On the batch data entry screen, you enter information about each record in a separate row of the batch. From this screen, you can perform various actions associated with Batch entry. The options on the batch data entry screen depend on the selected batch type.
To access the batch data entry screen, in the Uncommitted batches grid, click the double arrows next to a batch to expand its row. On the action bar, click Edit batch.
Tip: A minimized batch data entry screen appears as a link at the bottom right of your browser. To maximize the screen, click the link.
The toolbar and menu bar above the grid on the batch data entry screen contain buttons that represent common tasks related to data entry. For information about the available tasks, see Batch Data Entry Tasks.
To move quickly to the first field of the next batch row, click Ctrl Enter on your keyboard.
On the batch data entry screen, in the data entry grid, you enter information about each record you want to add or update. When you commit the batch, each row of the grid that contains information becomes a record. For more information about the batch data entry grid, see Batch Data Entry Grid.
Note: To support data entry for credit card transactions processed externally, when you enter credit card numbers with four digits or fewer, other credit card information is not required.