Featured content
The featured content page shows news, media, and events that you want to showcase in the community. Sometimes content can get lost in the recent activity stream if your school posts a lot of content, so featured content is a great way to make sure those pieces extra important items stand out. Content that is featured will not appear in recent activity (duplicates are suppressed).
Select Core.
Select Settings .
Select News settings.
Select Yes to enable featured content, or No to disable it.
From a capability, select Content and then select News.
Select + next to an existing category, or add a new category.
Enter the news fields as necessary, and toggle Show on featured to Yes.
From a capability, such as Website Management, select Content and then select Media.
Select + next to an existing category, or add a new category.
Enter the album options fields as necessary, and toggle Show on featured to Yes.
From a capability, select Events and then select Events or Calendar events.
Select + next to an existing category, or add a new category.
Enter the event options fields as necessary, and toggle Show on featured to Yes.