Add Attribute Categories

To help better manage the attributes your organization uses, you can add attribute categories. You can use these categories to store information. For example, to track seating preferences for an event, you can create a Seating Preference attribute category so users know where to find this information on constituent records.

You can assign attributes to a category and then assign the category to a group. For example, you can create a Hobbies attribute category and assign the category to constituent records. The next time you open a constituent record and want to record the fact that this constituent’s favorite hobby is golf, “Hobbies” appears as an option in the Category field of the constituent attribute screen accessed from the Attributes tab. Under Code tables in Administration, you can also create an attribute group called Outside Interests. In this group, you might have categories for hobbies and for arts.

Tip: When you add an attribute category, if you choose to add a new code table at the same time, the code table does not come pre-set up with user permissions to edit the code table later. Any time you create a new code table for an attribute category, if you anticipate that you may need to add, edit,or delete code table values later, we recommend you set up the user permissions immediately after the add an attribute category is complete. To set the user permissions, from Administration, under Data, click Code tables. Open the code table you just created and grant permission to edit to code table to the appropriate system role(s).

Add an Attribute Category

Data Types



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