Create Ad-Hoc Queries

When you create an ad-hoc query, you first select the source view to indicate the type of records to include in the query. Next, you select the output fields and filter criteria and specify how to sort and group the data. You can then preview the results and indicate how to save the query. To group a query with other similar queries, you can assign it to a query category. When you view ad-hoc queries, you can use criteria such as type or category to limit how many queries appear.

Ad-hoc queries are available in Query. To access the Query section, from Analysis, click Information library.

Tip: To learn how to create an export definition, you can review the information in this section, as the steps are the same. However, the query filters and results do not apply to export definitions.

Create an Ad-hoc Query

Select the Filters and Output Fields

Set the Sort and Group Options

Preview the Results

Set Query Properties

Query Criteria Operators



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