When you search for new prospects, each search result in the gird displays the prospect's full name and age with additional prospect information in tiles. To see all tiles for a search result, click Show more. However, you can customize which tiles display and in what order for the search results. On the right side of the Search page, next to the Sort by field, click the gear icon . If a tile does not display any information, no information was located for that item in the Target Analytics prospecting database.
Biographical information: Date of birth, marital status, and occupation
HH Members: up to 5 household members from Experian with name, date of birth, marital status, and occupation
Addresses: If more than one found, scroll through the results.
Confirmed Wealth: Total confirmed wealth and a value for real estate, businesses, and securities
Giving: Largest gift and giving categories information from NOZA
Warning: A single gift associated with multiple giving categories displays in each category on the prospect's giving record. For example, if Amy Judd donates $10,000 to the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary and the gift is associated with two giving categories - "Religion Related, Spiritual Development" and "Youth Development," the gift displays twice on Amy's giving summary record - once for each category.
Real Estate: Real estate records from CoreLogic. If more than one, scroll through the results.
Businesses: Business ownership association from Dun & Bradstreet. If more than one, scroll through the results.
Securities: Securities records from Thomson Financial. If more than one, scroll through the results.
Demographic Models: Household mosaic, income, and discretionary spending from Experian.
Tip: If a tile contains a link, click the link to view more detailed information. For example, if you click the address link in the Real Estate tile, a Real estate information screen appears with all details of the real estate record from CoreLogic. Use this information to verify this is the prospect you want to add and screen in ResearchPoint.
If you find your prospect in the search results, to add the new prospect to your database, click Screen now. The Add new individual screen appears. On this screen, you'll also have the option to perform a WealthPoint screening when you save the record.
If you do not find your prospect in the search results, at the top of the page click Add a new prospect and screen now. It is possible to find wealth data for a prospect that does not appear in the Target Analytics external prospecting database search. The WealthPoint screening is a comprehensive search of all our data sources. To help find the most data, when you add a new prospect add as much information as you know about him or her. More information helps us match your prospect to records in our database and with greater confidence.