Blackbaud AppFx Web Service (AppFxWebService.asmx)
This is the main API used by our client browser, the shell. In other words, the shell is the primary user interface for an Infinity-based application.
The AppFxWebService.asmx exposes every application feature including data lists, data forms, query, batch, security, and more. The AppFxWebService.asmx is a general purpose API that does not know anything about specific catalog specs/features. For example, you won't find an AddPhone web method. Instead there is the DataFormSave method that takes an ID of a catalog item. So to save a phone number, you call DataFormSave and one of the parameters is the ID of the AddPhoneForm catalog item. Infinity applications are N-Tiered, which means the code that makes up the application is split into separate layers.
Note: AppFxWebService is the base Web API for Infinity. The SDK also includes .NET assemblies which wrap the AppFxWebService.asmx.
Pros of the AppFxWebService
Lower level
General purpose/access any Infinity feature
Can be accessed by all types of clients including non-Windows-based clients
Cons of the AppFxWebService
Lower level
Loosely typed nature makes it cumbersome to use
Not focused on individual, specific features
Note: For more details and examples that use Blackbaud AppFx Web Service, see AppFxWebService.asmx API.
For more background information about Infinity Web APIs, see:
Introduction to the Infinity Web Service APIs
Or a for a more in depth discussion, see: