Add a constituent group or household relationship for a constituent

1. Open the record of the constituent with the relationship to add. For information about how to open a constituent record, see Constituent Search.
2. Select the Relationships tab, and then click Relationships.
3. Under Relationships, click Add group/household. The Add a relationship screen appears. For information about the items on this screen, see Add a Relationship Screen (Constituent Group or Household Relationship for a Constituent or a Constituent Household).
4. In the Related constituent field, search for and select the group or household to add as a relationship.
5. Under Relationship, select the association the constituent and the group or household have with each other and the start and end dates of the relationship.
6. Under Comments, enter any additional information about the relationship.
7. Click Save. You return to the Relationships tab.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Relationships > Relationships > Add Group or Household Relationships for a Constituent > Add a constituent group or household relationship for a constituent