Recommend/Require Courses
Online signup managers can recommend and require courses and activities for students in bulk. For example, if an entire grade or group of students needs to take the same course, managers can recommend/require the course for all of the students at once.
In order to make bulk recommendations or requirements, a user must have a role with the Schedule Maker task enabled. For more information about setting up user roles and tasks, see Roles list and tasks .
Managers can recommend and require courses and activities for an individual student in the student’s Academic Profile.
Note: Courses that have Requires Recommendation enabled are only visible to students after they have received a recommendation from a faculty member.
To recommend and require courses and activities:
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Select Scheduling then choose Course selection and schedules.
Locate the Course Requests tile; select More actions > Enter Requests.
Enter the appropriate Year and School. These filters will impact the courses and students available for selection.
Select the Type:
Request: Select a Course to be scheduled via Generate Student Schedule. Alternate courses may be selected if the main request cannot be satisfied (due to scheduling conflicts or maxed class capacity). Multiple Alternates can be added using the plus button
. The cog button
can be used to move Alternates up or down in the list. Alternates at the top will take priority over those below when GSS is scheduling. Alternates must be the same Start term duration as the main request.
Required: Ensures the selected students enroll in a course. Required courses receive higher scheduling priority in Generate Student Schedule.
Recommended: The selected course will appear for students who may then choose to turn the Recommendation into a Request, or deny it and opt for a different course.
Type in a Course; select the corresponding course from the results.
Select a Status (if applicable). If a Request or Required course is Pending, it must be approved by a Manager or Adviser.
Optional: Select Add another request to add another Request, Required course, or Recommended course to be applied to the selection of students.
Select Next.
Under Add students, choose from the available options:
entire grade level(s) of students: Select the appropriate grade level from the adjacent field to add all applicable students to the list. Select Add to include additional grade levels.
Optional: Filter by certain students by typing into the Students to include text field.
specific students: Enter a student’s name and select a result; repeat for multiple students.
student lists: Select Open to review existing Student Lists; select as many Lists as necessary, select Open, and then select Add.
students in particular course(s) last year: Add students who partook in a particular course — for example, English I — during the academic year prior to the Year range established in step 3.
student in particular class(es) last year : Add students who partook in a particular class — for example, English I - B (2nd semester) — during the academic year prior to the Year range established in step 3.
Optional: Deselect certain students from receiving a course request or recommendation by clicking on the blue checkbox
adjacent to their name.
Select Add requests/recommendations to finalize the process.