
When you use Blackbaud's authentication service to secure your Blackbaud ID, you sign in with your email address and password. The password must be at least 12 characters and include three of the following:

  • Capital letter

  • Lowercase letter

  • Number

  • Special character, such as !, #, or %

To ensure a strong password:

  • Don't use your email address or easily guessed words.

  • Don't base your password on personal details, such as birth date, phone number, or names of family members.

  • Don't use the same password as your email account or other online accounts.

  • Base your password on a phrase or sentence. Each extra character makes a password harder to hack.

For an extra layer of security, we strongly recommend that you enable Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) (MFA). This is the most effective way to increase security, and Blackbaud enforces MFA on our solutions.