Add enrollment deposits
Enrollment deposits refer to the criteria surrounding how enrollment amounts calculate when a student enrolls at an institution. Enrollment deposit amounts can vary based on financial aid eligibility, grade level, if a faculty member is applying, and more.
To get started, navigate to Billing, Billing years, select Enrollment deposits, and finally select Edit under Enrollment deposits.
Enter a description to help identify the enrollment deposit.
Select an option to determine how the deposit amount calculates.
Optional: Select whether financial aid or faculty status should influence the enrollment deposit amount calculation:
Financial aid affects the amount to pay: If selected, under Deposit amounts, enter the deposit amount for each row if a student has no financial aid, applied for financial aid but was not awarded it, and for those students who were awarded financial aid.
Faculty pay a different amount: If selected, under Deposit amounts, enter the Amount expected for each row if a Faculty member is enrolling.
Under Deposit amounts, fill out the Amount expected fields for each required variation. Each row corresponds to the selected made under General. For example, One amount for all students would yield a single Amount expected box, but Vary by grade level or Vary by payment plan would display rows for each grade level or payment plan that exists, respectively.
Under Reduce student balances, select when the enrollment deposit should decrease the total balanced amount owed.
Under Charges to pay off, Any charges automatically selects the oldest charge amongst all charges that have applied to an account.
Enter the Account number, Description, and CR percentage or select the x to delete a GL Distribution
Optional: Select Add another distribution. Ensure that the distributions total to 100%.