Add an address attribute

1. Open the record of the constituent with the address to assign an attribute. For information about how to open a constituent record, see Constituent Search.
2. Select the Contact tab.
3. Under Contact information, click the address. The Address page appears.
4. Select the Attributes tab.
5. Under Attributes, click Add. The Add address attribute screen appears.
6. In the Category field, select the type of attribute to assign to the address.
7. In the Value field, enter or select the value of the attribute to assign to the address.
8. If the attribute applies to the address for a finite duration, select the start and end dates of the attribute.
9. Enter any additional information to record about the address attribute.
10. Click Save. You return to the Attributes tab.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Contact Information > Address Attributes and the Address Page > Add an address attribute