Website Settings
General site options can be configured here ranging from the site name, site URL, and whether or not the site is live for the public to access.
Administrators can also enable an option to make the site the default one which will force all content-based URLs to be directed there. Site settings is the place to go if the site needs to be fully removed as well.
Note: When a site is deleted, it is permanent and cannot be undone. However, a backup copy will be retained for 30 days just in case you need to restore the site.

Site Name - This is the name that appears in the master list of websites that are created.
Site URL/ Staging URL- Site URL represents the domain that the public will use to access your website once it is live. The staging URL is automatically created by School Website to enable users to work on the site without it being accessible by the public.
Note: When a new site is created School Website will automatically create a staging domain. To help differentiate it from the live domain, the domain will add "" into the URL. Once created, it may take up to 10 minutes for your staging URL to become active.
Current Status - When the site is set to live, it is accessible by the outside public using the URL displayed within Site URL. This option should only be used when the site is ready to launch, otherwise the offline option should be used. Sites cannot be launched until a live URL has been added and does not duplicate an existing URL within School Website. While a site manager can continue to edit the URL as needed, each site must be unique so a warning message will appear if this condition has not been met.
Show Emergency Bulletin - To enable emergency bulletins to be shown, ensure that this setting is set to Enabled. Once enabled, specific bulletins can be added and will appear to users as a banner when triggered.
Use Mobile Menu - Select the type of device that should see the mobile style menu. This option will overtake the regular site navigation. Users are also able to change the menu order that mobile devices see from here and can hide selected menus such as omni navigations from the mobile menu if necessary.
Browser Bar Title - Values entered into this field will be included in the browser title bar, along with the page name, or custom page title.
Note: Custom Page Title will override the browser bar prefix/suffix.
Favicon - Also known as a website icon, this file is a small icon that will be displayed in the URL address bar before the site URL. Browsers that support a tabbed interface will also show a website's favicon icon next to the page title on the tab as well. Traditionally, this icon is very small with a maximum size of 16x16 and should be in the icon format (.ico).
Home Screen Icon - Used with mobile phones, this icon is what will appear on the home screen of a mobile device after someone adds a page to it. The home screen icon can also be much larger than a Favicon, typically set to a size of 72x72.
Note: We recommend that the uploaded image is sized at 300x300. School Website will automatically resize the icon for you.

In this section you can customize the site to better adhere to Search Engine Optimization standards. Meta information can be added as well as tracking code from Third Party tool such as Google Analytics code.
This section also enables schools to track headers and body content separately.
Header Meta Information - You can specify certain metadata, which is read by browsers, inside of the header tag by selecting one of the four options. You can continue to add more by selecting the + icon.
Google-site verification — Used so a school can access Google's Search Console (Webmaster Tools) for their site.
Google-translate customization — Used when a school wants to use Google Translate on their site.
Description - This is where you'd add a brief description of what the page is for. This appears as the snippet in a Google or some other search engine result.
Keywords - Any words important or relevant to you and the specific page can be added here.
Head Tracking Code - Where third party tracking code can be added for the page header.
Body Tracking Code - Where third party tracking code can be added for the page body.
Note: Blackbaud offers a Google Analytics training service. Contact your account representative for more information.