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Wealth and Ratings Management

Wealth information is data used to track your constituent’s estimated wealth. Knowing the types and amount of wealth your constituents possess allows you to better determine cultivation strategies and determine the constituent’s giving potential.

From a prospect’s Wealth and Ratings screen, you can enter a variety of wealth-related information, such as real estate, stock, pension, and salary. If you subscribe to WealthPoint, the wealth screening solution from Target Analytics, you can also import all WealthPoint data obtained by Target Analytics.

Note: The WealthPoint service helps you identify your best major and planned gift constituents, attract and retain wealthy donors, maximize gifts, determine the wealth potential of your entire database, set reasonable campaign goals, and free up staff resources for person-to-person fundraising.

For organizations, groups, and households wealth information is arranged in the Wealth summary grid of the prospect's Wealth and Ratings screen.

For individual prospects wealth information is arranged in a series of tabs that categorize the data collected.

Tip: Before you begin to research a prospect, we recommend you review how we use confidence ratings in ResearchPoint for the WealthPoint data. The higher the number, the greater confidence that the data is a match to your prospect. You can even learn how to adjust the confidence rating settings to meet your organization's needs.