Add New Prospect from Search Results

After you run a Target Analytics search and locate an interesting prospect, you can add the new prospect to ResearchPoint.

Warning: When importing new prospect information that includes Experian data, we add suffixes to ResearchPoint records only if the suffix already exists in the ResearchPoint database, so make sure all suffix code table values are in place in your code tables before you save the record to ResearchPoint, or you can choose an appropriate code table value from your existing options when you confirm the Experian record. If you have rights to add code table values, you can also add values to satisfy any Experian needs.

  1. From the Prospecting Database results grid, in the row of the prospect you want to add, click Screen now. The Add new individual screen appears.

  2. If a spouse or business are associated with the prospect in the search results, you can add them easily to the new record by selecting the spouse and/or business name from the drop down menu in the Select spouse's name and Select a primary business fields. Because Experian can return up to five additional household members, the first person listed may not be the spouse.

    If this information is not included in the search results, but you know the spouse or primary business, click or enter manually. You can then either search your system for the relation or open the add screen and add the relation to your system.

  3. To run a WealthPoint screening on this record when you save, select Screen record on save.

  4. Click the Set Relationships tab to view reciprocating relationships entered for the prospect. You can edit these entries if necessary.

  5. Click Save. The new prospect's wealth and ratings record appears. If you chose to perform a WealthPoint screening, an alert will appear when the screening is complete.



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