
Queues are used to set up a series of processes to run automatically and unattended. You can set up and run queues when you have large amounts of data to query, export, commit, import, or send as email. Because you create queues to work with large amounts of data, you can schedule the queue to run during a break in the day or when all your volunteers and employees have left for the day. For your convenience, you can create the queue and schedule a specific date and time to run it. You can also generate Windows Scripting files for use in scripts or with other task automation software.

A typical workflow could include setting up individual processes to refresh your segments and your mailings. These processes can then be implemented as a queue so that the segments are refreshed, then the mailings that use the segments are refreshed. The system administrator builds the processes and updates the system to make them available. If you choose to perform a time and resource intensive process, you may want to run the process when your office is closed for the day. With Queue, you can add all the necessary processes into a single queue, in a logical order of progression, and run them at off-peak dates and times.

Access Queue

The Queue Page

View a Queue Process Status Page

Automatically Download and Process Web Transactions

Assign Permissions for a Queue Process



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