Offer Courses
Before course requests can be entered or classes and sections can be created, courses must first be offered. Once courses have been offered, students are able to know which courses are available and in what school term.
Managers can also use the Offer Course task to define the credits that should be earned per term. Make sure you have setup your terms in Core before offering courses.
Offer a course:
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Next, select Scheduling then Course selection and schedules.
Select Offer Course.
Select the school year, school level and term.
Select a department to expand the list of available courses.
Mark the checkbox next to each course you want to offer. To offer all courses, select Select All.
Note: Edit Credits appears if Specify credit per term is enabled for the course. Use Edit Credits to enter the appropriate number of credits that should be earned.
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Scheduling then Course selection and schedules.
Select Offer Course.
Select the school year, school level and term.
Select a department to expand the list of available courses.
Deselect the checkbox next to the course you do not want to offer.
Tip: You cannot un-offer a course if it is inactive or if class sections or course requests/recommendations exist for the school year. You must activate the course and delete any existing class sections and course requests/recommendations before you can un-offer the course.
Navigate to Academics > Scheduling > Course selection and schedules > Manage classes.
Using the filters, select the appropriate School Year, School Level, Term, and Group type.
Search for the course and locate the course.
Select the context menu next to the course > Manage classes.
If the course has multiple sections, use the select on the left to choose the section you want to remove.
Select Delete this section.
Note: If Delete this section is not available, it's likely that there is information missing, which is indicated by a red warning symbol. Please note that courses from previous school years or semesters that have already been completed or are currently in progress cannot be deleted.
Once the section is removed, select Save all and close.