Add special fees
Special fees are fees that have unique functionality tied to operations within Blackbaud Billing management and calculate based on met conditions. There can only be one special fee for each fee type.
Access special fees by navigating to Billing management, hovering over Billing on the navigation, selecting Billing years, and finally selecting Special fees on the in-page navigation.
Select a Fee type.
Credit card surcharge fee: A convenience fee for all credit card payments.
Direct debit surcharge fee: A convenience fee for all direct debit payments.
Payment plan fee: A convenience fee for payment plan payments.
Late Fees: Fees incurred due to not meeting the due date of a charge.
Select a Fee name. The available Fee names are created under Tables in Billing settings.
Enter a Description to refer to the special fee's scope and specifications.
Select how to Calculate the amount using :
A flat amount:
A single, static amount incurred at the time of charge. -
A percentage:
A single, variable amount that is a defined percentage of the charge. -
whichever is greater, percentage or specific amount:
The greater between the defined static variable or the percentage-based variable.
a daily interest percentage:
Each past due charge or installment amount is calculated using following formula: (Past due * percentage) * days past due.
an annual interest percentage:
Each past due charge or installment amount is calculated using the following formula: (past due amount * percentage) * (days past due / 365).
Note: Daily interest percentage and an annual interest percentage are only available when configuring late fees.
For Late fees, enter a Late charge amount, late charge percentage, minimum balance required for a charge to take place, and the minimum # of days past due before the calculation takes place. The options presented may vary based on the chosen calculation criteria.
Determine how the fee is distributed between general ledger accounts:
a single set of GL accounts
Define the GL accounts that tuition posts to for all grade levels. Enter the account number, description, and the percentage of the allocation.
different GL accounts based on grade level
If selected, choose the grade range to impact. For example, if you want certain transactions to posts to the accounts for lower school tuition, you could differentiate between school-level specific accounts.
Enter the Account number, Description, and CR percentage or select the x to delete a GL Distribution.
Optional: Select Add another distribution. Ensure that the distributions total to 100%.