Special Days
If a school has a special schedule that they use frequently throughout the year, Schedule Managers can create a special day template which they can apply to specific days throughout the year.
For example, if the school has an early release day every other month for
Note: Special Days cannot be used with a random schedule
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Choose Scheduling and Daily schedule calendar.
Select Special days and then +New.
Within the New special day modal, select:
School Level
Description - Enter a name for the special day (for example, "Early Release Day," "Field Day," or "Assembly Day").
Sort order - Enter an optional sort order. The sort order controls the order in which the special days appear. Lower numbers will appear higher on the list.
Default rotation behavior - Choose Bump to insert a day, pushing the rest of the schedule back one day. Choose Skip to skip over a day in the rotation.
Special day cycle - Add a Block, Start time, and End time. This process can be repeated as many times as needed.
Select Save to proceed or Cancel to go back.
The Special day is now added to the list. Use the Columns or Filter buttons to change the displayed content, raidal button next to a Special day entry to edit or delete, or the search bar to find a specific special day entry.
From the persona menu, select Academics.
Choose Scheduling and Daily schedule calendar. You will see the Master schedule by default.
Edit the day you want to apply the special template.
Next to Use Special Day, select Template and select which one to use. Select Apply when ready.
Select Save & Exit to go back to the Master schedule, Save to retain the change but stay on this screen, or Save & Next to go to the next day.