Add an address

1. Open the record of the constituent with the address to add. For information about how to open a constituent record, see Constituent Search.
2. Select the Contact tab.
3. Under Addresses, click Add. The Add address screen appears. For information about the items on this screen, see Add Address Screen.
4. Select the Address tab.
5. Under Address information, select the type of address to enter, such as Home or Business, and enter the address information.
6. In the Start date field, enter the date the constituent begins use of the address.

Note: If you leave the Start date field blank, the program uses the date you enter the address as the start date and displays the start date in italics on the Contact tab.

7. If the constituent changed to the address from an address on the constituent record, select Recently moved/changed to the above address and, in the Old address field, select the former address. When you save the new address, the program automatically marks the selected old address as a former address.
8. To use the address entered as the primary address for the constituent, select Set as primary address.
9. If the constituent requests that you not send mail to the address, select Do not send mail to this address. In the Reason field, select why the constituent does not want to receive mail at the address.
10. If the constituent has a household relationship, the Copy address to household and members checkbox appears. To copy the address to the record of the constituent household and its members, select this checkbox.
11. If the constituent requested that the address is not to be shared with others outside your organization, select This address is confidential. When you mark an address as confidential, it is not excluded from reports or queries. A lock icon and the word “Confidential” appears with the address on the Contact tab so users know not to share the address information.
12. If the address entered is a seasonal address, under Seasonal information, enter the start and end dates for the time period the constituent uses the address.
13. Under Address source, you can select a source for the address information, as well as enter any comments. For example, if the spouse of a constituent lets you know about a new address, you can add the address and select Family Member for the information source.
14. To enter additional information about the address, select the Details tab.
15. Click Save. You return to the Contact tab. The new address appears.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Contact Information > Add Addresses > Add an address