Statement recipients

Statement recipients are payers related to a student and are responsible for overseeing and fulfilling the student's financial obligations with your school. Statement recipients receive a copy of a student's billing statement and pay for overall or specific charges and fees based on the family composition.

To add or edit a Statement recipient:

  1. Select Edit statement recipient

  2. Select Add statement recipient. The options available are derived from relatives recorded under the student Contact Card.

  3. Select the pencil () to edit a Statement recipients' financial responsibility. Under Pays for, select:

    1. Pays for any charge
      The Statement recipient shares equal responsibility with any other Statement recipient.

    2. Pays for a percentage:
      The Statement recipient pays a specific percentage of the overall charges. The remainder is paid for by other Statement recipients. The sum of each Statement recipient's responsibility must total 100%.

  4. Add Exceptions for each instance where a Statement recipient is responsible for a specific percentage of a fee. Ensure that for each fee, the sum of the payment responsibility equals 100%.

    Tip: For example, a parent pays 100% of tuition fees while the student pays for the other charges, or a parent pays 60% of tuition fees while a student pays 40%. In both scenarios, because an Exception was created for tuition, tuition must total 100%.

  5. Under What's the family situation like, select either:

    1. Everything's good:

      Each Statement recipient can view each other's financial commitment on a statement.

    2. People cannot see each other's activity:

      Each Statement recipient only views their own billing activity on a statement.

  6. Select Save.