On the Contact tab of a constituent record, you can add phone numbers for the constituent. You can designate one number as the primary phone number. You can also select whether to use the number to contact the constituent.
You can also enter times to indicate the constituent’s calling preferences for the phone number, such as “call after 9:00 a.m.” If you add or make changes to a number, you can select a source for the phone information and enter any comments. For example, if the spouse of a constituent lets you know about a change of phone number, you can make the changes and select “Family Member” for the information source.
You can enter start and end dates for phone numbers to indicate whether or not the number is still in use. If a number is no longer valid, you can enter an end date and select Do not call this phone number. You can also select a reason to explain why the number should not be used, such as “No longer in service.”
When you add a phone number for an individual, you can automatically copy it to the record of an associated constituent household and to all members of the household.