If a user account password becomes compromised, you can reset the password. When you reset a password, you change the user’s existing password to a new temporary password. You can then provide the user with the temporary password and instruct them use it to log in and immediately change the password to a secure one.
Note that all user passwords are case sensitive and must meet the following complexity requirements:
A password cannot be the same or overly similar to a previously used password.
Passwords must be at least eight characters in length.
Passwords must contain at least three of the following four character types: uppercase letters (ABC), lowercase letters (abc), numbers (123), or symbol characters (!@#).
From Administration, under Configuration, click Organizational unit. The Domain Users page appears.
Under Users, select and expand the user with the password to reset and click Reset password. The Reset password screen appears.
Enter and confirm the new password. All user passwords must meet the password complexity requirements.
Click Save. You return to the Domain Users page.
Provide the user with the temporary password and instruct them to log in with it and immediately change the temporary password to a secure password only they know.