Use the announcements content type, to quickly notify users of important information on group pages, or page builder pages. Announcements can also be sent via e-mail or text message to constituents who have subscribed to notifications.
Links from this content type that are used in posts on social media will generate a small detail window which shows a short description, the page title, and a link back to the source post. For details, please refer to social media features & integration.

To add a content category, select Core or School website.
Select Content.
Choose the content type, you want to work with.
Select Add new category.
Enter the Description.
Consider this the name of the category. It should be specific enough to identify the content within this category and its intended usage in the future.
Enter the Preview URL (optional).
We recommend you enter the URL of the page where this content exists. This may help you locate the content in the future.
To enable users to subscribe to receive notifications from the category in notifications , select Allow for email / text notifications
To enable users to subscribe to announcements in the category via RSS feed, select Enable RSS feed.
To make the content in this category secure, select the Roles with access to view content.
If the content is public, do not select any roles in this field.

Select Core or School website.
Select Content.
Select Announcements.
Select the + next to the category to which you want to add an announcement.
Enter the Headline.
Enter the Author (optional). This appears with the announcement when it is published.
Enter a Description with detail about the announcement.
For best results, type the content of the announcement directly in the text editor boxes.
If you must copy and paste from another website or application, be sure to use the "paste as plain text" option. This strips out any HTML, thus leaving only unformatted text.
Both date and time are required when publishing announcements; this controls when the announcements are posted on the site and when they are sent through notifications.
If the announcement should be emailed/texted to notifications. subscribers, select Send notification.
If you do not want the announcement to be emailed or texted to subscribers, clear this option.
If no one has subscribed to the category, this option won't be active.

When you edit the layout of a page on your school website, you can select to add announcement to the page.
From the list of available content types (left panel), select Announcements. Drag and drop it to the desired location in the page layout. Select the content category for your announcements.
For details, see Pages and menus.

To edit the display options on a page, edit the page channel options.
These options are specific to the announcement content type on pages.
Display publish date - Use this to show the announcement publish date.
Publish date field label - You can enter a custom label for the date if you have chosen to show the date.
If this is not entered, the date appears by itself.