Designate an open individual research request as “Complete”

1. From the Prospects page, click My prospect research page. The Research Request Management page appears.
2. Select the Individual Request tab. All open individual requests display in the Open research requests grid.
3. Select the request you want to designate as “Complete.”
4. Click Complete request. The Complete prospect research request screen appears.
5. Record information about how the research was completed:
Total research hours: The total amount of time spent completing the research.
Source column: Where you located the information.
Hours column: How much time you spent with the corresponding Source.
No. uses column: Number of times you used the source for this research project.
Cost column: How much did you spend using the corresponding Source.
6. Click Save. The status changes to “Complete.” In addition, the Research Request tab on the requesting/submitting fundraiser record now displays the request as “Complete.”



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Prospect Research > Prospect Research Request Management > Manage Submitted Research Requests > Open Individual Request > Designate an open individual research request as “Complete”