Aged accounts receivables
The Aged accounts receivables list communicates aging period balances on a per-student basis within a defined date range. Additionally, the aged accounts receivables list provides Billing clerks the tools to troubleshoot and reconcile potential inconsistencies between Blackbaud Billing management and their general ledger, such as Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT, and support their annual audit.
Note: The aging periods that appear in the Aged accounts receivables list , and the dates driving the aging period calculations, are configured in the Billing settings under Aging calculations.
To get started, navigate to Billing management, Reporting, and select Aged accounts receivables.
Transaction dates
Select Calculate balances.
Under Calculate as of, select the 'end' date in the range. The 'begin' date is automatically set to when your school began to use Blackbaud Billing management.
Note: Changes to the Calculate as of date are saved and are shown the next time you, or any Billing clerk, visit the Aged accounts receivables list.
Select Calculate.
The Aged accounts receivables list updates to show past due balances for each student as of the date defined, including students with no outstanding balances. Students with no outstanding balances are reported as $0 for each applicable aging period.
Records in the list are exportable by Billing clerks with the correct permissions. Exported lists are formatted as either comma separated value (.csv) files or a PDF; the CSV file is compatible with third-party software solutions such as Microsoft Excel.
Export the list to a .csv file:
Format the list as desired by leveraging Columns () to comprise the list results needed in your exported file.
Rearrange the column headers as needed, noting that their orientation is maintained in the exported list.
SelectExport and then select Export as CSV.
Save the file when prompted and open in your desired spreadsheet editor.
Export the list to a PDF file:
Select Export and then select Export as PDF.