Edit confidence rating map

1. From the Prospects page, under Configuration, click Edit confidence settings. The Edit confidence settings screen appears.
2. In the Select a source box, select the wealth information source for which you want to edit the confidence ratings.
3. In the Set confidence ratings box, the rating information for the selected source appears. Expand the plus signs next to the ratings number to view the criteria used to qualify for the rating.
4. Select the criteria entry and using the arrow buttons move the criteria to the new rating number. For example, in the default settings, “P06 - Name, Phone number, First/Middle Combination” is included in the “4” rating category. To move this up to the “5” category, select the P06 criteria and click the up arrow key. The criteria is now associated with the “5” rating category for the selected data source.
5. To establish a default rating for all manually entered wealth records, in the Set manually entered records to field, select the rating you want used. Once the rating is established, the application automatically applies this rating to all manually entered wealth records.
6. Click Save to save your changes and return to the data source page.



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Prospect Configuration > Confidence Rating > Confidence Rating Map > Edit confidence rating map