Add an individual relationship for an individual constituent

1. Open the record of the individual constituent with the relationship to add. For information about how to open a constituent record, see Constituent Search.
2. Select the Relationships tab, and then click Relationships.
3. Under Relationships, click Add individual. The Add a relationship screen appears. For information about the items on this screen, see Add a Relationship Screen (Individual Relationship for an Individual Constituent).
4. In the Related individual field, search for the individual to add as a relationship. If the individual is not already a constituent in the database, you can add the individual from the search screen.

Note: If you know the individual is not already a constituent,click Addin the Related individual field.

5. Under Relationship, select the association the constituent and the related individual have with each other, the start and end dates of the relationship, and whether the relation is the spouse of the constituent or shares a household with the constituent.

Note: When you select a relationship, your organization’s common reciprocal relationships appear at the top of the list. For example, if you select that the constituent is the Father, the related individual displays Son and Daughter first, since they are the most common reciprocal relationships for Father. However, you can select another relationship type if necessary.

If you select This is the spouse relationship for [Constituent] or These individuals are members of the same household and neither the constituent nor the related individual are members of a household, the Copy [Individual’s] primary contact information checkbox appears. Select whether to copy the constituent’s contact information to the record of the related individual.

6. Under Comments, enter any additional information about the relationship.
7. If the constituent is in a household and the relationship you add is a member of the household, select the Additional relationships tab to specify the relationships between the new household member and the existing members.
8. Click Save. You return to the Relationships tab.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Relationships > Relationships > Add Individual Relationships for an Individual Constituent > Add an individual relationship for an individual constituent