Configure a network directory import source

1. From Administration, click Import. The Import page appears.
2. Under Configuration, click Configure import sources. The Import Sources page appears.
3. Click Add, Network directory. The Add network directory import source screen appears.

Warning: You can configure only one network directory source. Once added, you cannot delete it.

4. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the import source.
5. In the Directory path field, enter the location accessible from the web server where you store import files. For example, enter a location on the web server such as “E:\importfiles,” or enter a Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path to a shared folder such as “\\servername\importfiles.”
6. Under Login credentials, select one of these options:
Use default login — Use the application user's network login.
Use different login — When the directory path maps to a secured location, enter the user name and password required for access.

Note: For security reasons, the program saves the password entered in the Password field in an encrypted field in the database. When you edit the import source, the password is masked.

7. Click Save. You return to the Import Sources page.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Import > Configure Import Sources > Add a network directory import source