Details Tab

The table below explains the items on the Details tab of the Add a household screen.

Screen Item


Use standard Household name

To use the default name format for households to name the household, select this option.

Custom name

To use a custom name for the household, select this option and enter the name exactly as it should appear throughout the program such as on pages and reports.


Enter a description to help identify the household.

Household gives anonymously

If the household requests to donate anonymously, select this checkbox.

Address type

Select the type of address to use as the primary contact for the household.

When you add a new household, you can add only the primary address information. On the constituent record, you can add additional addresses on the Contact tab.


Select the country of the household’s primary address.


Enter the primary street address or post office box for the household.


Enter the city or town for the household’s primary address.


Enter the Zip code for the household’s primary address.

Do not send mail to this address

If the household requests that you not send mail to the primary address, select this checkbox.


If you select Do not send mail to this address, select why the household requests to not receive mail at the primary address.

Phone type

Select the type of phone number to use as the primary contact for the household, such as Home or Business.

When you add a new household, you can add only the primary phone number information. On the constituent record, you can add additional phone numbers on the Contact tab.

Phone number

Enter the primary phone number for the household.

If phone formatting is enabled, the program applies the phone format associated with the selected country. For information about how to assign a phone format to a country, see the Manage Countries section of the help file.

If phone formatting is disabled, you can manually enter the phone number as it should appear.

Do not call this phone number

If the household requests that you not call the number, select this checkbox.


If you select Do not call this phone number, this field is enabled. Select why the household requests to not receive calls at the number, such as “Donor preference.” If a phone number is no longer valid and you enter a end date for it, you may also set the number to “Do not call” with a reason of “No longer in service.”

Email type

Select the type of email address to use as the primary contact for the household, such as Personal or Business.

When you add a new household, you can add only the primary email address information. On the constituent record, you can add additional email addresses on the Contact tab.

Email address

Enter the primary email address for the household. On the constituent record, the primary email address becomes a link that you can click to quickly send an email to the individual.

Do not send email to this address

If the household requests that you send email to this email address, select this checkbox.


If the household has a website, enter the web address. On the constituent record, the web address appears as a link to the website.

Information source

Select the information source for the contact information, such as Family member.

Sourceshelp you track additional information about the reasons for new or changed contact information. The information source appears next to the new or updated contact information on the Contact tab of the constituent.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Constituent Groups and Households > Add Households > Add a Household Screen > Details Tab