Send to agency

Send to agency prepares a file populated with sensitive student tax information compatible with the electronic filing guidelines established by the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) File Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) system. A Billing clerk need only create the tax file and submit it to the IRS.

The Send to agency feature has two requirements:

If the above requirements are unmet, the outputted file records the errors that require correction.

Prepare FIRE tax file:

  1. Select Send to agency. All students are automatically selected, regardless of which ones are marked or unmarked in the list.

  2. Optional: Select Include students marked as Filed if you wish to create a single new file that comprises previously filed and newly added students. Otherwise, leave it unselected to only target unpublished students.

  3. Select Create file. Review the file to identify any reported errors.

  4. Submit the file via the standard FIRE submission channels.