Manage authentication for a single user

A platform manager can assign a user a Blackbaud ID username.
From Core, use the People finder to go to a user's profile and view the Access tab.
Alternatively, select a single user's name from a list and to go to the Access tab of the user's profile to manage the individual's authentication settings.
Select Edit Blackbaud ID and enter an email address to use as a username.
Save the username.

Platform managers can update authentication for students who graduate and become alums.
Tip: Ensure your school has correct and current email addresses to contact students after they graduate. These email addresses will be used to login as alums.
To manage graduating students individually from Core, use the People finder to go to a user's profile and view the Access tab.
Alternatively, select a single user's name from the Blackbaud ID list in Security and to go to the Access tab of the user's profile to manage the individual's authentication settings.
Select Disconnect to remove a Blackbaud ID and set the user’s status to “unregistered.”
Then select Connect to Blackbaud ID.
Enter a different email address for the user’s Blackbaud ID username. The user's status become "awaiting response."
Note: Remember that the email address used for Blackbaud ID must be unique. It can’t be used by other users or as the username for your older, non-Blackbaud ID school username. This email address will typically match the contact email address, but you can use a different email address for authentication when desired.
Select whether to send an email invitation for the user to complete the sign up process.

If a user has Blackbaud ID username assigned, but hasn’t logged in, the user’s status is “awaiting response.”
Platform managers can update authentication for user and send the user another registration email, which will be active for 30 days.
From Core, use the People finder to go to a user's profile and view the Access tab.
Alternatively, select a single user's name from a list and to go to the Access tab of the user's profile to manage the individual's authentication settings.
Select Reinvite to Blackbaud ID.
Enter the user’s Blackbaud ID username (email address). This enables users to use an email address that may differ from their contact email address.

To prevent the user from logging in to your school's Blackbaud Education Management solutions completely, Lock or Disable the user's account. See lock and unlock accounts for details.

Occasionally, an individual may want to change their username or email address (such as for a name change due to marriage).
If you disconnect or unlink the Blackbaud ID in Education Management and relink to a new account, you'll create a new Blackbaud ID for the new email address. You'll need to invite the new account to access your various solutions as if it were a new individual.
If your school has multiple Blackbaud solutions (including and NXT solutions) connected to a user's Blackbaud ID, you will probably prefer to update an existing Blackbaud ID in Education Management to use the new email address, especially if you use single sign on (SSO).
The specifics of this will vary based on how you set up single sign-on (SSO) for Blackbaud ID with your identity provider (IdP) — especially the types of IdP connection and the attribute/variable you mapped to the NameID for SSO.
For a SAML 2.0 connection , if you map email addresses as the NameID to identify users, any changes to a user's email address then requires you to reinvite them to solutions (Raiser's Edge NXT, Education Management, etc.) at that new address, like with a new Blackbaud ID.
Tip: To help inoculate yourself from the impact of changes to email addresses, we recommend you map the NameID to a more constant attribute or variable. Which you use depends on your IdP. For example, for JumpCloud, we recommend 'username'; for OneLogin, 'OneLogin ID'. You may want to consult your IdP's documentation to determine which attribute best meets your need.