
LoadSpec Arguments




Compare the XML of the spec to load to XML for an existing version even if the spec does not show as changed.


Indicates a custom connection string.

/CON="Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase; Uid=sa; Pwd=MyPassword"

Enclose the connection string in quotes. The /S and /DB arguments will be ignored.


/DB= followed by your database name. For example /DB=Shelby.

If not specified, the database name defaults to "BBINFINITY."


Launch and attach a debugger.


Reload the spec regardless of whether the current version has changed.

/G or /GS

Specify /G or /GS to load all spec files in the directory of /SPEC. /GS is to include all subdirectories.


Do not process dependencies.


/S= followed by your SQL Server name. For example /S=MJHFX99\MSSQLSERVER2008R.

If not specified, server name defaults to "(LOCAL)."


/SPEC=$(ItemPath), which indicates the in the path for the files in the active window in Visual Studio.

If not specified, deploy directory defaults to 'C:\Infinity\Proto\WebService\Blackbaud.REEnterprise.Server\deploy\bin\'


Specify /TIMEOUT=<seconds> to use a timeout different than the default. The default is 5 seconds.


Unload the given spec.


Show detailed error messages.


If an error occurs, wait for user input before exiting.