Tip: When content is no longer relevant, and should no longer appear in the archive or search results, update the content to include an expiration date. To view expired content, enable the Expired filter when you browse a content category.
Content types are the building blocks that comprise pages, resource boards, recent activity, archived content, etc. They include text type, announcements type, downloads type, links type, events type, photos type, and more which control how content is managed and shown on the site.
All content must be stored within a content category, which helps to organize the information. For example, if you use the events content type, you can create event categories such as admission events, college counseling events, etc. You'll then add these categories to pages. You may want to secure some categories so that only users with the specified roles can find and view it.
Plan your categories strategically based on your school's communication goals. A content or page manager determines which users should be content editors and which categories each content editor should be able to manage. For example, you can create a category for images that will appear on your school's public facing website and make your school's marketing coordinator a content editor for it.
After you create content categories, content editors can access them and add content items/albums to the appropriate categories. For example, in an admission events category, you could add the open house event, the application deadline, etc. Content editors determine when the content should be published and when it should expire from view.
Note: For the media content types (audio, photo, and video), the content items are referred to as albums.
Other users and members of your community can view the content that content managers have published:
Content added in the last 360 days (and which also hasn't expired) appears as recent activity.
If your school posts a lot of content, use featured content to showcase content that would be overlooked in the recent activity.
You can archive content for historical purposes so parents and students can view it, even though it's no longer current (recent activity).
You can copy hyperlinks from an announcement, event, list - content type, or news detail pages to post to social media.
You can add content categories to Blackbaud School Website System pages, to share it on your school's public facing website.