Import Workflow

The table below explains the items on the Import workflow tab under Set options. Use these options to specify which action to perform after batches are imported.

Screen Item


Do nothing

Select this option to manually validate and commit the batch at a later time. Use this option when records must be reviewed by another user before the batch is committed, or when you need to skip the extra validation process to ensure the batch is committed on time.

Validate new batches but do not commit any records

Select this option to validate the batch and then later commit the batch manually. Use this option when records must be reviewed before the batch is committed and you have time for the extra validation process. For example, you could schedule the validation to run overnight and then manually review and commit the batch in the morning.

Commit batches if they have no batch exceptions

Select this option to validate the batch and then commit it automatically if there are no batch exceptions. Use this option when you need to enter records quickly but you also want to manually review if there are errors in the file. Note: You may receive exceptions during committal for a batch that does not create exceptions during validation.

Commit all valid rows from new batches:

Select this option to validate the batch and then automatically commit each valid row. If a row does not validate, the program adds it to an exception batch which you can review later. Use this option when you need to add data as quickly as possible.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Import > Manage Import Processes > Add an Import Process > Set options > Import Workflow