Create a job schedule

1. On the Job schedules tab click of a process, click Add.

2. In the Job name field, enter a name for the scheduled process.

3. By default, the schedule is active. To suspend it, clear the Enabled checkbox.

4. In the Schedule type field, select how often to run the process. You can run a process once; on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis; whenever SQL Server Agent service starts; or whenever the computer is idle according to SQL Server Agent. Your selection determines which other fields are enabled.

a. For a process that runs just once, select the date and time to run it.

b. For a process that runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, select the number of days, weeks, or months between instances in the Occurs every field. For a weekly process, select the day of the week to run it. For a monthly process, select the day of the month to run it. For a process that runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, select whether to run it a single time or at regular intervals on the days when it runs.

c. For a process that runs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, select a start date and, if necessary, an end date. To run the process indefinitely, select No end date.

5. Select Save.