Add a Donor Challenge Screen

For information about how to access this screen, see Add Donor Challenges.

Screen Item


Challenge name

Enter a name for the donor challenge.

Funding source

Select whether the funding source is internal, such as a department or fund within the organization, or external, such as a major donor or corporate sponsor.

External or Internal sponsor

When the funding source is external, search for the constituent.

When the funding source is internal, select the sponsor from the list.

Start date and End date

Enter start and end dates for the donor challenge. Donor challenges cannot be open-ended; you must specify start and end dates.

Pay pledges within

Enter a time frame when pledges must be paid. Pledges with schedules outside the time frame are not eligible for the challenge.


Enter a description of the donor challenge.


Select the type of donor challenge: “Match per gift” or “Lump sum match.”

With “Match per gift” challenges, the sponsor matches gifts multiple times during the course of the challenge. Donors receive recognition credit for the matching challenge funds, and you select the type of recognition credit to use. The matching funds go to the same designation as the gifts unless you specify otherwise in the designation mapping on the Designations tab of the donor challenge record. For individual donors to receive recognition credit for matching challenge funds, the challenge type must be “Match per gift.”

With “Lump sum match” challenges, the sponsor pays a lump sum after the challenged amount is raised. Individual donors do receive recognition credit for the matching challenge funds. The matching funds go to the designations you select when you add the challenge.

Total funds

Enter the total amount of the matching challenge funds.

Matching factor or Match threshold

A “Match per gift” challenge requires a matching factor. A “Lump sum match” challenge requires a match threshold.

For a “Match per gift” challenge, a matching factor of “1.00” indicates a one-to-one match; the matching challenge funds equal 100% of the donation. A matching factor of “0.50” means the matching challenge funds equal 50% of the donation.

For a “Lump sum match” challenge, the match threshold determines the amount that must be raised to receive the matching challenge funds. After the qualified gifts exceed the match threshold, the sponsor pays the lump sum payment of the matching challenge funds.

Matching portion

Select whether to match the full gift amount or the tax-deductible portion only.

Min gift amount

Enter the minimum gift amount that receives a match. When the donor challenge matches any gift, no matter how small, leave this as zero.

Max match per gift

Enter the maximum gift that receives a match. For example, some challenges may limit how much to match for individual gifts, so gifts above the limit are matched at the maximum match amount.

The program interprets “0” as blank. When there is no maximum, leave the field set as zero.

Recognition credit

For "Match per gift" donor challenges, select the type of recognition credit to use when the donor gets credit for the matching challenge funds. For the individual donor to receive recognition credit for the challenge funds, the challenge type must be "Match per gift."

Matching designation

For "Lump sum match" donor challenges, select the designations for the lump sum payment of the matching challenge funds.

Include all payment types or Exclude these payment types

You can include all payment types as eligible for the donor challenge, or you can exclude specific payment types, such as memberships.