Prospect Research Request Workflow

  1. Gift officer determines he needs additional research data for a specific prospect

  2. Gift officer uses the Add a Prospect Research Request tool included in Prospects and submits his request for information about the prospect

  3. After submitting, the gift officer tracks the request activity from the Research Requests tab on his fundraiser record. From here, he can also access the research request record, edit or cancel the existing record, and add a new request.

  4. Director of prospect research tracks, prioritizes, assigns, and generally manages prospect research requests from Research Request Management page. For more information, see Manage Submitted Research Requests.

  5. Once the research is complete and ready for the gift officer, the director of prospect research designates it “Complete” from the Research Request Management page. This designation is reflected on the Research Requests tab of the fundraiser who submitted and requested the data.



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