Previous: Code the CLR Class
Step 1 - Add a StoredProcedureSpec to the catalog project and provide the following code
In this stored procedure, we accept in an a string representing an XML document of the time zone data to process. We place the XML into a table variable named @TIMEZONEXMLTABLE and use the data within a T-SQL MERGE statement whereby we UPDATE a row when the incoming ADDRESSCOORDINATESID value matches or INSERT a row when no match occurs. Place a summary of actions into a table variable named @SummaryOfChanges. Provide a count of the inserts and updates back to the client (CLR code).
Step 2 - Load the SQLStoredProcedureSpec
Review the completed SQLStoredProcedureSpec below and load into the database via LoadSpec.
Completed SQLStoredProcedureSpec
<SQLStoredProcedureSpec xmlns="bb_appfx_sqlstoredprocedure" xmlns:common="bb_appfx_commontypes" ID="2025946f-bdd6-4542-908e-3846333e37e2" Name="USR_USP_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE_GCPROCESS_UPDATE" Description="Updates the USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE with time zone data. Supports the Address Coordinate TimeZone Global Change (Custom) Global Change with GC System Record ID: 49b9fc8c-ef4c-4a07-b13b-2ff47a2c191d" Author="Technical Training" SPName="USR_USP_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE_GCPROCESS_UPDATE" > <CreateProcedureSQL>
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[USR_USP_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE_GCPROCESS_UPDATE] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @doc nvarchar(max) = '<ROOT></ROOT>' , @CHANGEAGENTID uniqueidentifier = NULL AS DECLARE @idoc int BEGIN -- ============================================= -- Author: Technical Training -- Create date: 11/27/2012 -- Description: Updates the USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE with time zone data. -- Supports the "Address Coordinate TimeZone Global Change (Custom)" Global Change -- with GC System Record ID: 49b9fc8c-ef4c-4a07-b13b-2ff47a2c191d -- ============================================= ----example input into sp -- DECLARE @doc nvarchar(max) --Select @doc =' --<ROOT> --<TimeZoneResponse ADDRESSCOORDINATESID="AEC02AB8-430B-48B8-A32C-348F98C04C2B" StatusCode="1" StatusDesc="The request was successful." TimeZoneEntryID="B6CE5E5E-236F-437E-9A42-DFDB945B5286"/> --<TimeZoneResponse ADDRESSCOORDINATESID="E457774D-97E4-4F0C-A35B-5020347C2EAD" StatusCode="1" StatusDesc="The request was successful." TimeZoneEntryID="B6CE5E5E-236F-437E-9A42-DFDB945B5286"/> --<TimeZoneResponse ADDRESSCOORDINATESID="41BDE2D6-C9F7-4AB6-86DC-129A01F98920" StatusCode="1" StatusDesc="The request was successful." TimeZoneEntryID="B6CE5E5E-236F-437E-9A42-DFDB945B5286"/> --<TimeZoneResponse ADDRESSCOORDINATESID="B9E1C919-811E-4B88-A39E-D8203FF08BAD" StatusCode="1" StatusDesc="The request was successful." TimeZoneEntryID="B6CE5E5E-236F-437E-9A42-DFDB945B5286"/> --</ROOT>' --EXEC USR_USP_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE_GCPROCESS_UPDATE @doc, 'E3DBB14E-3A5E-4FBF-8575-E1CAB08A11FB' -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; if @CHANGEAGENTID IS NULL exec dbo.USP_CHANGEAGENT_GETORCREATECHANGEAGENT @CHANGEAGENTID output; -- Insert statements for procedure here EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc -- Create a temporary table variable to hold the output actions. -- Track the number of inserts and updates performed by the MERGE T-SQL Statement -- DECLARE @SummaryOfChanges TABLE(Change VARCHAR(20)); DECLARE @TIMEZONEXMLTABLE TABLE(ADDRESSCOORDINATESID uniqueidentifier , StatusCode tinyint , StatusDesc nvarchar(300) , TimeZoneEntryID uniqueidentifier); -- Select the records from the xml doc and either update matching records within the -- USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE table or insert as new rows. INSERT INTO @TIMEZONEXMLTABLE (ADDRESSCOORDINATESID, StatusCode, StatusDesc, TimeZoneEntryID) SELECT ADDRESSCOORDINATESID, StatusCode, StatusDesc, TimeZoneEntryID FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/ROOT/TimeZoneResponse',1) WITH (ADDRESSCOORDINATESID uniqueidentifier , StatusCode tinyint , StatusDesc nvarchar(300) , TimeZoneEntryID uniqueidentifier) MERGE dbo.USR_ADDRESSCOORDINATETIMEZONE AS target USING ( SELECT ADDRESSCOORDINATESID, StatusCode, StatusDesc, TimeZoneEntryID FROM @TIMEZONEXMLTABLE ) as source (ADDRESSCOORDINATESID, StatusCode, StatusDesc, TimeZoneEntryID) ON (target.ID = source.ADDRESSCOORDINATESID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET target.TIMEZONEENTRYID = CASE WHEN source.TimeZoneEntryID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' THEN NULL ELSE source.TimeZoneEntryID END , target.RESPONSESTATUSCODE = source.StatusCode, target.RESPONSESTATUSDESC = source.StatusDesc, target.CHANGEDBYID = @CHANGEAGENTID, target.DATECHANGED = GETDATE() WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (ID, TIMEZONEENTRYID, RESPONSESTATUSCODE, RESPONSESTATUSDESC, ADDEDBYID, CHANGEDBYID, DATEADDED, DATECHANGED) VALUES (source.ADDRESSCOORDINATESID, CASE WHEN source.TimeZoneEntryID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' THEN NULL ELSE source.TimeZoneEntryID END , source.StatusCode, source.StatusDesc, @CHANGEAGENTID , @CHANGEAGENTID , GETDATE(), GETDATE()) OUTPUT $action INTO @SummaryOfChanges; EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc -- Query the results of the table variable. SELECT Change, COUNT(*) AS CountPerChange FROM @SummaryOfChanges GROUP BY Change; END
</CreateProcedureSQL> </SQLStoredProcedureSpec>
Next: Grant Permissions