Cancel & Reschedule
There are two ways to cancel or reschedule games.

From the persona menu, select Extracurricular.
Using the Group Finder, enter the team name, then select it to go to its page. Alternatively, select Go to groups list to find the team name.
On Schedule,edit the appropriate game or practice.
For practices, check Cancel This Practice.
For games, select Canceled or Reschedule. If you select Reschedule, enter the new date and time.
Check Send Notification to alert constituents that the game or practice has been updated.
Select Savewhen you're finished.

From the persona menu, select Extracurricular.
Go to the Home page and select Athletic Events.
Edit the appropriate game or practice.
For practices, check Cancel This Practice.
For games, select Canceled or Reschedule. If you select Reschedule, enter the new date and time.
Check Send Notification to alert constituents that the game or practice has been updated.
Once you're finished, select Save.
Note: Games and practices can also be edited by going to the Calendar Grid and clicking directly on the game or practice. Additionally, you can drag the game or practice to a different day to reschedule it.
For rescheduled and canceled games, Clear Reschedule and Uncancel options appear when editing the event. If selected, the event will no longer display with the Rescheduled or Canceled indicator.