Manage class rosters
In Manage classes, Academic Group Managers can view students currently enrolled in a particular class section, add students to a section, and remove students from a section.
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Next, choose Scheduling> Course selection and schedules > Manage classes.
Locate the course and select the context menu > Manage classes.
Class sections are listed on the left. Select a section to view the enrolled students under Student.
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Scheduling > Course selection and schedules > Manage classes.
Locate the course and select the context menu > Manage classes.
Select the class section on the left.
Under Student, select Add another student.
Search for a student to enroll in the class section.
Set the Enrolled on date and Enrollment type.
Select Done or Done and add another.
Once you're done adding students, select Save all or Save all and close.
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Scheduling > Course selection and schedules > Manage classes.
Locate the course and select the context menu > Manage classes.
Select the class section on the left.
Under Student, locate the student to remove and select the context menu.
Depending on what grades and attendance have been entered for the student, one or more of the following options are available:
Error: Removes all record of the student being in the section (this cannot be chosen if report card grades have been recorded in the section for the student). Absences, gradebook grades and comments will be displayed and permanently removed if you confirm the final step.
Transfer: Allows you to drop the student from one section of a course and enroll them in another section of the same course.
Drop: Leaves a record of the student's enrollment in the course. Choose this option if you would like to withdraw the student from the class while leaving report card grades and absences that have been recorded intact and in the system.
Note: Dropped courses will appear on a student's transcript if you select Include dropped courses on the Courses/Groups grid in the Transcript Builder. Teachers can retrieve Gradebook grades for any of their current students who were previously dropped or transferred by running the Grades - For Dropped Courses report directly from the class gradebook.
Edit enrollment details: Edit the student's Enrollment start date or Enrollment type. Enrollment types include Regular, Audit, Independent study, or Pass/Fail. This option is only available if no grades have been entered for the student.
When finished, select Save all or Save all and close.