Configure Batch Numbering Schemes

On the Batch Numbering Schemes page, you manage the batch numbering schemes used to create batches. Numbering schemes are used to determine how the program generates numbers to identify a batch. Generated numbers can contain a sequence number, the date, and a user-defined label. When you search for a batch at a later time, you can easily use the batch number to identify the one you want.

To access the Batch Numbering Schemes page, click Batch entry in Administration. From the Batch Entry page, click Batch numbering schemes under Configuration.

The Batch numbering schemes grid displays batch numbering schemes in your database. For each numbering scheme, you can view its name and next available batch number.

To update the information that appears in the grid, click Refresh on the action bar.

Tip: After you add a batch numbering scheme, you can edit its name or default settings. You can also select to restart the numbering of the next available batch number to the default sequence start.

Warning: You cannot delete a numbering scheme currently in use by a batch template.

Add Batch Numbering Schemes

Edit a Batch Numbering Scheme

Delete a Batch Numbering Scheme



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Configuration > Configure Batch Numbering Schemes