Edit Household Screen

The table below explains the items on the Edit household screen. For information about how to access this screen, see Edit a Constituent Household.

Screen Item


Use standard Household name

To use the default name format for households to name the household, select this option.

Custom name

To use a custom name for the household, select this option and enter the name exactly as it should appear throughout the program such as on pages and reports.


Enter a description to help identify the household.


If the household has a personal website or blog, enter its web address. On the constituent household record, the web address appears as a link to the website.


This field displays an image associated with the household, such as a picture of the household. To add an image for the household, click Choose file. The Open screen appears so you can browse to and select the image file to use.

To remove an image associated with the household, click Clear file.

Household gives anonymously

If the household requests to donate anonymously, select this checkbox.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Constituent Groups and Households > Constituent Household Record > Edit a Constituent Household > Edit Household Screen