Add Educational Involvement Screen

Screen Item



Select the type of educational involvement the individual participated in, such as Athletics Program or Study Abroad Program.


Select the name of the involvement.

Start date and End date

Select the start and end dates the individual’s participation with the involvement.

Educational institution

Select the educational institution where the involvement occurs.

Program, College/School, Department, Division, Sub department

If the educational institution you selected is affiliated with your organization, you can select program, college or school, division, department, and sub department information to associate with the involvement. For example, you may track the program, school, and department for an alumni’s internship. The program, college, and department are based on what your organization has set up in the Educational Catalog in Administration.

If the educational institution is not affiliated with your organization, you can enter or select whichever program, college/school, and department information is applicable.


Enter the position held.


Select any award, special recognition, or achievement the individual receives with the involvement.


Enter any additional information about the involvement.