Add Constituent Attribute Screen

Screen Item



Select the type of attribute to assign to the constituent, such as Office hours, Dietary preference, or Responsibilities.

When you edit a constituent attribute, you cannot edit this field.


Enter or select a value for the attribute category. For example, for a category of Dietary preference, enter “Vegetarian” or “Lactose intolerant”.

Your organization defines attribute categories and their values in Administration. Depending on the configuration, this field may provide a drop-down menu; accept free-form text, a number, or date; and so on. For information about how to manage attribute categories and values, see the Administration Guide.

Start date and End date

If the attribute or attribute value applies to the constituent for a finite duration, enter the start and end dates of the duration.


Enter any additional information to record about the value.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Constituent Attributes > Add Attributes to a Constituent > Add Constituent Attribute Screen