Table values for gender and default prefered pronouns
Platform managers configure the available options for gender values and default preferred pronouns.
Tip: When you enter contact card data for a user, the default pronouns for the selected gender appear, but you can select different preferred pronouns. To configure additional options for preferred pronouns, see Table values for pronouns.

Male (M) is associated with He/Him/His.
Female (F) is associated with She/Her/Hers.
Other (O) is associated with They/Their/Theirs.
Unknown/blank Unknown/blank also exists but isn’t associated with preferred pronouns.
Tip: To configure additional options for preferred pronouns, see Table values for pronouns.

Select Core.
Select Users.
Select User profile settings.
Select Gender.
Select Add gender.
Enter a descriptive value, such as “Non-Binary”.
Enter an abbreviation, such as “N”.
Select default pronouns such as They/Their/Theirs.
Tip: To configure additional options for preferred pronouns, see Table values for pronouns.
If a gender value should be available for use, mark it Active.
Most integrations will treat new gender values as Other (O) or Unknown/blank. However, some integrations enable you to configure how gender values should be Mapped. See Integration mappings.
Tip: When you add gender values, the updated values appear throughout the application, including in Lists as available columns and filters. Consider using a filtered list to quickly review which users' profiles may need updated to better reflect their gender, preferred pronouns, and preferred names (formerly “nickname”).

Select Core.
Select Users.
Select User profile settings.
Select Gender.
On the gender row, select More and then Edit.
Enter your changes.
If a value is not in use, you can rename it and update the default pronouns.
If a gender value is in use, the abbreviation can't be changed.
If your school doesn't use default pronouns, you can delete them by choosing the option called --Select--.
Tip: To configure additional options for preferred pronouns, see Table values for pronouns.
Select Save.
Note: Because we need to preserve backward compatibility, the names and abbreviations for Male (M) and Female (F) can’t be edited.
Tip: When you edit gender values, the updated values appear throughout the application, including in Lists as available columns and filters. Consider using a filtered list to quickly review which users' profiles may need updated to better reflect their gender, preferred pronouns, and preferred names (formerly “nickname”).

If a gender value is not in use, you can remove it.
Select Core.
Select Users.
Select User profile settings.
Select Gender.
On the gender row, select More, then Delete.
Confirm the change.
Note: If your school doesn't use default pronouns but does use the gender, select More, Edit, delete default pronouns by choosing the option called --Select--, and then Save the changes.

If a gender value should no longer be used, mark it inactive. To resume using it, mark it active.
Select Core.
Select Users.
Select User profile settings.
Select Gender.
On the gender row, select More, then Edit.
Select whether it should be Active to appear in menus.
Select Save.
Tip: For information about gender and pronouns throughout the application, see Gender. To configure options for pronouns, see
Table Values for Pronouns. To discuss best practices with other schools, visit