History Tab

Each time you run an import process, the program generates a status record for the instance. On the History tab, you view historical status record information about each instance of the process. The information in the grid includes the status, process type (Import or Import + Commit), import file name, date and time started, duration, number of records processed, and server name.

When you select an instance, it expands to show additional information such as details about why an import failed. If the import is set to commit batches automatically, this section includes the number of records imported and committed, as well as links to the committed batch and exception batch if exceptions occurred. If the import is not set to commit batches automatically, this section includes a link to the uncommitted batch and displays the scheduled commit date and time. If the process fails, you can click Export to export a copy of the import file to correct errors and then reimport. The View report link appears for batch types with associated validation or control reports. For revenue batch types, a totals section includes the projected vs. imported number of records and total revenue.

To reduce the amount of time it takes to find a process instance, you can filter the records that appear in the grid. For example, you can select to view only status records with a Status of Did not finish.

Depending on your security rights and system role, you can delete a status record from the grid on the History tab.

Delete a Status Record from the History Tab of a Process Status Page



You are here: Overview > Administration > Import > Import Process Page > History Tab