Activate New Features

Platform managers can enable some non-foundational features when it is convenient for their school community. Administrators can strategically introduce new functionalities and user experiences while avoiding disruptions to user workflows at critical points during the school year.

Please note:

  • Unless otherwise stated, features listed for enablement have already gone through an Early Adopter Program (EAP) and have met criteria for General Availability.

  • Once activated, some features cannot be turned off. Review the feature details for more information.

  • Review the feature details for information on how it impacts existing functionality.

  • Features will eventually be enabled for all schools.

Activate a feature:

Note: Before enabling a new feature, review the provided resources.

  1. In Core, select Settings, then Activate new features.

  2. Locate the feature you want to activate and select the edit icon in the feature tile.

  3. Set the Status to Active.

  4. Select Save.

    Note: It may take up to 20 minutes for a feature to propagate throughout your site.