitive, which could create confusion between using "m" for minutes and "M" for months. When you tried to enter an uppercase letter such as "M," the system would automatically change it back to the lowercase "m." With this fix, you can now enter uppercase or lowercase letters and the format respects your entry. Date formatting still considers the lowercase "m" to mean minutes and the uppercase "M" to mean months. To take advantage of this change, you may need to edit export format options for formats that are not working as expected. 451207
All assemblies
This change applies to the process of adjusting a posted payment paid by stock. Previously, if a stock was sold and set to "do not post," when the payment form was saved, an error displayed that no mapping existed for sold stock sale payment methods. With this fix, when the payment adjustment is saved, the error no longer displays even when no mapping exists. 451172
All assemblies
BB754095 8
New Feature: The "Delete audit data" global change now includes the option to select "Constituent images." When you add or edit profile pictures for constituents, each instance of the image is saved to the constituent audit tables, which can take up an unexpected and unwanted amount of space in the database. Now when you run the "Delete audit data" global change, you can specify to also delete constituent images from the audit tables. The images are not deleted from the constituent records, just from the audit tables. Existing "Delete audit data" global changes remain the same after you upgrade. In order to take advantage of the new setting, you must edit existing "Delete audit data" global changes and mark "Constituent images." 450915
All assemblies
Technical Change: In Marketing and Communications, you can click Segments to view information about segments and segment groups. With this fix, on the Segments tab, we have added three additional filters: Group, Type, and Category. To do this, we created a new function UFN_QUERY_MKTSEGMENT_2 that is now used instead of UFN_QUERY_MKTSEGMENT. 450685
73190 12
This fix resolves an issue that prevented you from entering paperless direct debit instructions after you downloaded transactions from Blackbaud Internet Solutions to Enhanced Revenue Batches. The issue occurred when donors entered direct debit information for financial institutions in the United Kingdom that were not previously entered into the database. 450607
All assemblies
BB749167 2
This fix eliminates extra carriage returns (for example, when you press the Enter key on the keyboard multiple times) from appearing on a constituent record in the Address field. This occurred when a website user entered the carriage returns for address information when submitting donation information on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. To resolve this, the file AddressUIBase.vb has been updated. 450593
All assemblies
BB753503 2
New Feature: When you enable reCAPTCHA in Administration, Blackbaud Internet Solutions displays a completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart (CAPTCHA). With CAPTCHA functionality, the program can ensure a user is not an automated program to generate spam or phish for payment information. Previously, the program displayed distorted text that users were required to type into a box. To simplify the experience, the program now displays a checkbox labeled "I'm not a robot." Users can select the checkbox to proceed. Note that in cases where the program cannot confidently predict whether a user is a human or an abusive agent, it will display an additional test to confirm the user is valid. For example, the CAPTCHA may display multiple images and ask the user to identify which images match a particular description. The reCAPTCHA options you select in Administration control all parts in Blackbaud Internet Solutions except Advanced Donation Form, Event Registration Form, and Payment 2.0 parts that use the Blackbaud Secure Payments form. Those parts now include an Additional payment fields section on the Design tab where you can select to include reCAPTCHA. When you include this option, a reCAPTCHA checkbox displays below credit card payment fields on your Blackbaud Secure Payments form. Users must select the reCAPTCHA checkbox before they can submit the form. 450580
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue for education updates on the Profile Update form on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website. As of version 3.0 service pack 9 and higher, no action occurred after the website user clicked Update to submit the transaction. With this fix, the Submit button now appears after the user clicks Update so the transaction can be sent successfully to Blackbaud CRM. To resolve this, the DateFormatHelper.vb file has been updated. 450462
All assemblies
BB740054 2
This fix addresses an issue with the number of scholarships listed on the Education tab of a constituent. Previously we counted the scholarship "Total funds" summary row as an instance of a scholarship, even when the constituent did not have any scholarships. So even constituents with no scholarships had "Scholarships (1)" in the data list. Now, the "Total funds" are displayed in the Scholarships list, but the data list count is shown as zero when there are no scholarships for the constituent. 450273
All assemblies
73216 27
New Feature: When a website user submits an event registration on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website, and you process it in the BBIS Event Registration Transaction Batch, you can now select "Donor" in the Registrant column on the Guests tab when you view transaction details. You can also change the registrant from Donor to Linked constituent, New constituent, or Unknown guest. Previously, you could select "Donor" in the ClickOnce version of Blackbaud CRM. 450183
This change applies to environments where CRM and BBIS are hosted on different servers. Previously, in this environment, users who logged into BBIS were denied access to download attachments from their sponsorships. With this fix, modified code now provides proper credentials to be passed and allows the attachments to download. 450026
All assemblies
BB745967 2
This fix addresses an issue when entering fuzzy dates when the date elements are separated by periods, such as in 01.10. For Hungarian and Bulgarian users who use this date format, this resulted in fuzzy dates not working properly in the system. With this change, you can now use periods to separate elements in fuzzy dates in fields such as Birth date. 449767
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with removing revenue commitments eligible for matching funds in a donor challenge in Fundraising. Previously, if a pledge was approved as a match for the donor challenge, you could not select it and click “Remove match” to undo the matching status unless you first selected a payment. 449508
All assemblies
73214 41
This fix addresses an issue with encumbered funds for donor challenges. Previously, on the Encumbered Funds tab of a donor challenge record in Fundraising, you could not select a pledge as a match to approve as an encumbered fund for the challenge unless you first selected a payment to match. 449506
All assemblies
Previously, when querying on registrant restrictions, the Type and Options fields were text fields. Now, users can select registrant restriction types and options from a drop-down menu instead of typing in the value. 449225
All assemblies
73221 21
New Feature: To improve password reset security in email messages, you now select a user login password reset page from the 'Create link to a special page' option on the HTML Editor when you design an email message. When you use this link in an email and a recipient clicks the link, a secure page appears with a Forgotten Password field for the user to enter their email address. After the email address is submitted, another email sends to the user. That email contains another link that returns the user to the password reset page on your website. Use this new functionality in place of the Password merge field in email messages with a Registered Users data source. This change applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 449144
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that could sometimes occur when you merged a Microsoft Word document from an export. Previously, when the memo field on the export was longer than 255 characters, you received an error when you tried to complete the merge. 449110
All assemblies
Previously, activated marketing efforts that had gifts returned and were linked to an effort were not appearing on the Breakeven analysis report. The package page view calculates total cost per piece as unit cost plus insert cost per piece. The breakeven data list was only using unit cost. Now, the insert cost per piece is included, so the marketing effort will appear on the Breakeven analysis report. 448337
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue where incorrect last payment dates and amounts were displaying on cancelled membership records and the Lifetime tile did not correctly update for recurring membership programs. 448230
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue for the error message 'The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint CK_BBNCTRANID_ISUNIQUE' that may appear when special characters exist in a profile transaction from Blackbaud Internet Solutions and you download it to Blackbaud CRM. When special characters exist, the program fails the transactions. Previously, the program also assigned each transaction the same ID. With this fix, the program now assigns different IDs that appear on the Failed Transactions tab to help identify the problem. 448105
All assemblies
BB753565 2
Previously, members of membership programs with recurring payments were not being returned in constituent searches filtered by member constituency. With this fix, these members now appear in search results. 447956
All assemblies
BB753598 8
Previously, when expanding a recognition record, the detail form would not load. This fix improves the load performance of the detail view on the Recognition Programs data list on the Constituent page. 447952
All assemblies
BB753521 8
When you use an Advanced Donation Form part on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website to process recurring gifts, the credit card token is now processed in the transaction and saved to the database so future recurring gift payments can process successfully. Previously, the part did not process and save the token which prevented the program from charging future payments. 447887
All assemblies
BB753346 2
Previously, when validating or saving a Revenue Update Batch that included duplicate recognition credits, a timeout error displayed. With this fix, we updated stored procedures to ensure the error no longer displays and no further duplicate recognitions are created. 447884
All assemblies
BB752113 2
This change applies to a Revenue Update Batch. Previously, an error displayed during the validation of payments with multiple installments and business units. With this fix, we updated stored procedures to ensure the batch is saved and validated appropriately. 447829
All assemblies
BB753470 2
This fix addresses an issue where site security was not always being respected when sending emails for prospect research requests. If you use site security, you can edit existing prospect research requests and save them in order to take advantage of this fix. 447824
All assemblies
BB752888 49
This fix addresses an issue with the disposition field on the pledge one-off form. Previously, the disposition field was unavailable for Enterprise customers when unlocking the basic development module. With this fix, the disposition field is available when unlocking the basic development module. 447822
All assemblies
BB752821 2
This change applies to non-administrative users using a radius search in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, users could not perform a radius search from the Mapping page in Prospects. With this fix, we changed stored procedures to ensure users can now perform a radius search with optimal performance. 447810
All assemblies
BB753337 2
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a user created a recurring gift, added a payment, and committed the batch, the account system defaulted to the user's default account system. With this fix, we updated stored procedures to ensure the order of account system assignment is respected for recurring gifts upon commit. 447809
All assemblies
BB753169 2
This fix addresses an issue with revenue audit history report date formats. Previously, dates in the revenue audit history report would display in the United States format when set to a non-United States system locale. With this fix, the dates display in the correct format. 447806
All assemblies
BB745602 2
Previously, when a list was imported and the State field was mapped to State instead of State Abbreviation, the segment member data list would show a blank for State. With this fix, the segment member data list now shows State, if mapped, and if State Abbreviation is not mapped. 447688
All assemblies
BB753721 2
This fix resolves an issue that caused the program to revert to the default context record type when you edited user-defined data lists. 447553
All assemblies
BB753537 2
Previously, Currency was a drop down when only one option, Organization, was available. With this change, Currency is now a text label. 447468
All assemblies
BB753717 2
This fix resolves an issue that caused an error message to appear in Blackbaud Internet Solutions when you attempted to update the advanced properties of an appeal element for the Email Signup form after the appeal category was removed from the program. Now the appeal category is highlighted in red in the properties section and "Invalid Category" appears as the name. Also, a message appears to indicate the category no longer exists in the program. 447464
All assemblies
BB753423 2
Previously, import exception files did not properly handle fields that contained commas or double quotes. Existing import exception files will still present this issue if they have fields containing a comma and not properly wrapped by double quotes, so you may need to update your exception files if this issue persists. 447418
All assemblies
BB753550 8
This fix resolves an issue that caused an error message to appear when you created a data list from an ad-hoc query that used the "Value (Money)" field from the "KPI Values" node in the KPIs query view. 447414
All assemblies
BB753556 2
This change applies to a batch template based on an Enhanced Revenue Batch type with additional attribute category columns. Previously, when the batch using this template was edited and saved, the program erased installment receipt amounts. With this fix, we updated batch template code to ensure all installment receipt amounts are correctly applied when editing and saving the batch. This fix also applies to all pre-existing batch templates. 447408
All assemblies
BB753348 2
This fix addresses an issue with membership transactions downloaded from your website into a Blackbaud Internet Solutions membership dues batch. Previously, if the transaction caused an exception when the batch was committed, the exception batch did not always contain the membership transaction or the error message. 447402
All assemblies
BB741311 2
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you tried to synchronize Active Directory or LDAP groups of users to Blackbaud CRM system roles. In rare cases, while synchronizing, you could receive the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." 447391
70189 12
This fix addresses a performance issue with the Giving Activity report. Previously, the Giving Activity report would sometimes not complete and would time out. With this fix, the Giving Activity report should perform as intended. 447340
All assemblies
BB752427 2
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when selecting "base" for the currency on the Designation Progress report and Fundraising Hierarchy Progress report in a multicurrency environment. Previously, the report would always run with the "organization" currency selected, regardless of what currency the user selected. With this fix, the report runs with the selected currency. 446785
All assemblies
BB753566 2
Technical Change: Auction donations and auction purchases are now included in the Constituent revenue amounts and Constituent revenue application amounts smart fields as filtering parameters. 446781
All assemblies
BB751059 21
This fix addresses an issue where an error displayed when job occurrence dates for volunteers were reassigned. Now, job occurrences can be reassigned to new dates, and the error no longer displays. 446776
All assemblies
BB750594 2
This fix addresses an issue when using the quick search field. Previously, if you searched for a member and typed "Firstname Lastname" into the quick search field, the Member Search screen appeared with "Firstname Lastname" in the Last/Org/Group name field. Now, the first name and last name are correctly parsed on the Member Search screen. 446771
All assemblies
BB747943 2
Previously, several membership forms displayed currency for amounts only in US dollars. With this fix, these amounts now display the appropriate currency. 446742
All assemblies
BB740546 21
This fix addresses an issue with constituents who are members of a member program with levels that are both dues-based and contributions-based. The issue occurred for a constituent who had qualified for a membership in a contributions-based level for a program, but then that membership lapsed. If the constituent was also a member of a dues-based membership program, the constituent was not automatically renewed or rejoined to the contributions-based level even when the constituent had enough qualified revenue for the level. 446636
All assemblies
BB735163 2
When you use API endpoints that allow custom donation parts to use Blackbaud's secure payment page, an error no longer occurs when the URL of the custom page contains a query string parameter. Previously a Null Reference error appeared when the user returned from the secure page back to the custom page. 446603
All assemblies
Previously, when a user attempted to edit a recurring job occurrence, the date range would default to 1/1 to 12/31 of the current year. With this fix, the correct dates now appear. 446224
All assemblies
BB753599 2
This fix addresses an issue with post dates and expiration dates in Membership Dues Batch. Previously, if you changed these dates in the batch grid view while in Review mode, saved the batch, and then re-opened the batch, the original dates still appeared in the "Enter membership dues" form view. However, the correct dates were used when you committed the batch. Now when you edit the dates, the information is updated in both views of the batch. 446221
All assemblies
BB753574 2
This fix resolves an issue that sometimes caused the Blackbaud Internet Solutions Communication Preferences form to not save data that was entered by website users. The issue occurred when their historical appeal preferences were associated with invalid email addresses and those preferences were not related to the form. Now, the form only saves appeal preferences that are related to the form. 446000
All assemblies
BB751250 2
This change applies to the Assign prospects in bulk process in Prospects. Previously, historical (completed) plans were included and updated when the process ran. With this fix, we changed stored procedures to ensure only active plans are filtered and included in the process. 445886
All assemblies
BB753384 2
This change applies to the Apply to commitments screen through an Enhanced Revenue Batch when the following is true: A split gift is entered, Multicurrency is enabled, and a UK account system is used. Previously, currency symbols in the Additional application row displayed incorrectly. With this fix, currency symbols display correctly. 445885
All assemblies
BB753124 2
Previously, prospect plan participants were not appearing in the drop-down field when filing an unplanned contact report. With this fix, prospect plan participants now correctly appear in the drop-down field on the "File an unplanned contact report" screen. 445884
All assemblies
BB752339 21
This change applies to Opportunities and Asks within Major Giving Management. Previously, the Total revenue committed values displayed in organization currency instead of base currency when no fundraiser was provided. With this fix, we updated stored procedures to ensure organization currency is used. 445882
All assemblies
BB751744 2
The email address in the appeals element of the Blackbaud Internet Solutions Communication Preferences form now defaults to a website user's primary email address unless the user previously selected a different address as the default. If the primary address is invalid, the program uses the first valid address that is saved for the user. 445853
All assemblies
BB751250 2
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a batch was generated from an import process and a file mapping template was used, the following error displayed during batch validation: UC_CONSTITUENT_LOOKUPID. With this fix, we updated stored procedures and the error no longer displays. 445713
All assemblies
BB752463 2
This fix resolves an issue that caused the program to sometimes not save filter operators for user-defined data lists properly. The issue occurred when you included an output field in an ad-hoc query multiple times with different names, created a data list from the query, and then used one or more of the fields as data list filters. To apply this fix to existing user-defined data lists, you must edit or recreate them. 445588
All assemblies
BB753561 2
This fix prevents an issue that caused an error message to appear when the primary key field in a user defined smart query did not include a system record ID, and the query definition was used to create selections and export processes. To resolve the issue for existing selections and export processes, you must manually update the primary key field in the smart query definition under Administration, Application, Shell design and then recreate the export process or selection. System record IDs appear in the list of primary key options when you include them as output fields in the ad-hoc query you use to create the smart query definition. Note, for a constituent view smart query, include the "Constituent record" field. For a revenue view smart query, include the "Revenue record" field. 445583
All assemblies
BB753056 2
Administrators no longer need to grant modify permissions for a server application pool user to access the file in the vroot\bin folder where the program is installed. Previously, the application pool user needed to access the file to resolve an error that sometimes appears the first time a Word merge is performed after the 3.0 service pack 8 or 4.0 versions of the program are installed. 445406
New Feature: Now when Blackbaud Internet Solutions website users register for the site with social media login credentials, the program sends them a confirmation email to welcome them to the site. Previously, the program did not send these users an email. The program uses the same welcome email template you configure for other website registrants, but it merges "<social media username> via <social media account>" in the Username field. 445362
All assemblies
New Feature: We have added a new query source view. The query view "Revenue Recognition Credits (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse)" is similar to the existing "Revenue Recognition Credits" query view, but shows results from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Queries from the data warehouse only include fields available in the warehouse, and they only show results as of the last time the ETL process was run. You can see when the data was last updated on the Preview results tab of the New Ad-hoc Query screen or the Edit Ad-hoc Query screen. You can also see the last updated date on the Results page when you run the query. 445211
All assemblies
This change applies to the Fundraising Purpose Revenue report. Previously, pledge write-off amounts were incorrectly added to the New Commitments total rather than subtracted. With this fix, we updated stored procedures to ensure pledge write-off amounts are now subtracted appropriately. 445156
All assemblies
BB753455 2
This change applies to a committed Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, a user was able to right-click on a batch row and select to edit the constituent. With this fix, we removed the ability to edit a constituent through the right-click option as editing a constituent should not be permitted on committed batches. 445112
All assemblies
BB753351 2
New Feature: To improve flexibility in managing interaction information for individual constituents, the Interactions data list has been converted to list builder format to include more advanced options for sorting, navigating, and customizing data in the list. Group and household constituents already use a new list builder format. You can access the Interactions list builder on the Interactions sub-tab on the "Documentation and Interactions" tab of a constituent record. In order to opt-in to the Interactions list builder for individual constituents, you will need to access design mode by clicking the Toggle design mode on button in the upper right corner of the program. On a constituent record, click Edit tabs in the design mode view at the top of the record. On the Edit page tabs screen, find the Interactions tab and edit it. Go to the Sections field. There will be two list builders shown: one for groups and one for individuals. The one for groups will already have the "Visible" setting set to "=CBool(Page.Fields!ISGROUP)" and that should remain unchanged. Change the "Visible" setting for list builder for individual constituents to "=Not CBool(Page.Fields!ISGROUP)" and the data list "Visible" setting to "False." 445092
All assemblies
Previously, an error displayed for the Prospect Plan List API when the API was accessed outside of the application. With this fix, we changed the data type for CONSTITUENTNAME from Guid to String, and the error no longer displays. 444927
All assemblies
BB752999 2
This fix addresses an issue with the constituent application amount smart field. Previously, when a constituent application amount smart field was created for household member recognition and a site was selected, an error would occur. With this fix, the smart field functions as designed. 444925
All assemblies
BB752411 2
This fix addresses an issue that occurred with General Ledger setup access for user roles. Previously, a user with a role assigned to 'all sites' was able to see all account systems even though the role had no General Ledger rights granted to it. With this fix, a user with an 'all sites' role will be unable to see all of the account systems in General Ledger setup. 444924
All assemblies
BB752575 2
New Feature: Additional fields are now captured on a recurring gift's activity timeline. These fields are associated with the payment method of "Direct debit - pay installments automatically" and "Standing order." 444890
All assemblies
New Feature: "Cash" and "Check" now appear as Payment method field options and are reflected in the following locations: Add a recurring gift screen; Edit payment method details screen for a recurring gift, Transaction summary section for a recurring record; amendment details on the Activity tab of a recurring gift; Update recurring gift statuses business process; revenue queries; Revenue Update Batch, Enhanced Revenue Batch, and Sponsor Batch; and the Add, transfer, and reassign sponsorship screens. 444868
All assemblies
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a batch included a large number of recognitions in the batch row, an error displayed during validation and committal. With this fix, we changed a stored procedure to improve performance and the error no longer displays. 444654
All assemblies
BB752343 2
This fix addresses an issue with revenue in a Direct Debit Return Batch. If a direct debit revenue transaction is added, posted, and adjusted in CRM but the actual charge is rejected by the bank, the transaction is returned to CRM in a Direct Debit Return Batch. Previously, users would receive an error for that transaction when they tried to commit the batch. Now the error no longer appears and the rejected transactions in the Direct Debit Return Batch are committed with the amounts adjusted to zero. 443774
All assemblies
BB750858 2
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch where the application's API is used to create a custom script. Previously, when an Enhanced Revenue Batch was set to ensure manual resolution for duplicate detection, auto-matching was used instead. This occurred when the batch was saved using the API. With this fix, we updated legacy code to ensure auto-matching is disabled. 443689
All assemblies
BB750011 2
This fix addresses an error that you sometimes received when you tried to edit user-defined data lists. This would happen when the data list had a deleted smart field included in its output. When this happened and you tried to delete the data list, you received the error "This ad-hoc query has output or filter fields specified that are no longer present in the source query view." 443620
All assemblies
BB753433 8
Previously, when accessing the Reconcile Opportunities tab on the Major Giving Management page in Prospects, the tab occasionally timed out due to poor performance. With this fix, the tab loads in a timely manner without error. 443515
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that occurred when adding or editing volunteer availability information on the Availability tab of a constituent's volunteer record. The error occurred only when the user's browser settings were set to the Finnish language. 443124
All assemblies
BB750756 2
When you configure a Query Results Display part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, smart queries from Blackbaud CRM no longer appear in the results on the Query Search page. This eliminates an error message that occurred when you attempted to select a smart query. You can select any type of ad-hoc query to use with this part, but smart queries are not supported. 442301
All assemblies
BB752959 2
When you use Blackbaud Internet Solutions and match guest information in a BBIS Event Registration Transaction Batch, the program no longer matches gift criteria when the guest information includes a blank email address. For example, on the Auto-match tab in the Configure integration task in Blackbaud CRM, you use First name, Last name, and Email address for matching field criteria and you select the Exact match only checkbox. When a website user submits an event registration transaction that includes guest information without an email address, the program does not link the guest to an existing CRM constituent record. Previously, the program matched the guest to an existing record when the email address was blank but first and last names were the same. 442098
All assemblies
When a website user attempts to update an address on the profile update page on your Blackbaud Internet Solutions website, the error message 'Sequence contains no elements' no longer appears. This occurred when the user's address included an inactive country on the constituent record in Blackbaud CRM. To resolve this the ProfileMultiAddressControl.aspx.vb and GeographicalRegions.vb files have been updated. 442086
All assemblies
BB753065 2
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when searching for events with search list record security enabled. Previously, events would appear on the Event Search screen even when a user did not have access to the site associated with the event. 441981
All assemblies
BB748775 2
This fix addresses an error which occurred when merging two constituents. The issue occurred when the source constituent had a former spouse relationship and the target constituent has a current spouse relationship. 441696
All assemblies
BB731462 41
This fix addresses an issue with banks using the "Other" banking system, which is set up by clicking "Banking systems" in Treasury. Previously, you sometimes received an error when running the Generate direct debit files process for a bank account with the "Other" banking system. Now the process runs and the batch of records is created correctly. However, you still cannot download the transmission file unless you have a customized download to create the file according to the other banking system's standards. 441447
All assemblies
BB752885 2
This fix addresses an issue with user-defined data lists in Administration. Previously, when you added a "Registrants" data list with the "Registration type" field included as an output field (found under the node "Registrations\Registration Options"), you received an error when you tried to save the data list. The error occurred only when you marked to filter the "Registration type" field on the "Set save options" tab of the data list. Now the data list saves correctly. 441389
All assemblies
BB753246 2
This fix resolves an issue that caused the feature menus to not render properly in Internet Explorer 10. 441338
New Feature: To make it easier to sort an invitation list on a special event record in alphabetical order, invitee names are now formatted as "Last name, First name." 441286
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the "Will attend" field in the event capacity summary section of a multi-level event. Previously, when you marked a registration for the supporting event as canceled, the "Will attend" number on the main event was not updated. Now the "Will attend" number on both the supporting event, as well as the main event, are updated properly. 440793
All assemblies
BB752947 2
This fix allows you to see available fields for data lists when you edit expressions using Page Designer in WebUI. Previously, you could only see available fields in the data list when you accessed Page Designer using ClickOnce. You can now see available fields when you access Page Designer through WebUI. 440548
All assemblies
New Feature: You can now customize your KPI dashboard. From the dashboard, click "Customize dashboard" under Tasks. On the new "Customize a KPI dashboard" screen, you can create pages and tabs within pages to organize your KPIs. 439875
All assemblies
BB753380 8
New Feature: To help you better sort through and find your queries, we have added the ability to expand all or collapse all query folders in the Information Library. 439874
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue that sometimes caused an error to appear when you created user-defined data lists and used certain fields from specific query views as filters. For example, an error appeared when you used the Constituents query view and the "Expected date" field from the Constituents\Interactions node as a data list filter. 439840
All assemblies
BB752982 2
This fix resolves an issue that required a manual update to the webserver's web.config file when you installed the program. Previously, you added a namespace attribute to the runtime.assemblyBinding element in order for custom workflow assemblies to work. 439838
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue that sometimes caused the program to not respond when users with slow internet connections clicked the double green arrows in datalists to expand the rows. Although the issue is resolved, users with slow internet connections may still experience a delay between clicking the arrows and the rows expanding. 439833
All assemblies
BB751066 2
This fix addresses an issue in Query when calculating how many consecutive years a constituent was a member of a recognition program. Previously, changes in a constituent's recognition level that occurred within the same year were being counted multiple times so the "Years consecutive" counts were incorrect. 439618
All assemblies
BB751435 2
This fix resolves an issue that caused the Gift Aid refresh process to not include revenue in its calculations when a Yes declaration was added to a constituent with an existing Gift Aid eligible revenue record. 439229
All assemblies
BB752986 2
This change applies to a Constituent Update Batch where the following exception messages appear: One or more duplicate constituent exception messages and two or more exception messages of a different kind (for example, an import error message and user set error message). In this scenario, when the duplicate is resolved using the duplicate resolution screen and the "Automatically go to the next duplicate exception" is selected, the batch freezes after resolving the last duplicate exception. This is caused by the other two exception messages processing in an infinite loop. With this fix, the last duplicate exception processes correctly and the batch no longer freezes. 438937
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the constituent search in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Once marked, the "Match all criteria exactly" checkbox now remains marked from search to search. If you no longer want to match all criteria exactly when searching for a constituent, you must click the search button and unmark the checkbox. 438369
All assemblies
Previously, advanced search options in Enhanced Revenue Batches did not carry over the next time you used that batch type. With this fix, the options you select for this batch type are sticky and carry over when you use the batch type again. 438368
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue that sometimes caused the program to stop responding when you added or edited an export definition that used a custom query view. The issue occurred when the developer who used the Infinity SDK to create the query view included an extra space at the end of the PathAlias element of a relationship node. 438170
All assemblies
This fix resolves an issue that caused the program to sometimes change the sort order of the site hierarchy in places where you can view or edit it. If you manually applied a custom order, we recommend you review the hierarchy to confirm that it appears in the order you selected. 438168
All assemblies
BB752923 2
The message 'Data form could not be loaded. String or binary data would be truncated.' no longer appears when you attempt to open transaction details in a BBIS Profile Update Transaction Batch in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, this appeared when the website user submitted a business job title that was longer than supported. 437971
All assemblies
BB751969 2
This fix resolves an issue that caused the program to include multiple instances of guest email addresses on constituent records. The issue occurred when you registered the guests for multiple events from a single Blackbaud Internet Solutions event registration form. 437618
All assemblies
Previously, when you accessed data lists through the web dashboard, the Date added and Date changed fields did not include a time added or changed. 436151
All assemblies
BB752926 2
This fix helps prevent constituents from receiving duplicate emails sent from Blackbaud Internet Solutions. 436116
All assemblies
BB751626 2
New Feature: Now when you export a datalist that includes date fields to Excel, the spreadsheet includes date and time information when a time is saved for any of the dates in the list. Previously, the spreadsheet only included date information, so when a date included the latest time in the day such as 11:59:59.999 PM for a membership expiration, Excel rounded the date to the next day. 434849
All assemblies
BB746722 2
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when committing an AddressFinder batch. Previously, when you committed a batch you sometimes received an error for rows updating an address. This happened if some of the constituents sharing that address listed it as their primary address and others listed a different primary address. 434058
All assemblies
BB752719 2
This fix addresses an issue with default gift fees and fundraising purposes. If you set up default gift fees in the configuration task in Revenue, they are added automatically to fundraising purposes, but you can edit them on the fundraising purpose as needed. Previously, when you tried to do this and add new levels, you could receive a “Required field missing: ID” error message. Now you can edit the fees and add levels as expected. 434056
All assemblies
102053 36
When you process a profile update transaction without primary business information from Blackbaud Internet Solutions, an error message no longer appears when you validate the BBIS Profile Update Transaction Batch that includes the transaction in Blackbaud CRM. 434018
All assemblies
BB752292 2
This change applies to a Revenue Update Batch that includes split designations for pledges associated with Business Units. Previously, upon saving the batch, a duplicate key exception occurred. With this fix, the exception no longer occurs. 434002
This fix addresses an issue with the grant fundraising request summary widget. Previously, the widget would continually load with an error when the browser was set to a non-English language locale. With this fix, the widget functions as intended. 433992
All assemblies
BB752335 2
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when a user selected not to update gift fees when editing a payment. Previously, the message "The sum of the gift fee distribution amounts do not equal the total gift fees for this transaction" would appear and the gift fee amount would be zero. Now, when selecting to not update gift fees, all gift fees are reversed for the related removed applications. Otherwise, the gift fee amounts should remain the same and the message should not display when editing a payment. 432846
All assemblies
New Feature: To prevent accidentally removing a part from an unintended web page (on a single site or shared across multiple websites), you can no longer delete a part that still exists on a page. When you attempt to do this, a message now displays to inform you the part cannot be deleted because it is on a page. To identify the page the part is on, select the part's Usage tab. This applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 431055
All assemblies
When you enter a phone number on a constituent record or a Constituent Update Batch, the phone number is formatted according to the country selected for the record. However, when there is no country selected, the phone numbers were left unformatted. With this fix, phone numbers for records without a country selection are formatted according to the format selected for the database's default country. 430763
All assemblies
BB752525 2
The additional members drop-down menu and table now include relationship in the name label in the membership dues form and the membership dues batch. 430315
All assemblies
New Feature: Previously, when you clicked "Save" from the Export Definition screen in Administration, the program saved your changes and closed the screen. Now, you have the option to click "Save" to save your changes and continue working with the export definition, or click "Save and close" to save your changes and close the screen. 429067
All assemblies
New Feature: Previously, when you clicked "Save" from the Ad-hoc query screen in Analysis, the program saved your changes and closed the screen. Now, you have the option to click "Save" to save your changes and continue working with the query, or click "Save and close" to save your changes and close the screen. 429066
All assemblies
This fix eliminates an 'Object must be of type String' error message when you attempt to add a designation (or fund) that has not been configured to accept revenue for eStore. This fix applies to Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud NetCommunity. 428630
All assemblies
BB748583 2
This fix addresses an issue with email addresses added for household members when marked as "Copy email address to household and members," as well as "Do not send email to the address." When the email address was first added, it was copied to the household and member records, but the "Do not send" information was not copied. 427057
All assemblies
BB752215 8
This fix addresses an issue with constituent batches and education information. Previously, when you added education information to an individual constituent record, you could have a graduation date with any graduation status, such as for future graduation dates. However, in batches and imports, if you wanted to include a graduation date for a constituent, the graduation status had to be "Graduated." Now you can add education information for constituents in batch with a graduation date and with any graduation status so the two data entry methods are consistent. 427052
This fix addresses an issue with adding members to a committee. Previously, on the "Add a committee" screen, if you added members to the committee on the Members tab and then added a different constituent as the primary contact on the Details tab, the primary contact was saved as a regular committee member only and not as the primary contact. Now, the primary contact is saved correctly. This fix also makes all of the group add screens ("Add a group" screen; "Add a committee" screen; and "Add a group" screens from Auction Item Batch, Enhanced Revenue Batch, and Sponsorship Batch) behave consistently when you remove the primary contact. Now, when adding a committee or when adding a constituent group from batches, if you add a constituent as the primary contact on the Details tab, the constituent is automatically added on the Members tab. However, if you then remove the constituent from the "Primary contact" field on the Details tab on any of these screens, the constituent will also be removed from the Members tab. Previously, the constituent was removed from the Members tab for only the "Add a group" screen. 427050
This fix resolves an issue when clicking search on the Personal Notes part in Blackbaud NetCommunity. 426552
BB752359 1
The addressee and salutation fields in the write a letter form for households now contain the household name. Previously, these fields were blank for households. You configure the household name using the Edit household screen, where you can choose to use the standard household name or a custom name. In addition, these fields now default to the available name format if only one name format is available for the constituent. For individuals where a primary addressee name format or primary salutation name format is defined, the fields now default to those values. Note that households do not support multiple name formats like individuals do. 422771
All assemblies
BB716877 2
Technical Change: Previously, when you replaced the ZIP Code Search with a custom search, the replacement search was not used in Constituent Batch, Constituent Address Update Batch, and other data forms. With this fix, the replacement search is correctly used in these batch types and forms. Custom searches should include the same parameters and output fields as the out-of-the-box search form, but you may hide those fields or add other fields. If you have replaced the ZIP Code Search or the ZIP/Postal Code Search, you should confirm that the parameters and output fields include the fields from the out-of-the-box search form. 422769
All assemblies
BB750775 2
New Feature: We have added a Blackbaud Data Warehouse reconciliation report to help you compare summary information about your transactional database and your Blackbaud Data Warehouse. You can access the new Reconciliation report tab on the Blackbaud Data Warehouse page. The report shows you the total number of items by category on your transactional database and on the data warehouse. Where the total counts match, you see a checkmark on the "Reconciled" column. Any exceptions are listed at the bottom of the report. 421794
All assemblies
New Feature: We have added a new query source view. The query view "Revenue (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse)" is similar to the existing "Revenue" query view, but shows results from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Queries from the data warehouse only include fields available in the warehouse, and they only show results as of the last time the ETL process was run. You can see when the data was last updated on the Preview results tab of the New Ad-hoc Query screen or the Edit Ad-hoc Query screen. You can also see the last updated date on the Results page when you run the query. 421041
All assemblies
Previously, when editing a pledge with a zero dollar amount, an error displayed. With this fix, the error no longer displays upon edit. 419593
All assemblies
BB747895 8
This change applies to a pledge with multiple splits. Previously, when a designation was changed on a pledge and the next payment was made in a batch, the dropdown value for the Application field still reflected the previous designation. With this fix, the Application field dropdown displays the correct designation. 414112
All assemblies
New Feature: When you create a contributions-based membership program, you determine which giving activity is counted toward the levels of the membership. The options for setting up the criteria are on the Contributions tab when you add a program and on the Rules tab when you edit a program. However, now you can get even more specific by using a Revenue Application selection or Installment Plan Payment selection instead of the predefined checkboxes and options. The criteria you use in the query will determine which giving activity is counted. When you upgrade, existing contributions-based membership programs continue to work the way they did before. However, you can edit the rules for the program to use a selection instead. 412198
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that prevented a matching gift condition on an organization constituent record from being deleted if a matching gift claim referencing that rule had been entered in an Enhanced Revenue Batch 408801
All assemblies
BB750982 35
This fix addresses an issue with addresses in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, you were not able to save and commit addresses with multiple lines of information, such as an additional apartment or suite number; instead, the line breaks were removed and the address information was included on a single line for the constituent. New Constituent Update Batches will automatically take advantage of this fix. For existing uncommitted Constituent Update Batches, you will need to re-enter any addresses with multiple lines of information in order for the line breaks to be saved. 404555
All assemblies
BB750668 8
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue which occurred when validating addresses in Constituent Batch, Constituent Update Batch, Constituent Address Update Batch, and Enhanced Revenue Batch, as well as any other custom batch types that use address validation. When addresses are validated, rows could receive a message indicating an address validation error. However, even after the address was corrected and re-validated, the message continued to appear. Address validation messages would disappear from both corrected and uncorrected rows after you saved the batch and when you ran standard batch validation. Now the row messages continue to appear for only uncorrected addresses. This fix required changes to all of the USP_<BATCHTABLENAME>BATCHSYSTEMMESSAGES_DELETEBYBATCHID procedures; one for each batch type affected. If you have customized any of these procedures, your changes will be overwritten and will need to be re-added after the fix is applied. Any customizations that simply call these procedures will continue to work as they did before. 403543
All assemblies
This change applies to an Enhanced Revenue Batch and Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when a batch included an event registration payment with a charitable portion associated with the registration, the General Ledger mappings were not validated correctly and the following error displayed: "(ACCOUNT SYSTEM NAME)", account segments have not been defined for the segment 'Designation': Designation <not used>." This error displayed even when General Ledger setup was correct and a mapping existed for the designation. With this fix, the error no longer displays. 401413
All assemblies
BB751606 2
This change applies to recurring gifts in a Multicurrency environment. Previously, when editing the exchange rate for a recurring gift, the currency symbol did not update correctly for associated recognition credits. With this fix, we updated the stored procedure to ensure currency symbols update consistently during all steps of the edit process. 400533
All assemblies
BB750615 2
Previously, the membership contribution process would not upgrade a member to a higher level when set to renew. With this fix, the process now allows a member to renew and upgrade at the same time if they have given enough to qualify for a higher level. 398639
All assemblies
BB749417 8
Previously, from a funding request's pending step on the My Fundraising page, when a user clicked the Contact report link, an error displayed. With this fix, we disabled the Contact report link for funding requests with pending steps. The error no longer displays. 397226
All assemblies
BB752235 2
New Feature: You can now mark constituencies as inactive. Inactive constituencies are not available to assign to constituents and do not appear in queries and reports. They will also be considered inactive for the Data Warehouse and will not be included in the ETL refresh process. When you inactivate constituencies you no longer need, you improve system performance because processes such as queries do not need to consider data that is no longer relevant to your needs. To manage constituencies, from Constituents, click Constituencies under Configuration. To mark a constituency as inactive, select it and click Mark inactive. Active constituents show a checkmark on the Active column on the Constituencies page. To reactive an inactive constituency, expand it and click Mark active. 393018
All assemblies
New Feature: The "Add user-defined constituency" and "Delete user-defined constituency" global changes update constituent records with the user-defined constituencies you specify. User-defined constituencies are set up under Code Tables in Administration. For example, if you have a user-defined constituency of "Neighbor," you could add it automatically to all constituents with a local postal code. The "Delete user-defined constituency" global change removes these constituencies when a constituent no longer meets the criteria you define. Now, when you run the global changes, the constituencies are updated as they are when you run the "Constituency stored-value refresh process" from Constituents. The global change processes automatically refresh the appropriate records in your database, so that the constituencies in the "Constituency (Stored Values)" node of a constituent query are updated. 392513
All assemblies
New Feature: We have made some design changes to the way you manage constituency criteria in the Constituencies page. Previously, you managed this information from the "Donor constituency criteria" section of the page. Now, you manage criteria directly from the constituencies themselves. For constituencies that allow criteria settings, which include Donor, Loyal donor, and Major donor, you can now expand the constituency and click "Edit constituency criteria." This new option displays an edit screen for that constituency only. Since you can now mark a constituency as inactive from the constituency itself, this is also where you manage the donor criteria specific to that constituency, when applicable. To determine whether to include recognition credits in constituency definition calculations, you still click Edit on this page. The new "Edit donor constituency criteria" screen appears. To manage constituencies criteria, from Constituents, click Constituencies under Configuration. 389138
All assemblies
This change applies to a revenue batch created through an import process. Previously, when a user changed the applied amount from a matching gift to a recurring gift on the Apply to Commitments screen in a batch, an error displayed upon saving the batch. With this fix, we made code changes to ensure the error no longer displays upon save. 383630
All assemblies
BB745616 2
This fix addresses an issue with adding a new household with new constituent spouse records. Previously, the marriage settings in the “Life changes” configuration task in “Constituents” were not always followed. Even if the “Change marital status” setting was set to “Yes,” the new constituent spouse records were created but the “Marital status” field on the “Personal Info” tab was not set to “Married.” 382859
All assemblies
BB747640 41
This fix addresses an issue with the constituency of "Student." Previously, when a constituent was an active student at more than one institution, the "Student" constituency appeared twice on the Personal Info tab. With this fix, the constituency appears only one time. The constituent's education-related information for all institutions still appears on the Education tab. 382855
All assemblies
BB748470 8
New Feature: Previously, AddressFinder update options did not allow you to only update addresses that had been changed by the AddressFinder process, so you had to either update only forwardable addresses or all addresses. With this change, we have added a new button in the AddressFinder update options called "Update only NCOA changes" which allows you to only update addresses that were changed by the process. 382847
All assemblies
BB740602 2
This fix addresses an issue which occurred when merging two constituents. The issue occurred when the source constituent was a member of a household that had been dissolved and the target constituent was a member of an active household. Previously, you received an error message and the merge failed. 382843
All assemblies
BB749168 41
This fix addresses a problem with forwarding addresses in AddressFinder files. Previously, when you received an AddressFinder file that included new addresses, users were given the option to mark new forwardable move addresses as 'Do not mail' even though these addresses were valid. With this fix, the program no longer allows you to mark an address as 'Do not mail' and use as the reason that there is a new forwardable address. 382839
All assemblies
BB740600 2
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue with congressional district information returned as part of the Address Validation service. Previously, for states with a single, at-large congressional district (as opposed to states with 1st congressional district, 2nd, and so on), the Address Validation service was not returning any information for the congressional district. States with a single, at-large district are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. Now, the validated address will have a congressional district value of "AK's at-large" for Alaska at-large or "DE's at-large" for Delaware at-large, for example. This issue occurred when validating addresses manually when adding or editing an address, as well as when you submitted data as part of the Address Validation service from the Data Tune-up page in Administration. To take advantage of this fix, you will need to re-validate addresses in those states in order to get the new values. After you upgrade, you should compare ad-hoc query results as well as any custom processes that rely on the congressional district information for the affected states. 382831
Previously, when you used address validation in a batch, the addresses could sometimes fail to validate. This happened when an address you were validating had an extra line break at the end. This returned the validation error 'Street name invalid,' even when the address was actually valid. In order to take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the ClickOnce utility for the address validation service. 382811
All assemblies
BB529862 2
Previously, in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, "GL post date" was a required field by default. When the field was left blank, the exception message "Required field missing: GL post date" appeared during validation. With this fix, "GL post date" is no longer required by default, and the batch successfully validates when the field is blank. 375250
90793 19
This fix addresses an issue with the constituent merge process for constituents with declined constituent recognition levels. Now, the source constituent's declined levels will be transferred to the target constituent's record. If either constituent is a member of a recognition level that the other has declined, the constituents will not be merged and this will be called out as a merge exception. 375235
All assemblies
BB746246 2
New Feature: In constituent queries, we have added the "Educational institution record" field under Constituents > Education History > Educational Institution. Previously, you could use only the "Name" field under Constituents > Education History > Educational Institution, which relied on you entering the exact name of the institution, rather than searching for and selecting one. This resulted in potentially inaccurate or unintended results in the query in addition to potential performance issues. Now, when you include the new "Educational institution record" field in a query, you can search for and select the exact educational institution to use. Existing queries will remain unchanged when you upgrade; however, you may consider whether or not to modify them to use the new "Educational institution record" field for more accurate results and better performance. 363327
All assemblies
BB749798 27
New Feature: With this release, we replaced the previous "Recurring gift settings" configuration option with the new "Recurring gift payment handling" configuration option. With the new option, you can specify how the program handles payments when more than one past installment has a balance, payments you receive that overpay or underpay installment balances, as well as balances still present on past installments after applying a payment. Several areas of the program are affected including Revenue configuration, the Add and Edit a payment screen, the Activity timeline on a recurring gift record, Batch, and Query. 353012
All assemblies
With this fix, applying a payment towards a $0 recurring gift now results in an error on commit instead of allowing the batch commit to run indefinitely. 352018
New Features: When you use the Advanced Donation Form to create a custom donation web page, Blackbaud Internet Solutions now includes API end points for pledge installments. For information about the API, refer to the Developer Guide at 338541
All assemblies
New Feature: The Directory part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions was enhanced to enable alumni and other users to send messages to others in the directory without sharing their email addresses. On the Design tab, you can select the Allow messaging between users option to enable directory messaging. Additional fields display below the option so you can configure the message's default text, including the subject, email message, from address, from name, confirmation message, and opt out message. Note that to avoid having the email rejected or considered spam, the From address must be an email address on a domain that the organization owns and controls. This is necessary as some email providers such as Yahoo and AOL have strict DMARC policies that reject any emails with a or email address that have not originated from those domains. When messaging is enabled, an email icon displays in the directory's Messaging column for people who have a primary email address and have not opted out of messaging. To send a message, click the email icon beside the recipient's name to display the message template. You can edit the message as desired, then click Send message to send the email. The email is sent via the organization to the recipient, and the recipient's email address is not visible to the sender. A confirmation message displays when the email is successfully sent. The Communication Preferences form was also updated to support opting out of receiving email messages sent from other directory users. For the Directory messages element, you can specify to have a directory messaging opt-out checkbox display to users on their Communication Preferences form. You can also customize the text that displays for the directory messaging opt-out option. When users click the unsubscribe link in an email they receive via directory messaging, they are sent to their Communication Preferences form where they can select the directory messaging opt-out option. Users can also unselect this option if they had previously opted out and now want to resume directory messaging. 338503
All assemblies
This fixes an error for AddressFinder. Previously, when a user selected 'Step 3' which checks file availability, an error indicated a possible problem with 'an invalid endpoint or web server configuration' and thus the file wasn't loaded. This is fixed; the file now loads as expected so the AddressFinder process can complete successfully. 3029879
All assemblies
All assemblies
204389 3800
This update improves performance for deleting posted revenue records. Previously, deleting posted revenue records sometimes performed too slowly. 3020915
All assemblies
All assemblies
204871 3800
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: Previously, when constituent interests were synced, the maximum size for incoming messages was 2MB. With this update, the maximum message size quota increased to 5MB. This improves performance for organizations who pull 1000 records at a time and whose constituents have many groups. 3005637
All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes an issue that previously caused a "Waiting for constituent" error to appear when the connector attempted to sync data for payments for multiple tickets to calendar events for a constituent. This is fixed. Now when a constituent is matched to an existing constituent, the payment is automatically applied to the existing registration. 2995647
All assemblies
All assemblies
New Feature for Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: Constituent Interest sync now includes an option to "Add opt-out solicit code." By default, this value is "True." Set this value to "False" to omit syncing opt-out solicit codes. 2994173
All assemblies
All assemblies
This update improves the performance of marketing efforts. Previously, some organizations had experienced slower run times after a SQL server upgrade. 2987539
All assemblies
All assemblies
204350 3800
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes a bug that previously prevented the correct delivery count from appearing on the Luminate Online Email Interactions record for a constituent if a message had multiple deliveries. Now the correct total for the delivery appears as expected. 2975413
All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud Payment Service (BBPS) is deprecating support for payment processing through IATS (US) payment gateway. With this update, this gateway no longer appears as a gateway option when you add or edit a merchant account. For details about the future end of support for IATS, review the Blackbaud Knowledgebase at 2964000
All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes a bug that previously prevented some constituent profiles from syncing to Luminate Online when there were multiple profiles for a single constituent. Now the additional profiles sync as expected, instead of only one syncing. 2963568
All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes a bug that previously prevented a constituent's interests or opt-out solicit code from syncing when the constituent had multiple alternate lookup IDs in Luminate Online. Sometimes a CK_CONSTITUENTSOLICITCODE_NOOVERLAPPINGDATES error occurred. The bug occurred when multiple IDs for a single constituent were attempted at the same time. This is fixed; the sync now only adds one instance of the interest or solicit code to the constituent. 2962440
All assemblies
All assemblies
New feature for Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: Sync setup now includes mapping for Tender Type and Credit Card Type. This enables organization to manually configure values from Luminate Online to Blackbaud CRM and other payment methods. Previously, mapping for these was hard coded. This update enables organizations to add and edit the mapped values. This update also adds default mapping for Facebook donations. 2953918
All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes a bug for calendar events that previously caused a batch error. Now, if the end date of a calendar event is before the start date, then the start date will also be used as the end date when the event is included in a batch. 2933207
All assemblies
All assemblies
This update improves error messaging about why an address can't be deleted. For example, error message details now indicate when an address is associated with a Gift Aid Declaration. 2922949
All assemblies
All assemblies
This fixes an issue that sometimes occurred when users attempted to delete ad-hoc queries. Previously when a user generated a list of dependencies for an ad-hoc query, the system indicated there were no dependencies even when there were 'actions' associated with the query that prevented deleting it. This is fixed, actions that prevent deleting a query are now correctly identified when a user checks for dependencies. 2920492
All assemblies
All assemblies
204103 3800
New feature: Constituent Batch now uses the new code table based gender field that was introduced in Service Pack 36. If your organization uses Constituent Batch, you can apply the same steps as described in the Service Pack 36 documentation around the same change made to Revenue Update Batch and Constituent Update Batch. 2914288
All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): This fixes an error that occurred when a user attempted to download donations from Blackbaud Internet Solutions to an Enhanced Revenue Batch (ERB). The error occurred when constituents were automatically matched but the constituent's personal or contact information had been updated. The error message indicated that, 'Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).' This is fixed; constituents are now successfully matched so their donations can be imported into Blackbaud CRM. Additionally, organizations can visit the Blackbaud Knowledgebase to receive a script to resolve this issue if they're on a previous service pack. 2906505
All assemblies
All assemblies
204044 3800
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error with Enhanced Revenue Batches (ERB) in Blackbaud CRM when transactions came from Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS). The error previously occurred if you upgraded to service pack 36 and then attempted to download an Enhanced Revenue Batches (ERB) which included transactions with linked users whose spouses were in CRM. This is fixed and the download succeeds as expected. 2904597
All assemblies
204032 3602
Blackbaud Payment Service (BBPS) is deprecating support for payment processing through payment gateways for Payflow Pro,, or Bambora (IPPayments). With this update, these gateways no longer appear as gateway options when you add or edit a merchant account. 2899349
All assemblies
All assemblies
Previously, an error prevented users from connecting to their Blackbaud CRM database when importing large Constituent Update Batch (CUB) files. The error message indicated 'Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.' This is fixed. The information can now be imported successfully and connectivity is retained. 2893358
All assemblies
All assemblies
204585 3800
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error with Enhanced Revenue Batches (ERB) in Blackbaud CRM when transactions came from Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS). Previously, if you upgraded to service pack 36 and then immediately attempted to process transactions from BBIS in CRM, the download process for Enhanced Revenue Batch showed an error for transactions whose first names could be any gender. This is fixed and the download succeeds as expected. 2892753
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203966 3602
This improves the performance of the information library. Previously, some folders loaded too slowly. Now, when selected, they load within a minute. 2884113
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204584 3800
This fixes an issue that previously prevented data from flowing through a SOAP API endpoint. Constituent names were previously stored as a GUID data type. Now they're stored as strings. This also fixes the error that previously occurred when a user attempted to call the list stewardship plan operation for prospect endpoints. With the correct data type, data now flows as expected. 2883317
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All assemblies
This update removes functionality related to unnecessary WSFederation settings when Blackbaud ID (BBID) is not used for authentication. Previously an error indicated that the 'thumbprint node" was not found in the WSFederation config file. 2877492
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200674 3800
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes an issue that appeared after upgrading to service pack 36 for CRM. If a constituent in Luminate Online had no gender selected and their first name wasn't in CRM's table of FIRSTNAMES, then an error prevented the constituent from being synced to CRM because "No description was specified." This is fixed. 2860568
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): This fixes an error with a business process in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if a user attempted to run a CMS Delete Email Business Process, and an integration process skipped syncing some of the data which would be deleted, a check constraint could cause exceptions which prevented some of the data from being removed. This is fixed. The data can be deleted as expected. 2859673
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204240 3701
Beginning with Service Pack 37, new installs of CRM will not automatically deploy Fundraiser On The Go v1.0. Additionally, the task in the Prospects feature area that shows the URL for Fundraiser On The Go will no longer be available. 2858733
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an issue with Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud Data Warehouse. After upgrading to SP36, if a user attempted to create an email template, and they chose an export definition that uses a source of constituents from the Data Warehouse, an error prevented the email job from running. This is fixed. This unsupported export definitions no longer appear as options when creating email templates. 2856771
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193630 3701
This fixes an issue that occurred when editing the appeal code of an existing membership's recurring gift. Previously, if the new appeal included a designation, then membership's revenue type was erroneously updated from 'membership' to 'gift.' This is fixed; the revenue type now remains 'membership' as expected. 2842444
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All assemblies
203692 3800
This update improves the performance time for General Tax Receipt (Per Payment) receipt processing. Previously, an issue caused the process to run too slowly and prevented completion. This is fixed; it successfully runs in the expected time. 2842164
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204875 3800
New Feature: Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector (BBCRM-LO): This update adds support for the new GENDERCODEID field for CRM's service pack 36. It enables constituent sync uploads and downloads for the new field. For uploads, you must add the new Gender field to the export definition and then the sync will use it. For downloads, the Constituent sync now automatically sets the GENDERCODEID field in batch when on service pack 36 or higher. 2830198
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with the generate revenue update batch (GRUB) process. Previously, if a user updated an appeal via this batch process, the reference number was removed in the batch row and the revenue on batch commit. This impacted multiple payment methods including direct debit, cash, standing order, PayPal and Venmo. This is fixed; the reference number (including BACS direct debit reference) now correctly appears in batch and revenue. 2824987
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All assemblies
202340 3800
This fixes an issue which previously caused requests to DataList.ashx to fail authentication. They failed if they weren't done in a web browser. Thus, they were also inaccessible in Power BI and likely inaccessible to other third party apps. This is fixed. DataList.ashx has been updated and no longer attempts to redirect browser requests to a Blackbaud ID (BBID) login page. 2820659
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203702 3601
This fixes an error that previously prevented organizations, who had upgraded to service pack 35, from being able to assign letters to revenue. A viable workaround was available. This is fixed. The workaround is no longer needed. The assigned letter process runs successfully as expected. 2820335
All assemblies
204231 3701
Previously, if a constituent record had more than one prospect plan with associated revenue, but one of the plans was deleted, then the revenue associate with the deleted prospect plan didn't appear in search results. There was a workaround for this issue, which required the organization to begin to edit the revenue but save without entering changes (which cleared the opportunity field), and then select an opportunity that matches the remaining prospect plan's opportunities. With this update, the workaround is no longer necessary, because when an opportunity is deleted, the links to any associated revenues are also cleared. 2801422
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194424 3701
With this update, when users view the online help documentation via the 'help panel widget' which 'flies out' via the question mark button in the user interface, the widget no longer includes buttons for forward, back, or search. These options were deprecated in a previous service pack and this removes those deprecated options. The help widget's search was also removed to reduce potential confusion, since some users mistook it for a different search used to search the user interface and constituent records. You can still open the help in a different browser tab or window and then use your internet browser's controls for forward and back. To search the online help documentation, use the help center at 2793708
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All assemblies
This fixes an issue which previously caused sponsorships to time out when they were transferred. A viable workaround (script) was available. This is fixed. The sponsorships can now be successfully transferred. The workaround is no longer necessary. 2783710
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204233 3701
With this release of Blackbaud Internet Solutions, PayPal and Venmo are now payment options in all areas that support Blackbaud Checkout. 2778852
All assemblies
To increase security for elevated user accounts, as of Service Pack 35 Hotfix 1, we now enforce the unified login experience for all internal Blackbaud Internet Solutions users. This means users who manage all or part of your organization's site are now required to log in via Blackbaud CRM. Internal users of Blackbaud Internet Solutions who aren't yet also Blackbaud CRM users must be: added as Blackbaud CRM users, mapped to their Blackbaud Internet Solutions users, assigned a security role that grants them access to the Web functional area, and have the appropriate Web tasks assigned to them via Blackbaud CRM. If you don't assign the Site Administration Task to the user, they'll be unable to access Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Users who attempt to log in to Blackbaud Internet Solutions via their website page or Login.aspx with existing credentials will be denied; log in via Blackbaud CRM instead. The standalone "Supervisor" account for Blackbaud Internet Solutions can only be used when mapped to an existing Blackbaud CRM user. NOTES: This change only affects clients hosted by Blackbaud Cloud Operations. The log in experience for external supporter users remains unchanged; they'll log in the same way as they previously did. 2778851
All assemblies
This fixes an issue which previously caused Adjustment Batches to time out when a user attempted to edit the batch. This is fixed. Batch performance is improved and they load as expected. 2778577
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203291 3601
This fixes an issue which previously prevented the Seating Summary Report from showing seated and unseated sections when a non-administrative user, using a custom authentication (such as Windows Active Directory) attempted to view the report. A viable workaround was available and the information appeared as expected when an administrator ran the report. This is fixed. The expected information is now visible when non-administrative users, with custom authentication, run the Seating Summary Report. The workaround is no longer needed. 2776155
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203304 3701
When you view a constituent's record, their social security number (SSN) is now masked and only shows the last four digits. This helps protect personally identifiable information. Previously, the entire number was visible. To view their entire social security number, a system administrator can assign the new system privilege called "Allow user to view full SSN." 2774847
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: An issue previously occurred in the User Import Process. When the minimum password length in Blackbaud Internet solutions is set to be greater than 12 characters (in Site and Settings), the random password now meets that requirement. Previously, it was 12 characters exactly. Now this is fixed. 2770597
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All assemblies
203261 3800
This fixes an issue which previously caused revenue update processes to run slow. This is fixed. The performance of the business process is improved and it completes in the expected time. 2768301
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203603 3601
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error with Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if the subject line of an email was longer than 255 characters and donations were received using an email link, then an error prevented related batches from being committed without truncating the subject line. This has been fixed. The batch can be committed with the full subject line. 2765120
All assemblies
204243 3701
New Feature: Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This update adds a new Global Setting called Update Acknowledgee Constituent Info. When enabled, it updates existing constituent records for matched tribute acknowledgees with any new name, address, email, or phone info in batch. By default, this option is set to Do Not Update, which maintains the previous behavior and thus doesn't add any new info to the matched acknowledgee. 2757457
All assemblies
This fixes an issue that appeared after upgrading to service pack 35. If an organization is uses CustomSSO and their user committed a batch or edited any record, then the "changed by user" column showed the service account instead of the user's name. This is fixed. Now, the correct username is shown in audit logs and reports. 2754829
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203876 3701
After upgrading to service pack 35, an error caused usernames to appear duplicated in audit logs whenever the table or history indicated that an item was "Added by username." This is fixed. Now, the username is only shown one time per item. 2751519
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203875 3701
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This update improves the performance of constituent uploads when syncing multiple profiles. 2743355
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch (ERB). When a user imported constituents into an Enhanced Revenue Batch with constituent matching, and a consistent spouse was included in a household, an error caused the gender of one of the spouses to update to Unknown, even when the gender was known. This is fixed. The expected gender value of the spouse is preserved. 2734055
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203278 3701
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error which previously occurred after a user made a donation on an Advanced Donation Form page using International Automated Transactions Service (IATS) with Blackbaud Secure Payments (BBSP). If an organization then attempted to repair the transaction via a Business Process, then the attempt to repair it would fail. This is fixed. The Business Process successfully repairs the transaction and an admin can see the result in an Enhanced Revenue Batch (ERB) in Blackbaud CRM. 2732059
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203710 3601
Blackbaud CRM and Fundraiser Performance Management (FPM) Connector: This update adds a new option which enables you to sync FPM additional officers to an attribute for general interactions. 2722533
All assemblies
Previously, if an organization attempted to commit a batch without setting an event price, an error indicated that the batch failed because it couldn't divide by zero. This occurred when free guests were added to an event registration with partial payment. This is fixed. Handling now prevents the error so the batch can be committed as expected. 2715675
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204246 3701
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error which previously occurred if an admin user processed an Enhanced Revenue Batch (ERB) in Blackbaud CRM and attempted to commit a recurring gift whose first payment used a secondary account system (rather than the default), then an error occurred. This is fixed; the admin user can successfully complete this operation as expected. 2708067
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203709 3601
Previously, when a user ran the business process, the service account (instead of the user account) appeared in the change agent information. This is fixed. The user account information now appears as expected. 2702196
All assemblies
204244 3701
Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): This fixes an error with schedules in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if the business process was running as a SQL job, then an error prevented administrators from saving any changes to Site & Setting Schedule options. This is fixed. The schedule settings can be correctly saved where a business process runs as a SQL job. 2700369
All assemblies
204241 3701
Previously, after upgrading to service pack 35, an error prevented users from running "out of the box" reports (such as a Giving Details report), if the user wasn't included in the organization's custom authentication (active directory with single sign on; SSO) and their USERID wasn't also included in the appuser table. A viable workaround was available (SQL and then recycling the app pool). This is fixed. The workaround is no longer necessary. Users can successfully run the reports as expected. 2695762
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204244 3701
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online (LO) Connector: Previously, when you reconnected after an invalid LO session, a new session wasn't created as expected. This caused the sync to show an error message which indicated, "The session ID in the header of this message is invalid." This is fixed. A new session is created and the error doesn't appear. 2689097
All assemblies
New Feature: The Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector now enables organizations to choose to sync premium benefits which are associated with Luminate Online transactions to Blackbaud CRM transactions as benefits. Find this new option in Global Settings. To use it, run the Premium Log sync after you sync revenue but before query imports. 2684769
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: An issue previously occurred in the Event Registration Form. With events where many constituents are purchasing tickets at the same time, event selection could occasionally permit overbooking of events. This has been resolved. 2679054
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All assemblies
204867 3800
CA AB488 Compliance: To facilitate compliance with the California Assembly Bill 488 ( beginning January 1, 2024, transactions made through Blackbaud solutions by California donors to organizations that are not in “good standing” will no longer be accepted. Failed Credit Card transactions will show a decline code of 812. This is considered a permanent rejection for Blackbaud CRM. Direct Debit generation processes will remove impacted transactions into an exception batch and they will not be included in the Direct Debit file. Refer to Best practices for California-based donation processing due to Assembly Bill 488 - link 2671040
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error with Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when an email recipient selected an Event link and the link contained "efndnum" in its URL, then they were unable to use it to register for the event. The finder Number in the URL was too long. This is fixed. Email recipients can use the Event link in the email message to register as expected. 2668643
All assemblies
204245 3701
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes an error that occurred when a user attempted to manually add a new sync process. Previously, before selecting a record type, the Sync Options tab included all options for all record types. This is fixed; when no record type is selected, no options are shown. Additionally, the form size is standardized. Parameters for specific record types only show after a record type is selected. 2657135
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes an error with calendar events. Previously, if a user synced a Calendar Event with a location to CRM, manually added a room to it in CRM, and then changes the event location in Luminate Online, then an error message indicated that the update caused a conflict with the event location. This is fixed. When the data is synced, the room that was manually added to the event in CRM is removed and a new event location is added. 2645055
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This fixes an error that previously caused incomplete calendar event registrations to sometimes prevent later completed registrations for the same event and same person from syncing. The error message indicated that multiple registrations were detected. This is fixed. The sync no longer attempts to handle incomplete registrations that are never completed and thus only completed registrations are synced. 2641573
All assemblies
This fixes an error which previously caused a time out when a user attempted to add a new installment date to existing pledge that already had multiple installments and designations. This is fixed. The pledge can be edited to add a new installment date as expected. 2635933
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203946 3701
This fixes an error that previously occurred when a user attempted to use the generate revenue update batch (GRUB) process to update the appeal for a recurring gift. Because it removed the direct debit reference numbers which corresponded to the Banker's Automated Clearing System (BACS) the next time the direct debit process was attempted the transition file had blank reference numbers and thus the bank rejected those payments in the transmission file. This is fixed for two payment methods (direct debit and others). The reference number is correctly preserved when appropriate, so subsequent transactions are accepted by the bank and processed successfully. 2635029
All assemblies
202340 3701
This enhancement optimizes AddressFinder. Previously, if a user selected the option to Update Only Addresses With Forwardable Moves or Update Only NCOA Changes, then all addresses were downloaded. Now, you can significantly reduce the number of records the process handles and thus improve performance. If a user selects Update All Addresses, then the process remains unchanged and is not optimized. For details, refer to the Blackbaud KnowledgeBase ( 2629434
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203720 3601
This fixes an error that previously prevented the Donor constituency tile from being deleted after all payments linked to deposits and all revenue were removed. This occurred when the Donor Constituency Criteria was selected and enabled for Consider Recognition Credits in Edit Donor Constituency Criteria (Constituency Settings), but didn't occur when this was not selected and was disabled. This is fixed; when all payments and revenue are removed then the Donor constituency is also removed. 2623891
All assemblies
202287 3601
New Feature: With Service Pack 35, SKY API will now be accessible to on premise customers. In order to connect to SKY API, on premise customers will need to reach out to support to complete a one-time connection process. Note that customers hosted by Blackbaud do not need to take any further action; access to SKY API is automatically enabled with Service Pack 35. For more information, refer to our New Features Guide. 2610566
All assemblies
This fixes an error with code tables and attribute categories. Previously, the error occurred when a user created an attribute category with a name more than 52 characters, selected code table as the data type, used the defaults for the database table names, and then attempted to edit the code table. When the user attempted to select a site for security and the page refreshed, then an error message indicated "Unable to load data list. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string [...] Incorrect syntax [...]." This is fixed; the list now loads as expected. 2604730
All assemblies
202142 3601
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an issue which previously occurred if a user attempted to edit a Record Search part and used the Result Summaries section, then some tinyMCE editor menus and drop-down were unresponsive. This is fixed; options for Insert, View, and Table now respond as expected in the Result summaries section of Record Search part editor. 2593753
All assemblies
202190 3601
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This update adds fields to the query view of the Luminate Sync Log. The additional fields include: LO_QUERY_ID, CONSID, TREVENTID, TRREGISTRATIONID, TEAMID, CEEVENTID, CERSVPID, and INTERESTID. This query's name and record type also no longer show an indicator that says "(Custom)." 2593517
All assemblies
This fixes an error with the Connector for Blackbaud CRM and Luminate Online. Previously, if a user attempted to view the sync process page for a sync process that hadn't yet run, an message stating "No record found" appeared. This is fixed; the desired page loads as expected. 2592871
All assemblies
This fixes an issue which previously affected revenue batches. It occurred when the batch included payments for sponsorships by spouses, in which the constituent who initiated the sponsorship was set up to receive hard credit and the other to receive soft credit. If the spouse who was originally configured as receiving soft credit then submitted a donation payment, then the spouse who submitted the payment only received soft credit when the revenue batch was committed. Meanwhile the spouse configured to receive hard credit for the sponsorship still received hard credit for the donation payment even though they didn't make the donation payment. This is fixed; the spouse who makes the gift payment now receives hard credit and the other receives soft credit, regardless of who initiated the sponsorship and regardless of who received hard or soft credit for previous payments. 2591183
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All assemblies
204873 3800
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an issue with scheduling SQL server jobs. Previously, if a user edited the Role Refresh frequency in Administration, Sites and Settings, Schedules to be every 10 hours, then they were actually refreshed every 10 minutes. This is fixed; business process schedules are now correctly scheduled. 2583839
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202055 3601
This fixes an issue with export definition lists. Previously, when an admin user navigated to Marketing and Communications, and then selected to Export Definitions, the list took too long to load. This is fixed; performance was improved so the list loads in the expected time. 2577121
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202026 3601
This addresses an issue that previously caused the Electronic File Delivery (EFD) Payroll Deduction Import Process batch to take too long to commit. This is fixed; the batch now commits in the expected time. If your organization still experiences a slow commit, contact Blackbaud Customer Support. 2576409
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203336 3601
New Feature for BBCRM-FPM Connector: Added cross reference for FPM school/unit code to CRM site. 2570692
All assemblies
New Feature: In Blackbaud CRM, PayPal and Venmo are now available as Payment Methods. For more information, refer to our New Features Guide. 2566444
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM and Fundraiser Performance Management (FPM) Connector: This fixes an issue with the Contact Report import. Previously, the report sometimes timed out during the process for merging batch rows. This is fixed; performance was improved so the process runs faster to avoid a timeout. 2565189
All assemblies
This fixes an error that previously occurred when a user attempted to edit the designations of a pledge that had a single designation, a single installment, a payment, had already posted to the general ledger, and the user ensured the newly edited values balanced and were properly adjusted. Upon save, the error message indicated that the installment amount can't be less than the applied amount. This is fixed; the updated values are handled as expected. 2564148
All assemblies
67536 3601
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an issue with Business Processes. Previously, any business processes run via SQL Agent that also ran via Heart Beat caused the Heart Beat instances of the business process to fail. Now all business processes will run on SQL Jobs only, instead of also running on Heart Beat. 2563972
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error which previously occurred after a user created a part, they were unable to edit the subject line of the acknowledgement email. Upon save or "apply changes," the subject reverted to its original content. This affected multiple parts across the application. This is fixed; users can change or update the subject of acknowledgement emails. 2561260
All assemblies
201950 3601
This update increases consistency between ResearchPoint, Altru, and Blackbaud CRM. When a user attempted to use an advanced search to find new prospects, the options for minimum and maximum Confirmed Wealth in CRM differed from the options for similar searches in ResearchPoint and Altru. This is fixed; now the value ranges for CRM are the same as those in other Blackbaud solutions. This also increases the maximum to $50,000,0001, instead of $10,000,001. 2554268
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: This update significantly improves the performance of syncing Email Campaign Recipients. For recommendations, review the connector's install and upgrade guide. Find it at and then select CRM. View the User Guides under CRM Setup and Administration. Choose the LO-BB CRM Connector Installation and Upgrade Guide. 2554266
All assemblies
Technical Change: For the Connector between Blackbaud CRM and Fundraiser Performance Management, we no longer require a Contact Report to be related to a Proposal in FPM in the Contact Reports batch. Previously, Contact Reports without related Proposals results in a batch error that stated, "This contact report refers to a Step in CRM, but no corresponding record in the Proposal Related Contact file was provided." 2552186
All assemblies
This fixes an issue for the Connector between Blackbaud CRM and Fundraiser Performance Management. Previously, Interaction Search took users to the to the Interaction page instead of the Constituent Interaction page. This is fixed; it now takes users to the Constituent Interaction page. 2546412
All assemblies
New feature: With this update, dynamic queries now include a framework which supports the addition of SQL hints. A new database table stores these SQL hints, which are then fetched at run time. The hints help previously slow queries perform better. CRM customers can contact Blackbaud Customer Support for assistance with especially slow queries which may benefit from this update. 2539529
All assemblies
New Feature: The ability to make Stewardship Plans as Historical is now available for Blackbaud CRM. See the New Features Guide for more information. 2532816
All assemblies
New Feature: The Info Source and Comments fields for Phone Numbers and Email Addresses are now available to add to a constituent batch. 2532814
All assemblies
This fixes an error that previously occurred when validating an Enhanced Revenue Batch, after a specific series of record updates. This is fixed. Now, secondary recognition credits are retained as expected, even after a user accesses a constituent record and adds two distinct single payment pledges, then creates an Enhanced Revenue Batch and adds a split payment for the total amount of both pledges, then switches constituents while retaining the payment, adds the original pledge holder to both payments, and finally validates the batch. 2529800
All assemblies
201721 3601
This fixes an error that previously prevented the Donor constituency from being deleted from the Constituent Summary tile (under Personal Info) after all posted revenue was removed. This occurred when the Donor Constituency Criteria was configured as Yes for Consider Recognition Credits in Donor Constituency Definitions, but didn't occur when this was configured as No. This is fixed; when all payments posted to the general ledger are removed then the Donor constituency is also removed. 2522081
All assemblies
194568 3601
This fixes an issue that caused the pledge reminder process to take an excessive amount of time to run, which caused it to interfere with other processes. This is fixed; the pledge reminder process runs faster in an expected amount of time. 2518944
All assemblies
202173 3501
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: The connector for Blackbaud CRM and Luminate Online now includes an optional Constituent Interest sync which can sync LO email interests directly into Blackbaud CRM instead of the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. This replaces the "Opt-in Email Interest to CRM" option on the Interest Sync. 2518459
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with the Connector for Blackbaud CRM and Luminate Online. Previously, the Luminate Sync Log query view returned the Batch ID instead of the Batch Number. This is fixed; it now shows the Batch Number. 2515151
All assemblies
This fixes an error for the Financial Edge NXT integration with Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when a user configured the integration for the general ledger setup, created the account system, entered an environment ID, generated a refresh token, navigated to the sync process tab, and attempted to run sync process, then an error message indicated that null value for field "beginning_balances_locked" could not be converted to the system's date and time format. This is fixed; the beginning balance locked field now handles null values so the integration's sync process works as expected. 2513699
All assemblies
This update improves error handling related to loading a search list definition into a database. Previously, a load spec triggered an error with search lists but not data lists. This is fixed; now search lists behave like data lists and the error no longer appears. 2509361
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All assemblies
New Feature: This release upgrades Tiny MCE to version 6.8.2. This improves usability and security for the HTML editor throughout Blackbaud CRM. 2504187
All assemblies
This fixes an error with membership batches. Previously, the error message indicated that it "cannot insert duplicate key in object." This is fixed; the batch commit and updates memberships as expected. If an error with general ledger mapping appears after the fix, map or remap the general ledger to resolve it. Contact customer support if the error persists. 2496799
All assemblies
203691 3601
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the designated transaction for installment pledges was not being applied to the installment pledge. 2496458
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with SKY API authentication on the Infinity platform. Previously, changes were made in SP33 to enable SKY API services to authenticate to Infinity, but due to incorrect configuration, the SKY API connectivity was disabled. With this fix, SKY API configuration and connectivity is working as designed. 2491930
All assemblies
This updates Blackbaud Internet Solutions. We removed merge fields for Error Code and Error Description from the Formatted Text and Image (FTI) part. With this service pack, these merge fields are automatically removed from the part. The values will appear blank on corresponding parts and pages. This update enhances security. 2489714
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with the Connector for Blackbaud CRM and Luminate Online. Previously, in a Designee sync, if an LO Designee didn't have an account code, then an error appeared on the record and stated, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Now, the error indicates that the accounting code is blank. 2483015
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the installment pledge schedule wasn't being rebuilt when the number of installments in LO and Blackbaud CRM didn't match, resulting in the error message "Warning: error updating pledge record: INSTALLMENTSUM" on the log record. 2482942
All assemblies
This fixes an performance issue for searching for event registrants. Previously, when a user applied a Filter to the Registrations tab, an error ("The operation has timed out.") appeared if the event had a large number of registrants. This is fixed; the filtered results appear as expected, even for large events. 2482896
All assemblies
201423 3501
This fixes an issue for the planned gift vehicle for Charitable Gift Annuity. Previously, Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) didn't appear as an option for the subtype of planned gift vehicle for Charitable Gift Annuity. This is fixed; users can now select QCD as a subtype. This subtype is allowed as of the year 2023, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 2482744
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, if an uncommitted installment pledge was reprocessed by the sync, duplicate instances of that installment pledge were added to the revenue staging table. With this fix, duplicates of the same LO revenue ID are not allowed into the staging table. 2482438
All assemblies
Previously, an error prevented some users from editing an export definition even though they had access to all query views. The error message indicated that they user didn't have access to one or more of the query source views. This is fixed; the user can now successfully edit export definitions as expected when they have the necessary permission access. 2479713
All assemblies
All assemblies
204813 3800
This fixes an issue with multicurrency. Previously, when a user viewed a recurring gift on a transaction summary page, the 'Other recurring gifts' were shown in USD regardless of the actual currency of those gifts. This is fixed; the gifts are now shown in the appropriate currency as expected. 2474372
All assemblies
All assemblies
204870 3800
New Feature (Idea Bank #3116): Service pack 36 includes phase 1 of an update that gives your organization more control and flexibility over how you track the gender of constituents. If you want to configure additional options, you can now do so by adding them to a new code table, which is now used in vital functional areas of Blackbaud CRM. For details, view the online help for Blackbaud CRM and look for What's New. ( 2473507
All assemblies
This fixes an error with the Revenue History Report. Previously, if two users each edited the same payment record, then changes made by the first user appeared in the audit log as though they were made by the second, more recent, user. This is fixed; the history of a payment record accurately shows which changes were made by each user. 2465215
All assemblies
202274 3501
This fixes an error with for importing memberships. Previously, if a user attempted to import memberships where they had a large amount of records in the Membership Table, the import process would time out during execution. This is fixed; the membership data imports successfully. 2463454
All assemblies
202273 3501
This fix addresses an issue with SKY API authentication on the Infinity platform. Previously, changes were made in SP33 to enable SKY API services to authenticate to Infinity, but due to web.config incorrect configuration, an assembly mismatch error was encountered. With this fix, SKY API configuration and authentication is working as designed. 2463428
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: Blackbaud CRM proxy users are now supported for the sync appfxwebservice connection. 2460880
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Event Registration Form (Event2.0) in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when reCAPTCHA was added to an Event Registration Form for a free event that allowed additional donations, the form would generate an error message indicating it could not load the reCAPTCHA image. 2454322
All assemblies
201737 3403
This fixes an issue which previously caused a constituent profile report to run to slowly when Recognition Summary was included, regardless of the number of gifts per donor. This is fixed. The report now runs successfully in the expected time. 2453454
All assemblies
204232 3701
This fixes a performance issue with the Revenue Acknowledgement Process. Previously, an issue caused a corresponding Smart Field, which uses a dynamic query, to take too much time and slowed the process. This is fixed; the process and queries run faster, as expected. 2440163
All assemblies
201110 3501
This fixes an issue for international addresses. Previously, some international addresses included County values corresponding to United States of America counties. This is fixed; the COUNTYCODEID field is no longer populated for international addresses. Thus it no longer shows US counties for those international addresses, including in ad-hoc queries. 2440095
All assemblies
202272 3501
This fixes a binding error that previously occurred when a user attempted to access a research list. The error message indicated an issue with an "invalid object name." This is fixed; the research list appears and functions as expected. 2421013
All assemblies
182819 3601
This fix addresses an issue with merging duplicate organization records. Previously, in some instances when merging, the target constituent's existing matching gift relationships no longer had the option "The organization will match contributions for this relationship" enabled. 2419025
All assemblies
201009 3403
This fixes an error for Reporting services. Previously, after enabling Blackbaud ID (BBID) for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), users were unable to access Reporting Services. This is fixed; users can access the service, including for training and testing environments. 2412281
All assemblies
200970 3501
SKY APIs are now available for use with Blackbaud CRM and Altru for Blackbaud hosted customers. Learn more about SKY APIs and how your organization can build integrations or make use of published apps in the New Features guide. 2408896
All assemblies
New Feature for BBCRM-FPM Connector: New searches are available for Opportunities, Prospect Plans, Steps, and Interactions using the FPM Lookup IDs. 2404190
All assemblies
This fixes a performance issue with adding payments to a constituent. Previously, when a user searched for and selected a constituent from Add Payment, the constituent's information slowly appeared in the form. This is fixed; the selected constituent's record information is quickly populated on the Add Payment form, as expected. 2397832
All assemblies
New Feature: This addresses an issue with Global Change Processes. Previously, the permissions for business processes were based off of the Business Process Owner. A new task has been added called "Run global changes as the executing user" available in Global Changes. Enable it to have all Global Changes manually run by a user to run under that user's permissions. Once enabled, you can select "Run global changes as the process owner user" to revert back to using the business process owner's permissions. 2393703
All assemblies
200855 3601
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, during constituent sync uploads to LO, users were occasionally receiving the error message "The session ID in the header of this message is invalid." 2393001
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, successfully synced Personal Fundraising Gifts did not have a link to the Blackbaud CRM transaction on the Sync History Detail tab. 2392978
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Prospect Research Summary data. Previously, when performing a merge for a person with duplicate constituent records that also had prospect data, the constituent's Prospect Research Summary data did not transfer from the source record to the target record. 2392476
All assemblies
200847 3403
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: Custom field mapping tasks have been added to the sync process page for individual syncs. 2391188
All assemblies
New Feature: A new field was added to Phone Number add/edit forms to flag as Do not text. 2387664
All assemblies
New Feature: A new field was added to Email Address add/edit forms to mark an email as confidential. 2387613
All assemblies
New Feature: A new field was added to Email Address add/edit forms to include a Do not email reason code. 2387429
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: Additional designee-related fields ("Designee Name" and "Designee Public Name") have been added to the query view "Luminate Online staging revenue." 2386538
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with running the Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) process in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, users were encountering an error message, "The definition for column 'ID' must include a data type," when attempting to run ETL. 2385095
All assemblies
201751 3403
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, multiple syncs added certain special characters in an incorrect format. 2384136
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error with Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when an individual received an email invite with a link to register for an event, the URL included a finder number which prevented the invitee from registering. This is fixed. Invitation recipients can use the Event link in the email message to register as expected. 2381360
All assemblies
200787 3701
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the End Date for Calendar Events synched to Blackbaud CRM as one day after the correct date. 2376241
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: The default value for the web.config setting LOSYNC_GETWEBRESPONSE_SECONDS_TIMEOUT was raised from 100 seconds to 300 seconds. 2374899
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Help Button in Blackbaud ID enabled environments. Previously, the Help button hid the Additional Tabs drop down in the menu bar. 2372344
All assemblies
200722 3302
This security update is specifically for Blackbaud-hosted customers that have enabled BBID or plan to enable it. It includes improvements to the Auxiliary Authenticator and the WSFederation timeout refresh. Please see KB 200968 for more information. 2371947
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Blackbaud Pacific. Previously, the Write-off\date field format appeared with extra field information. 2371330
All assemblies
201014 3302
This fixes a performance issue with the Assign Letters process for Acknowledgements. Previously, the process stalled when it attempted to retrieve revenue records. This is fixed; the Assign Letters process runs faster and runs to completion, as expected. 2370001
All assemblies
202196 3501
This fix addresses an issue with Donation Form configured with Payment 2.0 in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, non-whole transaction amounts (i.e., with values after the decimal point) sometimes prevented the transaction from completing, returning the error message "Please enter a valid price." 2367821
All assemblies
201740 3403
This fixes an issue with sessions timing out. Previously, if a user in Blackbaud CRM attempted to run a report which took more than 10 minutes to process, their session could time out and their internet browser asked for a username and password, rather than routing them to a Blackbaud ID login page. This is fixed; the session timeout duration for users running reports has increased. 2367571
All assemblies
200775 3601
This fixes an error for Event registrations that include benefits and partial payments, processed via an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, the receipt amount showed an incorrect amount and failed to show benefits associated with the registration. When users manually added the benefit, adjusted the receipt amount, and committed the batch, the Revenue Record still showed incorrect amounts for the charitable and non-charitable splits for the Event Registration. This is fixed; the benefits and receipt amounts appear correctly. 2367461
All assemblies
200680 3501
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when purchasing multiple ticket types for a Calendar Event with a ticket type that's cancelled and refunded before syncing the tickets, once the payment sync completed while committing the batch, users received the following error: "quantity must be greater than or equal to 1" 2365498
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, recognition was incorrect for TeamRaiser or Calendar Event registration payments when registration had a designation amount greater than 0 associated with it. 2364309
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Donation Form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, some donation transactions downloaded from Blackbaud Internet Solutions displayed an incorrect email type. 2362300
All assemblies
200776 3302
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when syncing a TeamRaiser child registration with an upsell, the upsell amount wasn't added to the payment applications in batch, resulting in a batch error of: "The total amount must be equal to the sum of the amounts applied to commitments." 2349595
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with geocoding an address on a constituent record's Contact tab. Previously, when attempting to geocode an address containing an invalid character such as a tab, the following error message would appear: “Record operation could not be performed. The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.” 2346785
All assemblies
200564 3403
This fix addresses an issue with Blackbaud Data Warehouse ad-hoc queries or user-defined data lists that included an interaction attribute. Previously, users were receiving the following error message: "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier." To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an ETL refresh. 2339480
All assemblies
200535 3403
Direct Marketing: This fixes a performance issue for refreshing a Direct Marketing Effort (DME). Previously, the refresh process ran for an excessive amount of time. This is fixed; the DME refresh runs faster and completes successfully, as expected. 2323278
All assemblies
202270 3501
This fix addresses an issue with address validation when using the AddressAccelerator module. Previously, when running address validation, the process would fail due to a hash validation error. With this fix, AddressAccelerator is working as intended. 2321869
All assemblies
201500 3309
New Feature: "Run As" for non System Administrator users is now available for Blackbaud CRM. See the New Features guide for more information. 2319395
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when users sent emails that included email links that used the v:roundrect tag, then the email links were converted to lower case. This is fixed; the URL links retain their case. 2319191
All assemblies
200420 3501
This fixes an intermittent performance issue for viewing the Segment list of a marketing effort. Previously, the segment list would intermittently time out and an error appeared. ("The section could not be loaded. Unable to load data list. Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.") This is fixed; the segment list loads faster and completely, as expected. 2315427
All assemblies
200393 3501
This fix addresses an issue with the Edit function on marketing effort segments. Previously, some users were encountering a timeout error when attempting to edit. 2315214
All assemblies
200389 3403
New Feature: An optional “Non-Interactive Users” (or Proxy Users) feature has been added for accounts that authenticate without user interaction and provides enabled permissions management for Proxy Users. Please refer to the New Features Guide for more information. 2314872
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Event Registration Form (Event 2.0) in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when multiple users tried to register simultaneously for a capacity-restricted event, users were registered beyond the event capacity. With this fix, events will not be allowed to exceed 100 percent capacity. 2311510
All assemblies
201739 3403
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when users missing opt-in/opt-out groups lacked a security category and selected Opt-in Email Interest to Blackbaud CRM, they received the following error message: "Object reference not set to instance of an object" on records obtained from the Interest sync. 2310303
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when the Interest sync ran with Opt-in Email Interest to Blackbaud CRM selected, interests without an opt-in or opt-out group received the following error: "An error occurred communicating with Luminate Online. This is typically due to a whitelist or credential issue." 2309705
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if a donor entered a 2-digit year for the end date of a recurring gift, then the transaction failed or processed with the current date as the end date. This is fixed; 2-digit years are automatically converted to 4-digit years and the transaction processes successfully with the correct end date. 2309587
All assemblies
197929 3501
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, Survey sync and TeamRaiser sync were generating unnecessary and duplicate event log lines. With this fix, the unnecessary event logging has been removed, saving space in the logs. 2308507
All assemblies
Blackbaud CRM Luminate Online Connector: New Feature: With this update, you can now select a "Delete removed questions" option for survey sync. It deletes questions and responses from CRM whenever the sync detects they've been deleted in Luminate Online. 2308332
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Blackbaud CRM charging the wrong payment card for recurring gifts after card details on a sponsorship were updated in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, some transactions were processed as part of a separate process and sat in separate batches but were charging the same card incorrectly. 2299466
All assemblies
200315 3403
This fix addresses an issue with recurring gifts when the server is set to the culture of UK in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when a donor submitted a recurring gift with the server set to the culture of UK, they received an application error in a pop-up window preventing the users from completing the transaction. 2294991
All assemblies
200352 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Drill through report functionality. Previously, an error message was received when users navigated in a report and clicked on a value for more details. 2292336
All assemblies
200274 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the Email Message page in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when navigating to the Email Message page users experienced timeouts while processing large volumes of data. 2289590
All assemblies
197293 3205
This fix addresses an issue with AppFx WebService - AdHocQueryProcessReply. Previously, users experienced a column order issue, when Start and Limit properties were set in AdHocQueryProcessRequest object. 2289553
All assemblies
200316 3302
This fix addresses an issue with Blackbaud Pacific. Previously, users were unable to deserialize query view columns from the database when running a receipt process. 2287463
All assemblies
200222 3302
This fix addresses an issue with Implement Output field encryption. Previously, the Standing order import business process was not working due to missing permissions. 2281884
All assemblies
New Feature: When a user is logged in to Blackbaud CRM using Blackbaud ID (BBID) credentials, the session will end and the user will be logged out after 90 minutes of inactivity. This will be standard for any session logged in with BBID regardless of System Administrator status, and the session length is now based on inactivity across all BBID logins for the user, including in other Blackbaud applications. See the New Features Guide and KB: 68158 for more information. 2276721
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with JustGiving-CRM Connector. Previously, when selecting a new fundraising page in batch users encountered the following error message: “Index was outside the bounds of the array.” 2268467
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with The Duration column of the Review Acknowledgements tab. Previously, the tab did not sort properly. 2264680
All assemblies
201016 3302
This fix addresses an issue with slow performance. Previously, users were experiencing delays in the Marketing Acknowledge Export process. 2264599
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Blackbaud Pacific. Previously, users were unable to clear receipt process results runs before Azure migration. 2259797
All assemblies
200872 3302
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate batches. Previously, duplicate batches appeared in the Committed Batches list for non-admin users. 2258411
All assemblies
200012 3302
This fix addresses an issue with saving an ad-hoc query report. Previously, users received the following error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object when saving an ad-hoc query report." 2256112
All assemblies
200296 3302
This fix addresses an issue with performance in scheduled processes and daily usage. Previously, users were experiencing significant slowdowns in processes that involved the use of smart fields. With this fix, the Constituent Recognition Revenue smart field has been optimized to improve performance. 2254236
All assemblies
201256 3403
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the name of Calendar Event Ticket Types would sync over with certain characters formatted incorrectly. 2249679
All assemblies
New Feature: A new default sort has been added to the Customize Home Page to display the Task lists in alphabetical order. 2228754
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Corporate Structure section of organizational records. Previously, the system was timing out when attempting to load this section for some organizations. 2211409
All assemblies
62742 3403
New Feature: A new Copy function has been added for User-defined Data Lists. 2205245
All assemblies
Security fixes and enhancements have been added for the Luminate Online Connector. 2204589
All assemblies
New Feature: A new function has been added that allows users to paste lists (such as IDs, ZIP Codes, etc. from an Excel column) into the Ad Hoc Query "One Of" and "Not One Of" filter criteria. 2204385
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a constituent record was switched in Enhanced Revenue Batch, the original constituent's solicit codes were moved to the replacement record. 2201113
All assemblies
199660 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the Re-Receipt field information. Previously, the Re-Receipt field had information missing on re-receipted payment revenue records. 2201083
All assemblies
199659 3205
Security fixes and enhancements have been added for the JustGiving-CRM Connector. 2200935
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud AppFX Server HTTP Endpoint Reference page. Previously, users had issues logging in with their credentials. 2198272
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Import Selection feature. Previously, users were experiencing delays after selecting Start Process. 2196303
All assemblies
201750 3403
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: There is now added support for syncing Calendar Event ticket purchases where tickets for multiple events are purchased with one payment. Previously, the payment was only applied to one of the event registrations in CRM and the rest applied as an extra gift. Now applications to all the registrations created by those ticket purchases will be added to the payment. 2192965
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: A "Records Processed" tab has been added to the Constituent Merge sync status page to show what records were processed in the most recent run. 2185399
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: The custom secure domain URL setting will no longer be used when configured to sync to a Luminate Online site in cluster 8 or a test site. 2185064
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with dbo.APPUSERAUDIT. Previously, user logins triggered audit writes to dbo.APPUSERAUDIT. 2183689
All assemblies
199528 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the Constituent notification bar. Previously, the Constituent notification bar displayed yellow in older versions of Chrome. 2180330
All assemblies
199500 3205
New Feature for JustGiving-CRM Connector: An Exception Handling tab has been added to the Fundraising Page sync page to show exceptions from all Fundraising Page sync processes. 2179729
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the OLAP Database Roles tab in Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when users upgraded to Service Pack 29 or higher, the Blackbaud Data Warehouse's OLAP Database Roles tab displayed an error message. 2177983
All assemblies
199481 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Accepted Amount. Previously, when changing the Opportunity from Accepted to another status, Accepted Amount showed a zero dollar balance in CRM while the database tables displayed the previous Accepted Amount balance. 2177225
All assemblies
199473 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, updates to TeamRaiser Registrants were displaying as "Creates" in Sync History Detail. 2176520
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, an Update MemberID & ExchangeID Attribute was added to inactive constituents with a matching ExchangeID in Luminate Online Connector. Now the sync only adds the attribute when a matched constituent does not have a matching ExchangeID. 2174940
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when payment or purchaser information for an ecommerce transaction was null due to the payment being declined, the record showed the following error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". 2174159
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the Calendar Event Registrant sync encountered an error message when a ticket purchase was made with an extra gift, and incremental syncs were enabled that resulted in an extra registration record. 2170880
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, default recognition was not applied to additional gifts on registration payments. 2163760
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the recurring gift update sync showed more records processed than were synced. 2162706
All assemblies
Security fixes and enhancements have been added for the Luminate Online Connector. 2159220
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: Previously, users received a generic error message when running the group export in "Delete and re-create" mode and selecting a group in Luminate Online Connector that wasn't created by the sync user. This change adds error handling for deleting a group that was not created by the user. 2159170
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with stock sales with fees on split designation gifts. Previously, stock sales with fees on split designation gifts rounded up to an odd number of cents, resulting in incorrect final distributions. 2157760
All assemblies
199318 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch and Blackbaud Internet Solutions transactions. Previously, Enhanced Revenue Batch donations could create duplicate constituent records on commit where the transaction had associated recognition credits and the batch was unsaved or the user session had timed out. 2156641
All assemblies
199563 3205
Blackbaud Internet Solutions (BBIS): This fixes an issue with duplicate donation acknowledgment emails in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if donor made two different gifts, from different pages, immediately after one another, then the donor received the same acknowledgement email twice, even though the donations varied. This is fixed. The donor now receives the expected acknowledgement emails for each donation. 2152613
All assemblies
204242 3701
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the Calendar Event sync and TeamRaiser Event sync added event locations with default names when no location information was provided. 2151962
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Developer KPI list. Previously, the entire Developer KPI list was visible to users regardless of their site security. 2151723
All assemblies
58133 3205
This fix addresses an issue with a Pledge error. Previously, when adjusting to a zero-dollar amount, users received the following error message: "Data could not be saved. Divide by zero error encountered." 2145681
All assemblies
199568 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Added By and Changed By filters. Previously, duplicate users were displayed in the Added By and Changed By filters. 2141602
All assemblies
Technical Change: We have upgraded our SSIS packages solution in Blackbaud Data Warehouse to be compatible with VS2017/VS2019 and with SQL Server 2014 and above. This means SSIS ETL packages are no longer compatible with SQL 2012 and versions of Visual Studio older than 2017. 2138738
All assemblies
This fixes an error with Constituent Update Batch (CUB). Previously, when importing data using this batch template, some attribute data with the data type 'Currency' were removed after page 1. This is fixed; the currency data is retained for attributes when imported with a constituent update batch template. 2138287
All assemblies
All assemblies
204876 3800
This fix addresses an issue with the Event Registration Form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, updated user information in the Event Registration Form Attendee Information would be replaced by information entered in Blackbaud Checkout. 2132560
All assemblies
199111 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the BBID Omnibar. Previously, the Organization Calendar was visible on the BBID Omnibar to non-admin users. 2132212
All assemblies
199594 3101
New Feature: Last login date has been added to the Application User node. 2131322
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when a payment was added to Enhanced Revenue Batch, recognition credits would disappear from the revenue after validation. 2130774
All assemblies
199105 3101
We no longer support Visual Studio versions VS2013 and VS2015 for development as of SP33. 2130502
All assemblies
New Feature for Fundraiser Performance Management Connector: Previously non-affiliated institutions could be output for School of Graduation. Now only affiliated institutions can be output for School of Graduation. 2128442
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, ampersands did not sync correctly when included in the Luminate Online Connector address. 2124980
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with making single, large donations in an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when committing the batch users encountered the following error message: “Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type money.” 2123529
All assemblies
199027 3205
This fix addresses an issue with pledge adjustment. Previously, posted pledge payments show their GL post status as 'activity pending' after a pledge adjustment. 2120119
All assemblies
198989 3101
This fix addresses an issue with Constituent Update Batch. Previously, users incorrectly experienced permission errors when updating or creating a constituent. 2118294
All assemblies
198959 3101
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Query. Previously, Revenue Query returned incorrect and blank results for criteria under the receipts folder. 2117612
All assemblies
199089 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Import Selection. Previously, Import Selection failed when changing the ID Column and Type. 2114386
All assemblies
55817 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, organization contact relationships were not shown in the contacts tile on the constituent until the day after creation. 2105238
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Deceased Finder file display. Previously, results only returned records with "Relative verified" as the confirmation. 2101150
All assemblies
197588 3101
Technical Change: The FTP configuration has been removed from Data Tune-up settings. 2099461
All assemblies
In this release we have added new Application User Roles in CRM to facilitate the use of BBID with SQL Server Reporting Services. Please refer to the New Features Guide for more information. 2099373
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Brightvine Outlook Integration. Previously, running Brightvine Outlook Integration resulted in a script error. 2097802
All assemblies
199579 3101
This fix addresses an issue with designation changes in batch. Previously, when a designation on a payment in an Enhanced Revenue Batch changed, recognition credits were cleared from the payment. 2091767
All assemblies
199351 3101
This fix addresses an issue with records of deceased household members. Previously, if a household member's relationship was edited via the deceasing options, the deceased individual's record would be added back to the household. 2088007
All assemblies
201752 3403
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: A Sync History Detail Search option has been added to the sync process page which allows users to search for the sync history of specific records more quickly and easily than the Sync History Detail tab. 2086683
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the incremental sync counted skipped records which caused it to reach the max download limit prematurely. 2086639
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue in the TinyMCE editor. Previously, the right-click menu was unavailable. With this fix, the right-click menu options have been restored. 2085362
All assemblies
198722 3101
New Feature: An Application User node has been added to the constituent query view. 2080143
All assemblies
New Feature: The "Add New" button was added to the new Omnibar. 2077201
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Omnibar in BBID enabled environments. Previously, in some BBID enabled environments, the CRM menu would occasionally disappear. 2059899
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: All Blackbaud CRM codes used by the sync are now configurable. 2053321
All assemblies
Technical Change: The TLS version will now be determined by the operating system and not by the application. For on-premise clients, please see KB 198496 for server configuration settings. 2052108
All assemblies
Technical Change: Fundraiser On The Go (FROG) has been upgraded to .NET 4.8. Please see KB 198515 for installation recommendations. 2052087
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with editing an existing paid event registration to add an additional registrant where the registration option includes a benefit, and the updated registration fee balance is paid using Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, this caused the benefit and receipt information to be incorrect. 2050768
All assemblies
198437 3101
Technical Change: We have upgraded jQuery to version 3.6.0 in Blackbaud CRM. 2045693
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with cross-site scripting in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. 2045412
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Post to GL process. Previously, running a Post to GL process with the Sage Peachtree post format resulted in the following error, “String or binary data would be truncated". 2043964
All assemblies
199122 3101
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously with Luminate Online receipting, only ReceiptNumber and ReceiptDate would sync, now all the available Luminate Online receipt fields sync. 2034737
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: Constituents that are marked as "Fraud Suspect" in Luminate Online are now excluded from syncing. 2030512
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with deleting queries that had a dependency on a selection created from Blackbaud Internet Solutions that was not visible on the Dependency screen. Previously, some queries were unable to be deleted due to the BBIS dependencies, despite the "prevents delete" option not being selected. 2029675
All assemblies
198267 3403
This fix addresses an issue for Help links were not working in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, On clicking BBIS help link it showed Page Not Found. Now, clicking the BBIS help link will open a valid help resource. 2020920
All assemblies
198683 3003
This fix addresses an issue with resetting passwords. Previously, you were not able to reset an application user password through the password reset link. 2018643
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Database Server information. Previously, the Database Server information on the About CRM Window displayed the incorrect .NET version. 2018561
All assemblies
198214 3003
This fix addresses an issue with multiple sponsorship recurring gifts processed in batch. Previously, when multiple sponsorship recurring gifts were processed in batch users encountered the following error message: “Payment can only be applied to recurring gifts with status as active.” 2016078
All assemblies
198325 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Primary Addressee and Primary Salutation constituent name formats that include fields relating to an inactive or deceased spouse. Previously, the acknowledgement output contained the inactive or deceased spouse's information. 2010374
All assemblies
198164 3101
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: A new optional sync process brings refunds into a Revenue Update Batch in Blackbaud CRM. 2008659
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, end dates that were manually added to TeamRaiser Events in Blackbaud CRM were removed by TeamRaiser Event sync. 2008184
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with the Event Registration Form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you updated a constituent record from a batch separation and generated a profile update batch, the email type appeared blank and was marked current. This only occurred for free events and constituents who weren't automatically matched. This is fixed. The email type is updated based on the options selected when the user reviews a transaction for the profile update form. 2007871
All assemblies
All assemblies
198125 3501
This fix addresses an issue for the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the Blackbaud Data Warehouse experienced reconciliation problems with some stored procedures. 2007327
All assemblies
198109 3205
This fix addresses an issue with renaming recognition programs. Previously, when renaming a recognition program, export definitions that referenced the program's name field encountered the error message, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when used by other processes in the application such as acknowledgments. 2005341
All assemblies
198080 3101
This fix addresses an error that may be encountered when opening a Honeycomb Email report. 2004706
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: Previously recurring gift updates were synchronized over by the Donation sync. Now, recurring gift updates synchronize through their own separate sync. This change allows recurring gift updates to synchronize even if the first payment has been refunded in Luminate Online. 2004483
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error when adding images to Event Calendar and Discussion Group pages. 2003508
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with GL distributions. Previously, when editing a posted pledge with the adjustment status set to 'Not Posted' while subsequent adjustments were made, resulted in incorrect information being posted. 2001929
All assemblies
198044 3101
This fix addresses an issue with cross-site-scripting in Query Builder. Previously, it was possible to insert a payload in cross-site-scripting in Query Builder. 1994853
All assemblies
197974 3003
This fix addresses an issue with recurring gift dates in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, recurring gift dates ending in a 2-digit year resulted in a failed transaction or incorrect end date. 1990605
All assemblies
197929 3101
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, if a fuzzy date field in Blackbaud CRM was mapped as a custom upload field to a Luminate Online date field, a null value was synced over. Now the fuzzy date is converted to a date and synced to Luminate Online. 1989563
All assemblies
This fix addresses a rare issue where encrypted settings may become unusable and need to be reset. 1975065
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Employment History. Previously, when editing the Employment History for a constituent with two employments for the same Organization, the "Sync end date with organization relationship" option was not available and incorrectly applied end dates for the organization relationship. With this fix, the organization relationship end dates syncs correctly. 1971498
All assemblies
197735 3003
This fix addresses an issue donation forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, in the Blackbaud Checkout modal, the amount field would truncate to only the value prior to the comma. Now, the Blackbaud Checkout modal will retain the correct value for the amount field. 1968408
All assemblies
197696 3003
This fix addresses an issue with funding requests. Previously, funding requests failed to appear on the grantor's grant program page. 1965160
All assemblies
197679 3101
Technical Change: For clients using the PeopleFinder, EmailFinder, and PhoneFinder data services, we have updated how and where your files are processed. This is part of our ongoing effort to improve security. After downloading the Service Pack, affected clients will need to re-enter their Blackbaud SFTP login information via the Data Tune-Up menu. See the New Features Guide for more information. 1963681
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an issue which previously occurred in event forms and pages. When a user attempted to register for both free and paid events in the same browser, the XML for the paid event registration sometimes marked 'Waive' for the payment method, which caused an error to appear. Users could use two browsers as a workaround to purchase the different event registrations. This is fixed; users can now register for both free and paid events in the same browser and pay for the appropriate event as expected. 1948871
All assemblies
All assemblies
200834 3800
This fix addresses an issue when saving relationship details. Previously, when you edited an organizational relationship, you sometimes got an error when you tried to save the change. 1937169
All assemblies
197494 2904
This fix addresses security vulnerabilities that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 1934615
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the import and export page. Previously, lists were not properly loading on the import and export page 1929286
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with PostNord - Invoice Channel - Import. Previously, duration time increased when running the import process sourced from the constituent update batch. 1928984
All assemblies
197428 3101
New Luminate Online Connector Feature: Previously, it was required that the first payment from Luminate Online for a recurring gift existed in Blackbaud CRM before you could make updates to the recurring gift status. Now, there is a new setting, "Handling for Recurring Gift status updates" under Global Settings, Error Handling Settings. This allows you to choose whether to maintain the previous behavior or allow all updates to the recurring gift status. This setting defaults to requiring the first payment, which is consistent with previous behavior. 1919871
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the constituent sync process did not show an error when there was a wsdl error downloading records from Luminate Online. Instead, the process logged errors for each individual constituent record in the sync. With this fix, the sync process properly shows an error and all affected records are automatically reprocessed once the error is resolved. 1919087
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you used Group Export the universe table sometimes did not initialize for a new group when you selected Create New Group. 1918242
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Pledges. Previously when editing installment designations, a message, "The installment amount cannot be less than the applied amount," incorrectly displayed. 1917977
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with ad-hoc queries. Previously, when running an ad-hoc query using Recognition Programs Query nodes, users encountered long loading times. 1917740
All assemblies
199566 3101
This fix addresses an issue with the Gift Detail and Summary Report. Previously, after using the FPM integration, the Grant Award/Grant Award option was showing as Grant Award/Donation in the Gift Detail and Summary Report. 1916302
All assemblies
197348 3003
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you changed the number of installments on a pledge in Luminate Online, you received an error the next time you synchronized a payment. 1909138
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with importing revenue to an Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, if a constituent was already designated as a member of a household, an error was generated and the Household field was blank. With this fix, the Household field is populated with the constituent's existing household. 1903845
All assemblies
201738 3403
This fix addresses an issue you could encounter after upgrading to Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 26. After the upgrade, you could find a large number of changes recorded daily related to service accounts on the APPUSERAUDIT table. 1903733
All assemblies
197297 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the Group Export sync would sometimes get a "Unrecognized Guid format" error when deleting constituents from Luminate Online groups. 1903569
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, group exports could get an unexpected error. 1903129
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, installment pledge amounts would sync along with the installment amount instead of the sum of all expected payments. 1902443
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when Luminate Online installment pledges were synchronized, the Sync History Detail showed their Blackbaud CRM ID with a prefix of SUS instead of INS. 1902299
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when the original pledge was not in the sync's revenue staging table, pledge payments on an installment pledge would try to apply to a pledge with a revenue lookup ID prefixed with SUS instead of INS, which generated an error in batch. 1901262
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the CMS Data Purge Business Process. Previously, when the business process ran, it failed to complete due to a permission error. 1900473
All assemblies
197216 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously in some environments, the Group Export sync would get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. 1894254
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with downloaded or exported results files. Previously, negative numbers were displayed as positive numbers in the results for downloaded/exported queries, list builder, data list, etc.. With this fix, negative numbers are correctly displayed as negative. 1892103
All assemblies
197154 3003
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batches. Previously, solicitors were removed from Enhanced Revenue Batches after viewing recognition credits 1892023
All assemblies
197151 3101
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We have added links to the documentation for the sync on the Luminate Integration File Download Center page. You can use these to see the User Guide and Install/Upgrade instructions for the most recent version of the sync, available on 1891359
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: When there is an invalid Blackbaud CRM URL in sync settings, we now display an error that indicates where the problem is and what to fix. 1888323
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We have added a button to Sync History Detail and related record history sections that allows you to access the Sync Session Detail page for the sync process that brought over a given record. 1883297
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: An option has been added to the Calendar Event Sync to enable syncing of the Luminate Online Connector multi-part events into Blackbaud CRM multi-level event hierarchies. 1880134
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We added additional actions to the "Record History" and "Dependent Record History" tabs on the Luminate Online Sync Record Detail page so they are more like the Sync History Detail. 1872550
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you ran a sync process, you saw the "Download batch size" setting option even when this was not relevant. 1872120
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with merging a Team Fundraiser source constituent. Previously, when merging two constituents where the source constituent record was a Team Fundraiser, but the target was not; the Team Fundraiser record would be deleted from the appeal and event. Now "Team Fundraising Merge Task" has corrected this issue. 1869381
All assemblies
196997 3003
This fix addresses an issue with the PastDueAmount field in BBDW.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION. Previously, the field was not populating for Pledges. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1867618
All assemblies
196973 3205
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: There is now added support for syncing Calendar Event registrations where one constituent buys tickets of multiple ticket types for the same event. This only applies when the "Sync additional ticket purchases" option is enabled on the Calendar Event Ticket Purchase sync. 1865241
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you could sometimes get a sync error that said, "The session ID in the header of this message is invalid." With this fix, the error no longer occurs. 1864691
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the revenue\write-offs field. Previously, the query ran for up to 30 minutes or timed out. 1863394
All assemblies
196944 3101
This fix addresses an issue with the batch revenue application form. Previously, all the commitments for constituents with more than one recurring gift were not populating in the batch revenue application form. 1862368
All assemblies
196941 3003
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you could rarely get an error at the end of a sync that ended the session. 1862271
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Dataform add-in template for the C# software development kit. Previously, in a C# catalog project, the Partial class was not being generated and the user had no access to the form fields. 1858323
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you committed the batch, event benefits could be removed. 1849921
All assemblies
196987 3003
This fix addresses security vulnerabilities that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 1846932
All assemblies
This fix addresses a performance issue with marketing efforts. Previously, the Segment List was timing out on marketing efforts. 1844809
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All assemblies
195938 3003
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We added tracking for what seed date is used for every constituent upload for every constituent sync. In addition, we added auditing when users manually change the upload seed date. 1843613
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector: We increased the timeout setting for the configured query results. Previously, the timeout was 30 seconds. Now, it matches the web.config setting for SPWrap.DefaultNonQueryTimeout, which defaults to 1800 seconds. 1842297
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We added options for syncing the deceased status of constituents. You can choose to sync in both directions (which is the default), from Luminate Online to Blackbaud CRM only, from Blackbaud CRM to Luminate Online only, or not at all. 1838916
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with ad-hoc queries. Previously, when running an ad-hoc query for Opportunities and Asks, the query would show blank results and V_OPPORTUNITYSOLICITOR and V_QUERY_OPPORTUNITYSOLICITOR were not reading each other correctly. 1836831
All assemblies
196742 3003
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We added a button on the Recent Status tab of sync processes that takes you to the sync session details page for that process. In addition, on the sync session details page, we added a page task to take you back to the sync process page. 1836315
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with OData output. Previously, including a masked account number as an output field in an ad-hoc query while using the query’s OData link, resulted in a blank output. 1833039
All assemblies
196721 3205
This fixes an error for merging duplicate constituents. When two constituents are identified as duplicates and their data is merged into a single constituent record, the unwanted record is deleted. Previously, if the deleted record included an attribute record, then its attribute record remained, even though the data was copied to merged record. This is fixed; the duplicate's attribute record is now also removed and only the merged record remains. 1832848
All assemblies
202271 3501
This fix addresses an issue with Segmented House File Imports. Previously, Segmented House File Imports took over an hour to run in the Azure environment. 1832569
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: On the Record Sync History section of the Luminate Online Sync Record Detail page, we added the ability to reprocess records and added a filter selection on Direction and Type fields. 1831350
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: On the Luminate Online Sync Process Details page, we added a tab with a list of records processed during that sync. On the Luminate Online Sync Process page, we added a tab with a list of records processed during the most recent sync. 1828159
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with stewardship plans. Previously, steps from one stewardship plan were appearing on other stewardship plans that were included in the same household record. 1825371
All assemblies
196673 3403
This fix addresses an issue with recognition programs. Previously, constituent recognition programs sometimes did not include certain constituents who had valid recognition credits that qualified them for the program. 1818822
All assemblies
198083 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you added or edited a sync process, you could receive an error indicating that the upload page size had to be between 1 and 50, even when there was no available upload page size setting on the sync process. 1818742
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you validated an Enhanced Revenue Batch, pledge recognition credits could be mistakenly removed. 1818196
All assemblies
196622 2810
This fix addresses an issue with the Donation Form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when users manually entered the eCard Send date in correct format with leading zeros, they received the following error message: "Please enter a valid eCard send date." 1814813
All assemblies
196596 3302
As of December 1, 2021 the Bulk Import service will no longer be available. If you actively use Bulk Import, we have already reached out to discuss this with you directly. 1806102
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with posted pledges. Previously, when you tried to edit a posted pledge that had an opportunity, you could receive an error. 1805805
All assemblies
196549 3003
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the staged revenue query was not returning the constituent ID based on alternate lookup ID. This happened when the global setting "Sync organization gifts to organizations" was checked. 1805687
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that was causing the ETL incremental refresh process to take much longer than usual in certain situations. 1804575
All assemblies
196581 2810
This fix addresses an issue where solicitors were not added to existing matching gift payments or pledge payments. Previously, when the existing matching gift claim or pledge was associated with an opportunity, the prospect plan's solicitors were not added to either revenue record. 1802614
All assemblies
196535 3101
This fix addresses an issue with the SDK. Previously, you could receive an error when you tried to install the SDK for Service Pack 26. 1800371
All assemblies
192381 2904
This fix addresses an issue with Matching Gift Claims. Previously, when not automatically created by Matching Gift Relationship settings, Matching Gift Claims had an Application Type of Pledge. 1799672
All assemblies
196499 3205
This fix addresses an issue with deleting multiple queries at once. When you upgraded from Service Pack 26 Hotfix 1 or Hotfix 2 to Service Pack 26 Hotfix 3, the option to select multiple queries disappeared. 1796204
All assemblies
196472 2805
This fixes an issue which previously prevented users from viewing credit card refunds from Blackbaud Merchant Service via the revenue record in Blackbaud CRM when the user's internet browser wasn't set to the English language. An error message indicated that, 'The input string was not in a correct format.' This is fixed; users whose browsers are set to other languages can now view the refunds as expected. 1795784
All assemblies
All assemblies
196461 3800
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the Calendar Event sync would create duplicate event locations when an existing event location was synchronized for a different event. With this fix, the sync checks if an event location with the same name and address already exists in Blackbaud CRM and, if so, uses the existing event location. 1791855
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with refreshing a specific set of static selections. Previously, refreshing the static selections took a significant amount of time. 1786426
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Smart Query records. Previously, some tried to run an import involving a Smart Query import selection encountered an error message that said: "Error retrieving the import selection options: The specified record type 'Smart Query' does not have a valid base table that can be used during the import to determine exceptions." With this fix, the import runs successfully. 1781646
All assemblies
196322 3403
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: When the constituent upload tries to process a record that no longer exists, we now present a more clear error message identifying the specifics of the problem. 1778248
All assemblies
This fixes an issue that previously occurred when a user attempted to merge two duplicate constituents which were also parent organizations to the same subsidiary. The error message indicated an error with validating dates for the parent history. Now, when a user attempts to merge two constituents and the parent history dates on the source record overlap with the dates on the target record, an alert appears to inform the user that the constituents can't be merged and why. Edit or delete the dates so they no longer overlap and then re-attempt the merge. This update ensures the dates for parent history are handled similar to employment history during a merge. 1777914
All assemblies
196313 3701
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the values for the GIVENANONYMOUSLY field on the DIM_REVENUEFLAG table could be incorrect. 1777829
All assemblies
99333 2904
This fix addresses an issue with Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when a sync process ran over 100,000 times, the Process History tab for the sync job would have an error loading the datalist results. 1775676
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with planned gifts. Previously, when you added or edited a planned gift, you were not able to amend the base currency. 1775411
All assemblies
196299 3003
This fix addresses an issue with recurring gifts. Previously, a constituent could be incorrectly charged twice for the same installment of a recurring gift. 1773817
All assemblies
198157 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, revenue recognition was missing from Data Warehouse after a record was updated. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1771768
All assemblies
198291 3003
We have improved the performance of the per-payment receipt process. 1771462
All assemblies
This fix addresses a performance issue with the Start Process and Edit Forms on the Generate Payment Process. Previously, non-admin users with site security restrictions had performance issues in these functions. 1770868
All assemblies
196230 2904
We have improved the performance for the credit card "Start process" option. Previously, non-admin users had performance issues with this option. 1770268
All assemblies
196224 2904
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added an option to "Re-check for dependent record" under Sync History Detail on transaction records. This works for records that are waiting on a dependent record to allow for manually prompting the sync and check if there are dependencies on a transaction. This works the same as the global change "Recheck Pending Transactions," but can be used for individual records. 1767308
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with updating projected totals for batch. Previously, projected totals were not updated in an EFT batch where a rejected transaction was removed. 1765995
All assemblies
196177 3101
Blackbaud Internet Solutions no longer supports Internet Explorer 11. 1761924
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added fields to the Sync Process History Summary to show the progress through a constituent upload requiring multiple syncs. You can now see how many records the sync needs to upload and how many have been uploaded so far. 1761555
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with IntelliSense in the SDK. Previously, when you installed the Blackbaud CRM SDK, IntelliSense did not work. 1757513
All assemblies
196100 2805
This fix addresses an issue with recurring gifts. Previously, when you tried to change the status from Active to Held, and there were more than one skipped payments, you received an error. 1755887
All assemblies
198077 2904
This fix addresses an issue with recognitions. Previously, household recognition default information was not applied to the individual records from the household. 1755284
All assemblies
199123 3101
This fix addresses an issue for New Zealand addresses in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the Suburb field was mandatory on the transactional pages for New Zealand. Now, the suburb field is no longer required when the country is set to New Zealand. 1753844
All assemblies
66516 2904
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added page tasks to the Luminate Online Sync Process page so you can navigate to the Luminate Online Setup page and back. 1753438
All assemblies
We have improved performance when adding a payment from a constituent record. 1750507
All assemblies
196049 2904
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, addresses with multiple lines were formatted incorrectly in exception files. 1749512
All assemblies
196045 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. To prevent Luminate Online session expiration errors, we have added additional connection checks during the Constituent Upload. 1748713
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the constituent on a donation record was not displayed in the Detail Summary for donation Sync History Detail records. Now, the constituent appears on records synchronized going forward. 1748594
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, after you updated the name of an interaction category or interaction subcategory in Blackbaud CRM, the respective columns were not updated in the BBDW.DIM_INTERACTION table after an ETL refresh. 1748034
All assemblies
198065 2904
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: Previously, fields that were linked on the summary of the Luminate Online Sync Record Details page were not linked when you viewed the summary as a drop-down on a Sync History Detail record. Now, those fields are also linked on the drop-down view. 1744034
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue in the Email > Message reports in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the ‘Merge data source’ column in Email, Message reports showed ‘(&nbsp)’ for blank fields. Now, it displays a blank field instead of '(&nbsp)'. 1743716
All assemblies
195996 3003
This fix addresses an issue with the Donation Form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, Recurring Gifts and Pledges set up via Blackbaud Internet Solutions with a corresponding first payment, committed with a $0 receipt amount. 1741757
All assemblies
196213 3302
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. We have updated the error message when there are whitelist errors on the sync login to help you better troubleshoot the issue. 1739001
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. We have improved the error messages logged by the Constituent Group Export sync process to help you better troubleshoot issues. 1739000
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you had a constituent in Luminate Online with an email address that included an ampersand symbol, the sync would show the error, "Transfer failed; message: Please enter a valid 'Email address'." Now, emails with ampersand symbols synchronize normally. 1738999
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added an option to the "Constituent Group Export to Luminate Online" process to incrementally add or delete records based on what has been added or removed from the ad-hoc query results since the last time the export was run. 1738997
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you tried to reprocess a record and there was an error, you received an unclear error message. We have improved the error messages to make troubleshooting easier. 1738990
All assemblies
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. We have reduced the amount of logging of syncs that use the Luminate Online REST API (such as the Group Export and the Constituent Merge) so the event log is not overwhelmed with unnecessary records. 1738989
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added a link on the "CRM ID" field of the Luminate Online Sync Record Details page to take you to the relevant Blackbaud CRM record, if applicable. 1738988
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added an option to sync global settings to handle invalid sender email errors on tribute donations. Now, the sync will show an error on the transaction sync record by default. You have the option to blank out the invalid sender email and then either add the values as a revenue attribute to the donation for reference if you wish. 1738987
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you could set the Upload Page Size on a constituent sync to any value. To match Luminate Online's rules for this setting, you can now only set it between 1 and 50. Otherwise, you will receive an error. 1738984
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We added an option to the Constituent Group Export sync process to "Delete and re-create" the group in Luminate Online. 1738976
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have updated the links on the TeamRaiser Registrants tab of the Events page to link to the out-of-the-box registrants page instead of the Sync Custom Registrants page. In addition, we have extended the Sync Custom Registrant page fields to the out-of-the-box page for TeamRaiser registrants. 1738973
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We added an option to the Calendar Event Registrant sync to allow additional ticket purchases from a constituent to be added to their existing registration. Previously, this situation would always lead to the registration getting an error in batch because the constituent was already registered to the event. Now, when the option to handle additional ticket purchases is enabled on the sync, instead of going to batch, the sync will automatically add the new ticket purchases as unnamed guests to the existing registration, and the payment will be applied to that registration as well. 1738970
All assemblies
New Feature for Luminate Online Connector: An option has been added to the TeamRaiser Gift sync to accompany TeamRaiser recurring gifts. When enabled, new TeamRaiser recurring gifts will sync over as recurring gifts, and payments for them will be applied in the same way as the Donation sync. 1738969
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: we have added the option to include inactive constituents on the records processed through the Constituent Merge Process. Previously, the process would exclude inactive Blackbaud CRM constituents, even if they otherwise qualified to be processed. Now, this setting allows you to include them. The setting defaults to off. 1738966
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added an optional configuration file for the four Email Campaign syncs. This file is downloadable from the Luminate Integration File Download Center page. 1738958
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We've changed the record type drop down selections on some forms to only include relevant types instead of showing all types. This change was made for the Sync Process add/edit form, Seed Date add form, Group Reprocess add form, and LWS Fields add/edit form. 1738941
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously the Sync History Detail records incorrectly said they were an Update instead of an Insert. 1738815
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you selected to "Use CRM Constituent update settings" on a constituent sync, the values for "Primary phone flag controlled by" and "Primary address flag controlled by" could conflict with the batch template settings for primary flags. With this change, when you select this setting, the primary flags are disabled and treated as "do not sync," allowing the constituent update settings in the batch to properly control the primary flags. 1738759
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: You can now remove configured sync dependencies under Sync Setup Options. Previously, when you did this, the upgrade process would then add them back. With this change, you can now control whether certain syncs need to wait for other syncs to run successfully before you bring in new data. To restore default dependencies, you can use the new "Restore Default Sync Dependencies" option on the Sync Dependencies tab. 1738729
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when deleting multiple queries. Previously, when you used the multi-select option to delete queries and there was an error, you could not see the reason for the error. 1736531
All assemblies
196576 2805
Blackbaud Internet Solutions now prevents a user from logging in via Single Sign-On (SSO) and SSLAutolog.ashx if their account is locked out. 1733272
All assemblies
With this release of Blackbaud Internet Solutions, we have upgraded the jQuery core version to 3.6.0 and jQuery UI version to 1.13.0. 1732220
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that could prevent some users from deleting queries. Previously, some non-admin users did not see the Delete option because permissions were not correct after you upgraded to Service Pack 26. Now, any user with permission to "Query Instance Delete Record Operation" can select multiple ad-hoc or smart queries and delete them. 1731751
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with "Relation Only" constituencies. Previously, after you upgraded to Service Pack 26 Hotfix 1, the "Relation Only" constituency appeared under Constituent Summary for all records that had a relationship, even if the record did not have this constituency. The incorrect constituency did not appear in the Personal Info tab or in queries. 1731706
All assemblies
195332 2705
We have added support for SQL Server 2019. 1728466
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All assemblies
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: Previously an error occurred on Event Registration Forms for events with limited capacity. When a user selected 'Steps' instead of 'Continue,' the corresponding timer was set to 1 second. This caused the form to time out and prevented the user from completing the registration. This is fixed; the timer is now set to 10 minutes, which also appears in a count down to the user. This enables the user to successfully register for the event as expected. 1727809
All assemblies
All assemblies
195837 3800
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you validated a Revenue Update Batch containing a split gift with an appeal that had business units applied, you received an error. 1727092
All assemblies
195830 2904
This fix addresses an issue with benefits for events. Previously, when a constituent registered online for an event in Blackbaud Internet Solutions and included at least one guest, benefits could be duplicated on the revenue record. This issue only occurred if the guest and host both had the same benefits. 1726550
All assemblies
192758 2805
This fix addresses an issue with the Information Library. Previously, the Information Library displayed a time-out error message when users with site-security enabled attempted to navigate to Analysis. 1721415
All assemblies
195794 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Marketing Effort queries. Previously, you could not surface the Package ID in a Marketing Effort query. 1718605
All assemblies
195777 3003
This fixes an issue with Attribute Form Extensions. Previously, users could add an attribute to Edit forms but not to Add forms. This is fixed; attributes can now also be added to an Add form. 1714050
All assemblies
195697 3501
In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, the system will generate a security event log where a potential brute-force attack is suspected. 1710055
All assemblies
New Feature: To improve performance issues, we added a new global change called "Business process status delete" to clean up the Business Process Status table. You can choose to either delete the business processes based on how old the runs are or delete all but the most recent runs. On the Business Process History tab under Database Growth Management, we added a new option in the Top Processes section. There is now a third option in the Ordered By dropdown called Times Run. With this option, you can view a sorted list of business processes with the most status history records, to enable your decision making around which ones need to be deleted to improve performance. See the New Features guide for more information. 1709802
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error with mail merges. Previously, you could receive an error when you tried to merge acknowledgement letters. 1709027
All assemblies
122700 2810
This fix addresses an issue with the Gift Aid merge fields in the Mini Donation form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the Mini Donation Form part acknowledgment email and confirmation editor screen did not contain Gift Aid merge fields. 1704758
All assemblies
196332 2805
In Blackbaud Internet Solutions, when you choose to have the system remember your user name during login, the "Remember me" option is now forgotten when you end your browser session. 1704739
All assemblies
To improve security, Blackbaud Internet Solutions now temporarily locks user accounts after consecutive unsuccessful login attempts. 1704720
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, certain record types in Sync History Detail would have a type of “Update” when they should have a type of “Insert.” 1703802
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the event log was not adding the number of updates that had been processed and the total needed to process when the max upload limit was reached on the Constituent Sync. 1703799
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. We fixed a formatting issue for ampersands in the ConvioKey field of the Cross Reference Value sync. 1703796
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, eCommerce and Personal Fundraising gift transactions could be incorrectly marked as “pending” in the revenue staging table, so you could not import them into a batch. When one transaction was pending, this caused all transactions processed in that sync to also be marked “pending,” even if they were not. 1703792
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, a sync would sometimes add a “Luminate Online – Update Multiple LO Profiles” constituent attribute to constituents with multiple Luminate Online alternate lookup IDs. This happened even if you did not have Multi Profile sync enabled. Now, the sync does not add this attribute if Multi Profile sync is not enabled. 1703786
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. This fix addresses an issue with TeamRaiser gifts. Previously, if you used the group reprocess for a TeamRaiser Gift record but entered the transaction ID for the TeamRaiser Registration Payment, the transaction would be treated as a TeamRaiser gift. Now, the sync does not include the record, since it is the incorrect type for that sync. 1703783
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. This fix addresses an issue with Team Fundraising recognition credits. Previously, the recognition credits were applied to additional gifts for Calendar Event ticket purchases. Now, the recognition credits only apply to TeamRaiser Registration additional gifts and TeamRaiser gifts as intended. 1703781
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. This fix addresses an issue that happened when a custom field from a revenue sync was not included in the wsdl dll. Previously, the sync would complete successfully but the records would show an error. Now, the sync process will stop if there are issues and provide a detailed error, including next steps. 1703777
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you could receive the error, “Error checking for revenue staging table record” when you tried to mark a record to reprocess in Sync History Detail. 1703767
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have improved features in multiple pages, including drop-down summaries on event log records and process history records, better handling of long error messages on the Sync History Detail page, and linking to the current Sync Status page from the Name field of the Sync Process list. 1703758
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added additional information to Sync History Detail, including Constituent ID, Registration ID, Event ID, and Team ID. This allows you to see all the details about how a Blackbaud CRM record originated in Luminate Online. 1703744
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added Luminate Email Interactions to the standard constituent query view. This new query view includes fields from all four email campaign related tables. The standard constituent query view is the parent view, so you can see email interaction information from the constituent query view. 1703734
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have created a new query view to show all revenue staging records and fields, including pending records. This view helps you see what is in the revenue staging table for troubleshooting and reporting purposes. We do not recommend that you use this query view for query imports. 1703716
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: Organization records from Luminate Online now appear as Organization Constituents in constituent batches in Blackbaud CRM. 1703706
All assemblies
We no longer support Internet Explorer 11 or Legacy Edge browsers. For more information, see the System Requirements. 1696180
All assemblies
We have improved the performance of SmartFields in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. 1694617
All assemblies
196200 2904
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you used a Revenue Update Batch to modify a pledge, you received the following error: "The payment adjustment reason must be set if the pledge payments are being adjusted. See ‘Edit installment designations’ form in the ‘Edit installments’ revenue batch data entry task." However, you were not able to edit the installment designations. With this fix, you can now make the necessary edits. 1691188
All assemblies
195647 2904
We have improved performance when you adjust revenue. 1686084
All assemblies
195667 2904
In Service Pack 26 Hotfix 1, we made changes to protect potentially sensitive data in output tables for business processes. In our continued effort to improve security, Service Pack 26 Hotfix 2 includes a database revision that will delete all existing unencrypted Export and Import Selection Exception output tables. As always, we recommend that you regularly remove unneeded output files from your database. Individual output files can be saved locally using the download feature before you upgrade to Service Pack 26 Hotfix 2. For instructions, see Knowledgebase solution 195423. 1684240
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Planned Gift records. Previously, employees' job titles within an organization were not displaying on the Planned Giving Relationships tab in the Position field. 1680381
All assemblies
201743 3403
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the query "BBDW Revenue (from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse)" did not include an end date for terminated recurring gifts. 1677018
All assemblies
193282 2805
This fix addresses an issue with the Query Dependencies list. Previously, the list was not consistently displaying task dependencies for ad-hoc queries. 1670054
All assemblies
195274 3403
In Blackbaud Internet solutions, we have added a HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) with maximum age attribute default of one day. In a future service pack, we plan to increase the maximum age attribute to 365 days. This ensures the use of the more secure HTTPS instead of HTTP for any requests. 1669727
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when adding a relationship between an organization and a constituent. Previously, you could receive an error indicating that the "Validation message" could not exceed 100 characters. We have changed the limit to allow up to 200 characters. 1664854
All assemblies
195396 2805
This fix addresses an issue with the Combined Acknowledgement Gift Aid Merge field in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if the Gift Aid merge field was added on the confirmation screen or acknowledgement email editor screen, the Gift Aid displayed zero amounts on the confirmation and acknowledgement emails. 1658110
All assemblies
195185 2805
As part of our focus on the security of our customers' solutions, we have made some enhancements that further protect potentially sensitive data in output tables for the following business processes: Export, Import Exceptions, Generate EFT Process, Prenotification Process, Standing Order, and Standing Order Exceptions. This update does not impact any other business process workflows except the Import Selection Exception file for the Import Selection business process, which now includes only the mapping column and the exceptions. 1653408
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when merging certain constituents. Previously, when you tried to merge two constituents and one had a membership that was paid through a membership installment plan, you received an error. This happened even when you deleted the membership installment plan before attempting the merge. 1648479
All assemblies
195648 2805
This fix addresses an issue with some constituencies in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, you did not see some of the applicable constituencies for some constituents in the warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1648344
All assemblies
196543 2805
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Internet Solutions New Features Tour window option under Help. Previously, the PDF file could fail to download and you received an error. 1644642
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195047 2702
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you refreshed the warehouse, records that had been deleted from the OLTP dbo.RECURRINGGIFTINSTALLMENT table were not deleted from bbdw.FACT_RECURRINGGIFTINSTALLMENT after the refresh. 1641717
All assemblies
198074 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the DESIGNATIONLIST column in BBDW.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION. Previously, BBDW.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION was not updated after ETL Refresh. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1639701
All assemblies
201017 3302
This fix addresses an issue with Blackbaud Data Warehouse validation. Previously, users received an error message when running Blackbaud Data Warehouse validation. 1639493
All assemblies
200388 3205
This fix addresses an issue when you edited a pledge. Previously, when you made an edit on a pledge, the "Pledge effective date" was incorrectly overwritten. 1638698
All assemblies
195005 2904
This fix addresses an issue loading giving summaries for constituents. Previously, when you viewed the Wealth and Ratings on a constituent record, the Giving Summary sometimes did not load. 1637908
All assemblies
194893 2611
We have made security enhancements. 1635722
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194972 2702
We have improved the performance of the Wealth Capacity Formulas list on the Capacity Formula Management page. 1634580
All assemblies
194953 2904
Because Microsoft will end support for Silverlight 5 in October of 2021, we have deprecated Blackbaud Internet Solutions parts that use Silverlight. The deprecated parts include the User Network manager part, the My Friends part, and the User Link Module part. In addition, certain functionality is affected. Sending a message through User Networking under Directory is no longer available. The User Networking tab on the Edit User Record screen has been removed. Finally, Email Notification templates specific to User Networking Manager have been removed and the Email Notification Type options for constituents and staff no longer appear. 1630739
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions now checks for viruses when you upload files or images. 1630734
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Donor Constituency. Previously, when deleting posted revenue after upgrading to Service Pack 25, Donor Constituency was not removed. 1627327
All assemblies
193109 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Research Lists. Previously, when using the choices for Biographical, Education, Giving, Ratings, or Wealth you encountered the error “An unknown error occurred during the request. 1626335
All assemblies
111391 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the Biz Ops API endpoint. Previously, when you tried to call the Educational History Edit Form 2 data form, you received an error. 1623182
All assemblies
194835 2702
This fix addresses an issue with recognitions. Previously, constituents who had multiple revenue records that added up to the first level in a recognition program were not included in the Recognized Donor list. With this fix, they are included as expected. 1619604
All assemblies
194738 2608
​This fixes an issue with saving Ad Hoc queries as Selections. The could occur when a user created a query, entered criteria, and then attempted to create a static or dynamic selection via 'Set save options," and encountered an error indicating a primary key field wasn't specified. This is fixed; users can create selections as expected. 1618466
All assemblies
All assemblies
204868 3800
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: When you set the seed date on the sync process page for a specific sync, the record type now defaults to the record type of the current sync process. For example if you are on the page for the constituent sync and you set a seed date, the record type autopopulates to “Constituent.” 1615408
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We now track the Luminate Online alternate ID that is associated with a certain email address when multi profile sync is turned on. In addition, you can now see an optional Email Address field that displayes the email associated with that recipient on the Luminate Online Email Interactions tab for the constituent. This column is not displayed by default, but you can add it under “Columns.” If multi profile is not enabled, this field displays the constituent's primary email address in Blackbaud CRM. This change only affects future syncs, so emails for existing records will not appear on this field unless you sync those constituents again. 1615406
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We added Message ID, Delivery ID, and Email campaign ID as display fields in the Luminate Online Email Interactions tab. These new fields are not displayed by default, but you can add them under “Columns.” 1615404
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: We have added support for secondary registrations in Luminate Online. Previously, if someone registered to a TeamRaiser and then added a family member, and paid for both with one payment, the payment would only apply to the parent registration and have a batch error because the full amount was not applied. Now, the payment is applied to both or all registrations that the payment was meant for. 1615401
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: The TeamRaiser Company name now appears on the TeamRaiser Team page summary, TeamRaiser Teams datalist on the Event page, and the Team Fundraising Team query. 1615399
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: You can now see the currently installed sync version at the top of the Luminate Online Sync Process page. 1615396
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you sometimes saw duplicate messages in the Event Log. 1615392
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the event log was not showing “Connecting to Blackbaud CRM” for Cross Reference Syncs. 1615389
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. When you add a custom mapping for a revenue record, a query view that selects the field from the custom fields on the revenue staging record is created and attached to the revenue staging query. Previously, if you added a custom mapping on the Child Custom field mappings, the query view and query node were not created, so you were not able to map the custom fields in the query importer. 1615387
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the sync could fail if there was an invalid character in any part of a record. 1615381
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you received an error on the query import if you merged a constituent into another after a transaction had been added to the revenue staging table but before the transaction was imported into batch. 1615378
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, on rare occasions the Luminate Online session would not be terminated after a sync was complete, leading to an error the next time you ran the sync. With this change, the sync will make several attempts to end the Luminate Online session and if, after that, there is still a problem, you now receive a more specific error. 1615374
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, multiple entries in OLAPDATASOURCE in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse caused the login to fail for the OLAP user. 1615372
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Smart Fields. Previously, when using Smart Fields there were specific cases where certain dates for a set of payments were included, while other dates for a set of payments were excluded. 1614500
All assemblies
We have enhanced logging of access control events for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Accessing control logging is turned on by default for hosted customers and configurable in the Settings table. Access control logs both successful and failed login attempts using Windows Event Logs. 1613847
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions will no longer allow users to reset their password to use any of their previous 6 passwords. Previously, users were only restricted from using their previous 4 passwords. In addition, you can no longer prevent this password history check on the web.config file, so the key "IgnorePasswordHistory" value="true" is no longer available. 1613845
All assemblies
Blackbaud Internet Solutions passwords now expire after 90 days by default. You can increase this time limit on the web.config file up to 365 days using the key "PasswordExpirationDays." 1613843
All assemblies
Password requirements for Blackbaud Internet Solutions have changed. The minimum length has been increased from 8 to 12. Under Sites and Settings, you can enable longer password lengths if you prefer. In addition, passwords must include both letters and numbers, at least one special character, and they cannot include the donor/supporter name, user name, or organization name. If your current password does not meet these criteria, you will be prompted to update it after you upgrade to Service Pack 27. 1613841
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with site security. Previously, the "Reset" option for the Household/Group Interactions list did not respect site security. 1612756
All assemblies
193113 2702
We have improved query performance. 1609579
All assemblies
195649 2702
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you ran a Constituents Export Definition that included revenue fields, and the "Allow definition to be used by other areas of the application" option was selected, the process did not run. 1608896
All assemblies
194710 2702
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you ran an export process using a Constituents Export Definition that included revenue fields, the process failed. 1608894
All assemblies
194709 2702
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue batch template imports. Previously, when some date fields were blank in the import file, those fields were incorrectly populated in the batch with the year 2000. 1602447
All assemblies
194680 2504
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Batch. Previously, the Revenue Batch commit had become progressively slower to process. 1599702
All assemblies
195651 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when you ran an export based on revenue that included the node Pledge>Pledge Installments>Installment Amount, you received an error. 1597449
All assemblies
194607 2702
This fix addresses an issue with the Google Analytics site tracking in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, configured under Sites and Settings. Previously, the site tracking script was added to the page twice. This happened when the page contained a Standard Donation Form, a Mini Donation Form, or an Advanced Donation Form. 1596525
All assemblies
194596 2702
This fix addresses an issue with the Spam Compliance Message in the Communication Preferences Form. Previously, the Spam Compliance message was displayed for all constituents under Communication Preferences, even if their email was blocked. Now, the message is only displayed for blocked accounts. 1596343
All assemblies
194594 2702
This fix addresses an issue with Unengaged Recipient List for email addresses. Previously, if a marketing effort email message was sent to a constituent whose email address was on the Unengaged Recipients List, the email address was removed from the Unengaged Recipients List. Now, Recipients of marketing effort email messages are not automatically removed from the list. 1595072
All assemblies
194581 2702
This fix addresses an issue with editing registration packages within an event record. Previously, when users tried editing registration packages within an event record, the process would continuously load and return an error message. 1592663
All assemblies
191799 3205
This fix addresses an issue with Donor Constituency. Previously, the Donor Constituency was not removed from the Constituent Summary Tile Panel View Form when deleting posted revenue. 1592276
All assemblies
194568 3205
We have improved the performance when adding a new batch from a batch template. Previously, users who did not have admin access could see a performance issue when adding a new batch from a template after applying Service Pack 25. 1587299
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194530 2614
This fix addresses an issue with General Ledger mapping. Previously, when you generated a full distribution code, the Appeal Segment was incorrectly omitted. 1583366
All assemblies
194475 2702
This fix addresses an issue that happened when you tried to run the WealthPoint Search Constituent Process. Previously, you could incorrectly receive a licensing error when you tried to run the process. 1580710
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Event Registration in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when Event Registration Batch Assignments in CRM were set to use batch separation for additional donations, the Enhanced Revenue Batch could intermittently be missing the credit card number field information. 1579594
All assemblies
194431 3205
New Feature: After we deprecated the Membership Details Edit form in Service Pack 16, you could no longer edit membership types. From a membership program record, you can now select "Edit membership type" under "Other tasks." 1578253
All assemblies
194410 2805
This fix addresses an issue with the General Ledger Distribution tab. Previously, the pledge write-off batch number could be missing from the GL Distribution tab. 1575525
All assemblies
198075 2904
Technical Change: We have added support for Visual Studio versions 2015, 2017, and 2019 for Workflows. If you are using version 2017 or 2019, you must manually install the Blackbaud.AppFX.Workflow.VSPackage.2017.vsix for Visual Studio, found in the SDK tools folder where you installed SDK on your machine. Once Workflow is installed for any Visual Studio version, you can access the Workflow tools under the Tools tab in Visual Studio. You will need to make sure you have "Windows Workflow Foundation" selected in your Visual Studio installer in order to see the tools in Visual Studio. To access the Visual Studio installer in Visual Studio, go to Tools and select Get Tools and Features. 1575324
All assemblies
New Feature: You can now delete multiple queries in one step. From the list of queries, select the queries you want to delete by selecting the icon to the left of the query name, or select the top icon to select all the queries on that page and then select "Delete." With this change, errors when attempting to delete queries display differently. Previously, you received an error if you attempted to delete a query that was in use. Now, when you attempt to delete multiple queries, some might be in use and some might not. If any of the queries are in use and cannot be deleted, a "Prevent delete reason" error appears on the query's details. To make it easier to determine which queries have errors, we have added the "Delete error" column to the query list. This column does not appear by default, but we recommend that you add it to your query list. 1569626
All assemblies
We have re-added the file WinFormHost-combo-min.js, which had been removed in Service Pack 23. This file is required for certain Microsoft Outlook add-ins to work properly. 1568131
All assemblies
194793 2608
This fix addresses an issue with pledge payments. Previously, when you edited a pledge form, the pledge payments could be incorrectly adjusted after the edit. 1566937
All assemblies
195397 2904
Technical Change: We have discontinued the offering to create custom op-outs for Email Finder. To reflect this change, we have removed outdated language on the Opt Out Email tab of the EmailFinder Process. 1565802
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error with last login date that could occur when a user tries to log in to the application. 1565193
All assemblies
We have made routine security enhancements. 1565015
All assemblies
We have updated the term “blacklisted” to “blocked” for all email services options. 1564897
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Events in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, a sold out message displayed even though seats were available for the event and the "Use event capacity checkbox" was selected. Now, the sold out message shows only when the event is full. 1561827
All assemblies
194295 3003
This fix addresses an issue with the membership contribution process. Previously, the membership contribution process assigned a second membership transaction for the same revenue record after an adjustment was made. 1557573
All assemblies
New Feature: To help you maintain accurate data, when you add an end date to an employee-employer relationship, now the same end date is automatically added to the related Employment History. This change does not affect changes made through batches. 1556348
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits. Previously, if a Blackbaud Internet Solutions transaction had a charitable giving portion, spouse records did not reflect this in the recognition credits. 1554063
All assemblies
194214 2702
We have improved the performance of WealthPoint screenings. 1554046
All assemblies
193105 2608
This fix addresses an issue that could prevent Tableau data sources from refreshing properly. 1552338
All assemblies
194712 2504
This fix addresses an issue with the Conditional Content Functionality in TinyMCE Editor on Email Template & Message. Previously, the HTML Code written after the Conditional Content Block in an Email Template/Message was removed after viewing the source code and displayed an error on the screen. 1548108
All assemblies
194165 2702
New Feature: To help you more easily assign system roles to new users, admins can now can copy roles from an existing user to another. This can be helpful for example if you are adding a new user and you know you want them to have the same permissions as an existing user. It can also be used to standardize permissions across teams or groups of users. To copy permissions from one user to another, go to Administration, Security, Application users. If the new user is not already in the system, add them first. Then, select the user and then select Copy application user roles under Tasks. On the screen that appears, search for an existing user and then select Copy. Copying roles from one user to another overrides any existing roles that the target user already has assigned to them. 1546683
All assemblies
New Feature: You can now select to sync employment history with employment relationship dates automatically. Now, when you add or edit employment information for a constituent, or add or edit a relationship between an individual and an organization, you can choose to automatically synchronize end dates. To do this, select the new “Sync end date with organization relationship” option when you add or edit an end date on an employment history for a constituent, or select the new “Sync end date with employment history” option when you add or edit an end date on a relationship between an individual and an organization. The dates only synchronize with the latest employment information. Historical employment information is not synchronized. 1540640
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when adding a planned gift. Previously, if the gift was split among multiple designations, the Net Present Value column was calculated incorrectly. 1538038
All assemblies
194093 2608
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you received an error when you tried to run a Deisgnee Sync and the designee name was longer than 100 characters. Now, the name can be up to 255 characters. 1536892
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you ran the ConsID Attribute Global Change, you could receive an error if the alternate ID had a value of “LO-“ 1536889
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the Email Campaign Recepient sync was not correctly updating the total click and total open counts. 1536885
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the Interest Sync could incorrectly create empty batches. With this fix, the sync will no longer create a batch when there are no interests to include. 1536883
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, the ConsID Attribute Global Change deleted all records and repopulated them with the updated versions. This could affect performance and was unnecessary, so now the global change only deletes and repopulates records that had an update. 1536881
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: TeamRaiser participation types and registrants are now excluded from the synchronization for Blueprint events. 1536879
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: The Sync History Detail now includes recurring gift amounts and status for updates. 1536875
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: You can now download an xml file for TeamRaiser gift tributes configurations. You can download this file from the new Luminate Integration File Download Center page and load it through the configuration import to create a batch template, ad-hoc query, and query import. After importing the file, you must edit the existing TeamRaiser gift import query to exclude tributes, add the new query import to the queue, and add any custom fields you want. 1536865
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: Tribute information associated with TeamRaiser gifts is now included in the synchronization between Luminate Online and Blackbaud CRM. Previously, tribute information was only synchronized for donations. 1536863
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, TeamRaiser gifts generated a recognition for the event registrant and the spouse or household if the constituent had one in Blackbaud CRM and the recognition settings were set to add them for donors. With this change, the recognition will only be given to the TeamRaiser donor. 1536859
All assemblies
New Feature for the Luminate Online Connector: The event log now captures UUID for server fault errors. 1536856
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when resetting a password. Previously, if you were working in a hosted environment and attempted to reset a password, you sometimes incorrectly got the error "The user is not associated with a valid organizational unit." 1517289
All assemblies
193988 2904
This fix addresses an issue that caused an error when you tried to view the Interactions tab under Documents and Interactions. 1511779
All assemblies
194114 2608
New Feature: When an admin creates a data list from a query, they can now enforce site security for the data list.This functionality is controlled using a new setting in the web.config file. To take advantage of this change, you must set the "RECORDSECURITY_ENABLED" setting and the new web.config setting "RECORDSECURITY_ENABLED_FOR_CUSTOMDATALIST" to true. Existing data lists are not affected by this change. To enforce site security on existing data lists, you must resave them. 1510569
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with recognition programs. Previously, if a gift was made after the cutoff date, the expiration date was set incorrectly. With this fix, the expiration date is set to the end of the next fiscal year. 1500623
All assemblies
194764 2702
We have improved performance of SmartFields when using site security. 1498283
All assemblies
195345 2805
This fix addresses an issue with event views for REST and SOAP APIs. Previously, the start and end times would show as 0 even when that was not correct. 1495945
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you downloaded an Enhanced Revenue Batch with new web donations from Blackbaud Internet Solutions, you were sometimes able to save the batch even when the required field "Company Name" was empty. 1494921
All assemblies
193789 2702
This fix addresses an issue with marketing effort expenses. Previously, when you added a fixed cost to a marketing package, the efforts for the package were incorrectly doubled. 1493887
All assemblies
193787 2702
This fix addresses an issue with Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you committed a batch, the Recognition Credit Date Added could be incorrectly updated to the time the batch was committed. 1493057
All assemblies
193772 2608
This fix addresses an issue with the Configuration Manager. The Configuration Manager is now compliant with TLS version 1.2. 1490146
All assemblies
194113 2608
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits. Previously, matching gift payments did not automatically create the appropriate recognition credits. 1485786
All assemblies
194115 2608
We improved performance issues that were causing certain constituent records to take longer to load. 1474306
All assemblies
194137 2608
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error which previously occurred when a user attempted to send an email message with "Constituent Marketing Export Definition" as Export Definition, an error message indicated. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in the honeycomb report. This is fixed. Now users can't add "Constituent Marketing Export Definition" as Export Definition when they create an Email Template with a data source as "Constituent." 1472545
All assemblies
193630 3601
This fix addresses an issue with the Event Registration Form when it was set to have a limited availability registration option. Previously, as soon as the limited availability registration option's end date/time expired so that it was no longer available on the Event Registration Form page, the Event Registration Page returned an error. The issue only occurred when a single event and any of the ticket types have limited future availability. 1471041
All assemblies
193623 2608
This fix addresses an issue when exporting an ad-hoc query. Previously, when you exported an ad-hoc query to .csv or .xlsx format, the file downloaded correctly but you still saw the loading bar. 1470953
All assemblies
193619 2608
This fix addresses an issue with gifts split between a pledge and a donation. Previously, when you split a gift between a pledge and a donation and used the same designation, you could receive an error if you generated a matching gift claim. 1470110
All assemblies
193610 2608
For the purposes of data services such as AddressFinder, we have switched from port 21 to using port 22 to allow traffic through the firewall. 1467182
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with updating frequency from the Sponsorship Status Part and Transaction Manager in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when updating the frequency using either of the parts, the start date used to get incorrectly updated. This caused the error “The installment schedule begins date cannot be after the first installment date” when attempting to update the Recurring gift in Blackbaud CRM. However, this only occurred when using the general frequency option. 1464745
All assemblies
193555 2608
This fix addresses an issue with exporting notes. Previously, when you exported notes through an export definitions, extra spaces were incorrectly added. 1460857
All assemblies
193526 2608
This fix addresses an issue with the Award Management Integration Process. Previously, you could incorrectly receive an error that indicated that multiple constituents were found with the same email address. 1459295
All assemblies
193511 2501
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate acknowledgement emails. Previously, when a constituent made a donation on an eCard part and eReceipts were enabled, the donor would incorrectly receive two acknowledgement emails. 1456417
All assemblies
193492 2501
We have improved the performance of the Blackbaud Data Warehouse when using Smart Fields. 1452480
All assemblies
193456 2504
This fix addresses an issue with volunteer jobs. Previously, assigning a volunteer for a job did not respect site security. 1442581
All assemblies
193368 2608
This fix addresses an issue with recognition programs. Previously, when you added a new level to an existing recognition program, the program incorrectly showed fewer recognized donors even though the new level was identical to the previous program. 1441220
All assemblies
193362 3101
This fix addresses an issue with modifying the amount on a recurring gift in the Blackbaud Internet Solutions transaction manager part. Previously, when you modified the recurring gift amount via the transaction manager page, that amount did not reflect on certain expected payment lines in Blackbaud CRM. After this fix, the modified amount will correctly be updated on expected payment lines in Blackbaud CRM. 1438915
All assemblies
193338 2501
This fix addresses an issue with Credit Card Updater. Previously, the process would sometimes fail even though it should have worked correctly. 1438787
All assemblies
191787 2608
New Feature: Blackbaud Checkout forms now now display a message indicating that the transaction is being processed before the confirmation page appears. This message can be configured under the Language tab. We recommend that you do not exceed 250 characters in this message. We have also implemented a Business Process called ”CMS Repair Checkout Transaction Business Process” that repairs transactions that have been authorized but were not immediately downloaded when using Blackbaud Checkout with a donation, eCard, mini donation, or advanced donation forms. This process runs every 15 minutes to make the repair and perform all post-transaction activities, such as acknowledgements, eReceipts, honeycomb update, and notifications. 1436461
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with revenue attributes that allow multiple values per record in donation classic form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you downloaded transactions into Blackbaud CRM, the donations with multivalued attribute values selected from the donation form could be missing the selected attribute values in BBCRM. This happened if the donation form was configured to proceed directly to Blackbaud Checkout and the values of the multivalued attributes are selected. 1435750
All assemblies
193320 2501
With this release of Blackbaud Internet Solutions, we have upgraded the jQuery version from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1. 1432799
All assemblies
We have upgraded jQuery to version 3.5.1 in Blackbaud CRM to ensure we have the latest security enhancements. 1432518
All assemblies
As part of our normal product improvement processes, we review our security measures, protocols, and infrastructure on an ongoing basis. In our continued effort to improve security, we have made some improvements to session management and controls related to transport layer encryption enforcement, along with some improvements to usability of existing security features. All of these improvements focus on the overall security of Blackbaud CRM sites and we highly recommend that you upgrade to this service pack to take advantage of these changes. 1430745
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with revenue in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, revenue queries from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse did not include the end date for terminated recurring gifts. 1430738
All assemblies
193282 2501
To take advantage of the latest security updates, we have upgraded the following remaining parts to TinyMCE version 4.9.6 in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Other parts were already upgraded to this version in previous release. The parts affected in this release are Discussion Group, Event Calendar, Personal Page Element, Personal Page Manager, User Networking Manager, and Weblog. 1429518
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Address Finder Batch process. We have improved the performance so the process does not take as long to commit. 1427861
All assemblies
193749 2501
This fix addresses an issue that could make scheduled SQL Server 2016 jobs time out. 1427675
All assemblies
193245 3003
This fix addresses an issue with Smart Fields. Previously, the "last run" status for Smart Fields could incorrectly show the same status for all Smart Fields. 1423632
All assemblies
193211 2501
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you could receive an error when loading the Constituent Package. 1423536
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, when you ran the survey synchronization, it could appear three times in the synchronization process history. 1423535
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. We have addressed an issue that could cause an error when you ran a new install. 1423531
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. We have improved the performance of the synchronization when saving a Blackbaud CRM batch, such as during a constituent synchronization. The default timeout is 100 seconds. Some clients can exceed that limit and get an error, so we added an optional web.config setting, LOSYNC_GETWEBRESPONSE_SECONDS_TIMEOUT, that allows you to raise this default to suit your needs. For instructions, see the sync install instructions. 1423530
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We have extended the default timeout on the constituent merge from 5 minutes to 60 minutes. You can also now change this timeout setting on the Blackbaud CRM web.config setting SPWrap.DefaultNonQueryTimeout. 1423529
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: Previously, donation and recurring gifts that were synchronized with Luminate Online included the user pledge ID. Now, this information is included for all applicable revenue synchronizations. 1423525
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: When you change the name of an event to bring over from Luminate Online, there is now a warning message indicating that the new name will be maintained every time the systems are synchronized. When you change the event name on the TeamRaiser or Calendar Event sync, you now receive the following warning: "Changing the LO name used for the event will cause events synced going forward to use that name. If a previously synced LO event is updated and syncs over, the name will be updated accordingly." 1423524
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the finder number included in the donation classic form URL in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you downloaded transactions into Blackbaud CRM, the finder number from the donation form could be missing. This happened if the donation form was configured to proceed directly to Blackbaud Checkout and the finder number was included in the donation classic form URL sent via BBCRM direct marketing email. 1416340
All assemblies
193148 2501
This fix addresses an issue with resetting constituent interactions. Previously, when you selected the Reset option on a Constituent Interactions list, the option did not respect site security. 1410225
All assemblies
193113 2501
This fix addresses an issue with constituencies. Previously, when you deleted posted revenue, the donor's constituency was not deleted. 1409345
All assemblies
193109 2501
Technical Change: Per guidance released by the Federal Elections Committee (‘FEC”), ​Blackbaud will no longer use FEC data as part of our solutions to calculate a prospect's estimated wealth and giving capacity. This change will go into effect on ​August 7, 2020. 1409100
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with date formats in Public Media Effort segments. Previously, the date sometimes appeared in the US format even for sites using non-US date formats. 1402240
All assemblies
193050 2608
This fix addresses an issue with appeal in donations made from email links in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you downloaded transactions into Blackbaud CRM, the appeal (included in the URL) from the donation form could be missing. This happened if the donation form was configured to proceed directly to Blackbaud Checkout and the appeal was included in the donation form URL. 1389439
All assemblies
192978 2501
This fix addresses an issue with digital wallets (Masterpass, Visa, and ApplePay). Previously, the first charge with a digital wallet for lifetime membership transactions with recurring fees was processing correctly. However, subsequent payments were declined even though the payment method was still valid. With this fix, we no longer show digital wallet options in Blackbaud Checkout for lifetime membership transactions that include recurring payments. 1376619
All assemblies
192898 2405
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when adjusting a linked opportunity on a revenue record and refreshing the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, the linked opportunity remained the same. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1376469
All assemblies
192896 3205
This fix addresses an issue with a global change. Previously, a global change used to add an attribute to constituent records failed. 1376311
All assemblies
192893 3205
This fix addresses an issue when you tried to import constituent information. Previously, you could sometimes receive an error indicating that 'Constituency type' could not have overlapping dates, even when your import did not include constituency information. 1376075
All assemblies
192892 2407
This fix addresses an issue with event invitees list. Previously, these lists did not respect site security settings. 1375397
All assemblies
192877 2501
This fix addresses an issue that caused page first requests to take a long time to load in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. 1374165
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate record matching in Batches (Constituent Batch, Constituent Update Batch, Enhanced Revenue Batch, Revenue Update Batch and Membership Due batch). Previously, if users from different sites tried to add similar constituent records, the duplicate detection process would identify them as possible duplicates, even though they were from different sites. This was also addressed in SP22 hotfix. To take advantage of this fix, you must enable duplicate constituent matching in the webconfig file. Make sure the key "RECORDSECURITY_ENABLED_FOR_CONSTITUENTDUPLICATEMATCHING" is set to “true.” 1373664
All assemblies
189951 2309
This fix addresses an issue with the event batches in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, new addresses became the primary address even when the primary address setting was turned off. The existing address was marked as former contact information. 1373066
All assemblies
192840 2608
New Feature: You can now mark users as inactive in Blackbaud CRM. Inactive users cannot access the system but can be reactivated at any time. Business processes and queries created by the user before they were inactivated can still be run by other users. You can mark a user as inactive from the Application Users list or from the user's record under Tasks. When you search for a user, you can now also filter by inactive users. 1371037
All assemblies
To take advantage of the latest security updates, we have upgraded TinyMCE to version 4.9.6 in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. However, the following 5 parts are still using the older tinyMCE version 3.5.6 and these parts will be upgraded in subsequent releases.Discussion GroupEvent CalendarPersonal Page ElementPersonal Page ManagerUser Networking Manager 1369136
All assemblies
Technical Change: At the start of 2021, we will be retiring a legacy service that is no longer used by Blackbaud Internet Solutions because it has been superseded by Blackbaud Communication Services (BBCS) for Email handling since our Service Pack 9 release. This change impacts two areas within the product: 1) The ability to toggle an email address status as valid/invalid; and 2) Matchfinder Online functionality (see KB 191181). Earlier versions of Blackbaud internet Solutions (prior to Service Pack 24) will continue to consume the legacy service, but after January 31st, 2021, Blackbaud will be retiring the service and the two items above will no longer function. 1369129
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Lumnicate Online Connector. Previously, the Luminate ID could be incorrectly updated in the CRM ID. 1368251
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, a synchronization could result in an error if there was no data found in Luminate Online when the synchronization included records older than a year old. This resulted in the synchronization stopping. Now, the synchronization skips these records but continues until it finishes. 1368249
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: When you process a transaction that is already in the staging table, the transaction record is now skipped because it is already in the table. You are no longer able to mark transactions that are already staged to reprocess. If you need to reprocess a transaction that is already on the staging table, you must first delete the record from the table. Recurring gifts can still be reprocessed as usual. 1368248
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: We have added new payment method options to be in line with the payment methods available through MobilePay. 1368246
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: You can now turn on partitioning when run a synchronization. Previously, you had to run a script to turn on partitioning, but you can now do it on the user interface. 1368244
All assemblies
We have improved the error messages when using Luminate Online’s REST API to be more descriptive of the specific error that occurred. 1368243
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: You can now synchronize the event category for any calendar events. In addition, you can now choose which values synchronize for a calendar event name. 1368241
All assemblies
Luminate Online Connector New Feature: You can now see more information about past synchronizations made through the Luminate Online Connector. Previously, you could only see the date they were run. With this update, you can see the start and end time, what parameters were used, and see when a synchronization was run with a given date. 1368218
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when running the receipting process. Previously, you could sometimes receive an error when you tried to re-receipt revenue in a consolidated receipt process. This happened if you added extensive content in the Details field. 1366328
All assemblies
192766 2501
This fix addresses an issue with benefits for events. Previously, when a constituent registered online for an event in Blackbaud Internet Solutions and included at least one guest, benefits could be duplicated on the revenue record. 1365889
All assemblies
192758 2405
This fix addresses an issue with matching gift claims. Previously, the revenue category could sometimes be missing on matching gift claims. 1362707
All assemblies
192709 2501
Blackbaud Internet Solutions: This fixes an error with the honeycomb report in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if a user compared a Blackbaud CRM constituent query of community emails to the number of recipients shown in the honeycomb report for a mailing in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, then the totals didn't match. This is fixed. The totals match as expected. 1362056
All assemblies
118056 3701
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the recurring gift status could be incorrect for cancelled recurring gifts and sponsorships. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1361130
All assemblies
192678 2407
This fix addresses an issue with re-receipting. Previously, when you made a revenue adjustment through the Revenue Update Batch or the Edit Payment Form, even when you selected not to allow the same receipt numbers for re-receipt payments, the revenue was still showing a status of "Receipted (eligible for re-receipt, same number)." 1352845
All assemblies
193963 2501
This fix addresses an issue with AddressFinder. Previously, when initiating an AddressFinder process, users received the following message: "Error: AddressFinder batch template does not exist" 1348570
All assemblies
192562 3205
This fix addresses an issue with the date field in several CRM forms. Previously, years 2030 and above defaulted to the 1900's when entering the date in short form. e.g., 1/1/30 1346857
All assemblies
192538 3205
This fixes an issue on confirmation screen and acknowledgment email of transaction pages associated with Payment 2.0 for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the "Receipt grid merge" field appeared blank. This caused the confirmation page and acknowledgment email to not contain any receipt details. Now, the correct receipt grid is shown on the confirmation page and acknowledgment email. 1344248
All assemblies
192512 2309
This fix addresses an issue with Duplicate rows for Constituencies in Constituents in Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the system defined Constituencies had more than one start date for each instance of that Constituency criteria being met. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1340577
All assemblies
192472 3302
New Feature: We streamlined how we deliver MatchFinder Online to align it with how we deliver other optional modules. To take advantage of this change, you must unlock the module by selecting "Unlock Optional Modules" under the "Welcome" menu. Previously, you activated the integration under Revenue. 1335502
All assemblies
This issue is resolved by the Payment Workflow Optimization enhancement which addresses the intermittently experienced issues when using Blackbaud Checkout for donations. 1332829
All assemblies
192385 2501
This fix addresses an issue with inconsistent spelling of the word ‘Canceled’. Previously, the spelling of 'Canceled' displayed incorrectly in the Add Prospect Plan Step Form, the Edit Prospect Plan Step Form, and the Prospect Plan Step Status filter in query views. 1332694
All assemblies
192380 3205
This fix addresses an issue with pledge installments. Previously, when you changed a pledge amount, the installments did not automatically get distributed accordingly. 1330694
All assemblies
192288 2904
This fix addresses an issue with Visual Studio 2013. Previously, when you tried to install the SDK for Service Pack 21 using Visual Studio 2013, you received an error. 1327331
All assemblies
192253 2405
This fixes an issue with the Donation Classic form (without Payment2.0) Checkout functionality for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, a Direct to Payment One-Off Donation showed an incorrect credit card storage message on the Complete Payment screen. This message no longer appears for One-Off donations. 1326783
All assemblies
192734 2300
This fix addresses an issue with appeals in donation forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you downloaded transactions into Blackbaud CRM, the default appeal from the donation form could be missing. This happened if the donation form was configured to proceed directly to Blackbaud Checkout and the appeal was defaulted and 'set to not display.' 1326273
All assemblies
192231 2405
This fix addresses an issue with disbursement reports. Previously, not all reports would enable auto-reconciliation. 1319450
All assemblies
192149 2300
This fix addresses an issue with payment information header in donation forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you landed on the donation form payment information header could be visible. This happened if the donation form was only configured to proceed directly to Blackbaud Checkout. 1312690
All assemblies
192127 2501
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate batches. Previously, when you updated the status of a batch before you committed it, the batch appeared duplicated in the Committed Batches list after you committed it. 1311850
All assemblies
192124 2405
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, some internet browsers (Safari for Mac or iOS, Google Chrome) could not consistently load Blackbaud Checkout donation forms. 1310988
All assemblies
191284 2204
We have improved the performance of the Direct Marketing Effort Export Definition page. This page was loading slowly for users without admin rights after you applied Service Pack 21. 1300944
All assemblies
191989 2614
This fix addresses an issue with the Revenue Committed field on the Details tab of Opportunities. Previously, the Details tab could show an incorrect total. 1300206
All assemblies
191979 2405
This fix addresses a performance issue when loading a segments list on a marketing effort. 1300136
All assemblies
191978 2805
This fix addresses an issue when you click the Constituent Map. Previously, when you held the shift key and clicked the Constituent Map to see the menu, you were sometimes mistakenly redirected to the home page when you clicked "Find records within this area." 1299594
All assemblies
191970 2904
This fix addresses an issue with the Prospect Assignment Process. Previously, when a prospect had a prospect manager history, the process did not assign a manager. 1299190
All assemblies
191960 2501
This fixes an issue on Event Classic form (with Payment 2.0) using Checkout functionality for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the count of pending event registrations was doubled when compared to the correct number of registrations for the event capacity. This caused an event to appear as sold out for registration before the event's set capacity was reached. Now, pending event registrations are correctly counted against the event capacity. 1298834
All assemblies
191959 2300
This fix addresses an issue with batches when using Google Chrome. Previously, when you minimized a batch and were using Chrome, you found that you could not maximize the batch again. 1294836
All assemblies
191918 2501
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if an online donor prematurely closed internet browser tabs, this could cause an incomplete commit of processed payments into Blackbaud Internet Solutions and Blackbaud CRM. To provide better user experience for making online transactions, the interface now shows a processing indicator when the system is still working to complete the transaction after the initial checkout is completed. An alert will also appear to warn the user if the user attempts to close the browser before the confirmation screen appears. The default text in the alert message cannot be modified at this time. Additionally, this fix improves the back-end process to recover transactions that might be impacted by the user prematurely closing internet browser tabs. 1294765
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with credit card charges for lifetime membership recurring transactions. Previously, the first charge for lifetime membership transactions with recurring fees was processing correctly. However, subsequent payments were declined even though the payment method was still valid. 1294753
All assemblies
192861 2405
This fix addresses an issue with Add Designation in the Donation Form part in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when editing a Donation Form using Internet Explorer, Add Designation did not work, and you saw "Next" instead of "Save" at the bottom of the form. 1293275
All assemblies
191897 2702
This fix addresses an issue with planned gifts. Previously, the net present value was calculated incorrectly when you added a planned gift. 1292044
All assemblies
191889 2300
We have improved the performance of import processes. 1286679
All assemblies
191901 2300
This fix addresses an issue with registration packages for events. Previously, when you tried to edit a registration package within an event record, the process would time out and you received an error. 1284429
All assemblies
191799 2405
This fix addresses a performance issue with export processes. Previously, when you tried to add a selection to an export process, you sometimes received a timeout error. 1284007
All assemblies
192639 2300
This fixes an issue with the Donation Classic form for Blackbaud Checkout functionality (without Payment 2.0). Previously, if a user manually entered tribute gifts in Blackbaud Internet Solutions, information from the Tribute name component did not appear in the Tribute text field in Blackbaud CRM. Now, the information no longer appears to be missing; the correct tribute name component appears in Blackbaud CRM's Tribute text field. 1283663
All assemblies
191791 2300
Technical Change: This fix addresses an issue related to the Luminate Online integration with Blackbaud CRM. When a Luminate Online transaction is synchronized with Blackbaud CRM but the associated record (such as a constituent or registration record) has not been synchronized yet, the transaction is now put on hold until the associated record is synchronized as well. Previously, the transaction was instantly added to the list to be processed. When Blackbaud CRM looked for the associated record, an error occurred. Now, we initially stage these transactions as “pending.” Once the associated record is synchronized with Blackbaud CRM, the transaction is automatically updated and the “pending” status is removed so the transaction can be pulled into batch through a query import. 1281047
All assemblies
New Feature: When a TeamRaiser Team record fails to import to Blackbaud CRM through the Luminate Online Connector, an error appears in your logs under Sync History Detail. Previously, you were not able to determine what event a record was associated with from the information in the log. To help you troubleshoot problems, we have added the TeamReaiser Event ID to the Help Messages field of the log record so you can easily identify what event is associated with records that generated an error. 1281046
All assemblies
New Feature: You can now use partitioning to restrict which constituents are added to Blackbaud CRM from the Luminate Online Connector. For example, you may want to only include constituent records that have a mailing address. Previously, all records were added to Blackbaud CRM. To take advantage of this feature, please contact Customer Support to request that we turn on this option for your organization. 1281045
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue related to the Luminate Online integration with Blackbaud CRM. To streamline the synchronization process between Luminate Online and Blackbaud CRM, we have combined six synchronization processes into three by combining the Recurring Gift Master Sync with the Donation Sync, the TeamRaiser Registration Sync with the TeamRaiser Registration Payment Sync, and the Calendar Event Ticket Purchase Sync with the Calendar Event Registration Sync. When you look at synchronization logs after this update, you will notice that the Recurring Gift Master Sync, the TeamRaiser Registration Payment Sync, and the Calendar Event Ticket Purchase Sync now show an error indicating that these syncs are obsolete and did not run. To keep your logs from displaying these unnecessary errors, we recommend that you remove these three syncs. 1281043
All assemblies
New Feature: When a synchronization process runs between Luminate Online and Blackbaud CRM, a log is created. To help you identify what was included in each run, the log now includes a start and end date for the period of time that each synchronization run covered. In addition, the log now includes the number of records that the process attempted to run. This allows you to see how many records needed to be updated, even if the process reached a record limit and did not synchronize all pending records in that particular run. 1281042
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue related to the Luminate Online integration with Blackbaud CRM. Previously, after you did a full redeployment of the Blackbaud Data Warehouse, the Luminate Online Connector could show an error when it tried to access the warehouse. This happened because the warehouse did not recognize your user credentials anymore. With this change, the Blackbaud Data Warehouse will not cause an access error after redeployments. 1280208
All assemblies
This fix addresses a potential performance impact to the Communications tab in Blackbaud CRM. We have rolled back changes around Email bounce and Spam Complaint data displaying/alert icon on the "All Constituent Correspondence List" data list. We have retained the fields while researching methods for performance improvement and plan to reinstate the data visibility/alert icon in a future Service Pack. In the interim, this information is available in Blackbaud Internet Solutions Email Honeycomb reports. 1277590
All assemblies
191727 2904
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions with Advanced Donation Forms that had Pending transactions from Blackbaud Checkout. Previously, they were not repaired by the donation business process. They were "orphaned" and an error message appeared ("Charge transaction failed: Could not load file or assembly....."). Now, the transactions will be successfully repaired by the donation business process and will appear in Blackbaud CRM for download with Advanced Donation Forms. 1277206
All assemblies
191719 2121
This fix addresses an issue for batch in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, the Anonymous Online Direct Debit Donations flag was not staying selected when a batch was downloaded in CRM. 1275193
All assemblies
198660 3003
This fixes an issue with the Donation Classic form for Blackbaud Checkout (without Payment 2.0) functionality for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, recurring gift donations were incorrectly set to have the frequency start date as one day after the chosen date. Now, the correct gift start date will be set on the confirmation screen as well as in Blackbaud CRM. 1274609
All assemblies
191697 2300
This fix addresses an issue with Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you committed a Constituent Update Batch, user-defined constituencies were incorrectly added if any duplicate records were found. 1273311
All assemblies
191693 2405
This fix addresses an issue with email addresses that include either leading or trailing space in donation form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you attempted to download the transactions into Blackbaud CRM, an error occurred. This happened if the donation form was configured to proceed directly to Blackbaud Checkout and the email address field contains leading or trailing spaces. 1271600
All assemblies
191638 2501
This fix addresses an issue with matching gift claims. Previously, when a matching gift claim with an existing payment was linked to an opportunity, the payment was not added to the total paid amount. 1270999
All assemblies
193465 2904
This fix addresses an issue with unengaged recipients in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, email addresses that had clicked a link in a specified time period were included on the unengaged recipient list when you filtered by engagement, even if they had engaged in that time period. 1270189
All assemblies
191628 2405
This fix addresses an issue with the county field in Acquisition forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when you attempted to submit an Acquisition form transaction and selected the United Kingdom as the country, the form returned an error. This happened if the Acquisition form was submitted with the United Kingdom as a country and the county field was left blank. 1269462
All assemblies
191612 2501
As part of our work to support strong customer authentication, we have added the ability to flag transactions as back-office so they can be processed without errors. 1266630
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Event Registration Form in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when registering for an event with only one registration option, the Event Registration Form displayed an error message. Error: "There are not enough registrations available to complete this request." 1265079
All assemblies
191545 3101
This fix addresses an issue with the "other amount" option in mini donation forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, you could receive the error “Amount: Invalid currency format” when you were using Internet Explorer as your browser. 1261246
All assemblies
191504 2608
New Feature: You can now export the data from an uncommitted batch. From a batch screen, use the new "Export" button to export all the data from the batch. This can be useful when you have a batch that cannot be saved because it contains invalid credit card data. The export allows you to review all the data from the batch, including exceptions that need to be addressed before the batch can be saved. 1260184
All assemblies
191480 2204
This fix addresses an issue with external links in emails in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, redirect links in emails were sent to the Blackbaud Internet Solutions home page rather than the intended location. 1258439
All assemblies
191447 2405
This fix addresses an issue with loading commitments in batch. Previously, non-admin users were not able to load commitments in batch for a constituent with a large number of commitments. When they tried, the commitments either did not display or the batch would time out. This did not happen for admin users. 1258105
All assemblies
193274 2405
This fix addresses an issue with Emails in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when saving source code in TinyMCE editor, the "role" attribute was removed from the table tag. 1256862
All assemblies
191396 3003
We have improved performance when importing data into an Enhanced Revenue Batch. 1254528
All assemblies
194016 2501
This fix addresses an issue with viewing disbursements when working on a UK database. Previously, when you navigated to Treasury, Auto Reconcile Transactions, you did not see any disbursements even when there should be some. 1251077
All assemblies
191348 2112
This fix addresses an issue with HTML code in marketing and communications emails. Previously, when you created an email, you received an error if you tried to use the <meta>, <head>, or <body> tags. 1251073
All assemblies
189589 2112
This fix addresses an issue with Gift Aid. Previously, ad-hoc queries could incorrectly display the gross amount instead of the net amount for a gift. This happened when a recurring gift was terminated. 1241852
All assemblies
191212 2300
This fix addresses an issue with embedded web pages. Previously, when you created an embedded web page using Page Designer, the page did not display if you were using Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 20 Hotfix 2. 1241576
All assemblies
190991 2111
This fix addresses an issue with constituencies when using Constituent Update Batch (CUB). Previously, you could receive an error when updating a constituency through CUB. This happened when the record you updated already had the same constituency as the CUB record with an overlapping date range. With this fix the overlapping date ranges are merged when you commit the CUB. 1241107
All assemblies
118077 2111
This fixes an issue with benefits on revenue records in "Event Classic" forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, benefits did not appear on revenue records if a guest received a different benefit than the host/payer. 1239211
All assemblies
191171 2204
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. In Blackbaud CRM, marketing source codes are calculated when direct marketing efforts are run. You can also specify source codes directly on revenue records, so the source code on a revenue records could be different from the one calculated by the direct marketing effort. Previously, the Blackbaud Data Warehouse used the source code calculated by the direct marketing effort, which could create a discrepancy. With this fix, the Blackbaud Data Warehouse uses the source code specified on the revenue record. 1238895
All assemblies
191166 2614
To better support Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), we have made changes to ensure that Blackbaud Merchant Services can correctly identify back-office transactions and exempt them from SCA requirements. 1237397
All assemblies
All assemblies
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. The Receipt number is now correctly generated for One-time payments made via Donation Checkout. It appears on the Transaction Summary page. 1235924
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with filters on lists. Previously, when you made edits to a list, some filters could no longer appear. 1235749
All assemblies
191122 2204
This fix addresses an issue with ad-hoc queries. Previously, if you assigned edit permissions to an ad-hoc query through a queue rather than assigning edit permissions inside the query, the permissions you selected would be removed when you refreshed the query. 1233635
All assemblies
191099 3003
This fix addresses an issue that could occur for some customers when trying to process a revenue batch. In some cases, the batch would not process and you would receive the message "Error: Unable to load data list. String or binary data would be truncated." 1233361
All assemblies
191101 2405
This fix addresses an issue with geocoding. Previously, when you geocoded an address in Blackbaud CRM, the incorrect latitude and longitude was sometimes applied incorrectly to the records. 1232258
All assemblies
191072 2300
This fix addresses an issue with enqueued business processes. Previously, when you ran several business processed through Enqueue, there could be a pause and some of the processes did not run. 1228011
All assemblies
113903 2501
This fix addresses an issue with adjusting posted pledges. Previously, when you adjusted a posted pledge that had payments, the payments were incorrectly linked to the inactive pledge parent. 1227303
All assemblies
190993 2501
New Feature: We have made changes to how the R68 Gift Aid report is calculated. Previously, the data in the report was updated dynamically, which could cause details to be inconsistent over time. With this fix, the information is the report provides a static snapshot of the data so there are no discrepancies. 1227091
All assemblies
188783 2501
This fix addresses an issue with Gift Aid. Previously, when you generated an R68 but did not submit it to HMRC right away, the total in the R68 could be incorrect when there were pending gifts at the time the R68 was run. 1225226
All assemblies
192733 2300
This fix addresses an issue when adding batches. Previously, trying to add a batch could result in a timeout error. 1224150
All assemblies
190957 2501
This fix addresses an issue with trust names. Previously, when you updated WealthPoint results that included Experian data, the update would incorrectly use the middle name on the trust to update the middle name for the constituent. 1221919
All assemblies
190409 2300
This fix addresses an issue with deleting or merging constituents that are guests on an event registration. Previously, if the source was to be deleted, the following error message displayed: "Data could not be saved. The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint 'FK_BATCHEVENTREGISTRANTGUEST_CONSTITUENTID'. The conflict occurred in database 'DBNAME', table 'dbo.BATCHEVENTREGISTRANTGUEST', column 'CONSTITUENTID'. The statement has been terminated." 1219131
All assemblies
190898 3403
This fix addresses an issue with Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you used the add form to add a spouse to a constituent, you received an error message. 1217766
All assemblies
198081 2904
This fix addresses an issue when looking at Database Growth Management under Administration. Previously, the list did not show all categories correctly. For example, some categories like Audit Tables could appear blank. 1214166
All assemblies
190827 2608
This fix addresses a connection issue with the SFTP server. Previously, you could receive a connection error even when your credentials were correct and the connection should have succeeded. 1212857
All assemblies
190805 2204
To ensure we provide the latest security enhancements, we have upgraded jQuery to version 3.4.1. We recommend that all clients upgrade apply this hotfix for Blackbaud CRM to ensure they take advantage of the latest security enhancements. 1207692
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with importing date of birth. Previously, when you imported a date of birth and your browser was set to Australia regional settings, the date could import incorrectly. 1206579
All assemblies
190719 2501
To ensure we provide the latest security enhancements, we have upgraded jQuery to version 3.4.1. We recommend that all clients upgrade apply this hotfix for Blackbaud Internet Solutions to ensure they take advantage of the latest security enhancements. 1204972
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the History tab for a Global Change. Previously, users were unable to view the History tab for a Global Change when trying to load the DataList due to an error message. 1201611
All assemblies
177844 3302
This fixes an issue with the Event 2.0 part for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when a user entered attendee information on Step 1 and then proceeded to Step 2 to select an event, selecting Save on the modal popup instead of selecting Next caused the user to proceed to actually submitting a payment. However, the event and registration details were not submitted with the transaction when it was sent to Blackbaud CRM. 1200114
All assemblies
190623 2204
This fixes spacing issues related to email editor's View Source option in Blackbaud Internet Solutions (which enables users to interact directly with email source code). Previously, when a user added two comments in a row to the body of an email, additional spacing was created. When a user added <p> tags with additional formatting between them to the body of the email, the <p> tags were replicated with additional spacing. 1199360
All assemblies
190616 2204
This fix addresses an error that could sometimes occur when using Blackbaud Checkout for event registrations. Previously, when registrants entered billing information that was too long, they received an error. 1196989
All assemblies
190589 2110
This fixes an issue for Event 2.0 in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. The "Register as unnamed guest" checkbox now only appears when the included ticket type has this option enabled for both Step 1 and Step 2 Add Attendee links. 1196925
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the "Add constituent solicit code" global change. Previously, when you ran this global change, the timestamp for the "Date Added" field was not populated. 1195248
All assemblies
190533 2204
This fix addresses an issue with solicit codes in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you committed a Constituent Update Batch, solicit codes the "Added by" information was updated to reflect the person who committed the batch, even when the batch had no changes to solicit codes. 1194408
All assemblies
189253 2001
This fix addresses an issue with solicit codes in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you committed an Enhanced Revenue Batch, solicit codes the "Added by" information was updated to reflect the person who committed the batch, even when the batch had no changes to solicit codes. 1194400
All assemblies
189253 2001
This fix addresses an issue with country names in event registration forms. Previously, when a registrant entered a country with their address information, the prepopulated payment screen could display a different country by mistake. 1188951
All assemblies
190452 2110
This fix addresses an issue when editing colors on an appeal mailing. Previously, when you selected a color under "Row properties" or "Cell properties" in an appeal mailing, you had to enter hexadecimal color numbers. With this fix, you see a color grid where you can choose your preferred color. 1187976
All assemblies
189585 2110
This fix addresses an issue with site security in the Credit Card Process list. With this change, we have added a new "Site" column to the list, indicating any site security settings. 1186438
All assemblies
190587 2001
This fix addresses an issue with household recognition credits. Previously, if a member of a household was removed, household recognition credits were still associated with them. 1185662
All assemblies
190390 2608
This fix addresses an issue with solicit codes in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you committed an Enhanced Revenue Batch, solicit codes the "Added by" information was updated to reflect the person who committed the batch, even when the batch had no changes to solicit codes. 1183945
All assemblies
189253 2110
This fix addresses an issue with the Opportunity Associated Revenue datalist. Previously, sometimes the list did not include records added after upgrading to Service Pack 20. 1182820
All assemblies
190326 2110
This fix addresses an issue with temporary addresses. Previously, temporary addresses were flagged as "do not mail" even when they should not have been. 1181004
All assemblies
190301 2204
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when you tried to merge two constituent records. Previously, this could result in an error and the constituents were not merged. 1179880
All assemblies
190280 2300
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. When a user selects to copy an Event 2.0 part to other pages and websites, the copy function now works correctly and the next user interface appears as expected when the user selects OK. 1178318
All assemblies
190809 2204
This fix addresses an issue with adjusting posted gifts. Previously, if you adjusted a posted gift that had a benefit attached, the adjustment would incorrectly reverse the benefit. 1177868
All assemblies
190238 2501
Technical Change: The “Title” fields for the AddressFinder process is now called “Contact Job Title.” In addition, this is now a text fields. Previously, it was a drop-down field. This field captures the job title of the primary contact at your organization. 1177201
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with solicit codes in Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you committed a Constituent Update Batch, solicit codes the "Added by" information was updated to reflect the person who committed the batch, even when the batch had no changes to solicit codes. 1175902
All assemblies
189253 2110
This fix addresses an issue with running the Credit Card Process. Prior to Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 18, this process respected site security. After Service Pack 18, users were able to run this process even if they did not have the appropriate site security settings. With this fix, the process is once again restricted by site security as intended. 1174457
All assemblies
190114 2300
This fix addresses an issue in Blackbaud Internet Solutions for the Constituent Directory part. Previously searching the directory with constituent attributes configured as "Code Tables" returned no results. 1172023
All assemblies
198684 3003
New Feature: Hosted clients in the United States can now integrate Blackbaud CRM with Financial Edge NXT. For more information, see the General Ledger Setup Guide. 1166786
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when you attempted to merge two constituents. Previously, when you tried to merge the constituents and delete the source constituent, you could receive an error. 1166105
All assemblies
190027 2405
This fix addresses an issue when editing queries and selections. After you applied Service Pack 18, Hotfix 2 for Blackbaud CRM 4.0, you could receive an error when editing queries and selections. With this fix, the editing works correctly. 1163983
All assemblies
188764 1812
This fix addresses multiple issues with gift fees when editing payments with a payment method of stock or property. Previously, when you edited the designation on a payment with a payment method of "Property," the sold property did not appear in the General Ledger entry for the gift. In addition, if you tried to delete the payment, you received an error. 1163671
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with site security in the Duplicate Constituent Report. Previously, when a user ran the Duplicate Constituent Report, the results could include constituents from sites the user did not have rights to. 1162761
All assemblies
189951 2207
This fix addresses an issue with the Appeal Mailing Performance Report. Previously, this report did not respect site security. 1162492
All assemblies
189939 2204
This fix addresses an issue with the Email Summary Report. Previously, the total number of transactions in the Email Summary Report was inconsistent with the total in the "honeycomb" report and the Additional Information Report. However, the Detail Export Report could show a different total count of transactions depending on your filtering options. This is because some filters can give the appearance of multiple entries for the same transaction. 1158672
All assemblies
189877 2110
We have made performance improvements to the Pledge Reminder business process. 1158090
All assemblies
189862 2204
This fix addresses an issue with benefits on revenue records in "Event Registration 2.0" and "Event Classic" forms in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, benefits did not appear on revenue records if a guest received a benefit for the host/payer did not. 1156590
All assemblies
189844 2110
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if a user entered an address for billing and entered that the address was for New Zealand, then some of the address fields did not appear in the corresponding batch for Blackbaud CRM. 1154388
All assemblies
189819 2204
We improved the performance of the Membership Dues Batch list. 1152069
All assemblies
189799 2110
We improved the performance of the Committed Batches list. 1152065
All assemblies
189798 2110
This fix addresses an issue that sometimes happened when you tried to merge two constituent records. Previously, this could result in an error and the constituents were not merged. 1150074
All assemblies
190348 2300
This fix addresses an issue when setting the revenue category on event registration payments. Previously, when you edited a payment for an event registration, you were not able to edit the revenue category. 1148520
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with the Delete Audit Data Global Change. Previously, when you ran this global change, the process could delete rows that were outside the date range you specified in the global change. 1146897
All assemblies
189645 2300
This fix addresses an issue with event registration payments. Previously, when you added a payment to an event registration, the receipt amount did not match the payment amount. 1146895
All assemblies
189644 2110
This fix addresses an issue with educational institution names. When adding or editing the name of an educational institution, you can use a backwards slash to separate the prefix from the name of the institution. Previously, this was not respected. 1145663
All assemblies
189605 2204
This fix addresses an issue with event registration applications. Previously, when an even registration was part of a split gift, the Business Unit could appear blank or incorrect in the Revenue Update Batch. 1139663
All assemblies
189457 2204
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, some text on the user interface was not translated based on the language the user selected or language of the user's browser. 1137726
All assemblies
189403 2204
This fix addresses an issue in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. A run-time error no longer occurs for the Sponsorship Part when you select a Culture setting that uses commas instead of decimals for currency separation. For example, the error no longer occurs if your culture is set to en-Fi. 1137707
All assemblies
189402 2204
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, if a user selected the default filter on the transaction manager, then some of the transactions failed to appear. This happened when a payment application was split across two or more designations. 1137259
All assemblies
189396 2204
We have improved the performance of the Uncommitted Batches list. 1136210
All assemblies
189483 2110
We improved the performance of exports and smart field data lists to reduce loading time. 1134497
All assemblies
189351 2300
This fix addresses a performance issue with write-offs. Previously, when you tried to change the constituent on a revenue record, you could receive a time-out error. 1134070
All assemblies
189342 2300
This fix addresses an issue with disbursement reports. Previously, disbursements with chargeback funds were not marked as reconciled under Reconcile Transactions and Disbursements. 1133532
All assemblies
188456 2110
We have improved performance in the Revenue area. Now, when you change the Revenue Category on an unposted payment, changes are saved more quickly. 1132885
All assemblies
189336 2000
This fixes an error that previously prevented Manage Purpose or Designation Attributes from updating when a global change was run. Meanwhile, a workaround was to make updates manually. This is fixed; users can run a global change to update a purpose or a designation attribute. 1132480
All assemblies
189312 3601
This fix addresses an issue that could occur with email formatting. Previously, emails sent through Direct marketing could have an issue in the HTML code. When this happened, the <HEAD> tag in the HTML code was omitted, creating formatting discrepancies in the email. With this fix, the tag is not omitted and formatting appears as expected. 1132426
All assemblies
188936 1903
This fix addresses an issue when editing the installment schedule for a pledge with multiple payments. Previously, you would receive an error when an installment had split designations. 1131882
All assemblies
189298 2300
This fix addresses an issue with revenue categories in Revenue Update Batch. Previously, when you entered an event registration payment and set the revenue type to "Payment," you were not able to enter a revenue category in the batch. This fix enabled the "Revenue category" field for event registration payments. This option is not available for split payments. 1130654
All assemblies
The link for the New Feature Tour has been updated. It now uses the URL that shows the most recent active documentation ( 1129553
All assemblies
189256 2000
This fix addresses an issue with solicit codes in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you committed an Enhanced Revenue Batch, solicit codes the "Added by" information was updated to reflect the person who committed the batch, even when the batch had no changes to solicit codes. 1129489
All assemblies
189253 2110
This fix addresses an issue with batch template names. Previously, the batch number could sometimes incorrectly replace the batch template name. 1129357
All assemblies
189250 2204
This fix addresses an issue with membership programs. Previously, when you tried to add a new level to an existing membership program, you received an error. 1128997
All assemblies
189244 2405
We have expanded the options available in the HTML editor after the Service Pack 18 upgrade. After that upgrade, some of the options in the HTML editor were missing, such as formatting choices available before Service Pack 18. This fix restores the options available before Service Pack 18. 1128115
All assemblies
189229 2000
This fix addresses an issue with event batches. Previously when you manually matched a transaction in batch to an existing constituent, the system would incorrectly create a duplicate address. 1127719
All assemblies
189225 2608
This fix addresses an issue with the event batches. Previously, the "Overwrite existing address" option did not work. Instead or overriding the existing address, the batch was marking the address as Previously, the overwrite existing address option would incorrectly mark the address as former contact information. 1127714
All assemblies
189224 2608
This fix addresses an issue with donation forms not loading correctly in Blackbaud Internet Solutions. Previously, when "Direct debit" and "Credit card" options were not both selected in the "Design" tab, the donation form did not load correctly. 1126684
All assemblies
189226 2110
This fix addresses an issue with marketing efforts and enqueue. Previously, if a marketing effort was set to calculate segments, it would not move to enqueue if other efforts were calculating segments at the same time. To take advantage of this feature, you must enable the enqueue marketing process. 1126365
All assemblies
189203 2405
This fix addresses an issue with pledge designations. Previously, when you added a designation on a posted pledge and split paid and write-off amounts across the new designations, you received an error. 1126163
All assemblies
189198 2300
This fix addresses vulnerabilities detected during a PCI PEN test that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 1125737
All assemblies
189150 1903
This fix addresses an issue with Pledge Payments. Previously, when associating an existing Pledge and Pledge Payments to an opportunity, the opportunity was incorrectly applied. 1125275
All assemblies
189178 3205
This fix addresses an issue with dates on planned gifts. Previously, you sometimes saw incorrect dates for additions amounts on the Planned giving window under "Planned Gifts." 1123572
All assemblies
189118 2608
We resolved an issue that occurred for total event capacity if event was already sold in case of Single event and Single ticket type. Now after this fix, if the event is already sold, it cannot be booked. Moreover, the application will validate the event capacity while registering the participants in the event. 1121061
All assemblies
189060 2000
This fix addresses an issue that could occur with email formatting. Previously, emails sent through Direct marketing could have an issue in the HTML code. When this happened, the <HEAD> tag in the HTML code was omitted, creating formatting discrepancies in the email. With this fix, the tag is not omitted and formatting appears as expected. 1120759
All assemblies
188936 1821
This fix addresses vulnerabilities detected during a PCI PEN test that affect the Blackbaud Internet Solutions application. 1119269
All assemblies
189150 1819
This fix addresses an issue with email addresses in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, when all emails were deleted on a constituent record, the primary email address remained on the record in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. 1116471
All assemblies
188948 2110
This fix addresses an issue with pledges. Previously, when you approved a match for a pledge and then reviewed the Matching Funds tab, the pledge appeared but the payment did not, so the payment value you initially selected was not included in the match funds total. This happened with pledges on a donor challenge Encumbered Funds tab. 1115825
All assemblies
191902 2501
This fix addresses an issue with the HTML editor in Marketing and Communications. Previously, the editor removed the <head> tag from the HTML code. 1115502
All assemblies
188936 2000
This fix addresses an error you could receive when you changed a Sponsorship Program's name and then added a new program. Previously, when you did these two tasks you could receive an error that prevented you from adding the new program. 1113451
All assemblies
188894 2000
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits. Previously, transactions that were imported from Blackbaud Internet Solutions could have incorrect recognition credits when a gift had a split designation and the GL post date was changed in the batch. 1108568
All assemblies
188798 2204
This fix addresses an issue with qualification statuses for Gift Aid. Previously, when you edited the payment method for a donation that disqualified the donation from Gift Aid, the qualification status was not updated appropriately. 1107987
All assemblies
73725 2000
This fix addresses an issue with qualification statuses for Gift Aid. Previously, when you edited the payment method for a donation that disqualified the donation from Gift Aid, the qualification status was not updated appropriately. 1107983
All assemblies
73725 2000
This fix addresses an issue when editing queries and selections. After you applied Service Pack 18, Hotfix 2 for Blackbaud CRM 4.0, you could receive an error when editing queries and selections. With this fix, the editing works correctly. 1106703
All assemblies
188764 1812
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits. Previously, when you edited the applied amount in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, the recognition credits were incorrectly duplicated. 1104734
All assemblies
188730 2702
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you selected an opportunity in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, you could receive an error even when there was not an issue. 1104560
All assemblies
188726 2110
This fix addresses an issue with apostrophes in ad-hoc queries. Previously, when there was an apostrophe on a filter value, the preview screen did not show that value in the results. 1103346
All assemblies
188712 1901
This fix addresses an issue with batch. Previously, if a site secured application user made a biographical or contact information change, they received the following error when validating the batch: Error: CK_CONSTITUENTSITES_PERMISSIONDENIED. 1102621
All assemblies
188702 3003
This fixes an error that prevented users from knowing when address validation was most recently attempted. Previously, after a user committed a Constituent Update Batch that included address validation, and then the user viewed a constituent's address information, then the data for Last Attempt didn't show the data from the batch process, even though the validation had occurred. This is fixed; the most recent validation attempt appears as expected on the constituent's record after the batch is committed. 1102031
All assemblies
188697 3601
This fix addresses an issue when trying to run certain queries from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, users without administrative rights could receive an error when they tried to run an ad-hoc query from the Blackbaud Data Warehouse that created a static selection. This happened after you upgraded to Blackbaud CRM 4.0 Service Pack 18. 1098935
All assemblies
188631 2000
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate record matching. Previously, if users from different sites tried to add similar constituent records, the duplicate detection process would identify them as possible duplicates, even though they were from different sites. To take advantage of this feed, you must enable duplicate constituent matching in the webconfig file. Make sure the key "RECORDSECURITY_ENABLED_FOR_CONSTITUENTDUPLICATEMATCHING" is set to “true.” 1098270
All assemblies
188607 2204
Technical Change: We have changed how we track social media information when using Blackbaud ResearchPoint. We have removed the "Social Media Rating" section on records. If you currently have information under the "Social Media Image" or "Social Media Biography" for a record, those sections are still displayed. When those sections are empty, they no longer display on the record. You can still use the "Social Media Accounts" section to enter social media information manually or through an import. 1094233
All assemblies
New Feature: With this release, Blackbaud Internet Solutions makes it easier to respect a recipient's right to unsubscribe. When a recipient opens an email in a supported email browser, an unsubscribe link can appear near the top of the email. The recipient can select the link to indicate the individual wants to globally unsubscribe from all emails sent by your organization. Recipients who unsubscribe are marked as not wanting emails and are handled as though the recipient had unsubscribed (globally) from the Blackbaud Internet Solutions communication preference form. 1093997
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you entered a finder number on the batch, the constituent information did not populate, even when the finder number was correct. The finder number did work on one-off payment forms. 1093725
All assemblies
188449 2300
This fix addresses an issue with joint name formats. When a constituent has a deceased or inactive spouse, the joint name format on that constituent's record does not show the deceased or inactive spouse. However, if the joint name format uses a nickname, the deceased or inactive spouse's nickname still appeared in the joint name format. With this fix, the name is not displayed even when it is a nickname. 1091485
All assemblies
188383 2702
We resolved an issue with the Transaction Manager page. Previously, when logged into BBIS using an account linked to a CRM constituent with revenue history, pages that have the Transaction Manager part would load slowly and time out. With this fix, these pages display faster and no longer time out. 1089095
All assemblies
188285 1811
This fix addresses an issue with access to Bulk Import in Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when your password was reset, you could receive an error when selecting the URL to access Bulk Import. 1087699
All assemblies
188222 1901
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. When Sites and Settings are configured to enable multiple addresses and multiple emails, the email and address information is now correctly retained to appear on Step 5 (Checkout), as it was originally entered on Step 1 (Add Attendees) for a complex event form. 1084456
All assemblies
This fixes an issue for Blackbaud Internet Solutions. The transaction section of the email "honeycomb" report now shows the correct link for the most recent transaction, based on links present in the email. 1080885
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with pledges. Previously, the "Associated Revenue" tab for Opportunities could double count line items on pledges. This happened when you added an opportunity and then changed the designation on a pledge record that had been posted. 1079676
All assemblies
120201 2000
This fix addresses an issue with permissions in global changes. Previously, only admins could view the "Assign permission" option in global changes. With this fix, users who are owners of a global change can also see this option. 1079344
All assemblies
188001 2110
New Feature: New email reports will now show data about unengaged recipients. This enables you to better understand unengaged users — those who haven't interacted with an email via an open or a click in a specified period of time. Previously, these were also known as "inactive" recipients. Therefore, we've updated the terminology throughout the user interface to now use the term "unenaged" instead of "inactive." However, email reports which existed prior to this release remain unchanged and will not show this new data. 1078569
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue when running the Prospect Assigned Email Alert. Previously, when you ran the Prospect Assigned Email Alert from Queue, you could receive an error. 1077718
All assemblies
187963 2204
This fix addresses an issue with deleting addresses of organizations linked to a constituent. Previously, when you deleted an address from an organization record that was linked to a constituent, the address was not updated in the constituent record as expected. 1077233
All assemblies
189975 2000
This fix addresses a timeout issue when editing a primary contact. Previously, when you made a change to the primary member on a household or group record, the process sometimes timed out. 1076881
All assemblies
188085 2000
We resolved an issue with external links in emails sent prior to BBIS SP17. Previously, when you clicked a link to a non-BBIS page in an email that was sent prior to upgrading to BBIS SP17, you were redirected to the BBIS Home page. Now, with this fix, external links are no longer being redirected. 1076636
All assemblies
187811 1809
We resolved an issue with the BBIS Email Honeycomb Report. Previously, the Open Rate on the Honeycomb Report was showing an unusually low number of opened emails; in some cases, it was showing less than 1%. Now, with this fix, the Open Rate is displaying the correct count of opened emails. 1076635
All assemblies
187753 1809
This fix addresses an issue with the Members tab on constituent records when you used Blackbaud CRM Service Pack 17 or higher. Previously, users without administrative rights were unable to see this tab. With this fix, all users with rights to "Group Members Query" can see this tab. 1075188
All assemblies
This addresses an issue with Revenue Update Batch. Previously, if a user added a one time gift to a constituent record, added multiple pledges with a one time installment, created a Revenue Update Batch to switch the first gift to the first pledge and also to switch the one time installment to the second pledge, and committed the batch, then the resulting revenue record only showed a single payment to one of the pledges. Now, an error message appears to warn users before they commit the batch. The error message indicates: Multiple batch rows are not allowed for single revenue record, remove the duplicate row from the batch. 1075126
All assemblies
187860 3601
New Feature: To help you narrow down what you want to delete, you can now select specific attribute values to delete in the Delete a Constituent Attribute global change. Previously, the global change deleted all the attribute values. 1073278
All assemblies
New Feature: To help you save time and minimize errors, you can now generate a Constituent Update Batch from the Constituents page. These batches are similar to the Constituent Update Batches available under Administration, but they allow you to use a selection of constituents to update. This can be helpful, for example, if you need to add or update constituents following an event or other situations where you have a known list of constituents you need to update. 1073271
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with revenue categories on pledges. Previously, the "Revenue Category" section on pledges could appear blank on the "Revenue Details" tab of a record. 1072097
All assemblies
187737 1901
This fix addresses an issue in export definitions. Previously, when you unchecked the checkbox "Allow definition to be used by other areas of the application" and then saved the definition, the setting was not saved. If you opened the export definition again, you would see that the checkbox was still checked. This checkbox is in the "Set save options" tab of export definitions. 1071540
All assemblies
187713 2000
New Feature: With Award Management, you can keep track of student awards. Award Management now has a one-way integration with Blackbaud CRM, so you can see student awards that have been granted and accepted for constituents in your Blackbaud CRM database. Before you can integrate Award Management with Blackbaud CRM, you must configure the connection under Administration, Award Management configuration. Once you configure your integration, you can add a business process to run regularly to update your Award Management information in your Blackbaud CRM database. You can run the process manually or schedule it to run periodically to keep your database up to date. The Award Management information appears on the constituent record, under Funds received. 1071516
All assemblies
This fixes an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, an error occurred when a user attempted to start an Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) refresh for the data warehouse with the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube enabled. A message indicated the attribute key couldn't be found when processing the MKTSEGMENTATION table. This is fixed. The ETL refresh can run successfully as expected. 1071479
All assemblies
187710 3701
This fix addresses an issue with posting of gifts. Previously, when you tried to post gifts with a date in a closed period, you received an error indicating that the post date had to be in an open period. 1070197
All assemblies
187746 2000
This fix addresses an issue with scheduled imports. Previously, scheduled imports sometimes did not respect site security. 1069485
All assemblies
187615 2207
This fix addresses an issue with Constituent Address Update Batch. Previously, the "Information source comments" field was missing, so you could not add these comments. With this fix, the field is available and you are able to add comments. 1068038
All assemblies
This fix addresses an error that could occur when you tried to upgrade to Service Pack 17, Hotfix 3 of Blackbaud CRM. Previously, when you attempted this upgrade, some users received a service revision error. 1067443
All assemblies
121613 1723
This fix addresses an issue with living trust planned gifts. Previously, when you entered an addition to a planned gift with a living trust vehicle, the gift vehicle was not updated for the addition. 1065292
All assemblies
121608 1901
This fix addresses an issue with recognition credits when using multicurrency. Previously, when you edited the exchange or spot rate on a pledge payment, the recognition credit value was not updated. 1063761
All assemblies
121540 2110
This fix addresses an issue with revenue batches. Previously, if you overrode a business unit in a batch and then confirmed it in the 'Apply to commitments' screen, the business unit was no longer overridden. 1062623
All assemblies
121465 2309
This fix addresses an issue when searching for an appeal on a pledge record. Previously, when you searched for an appeal on a pledge record sometimes did not return the expected results. With this fix, the search returns the correct results. 1061028
All assemblies
121409 1901
This fix addresses an issue with source codes on marketing efforts. Previously, when you created a marketing effort from a communication template that included a source code layout, the user-defined codes used in the layout would be duplicated. This resulted in an error when performing a marketing effort segment calculation. 1059713
All assemblies
121360 1901
This fixes an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the following system defined constituencies were omitted from the DIM_CONSTITUENCY table: Committee member, Vendor, Bank, and Matching Gift Organization. This is fixed; the four missing constituencies are now included in the table. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh; reset ETL (Extract, Transform and Load process). 1058465
All assemblies
121318 3601
This fix addresses an issue with posting to the General Ledger. Previously, when a non-admin user tried to post to the General Ledger, they could receive an error. This happened when they tried to post using the Sage Peachtree or Intuit QuickBooks (IIF) post formats. 1055371
All assemblies
104539 2501
We resolved an issue where acknowledgement emails for the Mini Donation Form were not being sent when the email included images. Previously, when the acknowledgement email included an image, an error occurred and the email wasn't sent. Now, with this fix, acknowledgement emails with images are sent successfully for the Mini Donation Form. 1054987
All assemblies
188891 1901
We have improved the performance of the "Pledge Installment Projection" and the "Pledge Status and Analysis" reports. Previously, these reports could time out when you tried to run them. 1054744
All assemblies
111696 1721
We resolved several accessibility issues on the Donation Form (direct payment) part. Previously, the Donation Form part was not fully compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for people with disabilities. Now, with this fix, the accessibility issues have been resolved and the Donation Form part meets the WCAG level AA compliance criteria. 1054093
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue in the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the table REVENUESPLITOTHER was not appearing in the warehouse. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1049226
All assemblies
120988 2204
This fix addresses an issue when adding matching gift claims for split gifts in Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you added a payment for a matching gift claim on a split gift in an Enhanced Revenue Batch, recognition credits could be incorrectly duplicated or triplicated. 1047707
All assemblies
119507 1721
This fix addresses a site security issue with the Miscellaneous Payments Report. Previously, the treasury report 'Miscellaneous Payments Report' could include results that a user did not have site security rights to see. With this fix, the results included in the report respect site security for the user running the report. 1047706
All assemblies
113457 1720
This fix addresses a site security issue with the Duplicate Constituent Report. Previously, when users ran the Duplicate Constituent Report, they could see results included in the report that they did not have site security rights to see. With this fix, the results in the report respect site security settings for the user running the report. 1047705
All assemblies
116589 1720
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate solicit codes when using a Enhanced Revenue Batch. Previously, when you used a Enhanced Revenue Batch and the "Constituent Updates" import setting was set to require a manual review of name, address, email, or phone number, the batch could create duplicate solicit codes. With this fix, solicit codes are not duplicated when you run the batch. 1047699
All assemblies
119600 1720
This fix addresses an issue with duplicate solicit codes when using a Constituent Update Batch. Previously, when you used a Constituent Update Batch and the "Constituent Updates" import setting was set to require a manual review of either name or address, the batch could create duplicate solicit codes. With this fix, solicit codes are not duplicated when you run the batch. 1047694
All assemblies
118439 1720
We resolved an issue where you could not cut or insert any part on a BBIS page containing a Communication Preferences form where the consent solicit code was required. Now, with this fix, you can cut or insert parts on these pages as expected. 1047114
All assemblies
120902 1901
New Feature: To enable the BBIS Event Batch Control report to provide applicable information for finance reconciliation and other processes, we've updated the report to include more details. Previously, when you created the Event Batch Control report after committing an event registration transaction batch, the only information displayed in was the registrant name. Now, the report includes the batch summary details, and records containing information about registrants and registered events are displayed. 1046547
All assemblies
This fixes an error with non-marketing export definitions. Previously, if an admin users attempted to create a Constituent Export Definition, selected the Use Short Column Headers option, saved the definition, and then edited it (to add and remove some fields), then the Column Order tab showed some of those fields in a order that differed from the order designated when the user edited the definition. Users then had to reorder the columns before using the file for communications such as a mail merge template for acknowledgements. This is fixed; the column order for export definitions now remains in the order the user intended based on its creation or most recent edit. 1045796
All assemblies
156048 3601
This fix addresses an issue that could sometimes occur when trying to merge two constituents. Previously, when you attempted to merge two constituents, you could sometimes receive an error, even when there was not an error. 1045228
All assemblies
103115 1901
This fix addresses an issue with site security in queries. Previously, users could sometimes see revenue information in certain query views even when they did not have site security rights to that revenue information. 1045177
All assemblies
66518 1721
This fix addresses a site security issue with grant programs. In versions 3.0 and 4.0 of Blackbaud CRM, when users searched for grant programs, they could see results for grant programs that they did not have site security rights to access. With this fix, searching for grant programs respects site security settings. 1043741
All assemblies
114194 1720
This fix addresses an issue with gift fee refunds. Previously, when you edited a posted payment and changed the designation, the gift fee was not refunded. Now, the gift fee is refunded and applied to the new designation. 1042243
All assemblies
120748 1901
Technical Change: Following National Cyber Security Centre advice, HMRC in the United Kingdom has recommended that vendors move to TLS version 1.2. Previously, the Document Submission Protocol optionally supported MD5 hashing of passwords in client software. To align with established best practices, this approach is being deprecated and will no longer be accepted after April 20th, 2019. When generating the request to transmit submission to HMRC, the entire request will now be encrypted with TLS 1.2. For more information see the guidance from the National Cyber Security Centre at 1040238
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with custom tabs and datalists on constituent records. Previously, custom tabs and datalists did not appear correctly after you installed Service Pack 17. 1036959
All assemblies
120608 1719
This fix address performance issues related to write-offs of General Ledger distributions. 1036871
All assemblies
187662 1804
This fix addresses an issue when attempting to run a credit card process. Previously, you could sometimes receive an error when you attempted to run the process, even though there was not an error on your end. 1036838
All assemblies
120607 2110
This fix addresses an issue when processing payments with a Bluefin device. Previously, when you swiped a card on a Bluefin device, you could receive an error indicating that the device could not read the card information. This could happen when you used a batch to process the transaction in Blackbaud CRM. With this fix, the card is read correctly. 1033065
All assemblies
120797 1719
This fix addresses an issue that could cause Blackbaud Internet Solutions records not to link to the corresponding Blackbaud CRM records. Previously, when a constituent signed up through Blackbaud Internet Solutions, sometimes their record was not properly linked to Blackbaud CRM. 1032945
All assemblies
120799 1719
This fix addresses an issue that occurred when deleting a Search List Replacement from Constituent Search. Previously, when you deleted a Search List Replacement, the process deleted all existing Search List Replacements. Now, it only deletes the Search List Replacement you intended to delete. 1031942
All assemblies
120421 1901
This fixes an issue for user-defined data lists. When users attempt to workaround not having Between as Filter for Date Fields, they might use multiple instances of a date field (with different names) and used it with varying visibility or filter settings. Previously, an error caused all instances of the date field to be handled as if they had the same settings. This is fixed; settings and visibility for each instance of the date field are handled based on their individual settings in user-defined data lists. 1030597
All assemblies
120366 3501
New Feature: To enable administrators to limit the number of registrations per ticket option for an event, you can now configure per pricing option limits. When you edit an event, under Event price options, there's a new Max units setting. Use this setting to select the maximum number of tickets for the event option. For example, if you set the Max units to 4, registrants cannot register more than four people for that event option. A message displays if there is a maximum ticket limit when registrants add attendees for an event. You can use the Language tab to customize text that displays on the form. For example, you can modify the text for the Maximum registrants per pricing option item to customize the message displayed for the per pricing option limit for a ticket type. 1029671
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with installment credit card payments. Previously, batch processing of credit card payments could be declined even after an initial charge was successful and even though the credit card was still valid. 1029306
All assemblies
120330 2000
New Feature: To enable you to remove unengaged users from emails sent through BBIS, we've made an enhancement to the email settings. On the Schedules tab in Administration > Sites & settings, we've added Inactive email recipient list refresh settings that enable administrators to set the frequency that the business process will run to remove email addresses that have been inactive for the specified number of months. In Email > Inactive recipients, you can see a list of email addresses for inactive recipients, based on the criteria specified in the Inactive email recipient list refresh settings in Administration > Sites & settings. The value displayed in Inactive from month(s) defaults to the value specified in Administration > Sites & settings, but you can modify it to change the filter criteria. The Date of last open and Date of last click for each email address is also displayed. When you create a new message in Email > Messages or a template in Email > Templates, you can select the Exclude inactive recipients option and specify the number of months (Inactive from month(s)) that recipients have been inactive. The value displayed in Inactive from month(s) defaults to the value specified in Administration > Sites & settings, but you can modify it. When you select Send Final, the email will not be sent to the inactive recipients that meet the specified criteria. 1028815
All assemblies
New Feature: In our ongoing effort to ensure BBIS commonly-used parts meet accessibility standards, we're pleased to announce that Donation and Membership forms using the Payment 2.0 part now meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 level AA compliance guidelines. 1028812
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with social media fields in ad-hoc queries. Previously, some fields on the Social Media Accounts node would not appear when creating a constituent ad-hoc query. 1028763
All assemblies
120312 2000
New Feature: In our ongoing effort to ensure commonly-used parts meet accessibility standards, we're pleased to announce that the Donation Form - Mini part now meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 level AA compliance guidelines. 1028755
All assemblies
New Feature: The Donation Form - Mini part is no longer in beta status. We've removed "Beta" from the part name to reflect this. 1028754
All assemblies
Previously, when the CRM\BBIS database was reaching the DB Connection limits (250+), it caused multiple issues with BBIS, including users being directed to maintenance sites due to not being able to pull new connections. Now, with this fix, DB Connections are being released as expected and sites are no longer being impacted. 1027280
All assemblies
120783 1719
This fix addresses an issue that prevented the Constituent Update Batch from committing. Now, when constituent records are created via a BBIS acquisition form and they are matched to existing CRM constituents who already have a Blackbaud Internet Solutions link, the Constituent Update Batch template will be successfully committed. The exception "This constituent is already linked to an existing Blackbaud Internet Solutions member" no longer prevents the batch from being committed when the user selects Validate. 1026565
All assemblies
120247 2000
This fix addresses an issue with pledges. Previously, the "Associated Revenue" tab for Opportunities could double count line items on pledges. This happened when you added an opportunity and then changed the designation on a pledge record that had been posted. 1024944
All assemblies
120201 2000
This fix addresses an issue with site security when scheduling exports. Previously, when a user scheduled an export and the user was restricted to a specific site, the resulting export could include records from sites that the user did not have rights to. With this fix, the export limits the results to records that the user has rights to view. 1023983
All assemblies
111036 1721
Previously, the ETL Refresh Process would fail after deploying the data warehouse. With this fix, the ETL Refresh Process is now successful. 1021135
All assemblies
119996 1615
This fix addresses a site security issue with the Appeal Package Performance Report. Previously, when users ran this report, they could see appeals from sites they did not have site security rights to see. 1021113
All assemblies
111423 1720
We resolved an issue where you could not leave the Country/State field blank on the Profile Update form. Previously, when a BBIS page contained a Profile Update form where the Country/State field for the Primary Address was not required, you didn’t have the option to leave the Country/State field blank. Now, with this fix, you can leave the Country/State field blank. 1020685
All assemblies
188849 1901
New Feature: When you globally write off pledges, you now have the option to reduce recognition credits. Previously, you could only reduce recognition credits when you manually wrote off a pledge. The "Add a pledge write-off process" global change now includes a "Recognition credits" section, similar to the one found on the one-off write-off form. There, you can choose whether to reduce recognition credits and how. To access the global change, from Administration, select Global changes. 1017950
All assemblies
We resolved an issue with expired sponsorships in a Payment 2.0 cart. Previously, if you clicked the Remove link for a sponsorship that had expired in a Payment 2.0 cart, the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" would occur. Now, with this fix, an error no longer occurs when removing an expired sponsorship from the cart. 1017261
All assemblies
119977 1804
This fix addresses an issue with start dates for organization relationships. Previously, you were not able to enter a future start date for an organization relationship. 1016890
All assemblies
119942 2000
This fix addresses an issue with the "Constituent Revenue Application Amount" smart field. Previously, the amount could be incorrect if a constituent had a dissolved household on their record. 1016697
All assemblies
110145 2204
New Feature: The "Add Constituent Attribute" global change now includes a start date. 1015283
All assemblies
This fix addresses an issue with membership benefits. Previously, if you entered a benefit amount that was greater than the revenue amount for a free membership, you received an error. With this fix, you can edit the benefit amount in the Edit Payment Form to be greater than the revenue amount for the membership. 1014968
All assemblies
119847 2000
We resolved an issue where an error occurred while attempting to load the uncommitted batches data list on the Web Transactions page. Now, with this fix, an error no longer occurs and the uncommitted batches data list is loaded successfully. 1014352
All assemblies
119838 1901
This fix addresses an issue with the Blackbaud Data Warehouse. Previously, the PastDueAmount field in BBDW.FACT_FINANCIALTRANSACTION would not populate after a refresh. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1013566
All assemblies
118780 1804
We resolved an issue with the Event Registration Form 2.0. Previously, if you registered for an event in BBIS and left the address information blank, the blank values overwrote existing constituent address information for the matched constituent when processing BBIS Event Registration Transactions. Now, with this fix, blank address values no longer overwrite existing constituent address information for the matched constituent. 1012280
All assemblies
119740 1901
We resolved an issue where emails sent from marketing efforts to a large number of constituents were not successfully processed and the emails were not being sent. With this fix, the email process is now successfully completing and emails are being sent to the constituents. 1003379
All assemblies
All assemblies
119806 1615
We resolved an issue with the Transaction Manager page. Previously, when viewing the Account Management page, recognition credit from spouse revenue was not displaying in the Transaction Manager. Now with this fix, recognition credit from spouse displays as expected. 1002767
All assemblies
119494 1804
This fix addresses an issue with designations in matching gift claims. Previously, you were not able to add duplicate designations on a matching gift claim. With this fix, you are able to add duplicate designations as long as they each have a different application type. 1002541
All assemblies
119479 2000
We resolved an issue where an error occurred when attempting to save changes in Administration > Sites & Settings. Previously, the "reCaptcha: Invalid public key" error occurred when you attempted to save Sites & Settings changes, and the changes were not saved. Now, the error no longer occurs and you are able to successfully save your changes. 1002243
All assemblies
All assemblies
105612 1615
This fix addresses an issue that happened when you deployed the Blackbaud Data Warehouse after Service Pack 16. Previously, when you deployed the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and you had an existing warehouse configuration, you could receive an error. This happened if you were running SQL Server 2012. To take advantage of this fix, you must redeploy the Blackbaud Data Warehouse and complete an incremental refresh. 1000525
All assemblies
119420 2000
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Assemblies affected in CRM 4.0 prior to Service Pack 39
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