Mark a constituent as deceased

1. Open the record of the individual constituent to mark as deceased. For information about how to open a constituent record, see .
2. On the Personal Info tab, click Mark deceased. The Mark individual deceased screen appears.
3. In the Deceased date field, enter the date the constituent passed away. If you are unsure of the exact date, enter a fuzzy date such as the month and year or year only. If you do not know the date, leave the field blank.
4. In the Confirmation field, select how your organization confirms the constituent passed away, such as a death certificate or relative.
5. In the Source field, select how your organization first learns the constituent passed away, such as an obituary. Your system administrator determines the options for this field.
6. Click Save.



You are here: Overview > Constituent Records > Personal Information > Personal > Mark an Individual Constituent as Deceased > Mark a constituent as deceased