The Academic Catalog is used to track more detailed information about the academics of the affiliated educational institutions, such as the different programs and degrees offered. The Academic Catalog is a hierarchical view of the programs and degrees. The structure maps to the categories and counts on the VSE survey and report.
For more information about educational institutions, see Educational Institutions.
There are up to seven levels in the Academic Catalog. VSE reporting relies on the top level in the Academic Catalog hierarchy. The top level is a Program. After Program, the levels are Degree, College, Division, Department, Sub department, and Degree type. Division and Sub department are optional.
Your organization may have a Academic Catalog hierarchy such as: Undergraduate (Program), Bachelor of Science (Degree), School of Math and Science (College), Mathematics (Division), Department of Math and Computer Science (Department), Calculous and Trigonometry (Sub-department) and BS in Math or Minor in Middle School Mathematics(Degree type).
You can use the Academic Catalog to show current and historical views of how your institution is arranged. This allows you to track the specific degree and program information for alumni based on when they attended your institution. For example, the School of Business may be renamed in honor of an important alumni or donor. An asterisk next to an item in the Academic Catalog indicates there is historical information for that item.